Chapter 22

Li Zhuo stayed in Xuancheng, and there were not many things to do every day. Seeing Wei Yunqing's ridiculous request, he smiled and agreed: "Since it is Yunqing's request, how can I refuse?"

"In addition to using knives, there are also archery and horse riding, teach me all of them!" Wei Yunqing said eagerly, "Try more, so that you can know what I am good at."

"...that's fine." Li Zhuo responded, since he had already agreed to teach her how to practice swordsmanship, no matter how many more things he did, it would be the same.

After really starting to practice swordsmanship, Wei Yunqing realized how difficult it is to master a set of swordsmanship.

No matter Da Song or Daliang, the standard weapons are all knives, made of fine steel, with sharp edges, which surprised Wei Yunqing.This standard weapon of the Song Dynasty is called the Yanling Waist Saber, which is shaped like the feathers of a wild goose. The blade is about one meter long and three to four centimeters wide. It is not too heavy, and it is easy for her to hold it.

Li Zhuo's teaching method is similar to the martial arts novels she read before, practice it completely, and then let her do the same.When Li Zhuo finished practicing and stopped looking at Wei Yunqing, she only showed a daze.

"Can you...slow down?" She laughed dryly.Li Zhuo's practice just now was like flowing water, it was really beautiful, she was almost fascinated by it, and remembered the latter but didn't remember the previous one.In fact, she really wanted him to use the modern teaching method of radio gymnastics, one movement at a time.

Li Zhuo could understand Wei Yunqing's weakness in learning sword techniques - it should be said that he just accompanied her to pass the time, and didn't expect her to really learn it.Therefore, after Wei Yunqing made such a request, he rehearsed it again, this time at a much slower speed.

As a result, as soon as he stopped, Wei Yunqing clapped his hands: "It's a beautiful dance!"

Li Zhuo: "..." This is my sword technique for killing enemies, not dance music!
Wei Yunqing's ability to observe words and expressions is not weak, but Li Zhuo just lowered her eyes slightly, and she immediately added: "Master Li's saber technique is really exquisite, it's as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, aggressive as fire, immovable as a mountain. This kind of saber technique kills the enemy, no one will be able to detect it!"

Li Zhuo raised his eyebrows, what she said was right for him, but why did he think she had something to say?
Seeing that Wei Yunqing continued to say sincerely: "But Mr. Li, I didn't see clearly, can you slow down?"

Li Zhuo: "..."

Li Zhuo was teaching directly in the yard, Wei Yunqing was watching, and Yang Yi was sitting further away.In fact, Yang Yi didn't know the reason why Wei Yunqing learned swordsmanship from Li Zhuo. Although he heard her talk about "defeat", the words were too vague, so he could only watch silently, feeling quite uncomfortable.

Elder sister Yun Qing just flirted with this Song soldier. Could it be that she fell in love with him and decided to marry him?

Yang Yi's heart was filled with jealousy for a while, and panic for a while, and his restless mood could not be calmed down.

During the third demonstration, Li Zhuo finally realized that it was impossible for Wei Yunqing to learn it all at once, so he split the whole set of saber techniques into several parts, and demonstrated the first part first.

There were more than twenty movements in the first part. This time Wei Yunqing watched it seriously, and managed to memorize it. When it came to her, he took the knife and made movements that were barely visible, and made several mistakes.

Wei Yunqing felt a little disappointed, it seemed that she really wasn't suitable for martial arts, she couldn't even learn this kind of basic skills.

Seeing Wei Yunqing's dejected expression, Li Zhuo comforted her and said, "My Song recruits always have to practice for several months to take shape of this set of saber techniques. Yunqing doesn't have to be depressed."

Wei Yunqing lowered the tip of the knife to look at Li Zhuo, frowned slightly and said accusingly: "Master Li, then you taught me this set of knife skills that took several months to learn, but you deliberately didn't want me to learn how to use a knife so that I would lose to you." ?”

