Chapter 189 You Got My Attention 11
Speaking of it.

Monkey Three made a very "shy" movement.

But thinking that Lu Mochen was behind him, he immediately calmed down and continued to express his feelings.

"In my opinion, the next time you find supplies, give them to Meng Ran.

Girls want to be cared for.

So boss, I'm not talking about you... You must get rid of your coldness, otherwise you will definitely not be able to catch up with Miss Meng Ran. "

"Why should I chase her?" Lu Mochen looked at Hou San suspiciously, and the other party was dumb.

This has already been done to others, so you don't plan to take responsibility? !

Hou San gave Lu Mochen a "scumbag" look. The other person's eyes turned cold, and he silently hid in a small corner and shivered.

oh oh oh.

So scared.

Su Ruo took a look at Meng Ran who was resting on the side of the rock, she was really pretty, she was the kind of woman who was amazing at a glance.

Not to mention the fact that there are fewer and fewer women in the apocalypse, even before the apocalypse, they are still at the level of a national goddess.

And she's in really good shape.

Su Ruo lowered her head and took a look at herself, then silently tightened her clothes, cough, they are not the same size at all.

Bai Qi didn't provoke Lu Mochen, nor did he comfort Meng Ran, and just quietly inspected the surrounding environment.

I'm afraid that another intelligent zombie will pop up.

After listening to Hou San's words, Lu Mochen became even more gloomy. He glanced at Meng Ran who was sitting there resting, and thought about it in his mind.

He thought of the layers of materials in her space, and seriously doubted whether she really needed to coax her with things as Hou San said.

After Hou San and Lu Mochen finished their conversation, they also returned to Bai Qi's side, touched his little heart, and comforted himself: Oh my god, I almost peed in fear.

Just after they prepared the food, Hou San immediately gave the best one to Lu Mochen, "Boss, here it is, it's delicious."

Lu Mochen nodded, and at this moment Hou San pointed at Meng Ran over there, hinting at Lu Mochen's action.

But in front of Hou San and Bai Qi, a woman who came in by himself, he didn't have the nerve to do anything.

On the other hand, Meng Ran was listening attentively, testing how far his spiritual power could go, and didn't pay attention to the matter between Hou San and Lu Mochen for a moment.

Bai Qi and Su Ruo purely came to see a good show, and they were the kind who didn't make a sound for a long time, watching the show in silence.

Suddenly, Meng Ran discovered a few strange zombies not far away, and they were moving very fast. Judging from the speed and direction of movement, it was obvious that they were coming towards them.

According to their speed, they would arrive at their side in less than half an hour. She suddenly opened her eyes and glanced at Lu Mochen, "There are a few very fast zombies running towards us. They will arrive in less than half an hour." can get here."

Not to mention Lu Mochen, even Bai Qi and Hou San became serious instantly, and Su Ruo was even more nervous.

"Get in the car!" Lu Mochen took the food in his hand, took Meng Ran's hand and got into the car in an instant, Su Ruo also hurried into the car, Hou San went to start the car, and Bai Qi packed up all the things on the ground to open the passenger seat.

The car left quickly.

Meng Ran closed her eyes and felt the positions of the zombies again, "Drive north! Speed ​​up!"

Those zombies made Meng Ran feel strange.

Lu Mochen told the intelligent zombie he discovered earlier, "It should have evolved."

He also released his mental power. After sensing the approaching zombies, he frowned, and if he continued like this, he would be caught up soon.

While searching, he found an empty and abandoned warehouse, and immediately directed Monkey Three in the direction of driving, "Monkey Three, drive the car to the warehouse over there and park."

Meng Ran's brows were also furrowed, the blood in her body suddenly started to boil, she said slowly, "It's too late."

The abandoned warehouse is at least 10 minutes away from them, and the ones behind are only ten minutes away.

Lu Mochen also discovered this.

He used his mental strength to isolate the breath of the car, but the few zombies that were chasing after him did not slow down, but accelerated.

Meng Ranxin Pirate: Lu Mochen can be thrown into the space, but the other three cannot.

She tried.

This car was taken out of the space, but when she wanted to let it go in, there was no movement.

It seems that except for Lu Mochen, a living person who can enter and exit back and forth, other things can only enter and exit once, and other living persons cannot enter the space.

It seems that the only way now is to be tough.


Lu Mochen thought so too.

Su Ruo was originally a timid person, but now that the atmosphere was so tense, she was so scared that she probably sweated.

Hou San and Bai Qi were also in a disturbed mood.

The previous wave of zombies did not worry Lu Mochen and Meng Ran, but this time it was just a few zombies that made them so dignified. It must not be simple zombies.



Lu Mochen and Meng Ran spoke at the same time.

Hou San slammed on the brakes, and there was a piercing sound, and the car stopped suddenly.

Su Ruo clenched her mouth tightly and dared not make a sound.

Bai Qi pricked up his ears to listen to the movement around him. Lu Mochen's hand was still holding onto Meng Ran's, and the food in the other hand was already cold.

He wrapped the things in a clean handkerchief and put it aside, then used his mental power to infect the few zombies that were chasing after him.

Then he discovered that mental power attacks really had an effect on them, so he simply focused on disturbing their minds.

Meng Ran took over what he had done before, hiding the smell of the car, but he didn't want a convoy not far from the side to drive in the direction of the abandoned warehouse.

not good!

Lu Mo thought inwardly.

Sure enough, in the next second, the zombies disturbed by the mental power immediately ran towards the convoy, and a terrible massacre took place almost within the distance visible to the naked eye.

There were about five vehicles in that convoy, at least 20 people, but they were unilaterally crushed by those zombies, and finally ended up with annihilation.

This is the end.

One second there was still hope for life, and the next second he lost his fresh life.

Hou San and Bai Qi also widened their eyes, held their breath, not daring to make too much noise.

Human supernatural beings don't have crystal nuclei in their bodies like zombies, so for zombies, they are just food.

Inspector Lu Mo knew what the zombies over there were planning, and was puzzled in his heart. Then, following Hou San's "Damn it", they saw the zombies over there...

(End of this chapter)

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