Godsend Field

Chapter 498

Chapter 498
Originally, he only wanted to delay the magic, but he didn't expect to block it for a moment, that is, these short breaths were enough to make thousands of guards below disperse and avoid.

"Huh!" Qin'er gasped heavily, as if she had run several kilometers on foot.

"Qin'er, did you release the magic barrier just now?" Tianci asked.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I be so tired!" Qin'er panted heavily, "I didn't expect that after my strength improved, the ability of the magic barrier would also increase, and it actually blocked the magic for a moment!"

"Really, can the magic barrier really resist it?" Lier asked in surprise.

"I don't know, just now I really felt that my magic barrier blocked their magic, but the distance was a little far away and my mental strength couldn't keep up, so I couldn't hold on anymore, and then the magic fell Already!" Qin'er recalled.

Lier was dumbfounded when she heard that, but she saw the delay in the magic just now. . .Could it be possible to really increase the defense of the magic enchantment at level nine?It's a pity that after taking the moon core, I don't know the magic barrier anymore!
Qin'er also released the magic barrier just now. It is impossible for Qin'er to release such a strong magic barrier like herself, and her mental power is higher than Qin'er. If she can't defend against the superposition of two magics, Why would Qin'er stop her?Could it be that. . .Overlay?Can the magic enchantment also be superimposed?My enchantment was very thick just now, and Qin'er's enchantment must also be in my own enchantment. The superposition of the two enchantments may be able to resist the superposition of magic!
"Stinky boy, what are you thinking, you are attacking the city now!" Qin'er straightened her waist and said angrily.

Tianci was stunned and came back to his senses, "Retreat the troops, pass on my military order, and the personal guards will withdraw!"

Adela, who was not far ahead, heard the voice sent by God, and immediately sent an order to withdraw the troops.Seeing that the Guards had withdrawn their troops, Generalissimo Seiya didn't know why, so he also withdrew his troops.

After returning to the camp, the Generalissimo Seiya rushed directly to the camp of the Guards. Without waiting for the notification, he broke into the tent of the Chinese army with a gloomy face, "Where is the gift from God, where is the gift from God?"

There are only Adela and a few captains in the big tent, "Generalissimo, our lord and two wives went out on the white shadow as soon as we came back!"

"Going out?" Marshal Seiya's face became even more ugly, "What are you adults doing today? It's not that he has never been on the battlefield. Is it a joke to fight and stop? It doesn't matter if he stops. Do you want to lose the morale of our army?"

Knowing that she was wrong, Adela accompanied her smiling face, "Marshal Seiya, please sit down first, our lord must have his reasons for doing this!"

"What's the reason?" Seiya sat aside. "I just came to listen to his reasons. He took his wife out as soon as he came back. Now is the time of war, not touring the mountains and rivers!"

There is no point in arguing with the people below if Godsend is not there!Seiya simply sat in the big tent and waited, and Adela and others accompanied him carefully.It wasn't until the evening that Bai Ying stopped in front of the big tent, Qin'er and Li'er laughed and jumped down, opened the big tent and walked in.

"Huh? Brother Seiya, why are you in our big tent?" Qin'er asked with a smile.

"Hmph!" Seya pursed his lips and turned his head away, feeling angry but he couldn't vent to Qin'er, so he didn't say anything at all.

Qin'er and Lier both sensed Seiya's displeasure, Qin'er pouted at Seiya, snorted and let it go!Pulling Li'er to Adela's side.After a while, Tianci opened the big tent and walked in, "Hey, why is Brother Seiya here!"

"Why did I come, of course I will come! I am thinking about how to break through Valencia every day. How can you go to the mountains and rivers in such a leisurely way!" Saiya said coldly, and he is not polite to Tianci .

"Hehe!" Tianci smiled dryly, walked to the front of the desk, drank a glass of water, and pursed his lips, "Are you angry because I didn't discuss with you today and suddenly withdrew my troops?"

"How dare I! That's your bodyguard group. You are free to do whatever you want, and I can't control it!" Seiya panicked in his heart, and stood up, "I said, Brother Godsend, you too Those who have been on the battlefield, you should withdraw first when you start to fight. What do other soldiers think, withdrawing troops midway can greatly affect morale, you know this! You have also led the Northwest Army. , you do this... Alas!"

Tianci still chuckled, "Brother Seiya, don't worry, I did this to avoid innocent casualties!"

"What do you call innocent casualties? There will always be casualties in siege battles!"

