Godsend Field

Chapter 499

Chapter 499
So it is!Adela finally understood why the magic of the two mages burst in the air and could not fall down and hurt the guards!
"Brother Tianci, brother Tianci, go and have a look, something is wrong!" Li'er ran over panting, and even started to stagger.

Tianci was startled and quickly walked up to support Lier, "What happened? Tell me slowly!"

"They...they're killing people!" Li'er bent over and pointed in the direction of Valencia behind her.

"Tch, I thought it was a big deal. As long as there is war, casualties are inevitable. What's so strange about this!" Adela hissed.

Tianci also put his arm around Li'er's shoulder and patted lightly, "It's okay, it will be fine after the war is over!"

"No, it's not like that!" Li'er waved her hands anxiously, and took a deep breath, "They...they killed ordinary people, unarmed women and children, they...started massacring the city!"

Massacre the city!

Godsend's heart trembled. Although Valencia was not as populous as the capitals of the four major powers and not as prosperous as the foot of the holy mountain, it was also one of the largest cities on the mainland, with at least 300 million people. . .

"Is what you said true?" Adela's eyes widened and her face turned pale.

"En! I seemed to hear a faint cry when I was retreating just now, but I found out later that they were already massacring the city!" Lier was terrified when she thought of what she had just seen, "Brother Tianci, go and see Look!"

Tianci's face was serious, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

"Run, the Welsh Empire has killed people!" The city of Valencia has become a mess, and the streets and alleys are full of chickens and dogs.The people of the Spanish Empire didn't care about cleaning up, and fled around with their children in their arms, dragging their wives and children.

"Kill! The Generalissimo ordered not to leave any one behind!" A small group of soldiers rushed over, and the captain at the head shouted loudly, "No one will be left behind who can breathe!"

"Yes!" The team members behind responded neatly, and rushed into the fleeing crowd, swinging the weapons in their hands mercilessly.what!Pooh!The tragic cries were ups and downs, and the blood began to wash the ground.

"Ah!" A woman holding a two or three-year-old child suddenly fell to the ground, and the child in her arms fell out.Regardless of the pain on her body, the woman struggled to get up and rushed towards the child, "My child, my child!"

"Kill!" A soldier rushed forward, stabbing at the child with the long sword in his hand.

"Pfft!" Blood splashed.

The soldier was stunned for a moment, and the long sword in his hand began to tremble, "God...God bestowed upon the Duke..."

The soldiers around also stopped killing and looked over.

Tianci stood up with a gloomy face, holding the child in one hand and quietly holding the sharp sword in the other, his hands were trembling and his heart was bleeding.

"My child! Give it back to me!" The woman rushed up and snatched the child from Tianci's arms, and quickly ran in the opposite direction.Tianci endured it forcibly, and closed his eyes tightly. The eyes that the child was looking at the sword and couldn't dodge just now revealed fear and helplessness, which reminded Tianci of the scene many years ago.

Also in the Spanish Empire, Little Huzi grabbed his clothes and used up the last of his strength to utter a sentence, "Big Brother... Daddy... Say... Get stronger... just Can protect people... Dad also said...you are strong...but...but...you...why...can't...protect...me..."

Compared to then, I am stronger now, but. . .But only one child can be protected!
"Dang!" The long sword shattered, and the broken metal was stained with blood and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Master Duke, hurry up and bandage the wound!" The squad leader next to him hurried over and tore off a strip of cloth from his shirt.

"Crack!" The squad leader's face suddenly became hot, his eyes turned black and glowed golden, and he staggered and fell out.

"Captain, Your Excellency the Duke!" The soldiers around were shocked and did not dare to move.When the Northwest Army had contact with the Duke of Tianci, he had never seen the Duke of Tianci so annoyed.

His eyes were blood red, his eyelids were trembling uncontrollably, and Tianci was furious.The trembling palm stopped suddenly, and a green long sword appeared in his hand in an instant, and the tip of the sword rested on the captain's throat on the ground.

