Chapter 190 You Got My Attention 12
The zombies over there are actually driving!
Monkey Three: "...!!!"

Wo knock!What a joke!It's the end of the day, not a fantasy world. Hey, those stupid zombies are already hard to serve.

Bai Qi: "...!!!"

Is this world fantasy? !This still prevents people from living! ! !He felt that he was getting closer and closer to death, and it was all up to the two great gods behind to increase his chances of survival!
Su Ruo didn't dare to open her eyes with her eyes closed, and now she heard Hou San and Bai Qi's two-way screams, as if there was an impression on each side, and the two channels spread, her eyes closed even tighter.

With Meng Ran's strong mental power protecting the car, the four zombies over there didn't pay attention to this side anymore, but got on the car and headed towards the abandoned warehouse in front.

Lu Mochen concentrated on feeling the changes in the surrounding magnetic field, and then found that the zombies in the car heading towards the abandoned factory were a little strange. They said they were zombies, but they still seemed to have human breath on them.

It wasn't until those zombies entered the abandoned factory that Hou San and Bai Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we do now? Turn around?" Hou San weakly asked the two big men behind him.

Meng Ran was silent.

Lu Mo gave a soft "Yes", "Turn around and go back."

These zombies are a little strange, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be no such strange changes in the future.

He glanced at Meng Ran beside him. From his angle, he could clearly see her proud whiteness and allurement. He closed his eyes, and some charming thoughts that shouldn't exist suddenly appeared in his calm mind in the past, making him Some are not used to it.

Meng Ran could feel his mental state, which was very unstable. She glanced at him suspiciously, but bumped into a deep and fiery world.

She didn't come up in one breath, and she didn't even notice that her mental strength was gone.

However, tragic things are happening in the abandoned factory in the distance at the moment. The car that rushed into the factory building made the people inside think it was the same kind, and they all came out to check if there were any supplies, but unexpectedly they became the rations delivered to their door.

Hou San, Bai Qi and others didn't know what happened in the abandoned factory, but Meng Ran and Lu Mochen sensed the miserable situation there, and their brows became more and more solemn.

The two looked at each other and said at the same time, "Hurry up and drive!"

"Ah? Oh!" Hou Sanyi didn't react at first, and when he heard what they said, he immediately started the car, turned around, and left in a hurry.

The zombies over there had enough "rations" and didn't notice the abnormality here, which allowed Monkey Three and the others to leave together.

Occasionally, they encountered some scattered little zombies, and they all ran directly over them.

A week later.

They headed for the northern capital from another road.

When they stopped at a gas station for a rest, they met a group of people they had met before.

Ma Zheng and Xie Xiuzhu were surprised to see Su Ruo who was still alive. They had no water for a long time. Seeing Su Ruo was like seeing water in the desert.

"Su Ruo, hurry up, give me some water." Xie Xiuzhu didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately went forward with an empty bottle, and Ma Zheng did the same, regardless of whether Su Ruo would refuse or not.

Perhaps in their eyes, Su Ruo is a soft bun that is easy to handle, who can do whatever he wants.

This time they went north to join more and more people.

There are supernatural beings, and there are ordinary people.

Ordinary people provide services for them, they do everything from finding food, cleaning the place to live, and doing dirty work, and good-looking women are also used by these people as vessels for venting.

Even the good-looking boys are not surprised.

Compared to their side, Su Ruo is like the difference between heaven and hell on Lu Mochen's side.

She only needs to fill up the bath water that Hou San and Bai Qi need every day. The water they drink is the mineral water they found everywhere. I can't pass the test in my heart.

Do not drink this water until the last moment.

What's more, with a big boss like Meng Ran around, there is no shortage of water at all.

Xie Xiuzhu grabbed Su Ruo who came down from the other side, pointed to the empty bottles on the ground and instructed, "Su Ruo, fill up these bottles for me quickly, hurry up, I'm going to die of thirst."

It's best to pinch a soft persimmon like Su Ruo.

There were a few people with water abilities in their team before, but then they encountered a group of perverted zombies and ate them all, which caused them to save water for the past few days, and their lives should not be too miserable.

Seeing Su Ruo now, it seems that God is helping them.

Ma Zheng also thought so in his heart.

"Quick, take out your bottles, if there is water, come out and drink."

"Water?! Chief, where is the water?"

"I'm so thirsty, I need a drink."

"Woo woo woo, mom, I want to drink water."

"Old man, there is water, wake up, there is water."

Heads slowly popped out of a warehouse in the gas station. They saw that Lu Mochen and the others outside were cleanly dressed, and there was no trace of hunger on their faces. They were very envious.

"The water is here, you all line up here, one by one next to the water." Ma Zheng, as the leader of the team, enjoyed the feeling of being superior to everyone.

Although Su Ruo was very timid in the past, she has become a lot more courageous after following Lu Mochen and the others during this period of time.

And as long as she is conscious, she won't be in any danger.

Hou San and Bai Qi are also easy to talk to, every time they are "Sister Su Ruo", and they are very polite when they ask her if she needs water.

The materials are also found together by everyone.

Under the unity and cooperation, there is a certain degree of mutual non-interference. She likes the atmosphere of this team very much.

Seeing Xie Xiu come up to him now, he didn't even bother to apologize, and ordered her as a matter of course.

"Sorry, I've been fighting too many zombies recently, and I can't use my abilities anymore."

"Can't use it?! Su Ruo, what do you mean?" Xie Xiuzhu was already very thirsty, but now Su Ruo said that there was no water, and her temper suddenly came up, "How can the power be used up? !"

"Yes." Just after Su Ruo's words fell behind, Bai Qi and Hou San burst out laughing.

This girl looks weak and weak, and she has been with them for a while, but she is very discerning, she never speaks when she shouldn't speak, and she can't even pry her eyes closed when she shouldn't see.

This was also one of the reasons why Lu Mochen allowed her to follow in the team.

"I said, you guys who bully our team, think how many of us are dead?!" Monkey three foolishly stepped forward, pulling Su Ruo behind him, "What are you, dare to instigate my teammates. "

Su Ruo's heart warmed, and she vowed to give them more bath water in the future.

Monkey three:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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