"Brother Seiya, don't worry! I promise you that I will break through the gate of Valencia before sunset tomorrow. Are you satisfied?" Tianci said.

"Sunset tomorrow? Break the city gate?" Marshal Seiya stood up in a daze. "Brother Tiansend, this is not a joke!"

"No kidding!" Tianci became serious.

Adela and the captains also looked at Tianci in amazement.

Seiya stared at Tianci even more, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth after a long time, "There is no joke in the army!"

"Dare to issue military orders..."

"Li, why do you stand!" Qin'er pulled Tianci, and walked up to Seiya, "It means tomorrow is tomorrow, and we have already given you the word, believe it or not!"

"Sister Qin'er, this is not a joke!"

"Hmph!" Qin'er put her hands on her hips, "How about we make a bet, if we capture Valencia tomorrow, you promise me one thing, and if we fail to capture it, how about I promise you one thing?"

"Okay!" Seiya didn't think about it. To be honest, he was also afraid that Godsend would issue a military order. . .It was better to be disturbed by Qin'er.

It was daylight, and the smoke of breakfast in the barracks had not yet been extinguished, and the horn of attack had already sounded.

Under the walls of Valencia, Generalissimo Seiya personally led the Northwest Army to stand in a majestic and mighty line.In the middle, Tianci and Qin'er rode two steps together on a white shadow. On both sides of Li'er and Adela's sub-bureau, the personal guards stood neatly behind, with the golden fox claw flag, the Welsh Empire pennant, and the Northwest Army's Sai Yajun The flag is particularly conspicuous.

Tianci smiled and nodded, Adela knowingly urged the horse to walk forward for a hundred meters, "I am Adela, the head of the First Regiment of the Heavenly Guards of the Welsh Empire. Today, my lord, the Duke, vows to destroy Valencia, so I will show courtesy first and then soldiers. Please open the city gate quickly, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties!"

"Arrogance!" General Bakro on the city wall was annoyed by Adela's haughty look, "You Welsh Empire is shameless in slandering crimes, committing crimes for no reason and bullying people too much. And your so-called God-given Duke is even more accomplice to abuse , Now it’s even more shameless! Our Spanish Empire only has men who died in battle and no generals who surrendered. If you have the guts, come and attack!”

"Adela, it's useless to talk too much!" Tianci's face darkened.

Adela suddenly raised her arm high, and a silver spear appeared in her hand, "Guards, attack the city!"

"Come on!"

When the guards heard the order, they immediately became like wild beasts out of the cage, showing their fighting spirit, howling and rushing towards the gate of Valencia.

In the face of the siege of the pro-guard group, ordinary defense is basically useless.

"Four mages, it's up to you whether you can defend Valencia this time!" General Baquero said with a slight salute to the mages beside him.

The four mages nodded and walked up the city wall. It was still the earth mage who stood in the middle and defended first, while the other three began to release magic.

Below the city wall, the corner of Tianci's mouth slightly raised, patted Bai Ying and walked forward, put his hand on Qin'er's shoulder and said in a low voice, "They've started, it's up to you to win!"

"Don't worry, I'll hold on even if I'm exhausted!" Qin'er said confidently.

Just like yesterday, the wind and fire mages still couldn't release any magic. Last night, after thinking hard for a long time, they still haven't found any clues.

The light reflected by the ice dust shone in midair, accompanied by a huge meteorite falling towards the guard group.

"Boom!" Just three meters above the head of the bodyguard group, two spells suddenly exploded, stirring up violent waves and hitting the bodyguards below. Even though many bodyguards showed their fighting spirit, they were still blown He staggered and staggered forward.

Qin'er suddenly frowned at the back, looking very hard-working, Tianci patted Qin'er's shoulder lightly, "Is it okay?"

"Well, I can hold on!" Qin'er nodded and forced a smile.

"Come on!" The guards roared loudly, and continued to rush towards the city gate.

"How is it possible!" The four mages on the city wall and General Baqueluo stared at the same time. Looking down from the high city wall, these guards seemed to have rushed out of the bursting magic. .

"They... aren't they afraid of magic?" A guard was dumbfounded.

"Four mages, are you..." Baquero was about to ask if they had released the water on purpose, but after thinking about it, the shocking effect of the magic explosion just now is not something that low-level magic can achieve, but These personal guards are clearly high-level swordsmen, and there are only a few great swordsmen, not to mention that even an eighth-level great swordsman like Seiya may not dare to insist on magic!

Seiya and the five generals were equally dumbfounded, especially Brother Samer Khan, whose mouths were so wide open that they could stuff a bowl.