"...You worry too much." Li Zhuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.He was kind enough to comfort her, but she was kind enough to treat his kindness like a donkey.Even if he tried his best to teach her, did she really want to learn the sword technique and defeat him within a month?

Wei Yunqing looked at Li Zhuo, but didn't answer, as if he was thinking about something.

"Master Li, why don't you teach me archery first. I think the way we compete is still open to discussion." Wei Yunqing said, "I only have one month, and this saber technique is so difficult to learn. It's too much for me to compete with sabers." It's not fair. I should learn more, and see what I can learn, and we will compare. After all, Mr. Li, you have studied more than me for so many years, so you must not be afraid of this, right?"

Actually, this is going to change the content of the agreed competition?In exchange, in the end, wouldn't she propose to compete with him for female popularity?If she said a few more words, should she say that one month is too short, at least give her a year?
The more Li Zhuoyue thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely high.If he continues to defend in Xuancheng, he doesn't mind playing with her. When he returns to court, if he wants to take her away, can she resist?But it would be best if there was less trouble.

"It doesn't matter to me." Li Zhuo said, "But your agreement has become a little urgent. When you find out that you can't learn archery, you will say that the one-month period is too short, at least a year?"

Wei Yunqing became anxious: "Master Li, you underestimate me too!"

"Oh?" Li Zhuo raised his eyebrows. Could it be that he guessed wrong?
But Wei Yunqing continued: "How can I not learn how to archery!"

Li Zhuo: "..."

"Let's go to the shooting range, Master Li! I will prove it to you!" Wei Yunqing made a confident appearance.Deliberately messing around, deliberately taking out of context, this is the moment to test acting skills, is it easy for her!Fortunately, at present, Li Zhuo has not discovered her real purpose.This is the time to test patience, she must be steady, step by step, and not lose her footing.

Li Zhuo finally followed Wei Yunqing's wishes and asked her to learn archery. Zhizhou Mansion has a small martial arts arena, and there are some archery targets in it, which can be used.

Wei Yunqing took Yang Yi and followed Li Zhuo out of the small courtyard. There were six personal soldiers standing outside. Seeing them coming out, someone looked over curiously, and the target was Wei Yunqing.Now that she has resumed women's clothing, although her hairstyle is still nondescript, no one will think that she is a man anymore.

Wei Yunqing smiled friendlyly at the soldier who came over, she remembered the two soldiers under Li Zhuo she had met before, but it was dark and too flustered, she couldn't remember which two they were .

The martial arts arena is not big, the archery target is in a corner, and Li Zhuo's soldiers are training.Seeing this scene, Wei Yunqing couldn't help but glanced at Yang Yi sadly—the military quality and combat effectiveness of Daliang and Song were really inferior to the Mariana Trench!

Curiously, Wei Yunqing picked up the bow and pulled it casually. It was a bit difficult, but not completely unable to pull it.Naturally, this bow is not as exquisitely crafted as the bows of later generations, but just looking at it, it feels astonishingly lethal.

"Put on the finger cot first." Li Zhuo took a leather finger cot and handed it over.

Wei Yunqing took it, and it was not very smooth to fix the finger cot on the right hand with one hand. She turned her head and waved to Yang Yi, signaling him to come and help.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhuo had already tied up the finger cots, blocking Yang Yi's sight with one side of his body, and directly started to tie them up for her.

At the end, he sneered and said, "Your cousin doesn't seem like a younger brother to care about you."

"Now he is the only family member beside me, so he is naturally closer to me." Wei Yunqing replied naturally, of course she would not tell Li Zhuo that Yang Yi is the little emperor of Liang, so it is natural to rely on her as a fairy and escort Unlike ordinary cousins.

As she spoke, she seemed to have remembered something, with a sad expression on her face: "By the way, Mr. Li, could I trouble you to help find my father? I got separated from him, and I don't know how he is now." She forgot to say something about him before. Her "father" thing, now had to try to patch it up.

