Godsend Field

Chapter 500

Chapter 500
"The old marshal has just received the military report, take a look!" Arcas handed the military information to the old marshal Lankers.

The old marshal took it over and opened it, and slapped the table, "Okay, this is really great! Seiya and the others did a good job, taking down Valencia so quickly! Once Valencia is in our hands, the Pingxi Army of the Empire will be in danger." That's another [-]% chance of winning!"

"Well, Valencia was originally an important city for the Spanish Empire to defend us and the French Empire. Now that Valencia is in our hands, I am afraid that the French Empire will also be restless. They must always be on guard against attacks from the direction of Valencia. The pressure on our side has been reduced a little!" Arcas breathed out.

"Saiasi's northern army is very brave in combat. I was worried that they were used to a single battle and were too suitable for such a war with multiple terrains and changes. It seems that I was too worried! Akas, our Eastern Expeditionary Army is more There is a gap between the Pingxi Army, we have to hurry up and move on!" Old Marshal Lankers smiled and continued to look at the military situation in his hand, his face gradually became gloomy, "This...a godsend..."

"Unexpected, I didn't think of it either!" Arcas sighed in disbelief.

"Unexpectedly, how could Godsend do this... Massacre the city, this is not killing chickens and cattle! Isn't he afraid of being scolded by future generations for thousands of years?" It happened twice, one time when Bai Qi slaughtered Seville in the pre-Qin period, and the second time when Tianci slaughtered the whole of Valencia! It's not strong. But this time Godsend... I'm afraid even if the empire unifies the mainland, it won't be able to stop the notoriety! Originally, he could be famous in history, but now I'm afraid he will just be... confused!"

"Old Marshal, I don't think things are that simple!" Akas said lightly, looking around the big tent, there was no one else around, "Old Marshal, you and I have been by His Majesty's side for many years, and we all know His Majesty's disposition somewhat. Diligent, wise, etc. Let's not talk about it anymore. To say something disrespectful, His Majesty is a bit cold-blooded and cruel. I wouldn't be surprised if this matter was done by Your Majesty. But it happened to be a gift from God... The Duke of Godsend is different from Your Majesty. He is very important. How can he be cruel to a person with feelings?"

The old marshal was slightly taken aback, and then nodded again and again, "Heaven has a soft heart! The eldest prince and I committed such a crime in Dongling back then, and he wanted to give us a chance. A person like him would not do such a thing of massacring a city." .Could it be..."

Arcas closed his eyes, "It can be said that this massacre shocked the entire continent and scared the enemy. As long as we make use of this incident in the future, the siege battle may not be so difficult. Your Majesty should like that." The method used. It just sacrificed the reputation and future of the duke, who was bestowed by God!"

"For the sake of the empire, only the Duke of Tianci can sacrifice so much!" The old marshal sighed and recalled all the past. All those who try their best to ensure His Majesty's achievement of supremacy are precisely this nominal grandson!"

It's really unpredictable!Akas smiled wryly, if his second brother could live to this day, I don't know what kind of mood he would be in!

"Report~~" There was a shout outside the big tent.

"Come in!" Arcas yelled.

A soldier ran in, "Report to Marshal Old Marshal, the enemy on the opposite side has begun to change their flags!"

"Remove the military flag?" Arcas and the old marshal were surprised, and stood up at the same time, "Let's go out and have a look!"

After stepping out of the big tent and boarding the high sentry tower, Arcas and the old marshal looked towards the enemy camp. Sure enough, the opponent had already replaced the flag of the general, leaving only the flag of the Faran Empire.

"Changing commanders just before the battle? This is a big taboo for military strategists!" said the old marshal.

"Although they have suffered a bit at the moment, they are not yet at the point of changing coaches!" Akas was also a little surprised.

The flag lowered on the opposite side slowly rose again, but the sign had been changed.

"This is..." Arcas widened his eyes.

"Enrique, this is Enrique's flag!" The old marshal exclaimed, "I didn't expect him to come in person!"