"Duke Tianci, you are..." The captain calmed down, seeing the long sword feel Tianci's anger and trembling in his heart.

Clenching his fists with his forehead, resisting the urge to swing his sword, Tianci shouted loudly, "You are soldiers, not butchers! They are women and children, not enemies!"

"Your Excellency...we are also following orders!" The captain's heart trembled, and the green long sword was getting closer and closer to him!
"Order? Whose order!"

"Go back to Lord Duke, we slaughtered the city under the command of the Generalissimo!" The captain replied.

"Brother Seiya!" Tianci gritted his teeth, retracted the long sword in his hand and thrust it into the ground forcefully.

"Boom!" A huge crack appeared on the ground centered on the green long sword.

"You all stay here for me, whoever dares to hurt innocent women and children, don't blame me for being rude!" Tianci snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared in place.

On the top of the city wall of Valencia, Marshal Seiya stood on the top of the tower and calmly looked down at everything that happened in the city.

The tiles on the roof of the tower slid down, and Tianci appeared beside Seiya.

"Brother Seiya, why did you issue such an order?" Tianci asked coldly, "The war between our two countries is the military's business. What is the crime of these people? Why are you so cruel?"

"War is cruel!" Seiya replied, and continued to look at the city blankly.

At this moment, in the huge Valencia, blood spewed out with every breath, and corpses fell down with every blink.Helpless cries, begging for mercy and running for life came faintly.

"Cruelty refers to us soldiers, not those women and children! They are unarmed, they will not resist you, why, why did you do this!" Tianci became excited.

"In order to capture this Valencia, do you know how many soldiers we have injured?"

"Even if many of our brothers died, those old and weak women and children cannot be used to pay off the debt. Baquero is retreating to Seville with the remnants of the army. Instead of pursuing the victory, you are massacring in the city, wasting all A chance to wipe out Bakro. Do you still have the wisdom and dignity of a soldier to do so?" Tianci was annoyed.

"Hey! Why don't I know!" Seiya sighed deeply, stretched his hand into his bosom, and after hesitating for a moment, he took out a letter of pardon and handed it to the godsend next to him, "The dignity of a soldier is not as good as the vocation of a soldier. I also want to obey the king's orders!"

Obey the king's order!
Tianci tremblingly stretched out his hand to grab the order of amnesty and opened it, his eyes widened angrily and his hands trembled!
"Heavenly gift, this is a secret decree. I should have destroyed it long ago and didn't show it to you, but I stayed here to prevent this moment! I was a little puzzled when I first received this decree from heaven, but I want to After a few days, I figured it out. Your Majesty also has his reasons for doing this!" Seiya turned around and patted Tianci on the shoulder, and took back the order of amnesty and held it in the palm of his hand, "From the beginning of the fight against Valencia, Your Majesty has no intention of annihilating the defenders to capture and kill Baquero. Baquero has been responsible for fighting against us for decades. In the Spanish Empire, he has still become the mainstay of the military and the leader of the Spanish Empire. Spiritual support. And what we want is not a heroic Baquero who died in battle, but a Baquero who ran for his life in a panic. This will make it easier to break the hearts of the soldiers and people of the Spanish Empire!"

"Even so, there is no need to massacre the city! If you do this today, the whole continent will know tomorrow that the people of the Spanish Empire will only fight harder in order not to be massacred! What we are about to face Not only their army, but also their hundreds of millions of people!" Tianci yelled, "Are you still planning to kill all the people in the Spanish Empire?"

"Everything has two sides, it depends on what we say! We only need to announce to the public that Valencia's tenacious resistance has caused us to suffer heavy losses, so the day it is broken is the time to massacre the city. If you dare to resist tenaciously in the next city, Valencia is a lesson for them!" Seiya said, "I did this to make fewer people die in the future!"

Shaking his head, Tianci sneered, "People in the world often say that killing chickens is for monkeys to see, but you are massacring cities for the whole continent! What a big hand, what you see is the lives of millions of people!"