"It's easy to do." Li Zhuo said, "It's just that I can't guarantee to find your father."

Whether or not the missing person on the battlefield can be found, really can only expect a miracle, for this, Wei Yunqing showed great understanding: "I understand that no matter what the result is, I will naturally not blame Mr. Li. "

When he was ready, Li Zhuo demonstrated how to shoot an arrow himself.

He stands sideways, holds the bow in his left hand, puts the arrow on the right side of the bow with his right hand, holds the bowstring under the protection of the fingertip, holds his arms flat in front of his chest, tilts his head slightly, looks straight ahead, and shoots the arrow in the next second. Hit the red heart of the arrow target in one fell swoop!
"Good!" Wei Yunqing applauded immediately.

Li Zhuo looked over speechlessly, ignored her actions and asked, "Did you see all my actions just now?"

"I see clearly!" Wei Yunqing nodded vigorously, then picked up the bow and arrow in his hand, posed in a pose, and before Li Zhuo could make a sound, he released the arrow.

Unexpectedly, when she released the arrow, she didn't stand still at all. When she tilted her body, the bow in her hand turned with the arrow, and the arrow flew towards Li Zhuo who was beside her!

The guards quietly watching around exclaimed, but Li Zhuo reacted extremely quickly, and with a slight tilt of his body, he raised his hand and grabbed the weak arrow.

"Yun Qing, are you trying to kill me?" Under the murderous eyes of the soldiers, Li Zhuo also said in a deep voice.Although the arrow was not threatening, it was unexpected. If one was not careful, the consequences would be disastrous.

But no one answered him.

Because Wei Yunqing, who just shot the arrow, was lying on the ground at this moment, he raised his hand and called to Yang Yi: "Ayi, Ayi, come and help me!"

Li Zhuo: "..."

Seeing Wei Yunqing's state, Li Zhuo and his guards naturally only thought it was an accident. Didn't they see that she fell hard by herself?The hostility just now dissipated, but he could not help laughing when he saw her antics.

With Yang Yi's help, Wei Yunqing finally stood up, but her hand was scratched a little, she didn't care, she turned her head to look for the arrow she shot, only to see Li Zhuo holding the arrow in his hand, speechless looking at her.

"Did it fall on the ground?" Wei Yunqing said regretfully, "Then I will try again."

She took another arrow from the quiver, and was about to put it on the bow, but Li Zhuo quickly held it down.

"Your movements of holding the bow and arrow are full of mistakes." Li Zhuo looked a little helpless, although he should not be injured by that accident, but it would be too embarrassing to let the arrows fly all over the field.He didn't mention the fact that she almost hit him with the arrow just now, and adjusted her movements a little bit.

Yang Yi on the side was full of thoughts of "that Song soldier is so close to Sister Yunqing that he wants to kill his nine clans", if the fire in his eyes can be turned into substance, Li Zhuo would have been burned to ashes long ago.

Li Zhuoruo glanced at Yang Yi vaguely, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he deliberately leaned closer to Wei Yunqing, and sometimes he seemed to hold her in his arms.

Yang Yi's expression changed, but there was nothing he could do.

Under Li Zhuo's correction, Wei Yunqing's movements barely met his requirements, holding the arrow and aiming hard at the target.She met for a while, then suddenly let go, and the arrow flew out.

The arrow only traveled two-thirds of the distance before it fell to the ground.

Wei Yunqing looked at the target with regret, then turned to Li Zhuo and said, "Lord Li, I think it's too far away, can I get closer and shoot again?"

"...Please." Li Zhuo didn't object, but he thought in his heart that with this girl's past style, she probably walked straight to the front of the arrow target as soon as she left.

But what surprised Li Zhuo was that although Wei Yunqing took a few steps forward, he didn't reach the target as he expected, but stopped three feet away from the target.