Enrique!The old marshal of the French Empire, since the great changes in the French court more than 50 years ago, after the ten princes of Rongbian successfully ascended the throne, Enrique was promoted to the marshal of the empire.From then on, Enrique can be said to enjoy exclusive honor in the official circles of Frank, and even his descendants rely on his shadow to increase their ranks, among which Chester is the most important.

Ten years ago, Enrique personally led the French Empire army to invade the southeast province, and he has not set off since then. Even this time, he was the commander of other generals. He originally thought that he would take charge of the overall situation in Marseille, the capital of France. I thought that I would go out in person!
"It seems that the fall of Valencia made Enrique unable to sit still!" The old marshal smiled slightly.

Valencia could threaten the Faran Empire at any time, and the Eastern Expeditionary Army was strong. Enrique was afraid that he would be in a difficult situation when he was attacked from both sides, so he personally came to resist the Eastern Expeditionary Army of the Welsh Empire.First, it can replenish strength, and second, it can also boost the morale of the Faran Empire in the event of repeated defeats.

"Enrique has experienced many battles, it seems that we have fought some this time!" Arcas was a little heavy.

"Akas, this might not be a good opportunity for you!"

"My chance?" Arcas' eyes widened.

"Enrique has attacked us more than ten times in the past few decades as the marshal of the French Empire. It can be said that he is the number one enemy of our Welsh Empire. I have wanted to lead several expeditions against the French Empire and the This man will fight to the death, but the previous king was too merciful to be sure. Now I thought I would be able to fight him at the end, but I didn’t expect that Valencia fell so quickly and forced him out so quickly.” The old marshal stretched out his hand "Akas, do you know why Sephiroth has become the minister of state affairs, and you are only the deputy deputy minister of the military affairs department? The military affairs department is no more than the government affairs department. If you don't have enough achievements and prestige, it will be very difficult for these generals to convince you!"

Arcas nodded, he understood this too.The old marshal quelled the rebellion in the three major provinces before he sat on the position of the Minister of Military Affairs as the Marshal of the Empire.Although I and Seiya are both marshals, this is the marshal of the first army, not the marshal of the empire, the marshal of the handsome!

"Now is your chance! An old fox like Enrique has come out. As long as you can capture and kill him, you can not only shake the French Empire, but also put a lot of credit on your achievements. And this A sum of money is enough to make you a minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs!"

Akas laughed, "Old Marshal, if it is true that you can take down this old fox as you said, it will be due to the two of us!"

"I'll forget it, no matter how great my achievements are, I can't make up for my mistakes! Arcas, you are the most handsome talent among the younger generation. If His Majesty unifies the mainland in the future, you will also be the best military commander in the empire." Candidate!" The old marshal said with emotion, since Akas joined the army, he has already taken a fancy to this talent, so he will vigorously cultivate and promote him. . .

"Thank you, Old Marshal, for your guidance!" Arcas bowed deeply, "However, I think the position of Minister of Military Affairs should be reserved for William, after all, this is what the late king wanted!"

"William's child is also good, he is the most promising in our Lankers family, and after the experience of the last Eastern Expedition and capture, coupled with the tempering of the Northwest in the past ten years, I think he should be very mature The old marshal couldn't help showing a smug look on his face, "But Arcas, don't say that, you and William are both great talents, but it doesn't mean that you will fight for a position. Don't you Forgot, there have been three unifications since ancient times, but after each unification, the position of the Ministry of Military Affairs has never been held by one person alone. It has always been managed by two people, divided into the left and right generals or the left and right military ministers. So as long as you compete with William You all have a chance to assist His Majesty in unifying the continent, but unfortunately I have been the marshal of the Welsh Empire all my life, but I have never tried to be the marshal of the real empire, in charge of the soldiers and horses of the entire continent!"

"Old Marshal, please don't worry, if we are lucky enough to unify the mainland, I will definitely guarantee you as the number one Marshal of the Empire to His Majesty!"