"Wars are like this! Didn't General Bai Qi slaughter the entire Seville in the pre-Qin period?" Marshal Seiya said.

"Then, do you know how Bai Qi died? The demons caused chaos and could not end well!" Tianci shook his head, "Brother Seya, you don't mean to be the second Bai Qi!"

"If you don't do it, you will do it! In order for the empire to unify the mainland, even if I die in the same way, I will have no regrets!" Seiya stood facing the wind with his chest upright.

Seeing Seya and listening to the tragedy in the city, Tianci suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, a green long sword appeared in his hand, jumped up and roared loudly, the long sword in his hand suddenly increased dozens of times, and moved towards the city wall The city tower fell.

"Boom!" The whole city tower was split in half from the city gate.

"Brother Tianci!" Seiya jumped away and looked around, there was no trace of Tianci around.

It wasn't until dark that the whole of Valencia gradually returned to silence, a real deathly silence.Under the moonlight, corpses were everywhere, and the whole city was soaked in blood and misery.The Pingxi Army has already pulled out its camp and entered Valencia overnight, but the God-given personal guards still stay where they are and have not advanced a single point!

In the middle of the night, piles of fires burning corpses were ignited in the city, and the height of the flames could be seen for miles outside the city!

The tragedy of Valencia soon spread throughout the entire continent, such a cruel and bloody continent has never been heard of for thousands of years.All major empires and forces were filled with righteous indignation, especially the Illuminati Cult publicly accused the cruelty of the Welsh Empire, and Godsent, who led the pro-guard group to break through Valencia first, became the target of public criticism.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Tianci sat behind the desk and watched the letters before him. Adela and the other captains sat below, and the big tent was unusually quiet.

The big tent was opened, Qin'er and Li'er walked in, came to Tianci's desk, looked at the letters on the desk, picked up a letter, and Xiumei picked up another one.

"Why, how could they say that!" Qin'er said angrily, "It was the Pingxi army who slaughtered the city this time, not our personal guards. Even if the city was slaughtered, it was Nero's order. What do you mean?"

Li'er also picked up the letterhead. The dozen or so letterheads on the table were all accusations against Godsend by the major powers and empires on the mainland. The content was nothing more than saying that wars are the affairs of soldiers, and that they slaughtered civilians insanely.Even the three elders of the magic guild wrote letters to Tianci asking why Tianci did such an outrageous thing.

"Qin'er, don't worry!" Adela stood up and pulled Qin'er.

"How can I not be in a hurry, now everyone on the mainland thinks that the brat is going to massacre the city, and they all regard him as a devil. He is now the public enemy of the entire continent, how can I not be in a hurry?" Qin'er shook off Ah Della, "If it was Roland of your family who was slandered, would you still sit so quietly?"

The corner of Adela's mouth twitched a few times and she remained silent. Qin'er had a very similar temper to her own. If it was Roland, she would have jumped up a long time ago.

"Brother Tianci, this is clearly not what you mean! Why don't we clarify publicly!" Lier suggested.

"Clarify? How to clarify!" Tianci sighed and stood up, "Valencia was broken by my personal guards. I have the highest title and status on the battlefield. Of course, if such a thing happens, it will be pushed to me." Already!"

"How could they think that way? Even if you have the highest land on the battlefield, didn't they obey Nero's king's order? This matter should be left to Nero, not you alone!" Qin Son yelled, aggrieved.

"Wang's order! Who knows?" Tianci shook his head. I'm afraid he has committed the blame.

"Otherwise, I will go to Seiya, as long as I get the pardon for the massacre of the city, then we can clarify it publicly!" Qin'er suddenly thought.

"But Qin'er, I'm afraid Big Brother Seiya won't give you the Heaven's Pardon!" Lier asked worriedly.

"Hmph, before we attacked the city, we made a bet. Whoever loses will promise the other party one thing. Now that I win, I will ask him to hand over the heaven's pardon to me!" Qin'er puffed her chest out. .

Lil also let go of her worries.