"It's almost here." Wei Yunqing nodded with satisfaction, continued to take the arrow and put it on the bow, aimed for a while and shot it.

The arrow flew past the target at a distance of no more than one meter and landed on the ground.

"What a pity!" Wei Yunqing continued to shoot the arrow without stopping.

This arrow just hit the target, even though it was on the edge.

"It's on the target!" Wei Yunqing said excitedly.

Not counting her excitement, she turned to Li Zhuo and said, "Master Li, it seems that I am really talented in archery!"

Li Zhuo didn't take it seriously at all, and said with a smile, "Congratulations."

But Wei Yunqing got excited, put down his bow and walked up to Li Zhuo, and said seriously: "Master Li, since I have talent in bow and arrow, why don't we use archery to determine the outcome!"

Li Zhuo's archery skills are even better than his sword skills, seeing Wei Yunqing mentioning this, he smiled and said, "How do you compare?" Naturally, he didn't take her provocation seriously.

Wei Yunqing didn't answer right away, she was silent for a few seconds before saying: "Master Li, I knew you were superb at archery when we first met, but I'm just a beginner... What do you think? I shoot ten arrows, and as long as one arrow Hit the bullseye, the agreement between us is that if I win, you will let me and Ayi go."

Li Zhuo looked at Wei Yunqing with a smile, she was smart and knew that it was impossible to win against him, so she agreed on this kind of competition.But archery is not a matter of a few days. It is just a coincidence that she just hit the target. How easy is it to hit the target?It's just that she didn't expect that she would think about that agreement all the time, it really... made him have to be on guard everywhere.

"Ten arrows hit the bull's-eye five times." Anyway, he had nothing to do, and he didn't take Wei Yunqing's archery skills seriously, so Li Zhuo didn't mind playing with her.

"Too many!" Wei Yunqing's face changed, "Master Li, I'm only a beginner, you can't bully people like this!"

"You still have one month to practice." Li Zhuo didn't back down.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yunqing said: "I mean compare now, not after a month."

Li Zhuo was a little surprised, and he couldn't help wondering if she had any tricks, but thinking about how she almost shot him with an arrow just now, and the ridiculous action at the beginning, he didn't think she had learned archery before. ——A talented person in business, what kind of archery do you learn?It may be that she hit the target before giving her confidence, and she wanted to try her luck, so she proposed to hit the bull's-eye with an arrow.

"Okay, then the test will be earlier." Li Zhuo agreed.

"If one of the ten arrows hits the bull's-eye, I win, right?" Wei Yunqing said.

Li Zhuo shook his head: "No, five arrows."

"I'm just a weak woman. I never thought that a mighty general like you, Li, would bully me!" Wei Yunqing complained, with a grievance on his face, and even his eyes seemed to be red.

"...Three arrows." Li Zhuo softened his heart and dropped two arrows, and then continued, "Three arrows, there can be no less."

"Okay." Wei Yunqing replied reluctantly.

She suddenly turned around and faced all the soldiers present, and said loudly: "Big brothers, please be a witness to Yun Qing. I have a bet with Mr. Li. As long as I can hit the bull's-eye with three arrows out of ten, he will let you go." I'm leaving with my brother."

The soldiers looked at each other and looked at Li Zhuo one after another.Li Zhuo, who had witnessed Wei Yunqing's actions, suddenly felt bad. Wei Yunqing had already walked back to his original position with his bow and took an arrow.

Her movements are the same as before, and they are still barely qualified after being corrected by Li Zhuo, but when the arrow hits the bow, she puts it on the left side. No one noticed this, and the people with their backs to her did not notice It turned out that when she was aiming, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and she was more focused than before, but she took less time to aim than before, almost as soon as the arrow hit the bow, she pulled the string and shot it out.

The arrow flew past like a shooting star, hitting the red bullseye with one arrow!
(End of this chapter)

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