The old marshal laughed and said nothing!
At the foot of the holy mountain, people are as peaceful as ever. The first thing they do when they wake up every day is to face the holy mountain and pray devoutly.The comings and goings of the streets were unaffected by the simultaneous wars that broke out in the French and Spanish empires.

In a gazebo in the suburbs, three people were sitting.

"Grandpa, are you really not going to the holy mountain with us?" Qin'er shook Red's sleeve.

"No, the rules passed down from our ancestors in Sunset Villa, none of our people are allowed to go to this Poshan Pass, unless they are going to cause trouble! Besides, they invited all nine-level powerhouses, and none of the holy level was called. Isn’t it worthless for grandpa to go?” Lei stroked his beard, “If he didn’t want to visit you this time, grandpa wouldn’t come to such an annoying place!”

"Hee hee, excuse! Then how can I go to the holy mountain?" Qin'er laughed.

"The water that was thrown by the married girl, you are now a member of the Duke's Mansion, and you are still a member of our Sunset Villa!" Lei said sourly.

Qin'er's face was reddish, but also a little happy.

"Okay, it's getting late, they're probably about to start too, hurry up! Godsend you to be careful, the reason why Guangming Cult can exist to this day is that it has a powerful unknown existence, even if it is our holy class I'm afraid it's all... so you must be careful!"

Tianci and Qin'er looked at each other, it goes without saying that it must be Lanardus, the God of Light!But judging by Lannades' attitude towards himself and Qin'er that day, the Guangming Cult would not treat him like that!

On the mountainside of the holy mountain, the solemn gate of the holy court was pushed open, and Tianci and Qin'er walked in arm in arm.The old Pope and Archbishop Rorona were sitting in front, and the surroundings were also filled with peak powerhouses on the mainland, most of whom Tianci knew.

"Hehe, it's unusual for us people to gather once. I didn't expect that we would gather together for the second time in such a short period of time, and it was for the same person!" Knight Guild President Solo laughed dryly. , broke the heavy atmosphere.

"That's because he has a lot of face!" said the elder of the mercenary union Valie coldly.

Tianci ignored it, and pulled Qin'er to sit on the empty seat next to her.

"Huh, this time it's a consultation with the ninth-level powerhouse about your bodyguard group. Please leave the irrelevant idlers!" Andrews, the saint of the Spanish Empire, glanced at Qin'er.

"Who do you say is an idler?" Qin'er became annoyed.

"Andrews, this Qin'er girl was lucky enough to receive the gift of our God of Light. She has reached level nine and is currently the youngest great magister on the mainland!" Archbishop Rorona said hastily.

"Suck!" Everyone took a deep breath, the great magister is still blessed by the God of Light!

"Great magister! Let's have dual elements of water and soil!" The elder Agula Taige of the Magic Guild stood up, "I am envious of Miss Qin'er's achievements at such a young age. Are you interested in joining the Magic Guild as a elder to popularize magic?" Do you want to contribute to the revival?"

Qin'er smiled and showed two canine teeth, "Agula Tai Ge Lao, you have to ask my master about this, and if he agrees, I will go. Besides, I can't be the elder of Ge Lao before the master!"

"That's right, hahaha!" Agula Taige boss laughed.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start discussing the heinous crimes committed by the Tianci Duke's Guards this time!" Archbishop Rorona walked to the middle, "Although the mainland has been in constant war for 3 years , But such a tragic thing has never happened before. What the Guards did was outrageous. Our Knights Templar wanted to be reduced to exterminate the 300 million undead, but our strength was not good enough, and we suffered losses after several fights. heavy!"

The Knights Templar running all over the ground being chased by the Tianci Guards has long been a laughing stock.

"500 years ago, His Majesty the previous pope of our Guangming sect called the ninth-level powerhouses at that time and proposed an agreement to prohibit the ninth-level powerhouses from going to the battlefield, because the lethality and killing range of the ninth-level powerhouses were too great. .If the personal guard group given today has become a threat to the mainland's public enemy, and ordinary strength cannot wipe it out, so I propose that we can temporarily lift the restrictions on the ninth-level powerhouse for this personal guard group. Everyone agrees How about next?"