"Come on!" Adela rode on the steed, waving a spear in her hand and rushed to the front, Lier followed closely.

The guards all around shouted and rushed under the city gate.

"No, the general and the others are about to go to the city gate!" The guard on the city wall panicked.

"What are you afraid of!" General Baquero roared, and he couldn't help but feel worried, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Frozen Rain and Stars!"

"Meteorite Falls!"

The two mages looked at each other unwillingly, held up their staffs again and chanted a spell, magic gradually formed in midair, and fell towards the guards rushing down the city.

"No, if you get too close, you will hurt the city wall!" General Baquero suddenly yelled.

The magic that has already formed roared down, and the two mages can't care about the walls now. From their point of view, they are mages, but they can't help the group of senior swordsmen who are like ants in their eyes. It is a disgrace and a provocation.

"Boom!" The strong magic exploded above the head of the guard group, and everything could not be seen clearly in the ice dust and dust, but the violent roar and the air waves sweeping across the ground were heard layer by layer.The air wave rushed under the city wall and rushed straight up along the wall.The soldiers on the city wall suddenly felt that the air was surging in front of them, and the dust was flying and blurred, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

"Crack!" The thick city gate was cracked by the magic, and even the city wall had many cracks.

"Come on!" Adela rushed under the city gate first, pumped up her fighting spirit and stabbed towards the crack in the city gate.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a shocking crack appeared on the tall and solid city gate.

"Not dead yet? Are they still not dead?" General Baclow on the city wall was completely panicked.The four mages were also at a loss, and the soldiers on the city wall were even more confused.

"Okay!" Marshal Seiya roared in surprise, and threw the cloak behind him on the ground, revealing a beautiful armor, "I will send the order to the whole army to attack the city! You guys go up with me, go Siege the city gate!"

"Yes!" Several generals next to them took orders at the same time, watching the guards show their power on the battlefield, the impulse in their hearts could not be restrained.

"Woo~~Boom! Boom! Boom!" The charging horn sounded, and accompanied by the exciting drums, all the soldiers of the Pingxi Army rushed down the city wall pushing the siege vehicles and holding shields.

"Fire the arrows! Quickly, replenish!" The city wall panicked and organized defenses hastily.

"Crack, bang!" The huge city gate shattered into several pieces and fell heavily to the ground. The gate of Valencia was finally opened!
"Head, they have sealed the city gate!" The front guard looked at the earthen wall at the city gate. Its hardness level five or six had no effect at all. This must be the application of mysterious earth magic.

"Boom!" Magic exploded above the head again.

"Hurry up, we need to hurry up, the longer we delay, the more dangerous Qin'er will be! Get out of the way!" Li'er yelled loudly, holding Ji Ji in her hand and chanting silently.


Nearly a hundred slender wind blades were superimposed together, like a huge fishing net flying towards the earth wall inside the city gate, and sank into it with a plop.

"Drink!" Adela roared, and the spear came out, making a big hole in the earthen wall.Many places are smooth, and the earth walls that were cut and divided by Lier are much weaker.

"Let's go together!" The front guards roared, fighting towards the earth wall.

"Boom!" The entire earth wall shattered into foam.

"Kill!" The guards yelled and rushed towards the city, rushing to the guards in charge of defense at the gate.

"Pfft!" Blood flew, the defenders at the door were no match for the guards, and they began to crumble as soon as they came into contact.

"Splendid!" Marshal Seiya and the generals rushed under the city gate, jumped off their horses and flashed into the city, full of fighting spirit, and kept waving the long sword in their hands.

"Adela, you are the first to be able to break through this Valencia!" Marshal Seiya yelled at Adela who was fighting fiercely next to him.

The long spear swung and drew a neon gun shadow, blood splashed and fell all around.Adela's whole body was already stained red with blood, and she reached out to wipe off the blood on her face, "This is all thanks to my lord and Qin'er, I was just ordered to attack the city!"

"Brother Tianci, sister Qin'er?" Seiya was taken aback.

The whole of Valencia has already begun to be in chaos. After the guards rushed in, they quickly dispersed their attacks in small groups, loudly shouting, screaming and killing, and tragic cries, which made the soldiers on the top of the city lose their morale. It began to slack, and cracks appeared in the originally impregnable defense.

"Kill!" A soldier was the first to rush up the high city wall, slashing recklessly, and scars appeared on his body at the same time. No. 2 and No. 3 soldiers rushed up, and a scuffle scene appeared on the city wall.