"You guys are thinking too simple! Heaven's amnesty decree like this is a secret decree, and it will not be seen publicly. Even if Seiya gets it, he should destroy it as soon as he reads it. I'm afraid Brother Seiya didn't destroy it that day. It's just to give me an explanation. And now I can assure you that the Heaven's Amnesty Order has been destroyed!" Tianci sighed.

"This...it doesn't matter! Then I will let Seiya publicly admit that he has accepted this heaven's pardon. This massacre of the city was done by him according to the king's order, not by you!" Qin'er said and was about to go out.

"Don't!" Tianci stepped forward and pulled Qin'er's arm. "I've already thought about what you said, it won't work! Seiya is Marshal Pingxi and the pillar of the empire's unification of the continent. If he abides by Promise has disclosed the truth of the originally confidential matter, so what will Nero do to him? Besides, once the matter is made public, Nero's prestige and reputation will be cast a shadow, and he will be called a tyrant! This is also my concern!"

"Everything is considered for others, so have you ever thought about yourself!" Qin'er said angrily, shaking off the hand given by God, "You have been blamed for fighting the Knights Templar, but fortunately you are in Will The Sri Lankan Empire still has some achievements and prestige. But this time, if you take the blame for Nero again, all your reputation will be lost, and you will be a street rat from now on!"

"I'm sorry!" Looking at the angry Qin'er and the worried Li'er, Tianci suddenly felt apologetic.

"Brother Tianci, don't say that, we can understand you!" Lier comforted.

"You are not sorry for us, you are sorry for yourself! Do the math and see how much you have paid for your little brother!" Qin'er became more and more angry as she thought about it, tears almost fell out.

Adela and the captains bowed their heads silently.

Tianci raised his head slightly, why didn't he know it?Ever since he returned to the capital, Nero praised and beat him repeatedly, and he began to know that Nero was no longer his cute and obedient brother.There is no family affection in his eyes, only useful and useless.He was using himself, even squeezing everything he had, including his reputation.After the war is over, I am notorious, and I am afraid it is time to be abandoned by him. . .Even. . .

"Report!" There was a shout from outside the big tent, and a bodyguard hurried in, kneeling in front of Tianci, "My lord, the Commander of Morning Mist sent me an urgent letter!"

Godsend accepted the letter.

"Heavenly gift, what's the matter?" Adela asked.

"The Guangming Sect used this city massacre as an excuse to report to the mainland to hope that all the powerful and powerful forces can help the Knights Templar to destroy all my personal guards!" The powerful go to the holy mountain to discuss whether the ban on our pro-guard group is being lifted!"

"Release the ban? What do you mean!" Everyone asked in surprise at the same time.

"All ninth-level powerhouses on the mainland cannot go to the battlefield. This is a 500-year agreement. To lift the ban is to fight for our personal guards to lift this ban!" Tianci said with a gloomy face.

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed.

"In this way, doesn't that mean that the enemy we are facing is not only the Knights Templar, but also the ninth-level powerhouses on the mainland?" Adela stood up in surprise.

"Don't worry about this, they just have this plan and haven't really made a decision yet!" Tianci handed the letter in his hand to Qin'er, "This time, Qin'er and I have been invited to go to the holy mountain to participate in this discussion! Although we I don't really want to go to the Holy Mountain, but it is related to the future fate of our bodyguards, so we must go!"

Tianci and Qin'er have reached the ninth level. Although they didn't make it public, the Guangming Sect must know about it.

"There are still some days before going to the Holy Mountain, so I plan to go to Chenwu and the others to make arrangements. After I leave, you will be in charge of Adela. The Pingxi Army is currently in a state of adjustment, and the war will not start again in a short time, so Your task is a little easier, but you can't relax!"

"Yes!" Adela took the order.

"Li'er, you don't want to go to the holy mountain this time. You stay here with Adela, and I will stay with Bai Ying. If there is something else, you can go to Chen Wu to discuss it quickly."

Although Lier was a little reluctant, she finally nodded, "Brother Tianci, then you have to be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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