Tianci sneered in his heart, how magical the Guangming Sect is, how could he not know that the massacre of the city was done by the Pingxi Army, and the personal guards did not participate in it from the beginning to the end.They deliberately did this to kill people with a knife, and to use this massacre to kill their own guards!

"I agree!" Andrews was the first to stand up and express her opinion.

"I agree!" said the Elder Waller.

"I agree too!" An idle ninth-level powerhouse nodded.

"Godsend, although I have no grievances with you, but your personal guards have gone too far this time! As the president of the Knights Guild, I also agree with Archbishop Luo Luona's proposal!"

"Needless to say, our Guangming Cult naturally agrees, Mr. Agula Taige, what do you mean?"

"I..." Agula Taige was a little embarrassed. If he opposed it, he would immediately become a public enemy of the mainland!

"You don't need to vote anymore!" At this moment, Tianci stood up, walked to the middle with his head held high and stood firm, and took a look around. "The Guards are mine, and they must obey my orders. I am responsible for their actions!"

Are you in charge?Everyone looked at Tianci in surprise at the same time.

"That's right!" Tianci took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them suddenly, "I made the decision to massacre the city of Valencia, and I also issued the order. My personal guards are just following my orders. If you have anything to do, you all come to me, it has nothing to do with my personal guards!"

"Suck!" Everyone breathed heavily and stared blankly at Tianci.The old Pope who had been closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight.

"Tianci, you have to understand, this discussion is only aimed at your personal guards, not at you!" Agula Taige was a little anxious.

"I think clearly!" Tianci smiled at Elder Ge with a calm expression.Ever since I decided to end the war early and led the bodyguards to resist the Templars, I was ready to take the blame, not to mention that even if I jumped into the Siluo River this time, the sewage on my body might not be washed clean!
"You are really a hero!" Andrews sneered, "Since you are all on your own shoulders, then there is a debt to be paid, and the blood debt of the 200 million people in our Spanish empire must be paid with your blood Bar!"

"That's right, this kind of person can be said to be insane, and we can't tolerate it at all!" Elder Valer also said loudly.

"This...Everyone! We are here to discuss how to deal with Duke Tianci's personal guards, not how to execute Duke Tianci!" Archbishop Luo Luona panicked and stopped quickly.

"Archbishop Rorona. Is there any difference? Now that he has admitted that he gave the order, and he has said that he has the right to bear the consequences, why should we hesitate?" Andrews said loudly, looking around The strong men around said, "Old Agula Taige, at this point, you don't want to protect this person like last time, do you?"

Sitting in the Agulatai Pavilion in an old-fashioned way, I really can't openly protect myself at this time and here, if I want to blame it, I will blame Tianci for wanting to hug me!
"Archbishop Rorona, we were all summoned by you, and you are not going to back down now, are you?" Elder Valle asked coldly.

"I...of course we don't mean that!" Beads of sweat began to appear on Archbishop Luo Luona's forehead. . . "I just think that Duke Tianci's admission is too direct, there must be something hidden in it, why don't you let him talk about it!"

The corner of Tianci's mouth raised slightly, "I have nothing to say, and I have nothing to hide. If you have any debts, just settle with me!"

"Of course it's up to you! The blood of the 200 million people in our Spanish empire is not in vain!" Andrews stood up, and a thin sword appeared with a slight movement of the palm, which was Sword Soul Wuying.

"Andrews, he reached the peak speed of the eighth level by relying on life magic, and he was almost as fast as you and me. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to deal with him alone. Why don't you let me help you!" Elder Valle stood up buoyantly.

"It's shameless for you two ninth-level powerhouses to bully an eighth-level powerhouse together!" Qin'er said angrily.

"We are not for ourselves now, but for the whole continent! Even if we sacrifice our own reputation, we will not hesitate!" Elder Valle said brazenly.

"Hmph, that sounds good!" Tianci sneered, "This place is too small, if you want to kill me, go to a takeaway!"

(End of this chapter)

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