"Qin'er, it's over!" Tianci let out a sigh of relief and played Qin'er lightly.

Qin'er didn't look back, but hummed lightly.

"What's wrong? Qin'er!" Tianci twisted Qin'er's body with both hands.

"Pfft!" It's okay not to move, but Qin'er couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood when she moved.

"Qin'er!" Tianci panicked, and quickly wiped the blood from the corner of Qin'er's mouth with his sleeve.

"I... I'm fine... I'm just mentally exhausted, just take a rest!" Qin'er forced a smile, "But your sleeves... are so dirty!"

Tianci picked up Qin'er and put it in his arms, kissed her deeply, took a picture of Bai Ying and went back to the camp.

"Kill!" More and more soldiers rushed to the city wall, and the city wall was already covered with corpses and blood flowed into rivers. The defenders of the Spanish Empire retreated steadily, and finally couldn't hold on and retreated towards the city.

Generalissimo Saiyan waved his long sword, and a stream of sword energy flew out.Where the sword energy passed, blood splashed and buildings collapsed.

"Grand Marshal, our guards have already breached the city gate, and now that the city wall has also been breached, our mission has been completed. Your lord has told us that we will withdraw immediately after the mission is completed to guard against the possible appearance of the Knights Templar. Sneak attack!" Adela clasped her fists covered in blood and said.

"Okay, since your lords have their lives, then you can withdraw, and we will take care of the rest!" Marshal Seiya waved his hand and rushed towards the city wall.

"Hey, it's a pity to withdraw now!" Samohan yelled, and rushed forward.

"Close the team and retreat!" Adela raised his spear, and the guards immediately began to gather and withdraw from Valencia.

Gradually away from the shouts of killing, Adela ordered the guards to take turns to rest and guard, and then went to the tent of the Tianci Chinese Army. There was no one in front of the tent, and Adela walked to the back of the tent.On the big soft animal skin bed, Qin'er was lying peacefully, covered casually with a thin blanket, stretched out her hand and held it tightly with Tianci who was sitting next to her, her curved eyelashes were still moving slightly.

"God-given, Qin'er, she..."

Tianci hurriedly put out her hand to her mouth, "Shhh! She's mentally exhausted! She needs to rest now! You should go clean it first, she's covered in blood!"

"En!" Adela turned and walked out.

A moment later, Adela, who had a completely new look, came to the tent of the Chinese army again.Qin'er was already asleep, Tianci carefully put Qin'er's hand into the blanket, stood up and walked out of the big tent.

"Is the front attack going well?"

"Of course! Our personal guards broke through the city gate and wiped out all obstacles. They just need to pick up a ready-made one!" Adela said with a little pride.

"Tianci, there is something I have been wondering about, can I ask you?"

"Are you talking about magic?"

"Well, why did the magic burst on our heads without impacting it? And none of us released the magic shield handle!" Adela asked strangely.

"It's true that there is no magic shield. It didn't fall because Qin'er and I released the magic barrier together!"

"Magic enchantment, how is that possible? The magic enchantment can only block seventh-level magic at most, but that is more than eighth-level magic!" Adela was surprised.

"That's a magic barrier of a single element!" Tianci said, "The principle of the magic barrier is the stronghold of the silk shield, so that the distance between the magic elements reaches the optimal point of attraction and repulsion, and then forms the most stable triangle. In this way Arranging them can firmly block magic of level seven and below. But because the power of level eight magic is too strong, even a stable triangle can't support it sometimes. But yesterday, Qin'er and I released the magic barrier at the same time, so I got Be inspired."

"What inspiration?"

"If you think about it, among all the elements, only the water element and the fire element repel each other. If a water element is placed in the middle of the triangle of the fire element, then the four fire elements will be repulsed outward at the same time, while the water element will be repelled. It will be very stable. If four such stable water elements are used to form a triangular cone row, then its firmness will definitely be far higher than the triangular cone row formed by the silk shield stronghold. And the formation of this triangular cone shape, then It can break through the limit of the enchantment, and can resist the eighth-level magic! I thought of this when I retreated yesterday, so I took Qin'er and Lier to experiment outside, and it really is!"

"So that's the case!" Adela nodded, "Why didn't anyone know about it earlier?"

Tianci smiled slightly. First of all, no one in the water and fire magic talent can master these two elements at the same time, and I am afraid that no one can control the fire element like myself!

"Brother Tianci! Brother Tianci! Something is wrong!" Lier yelled and ran over.

(End of this chapter)

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