Chapter 28
As Zhao Xiaoxiao's clothes burned, Ma Caihe outside the room suddenly screamed.

She patted her sleeve violently.

Fortunately, everyone around was looking inside, so no one noticed her situation, but Meng Ran inside heard the voice and turned her head, just in time to see her flustered side, which also made her heart skip a beat.

Because the house had been abandoned for a long time, the dead wood around it soon burned.

The snakes caught by Bai Lian soon gave off a burning smell, making Meng Ran feel sick.

He calmly left the house, came outside the house, and watched with everyone that everything inside was burning.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's clothes and Zhao Laosi, who was already dead and entangled by snakes, were both annihilated in the tide of memory by this fire.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

During this time, two other women who returned with Marceho also died.

It is said that.

He also died in his own home in disheveled clothes.

With Zhao Xiaoxiao's lessons learned from the past, no one dared to cause trouble at will, and their parents burned them immediately.

Even the house where they lived was locked up.

for a while.

Everyone in the village was panicked.

I'm afraid that those things will happen to my daughter.

Everyone watched their daughter closely.

The girls in the village were also afraid, and they dared not go out day and night.

But Ma Cehe still walked out at night fearlessly.

She had been outside Meng Ran's yard for half a month. Every night she stood outside Meng Ran's yard, neither coming in nor doing anything, and the black snake never appeared again.

But this weird atmosphere still made Meng Ran aware of something strange.

One night when Boss Meng got up at night, he saw Ma Caihe outside the yard through the crack of the window. His snake-like eyes were so dark that he trembled in fright, and almost peed on his hands.

He thought of the strange things that happened in the village in recent days, and his heart skipped a beat.

But he didn't go out directly.

He looked behind the window for a long time, during which Ma Caihe kept staring at Meng Ran's room next door to him. This weird night made Boss Meng feel more uneasy and worried about Meng Ran more and more.

On the contrary, Meng Ran slept peacefully until dawn.

The next morning.

Ma Caihe was already gone when Boss Meng went out, he immediately woke up Meng Ran who was sleeping, and told her what happened last night.

Who knew that there was no surprise in Meng Ran's eyes, as if she already knew it.

Boss Meng's heart is also transparent.

"Xiaoran, how long has this situation been going on?"

Meng Ran's beautiful eyes glanced at her own father lightly, "It started the night before Zhao Xiaoxiao had an accident outside our yard..."

"What?!" Boss Meng jumped up from his chair in shock when he heard this time, and he said with a sense of haste, "Why didn't you tell Dad about these things?! This matter is not Little things!"

Meng Ran took Boss Meng's hand and told him to sit down, "Father, listen to me talking to you slowly."

After hearing Meng Ran's words, Boss Meng's heart skipped a beat again for the black python that appeared twice in her mouth.

Another big snake.

It was also a big white snake that entangled Wan Niang back then.

He didn't know what happened to Wan Niang before, but the white snake didn't pose any threat to him, it was more like protecting Wan Niang, so every year when he offered incense to Wan Niang, he would also offer a stick of incense to that white snake , don't let it break the incense.

It is said that snakes are cold-tempered, but psychic.

I hope that everything he does in this world can make Wanniang feel better in the underworld.

Boss Meng looked at Meng Ran's opened facial features.

while in the house.

She seldom tidies up her face. Compared with her dark and dark face when she goes out, Meng Ran's skin is fair and beautiful at home, and even wearing men's clothes can't hide her allure.

In such a small mountain village, Meng Ran's beauty can be said to be like a fairy in the sky.

His wife is also so beautiful.



"Hey, Xiaoran, you're growing up too, and I don't want to hide some things from you." Boss Meng told Meng Ran everything he saw in the cave before. The other party's eyes were deep and boundless, and then he just nodded and said ,"I see."

"Don't go out during this period of time. I will go to the mountain god temple to worship the goddess of the mountain god during the day, and then I will ask you for a few more peace charms to come back."

Boss Meng was still worried after all, and Meng Ran was also worried about Ma Caihe.

She frowned tightly, and said to Boss Meng, "Father, if it's really a mountain spirit, this safety talisman won't work, not to mention there are so many things going on in the village now, we'd better stay at home and don't go out." gone."

Although Boss Meng still wanted to go out, what Meng Ran said made sense.

It was just at night when they decided not to go out in the near future.

Marceho is dead.

This made the people in the village even more flustered.

Unlike before, this time Ma Caihe left with a smile at home, but unlike Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others, she was completely dressed.

Meng Ran and Meng Boss felt that when Ma Lao Er was at home, he and his wife were crying on Ma Caihe's bedside.

"Caihe, my Caihe—"

"Why did you leave just like that! What do you want your father and mother to do in the future?"


People in the village also started talking about it.

"Do you think our village has been bewitched? Why are people dying all the time? And all the dead are girls."

"Shh, don't talk about it, people from the other two families are also here."

"The four female dolls all disappeared one after another before, and this time they left one after another. Do you think they came back just to..."

"Don't talk nonsense! How could such a mysterious thing happen!"

Boss Meng looked serious.

He didn't know why he was a little panicked, especially when he saw Marceho's bed, the lines drawn in red one by one reminded him of what he saw in that cave back then.

He fell into the cave that night and spent the night in the cave. There were these strange lines on a certain wall inside.

The other people, Ma Caihe, didn't pay attention to the pattern on the bed curtain.

Because there are many snakes in their village, those who hunt and kill snakes for many years are also afraid of causing trouble, so every household will pray to gods and worship Buddha, and there will be some spells and other things in the house to guard the house.

"Father, what do you think that is?"


(End of this chapter)

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