Chapter 29
A black snake tail hung carelessly over the beam of Ma Caihe's bed, and the snake's eyes were staring at Meng Ran, as if looking at a piece of delicious food, which made people shudder down the back.

When Boss Meng saw the giant snake, he immediately gasped.

This snake was more than twice the size of the white snake he had seen before, and its whole body almost circled the beams of the house.

But because everyone was focused on Ma Tseho's affairs, no one looked up at the roof beams.

The reason why Meng Ran raised his head just now seems to be because the giant snake exposed it on purpose.

Boss Meng subconsciously pulled Meng Ran behind him, and the moment he lowered his head, his mind turned a thousand times. When he looked over again, the black snake was no longer there.

Meng Ran saw the snake leave.

Just when everyone was immersed in a cloud of confusion, Boss Meng and Meng Ran felt a huge danger coming towards their village.

Just now.

When the famous witch in the village saw Ma Cehe's death, her pupils shrank in horror.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Everyone looked at her in puzzlement, and many people chose to ignore her crazy words. At this time, everyone stood in Ma Caihe's room and watched her leave peacefully, feeling that everything was too weird.

But the sorceress still didn't give up and pulled the people at the door to let them all go out.

"Snakes are all snakes, hurry up, hurry up."

"You will die, if you don't go, you will die."

"It's the Snake King who came back to take revenge, run, run."

Everyone was horrified by what the sorceress said, and they all looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

And Ma Laoer and his wife stood beside Ma Caihe's bed, crying constantly.

Where no one sees it.

Something started to stir in Marceho's stomach.

again and again.

Because she was covered with a quilt, everyone didn't notice this detail. In addition, there was this witch's crazy talk here, and everyone's attention was even more distracted.

But Meng Ran looked at Lima Caihe's bed the moment the sorceress came in and said nonsense, thinking of the giant python just now and the snakes that sprang out of Zhao Xiaoxiao's body before, his pupils shrank.

She immediately pushed Boss Meng out, "Father, you go out first."

"Ranran!" Boss Meng looked at Meng Ran, then took the wooden stick by the door, came directly to Ma Caihe's bed, and said sharply to everyone, "Get out of the way!"

Her voice was loud and firm, causing everyone in the discussion to stop talking.

Even the sorceress stopped talking and looked at him.

Seeing her approaching suddenly, Ma Cehe's father was about to scold her, but he was startled by the scene on the bed the next moment.

"Ah! Snake!"

Someone in the crowd screamed, and everyone immediately retreated towards the door.

But everyone still saw the scene on the bed.

Ma Caihe's stomach had already been pierced with a big hole, and the snakes emerging from it were all black with triangular heads. They were well-known poisonous snakes, and they might die directly within seven steps after being bitten.

Ma Lao Er was also frightened, and his feet softened, and he fell directly to the ground.


Meng Ran quickly pulled him up and walked outside. When the snakes saw Meng Ran, they made a "hissing, hissing" sound as if they were seeing food, which made people's hair stand on end.

"Ranran, come here." Boss Meng grabbed Meng Ran who was at the door in time and pulled her out.

And Ma Laoer and his daughter-in-law just stood at the door, watching the tears of their daughter crying almost dry.

"How could this be, Caihe, Caihe—"


Ma Laoer's daughter-in-law was so frightened that she fainted, and everyone rushed to help her.

"This is a snake species, giving birth through the abdomen, giving birth through the abdomen, this is a curse, this is a curse!"

"It's the Snake King who is coming, and it's coming to take revenge."

"Snakes also have ancestors. Their ancestors came here to take revenge. They did evil, evil."

The witch's rambling words made everyone even more flustered.

Meng Ran and Boss Meng looked at each other, feeling a little bit in their hearts, feeling that things were not easy.

This sorceress who appeared out of nowhere hadn't left her yard for many years, and she hadn't come out when Zhao Xiaoxiao had an accident before, but this time she appeared when Ma Caihe had an accident.

It seems to be the promoter of something, Ma Ceho left, so she appeared.

Meng Ran looked at this crazy witch with keen vigilance in her eyes, and the other party seemed to be aware of her gaze, and suddenly looked up at her. For a moment, she saw Ma Caihe's eyes looking at her before, and appeared In the eyes of this witch.

Bai Lian on her arm also felt the same kind of aura from this sorceress, and he had to remind Meng Ran again, "Be careful with this woman, she has the aura of snakes on her body."

Meng Ran's eyes twitched, and a guess suddenly arose in his heart.

And when the sorceress spoke this time, Bai Lian's eyes fluctuated greatly, as if she had sensed Bai Lian's existence.

When she approached Meng Ran, she was blocked by Boss Meng.

However, the other party did not look at the sorceress, but looked at Ma Laoer over there, "What are you waiting for, people cannot be resurrected after death, these snakes are not non-poisonous snakes, any poisonous snake here is enough to kill you .”

Boss Meng's words awakened everyone, and they took out the realgar powder, realgar wine, and snake repellent medicine they were carrying, but the snakes didn't seem to be afraid, and they still stared at them.

The kind of person's back felt chills with the same eyes as looking at food.

"Burn it, let's burn it like the previous Zhao family, have everyone forgotten the tragedy of Zhao Laosi?"

In front of everyone's eyes, Zhao Laosi was entangled by a group of snakes, and everyone's goosebumps rose.

"But my Caihe..."

Meng Ran came to the hesitant Ma Laoer and handed him the torch she had lit, "Give her some peace."


Marceho looks really miserable now.

It's better to burn it clean.

The snakes also seemed to have sensed the hostility towards them, and all stretched their bodies to watch them hissing.

Ma Laoer's hand that was holding the torch was trembling.

Meng Ran took out all the realgar powder from her body, Boss Meng also gave him the things on her body, and Meng Ran didn't take it directly, and then threw the small packets with realgar powder by the wall.

Trash the snakes as close to the bed as possible.

"We can't let these poisonous snakes come out. Snakes are good at holding grudges. Although they are cold by nature, they like to live in groups. If these snakes can't be disposed of properly, the people in the village will be ruined."

(End of this chapter)

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