Chapter 23

No one expected Wei Yunqing's arrow to hit the bull's-eye, even Li Zhuo, who was suspicious before she behaved strangely, just had some doubts.Wei Yunqing's arrow was unexpected, and everyone looked at it in surprise.

But the person who was more surprised in the field seemed to be Wei Yunqing. She was slightly startled and said excitedly: "That's great, I didn't expect the first arrow to hit the bull's-eye!"

Wei Yunqing's expression of astonishment and joy fell into Li Zhuo's eyes, but it only made his doubts hesitate a little.This girl really just hit the bull's-eye by chance?Or was the previous clumsiness just her disguise?He had suffered in her hands before, and he knew that she paid a lot of attention, so he couldn't help thinking about it now.

But at this moment, Wei Yunqing's second arrow had already been shot, and when the arrow missed the target and flew away, she heard her sigh: "It's a pity, it was almost there!"

No, it's not 01:30.

Although Li Zhuo was thinking, his eyes never left Wei Yunqing, seeing her shooting into the air, he naturally had some thoughts in his heart.In this way, the first arrow was really just a coincidence?
As if to confirm Li Zhuo's conjecture, Wei Yunqing shot all the next few arrows in the air, and after each arrow was shot in the air, she would always greet her with a sigh of annoyance.And every time an arrow was shot, Li Zhuo's doubts became less.

Until the eighth arrow, Wei Yunqing shot nothing, not even hitting the target.She put down her bow, rubbed her shoulders, and looked at Li Zhuo with a depressed face: "Master Li, let me take a rest first."

Without waiting for Li Zhuo's consent, she simply put the bow on the ground and beckoned to Yang Yi on the other side: "Ah Yi, come here and help me rub my arm."

When Wei Yunqing hit the first arrow, Yang Yi also applauded endlessly in his heart, and also hoped that he would hit two arrows in a row to win the competition and escape from here.Unexpectedly, when the seven arrows shot to nothing, he was also full of disappointment. Seeing that Wei Yunqing was taking care of him, he immediately ran over, not caring about the difference between men and women, seeing her reaching out, he grabbed her arm and pinched it.

Although it was separated by a layer of clothes, he had seen her bare arms back then, and couldn't help recalling the fairness and delicateness of her skin, so he couldn't help feeling a little distracted.

Seeing that Wei Yunqing really didn't pay attention to the difference between men and women at all, Li Zhuo lowered his eyes and shot at Yang Yi with a piercing gaze.Although it is still within the so-called one-month period, he almost believes in his heart that it is his person. How can he be happy when others covet him?

Yang Yi didn't realize at all that someone next to him was looking at him with eyes that wanted to eat people. Although his mind was not pure at the moment, he didn't dare to do unnecessary things, and honestly helped her pinch her arm.As a little emperor, he naturally never did this kind of service, but at this moment, he felt that it had a special taste, and he didn't think it was tiring at all.

Li Zhuo stared at Yang Yi for a while and saw that Yang Yi didn't respond, so he held back his anger.The other party is Wei Yunqing's cousin at any rate, and the two of them are living outside, so it should be closer to each other.At least he didn't feel that Yun Qing was interested in that kid, so that kid's unrequited love was nothing to fear.

"Thank you." Seeing that it was almost done, Wei Yunqing withdrew his hand to signal Yang Yi to go away.

Yang Yi reluctantly backed away a few steps, but his eyes did not move away from her.

Wei Yunqing picked up the bow, and this time, she didn't aim too much. The arrow rested on the bow and shot. Arrow, but lowered his head, not daring to look at it.

"Okay!" The soldiers onlookers shouted "Okay."

Only then did Wei Yunqing turn her head to look, and seeing the arrow hit the bull's-eye, a surprised smile immediately burst onto her face.

And the soldier who couldn't help applauding just now, under Li Zhuofei's sharp eyes, shut his mouth and tightened his body embarrassingly, afraid of being angered by Li Zhuo.Lieutenant General Li and this girl, one wants to keep someone, and the other wants to leave, everyone can see clearly.Lieutenant General Li has never been close to women in the past. It is rare to see a girl who wants to take someone back. These soldiers should support him with all their strength, but what about him?Such an applause was tantamount to treason, and he didn't know how much Vice Li would hate him, so he suddenly felt that his future was bleak.

After all the seven arrows were shot, the eighth arrow hit the bull's-eye again. No one thought it was Wei Yunqing's strength, it was just a coincidence.After all, she didn't even have the right archery posture at the beginning. The first arrow almost hit Li Zhuo, who was in a completely different direction from the target. Only the first arrow hit, and all seven arrows missed.If he was really a sharpshooter, how could he behave like this?

However, Li Zhuo's thoughts were different from those of the soldiers present.He has seen how cunning Wei Yunqing is, which is the first among women, and it is not much worse than him, after all, he has suffered at her hands.Although the seven arrows made him relax a little, but the ninth arrow hit the bull's-eye again, which made him suspicious again.

This is the last arrow. If this arrow hits, it will be three out of ten arrows. According to the agreement, he must let her go, and she specially asked all the soldiers to bear witness... No, this No coincidence!

For the last arrow, Wei Yunqing continued the style of the first and ninth arrows, placing the cluster of arrows on the left.

When he was in college, Wei Yunqing accompanied his roommate, who was an avid archery enthusiast, to the bow and arrow club for a long time.The bow and arrow club she went to had a ten-meter fixed target, but after a few months of practice, her roommate still had no arrows, but she actually managed to hit a hundred shots.Later, her roommate found it boring and changed to another activity to love, but she herself found it a bit interesting, and occasionally went to practice again, and her archery skills were not unfamiliar.

The ten-meter fixed target can basically hit the bull's-eye, which is Wei Yunqing's advantage.At first, Li Zhuo led her to shoot arrows a little far away from the target, about [-] or [-] meters away, so she proposed to get closer and stop at about [-] meters, because she was only used to the target of [-] meters, and her strength would not be farther away. It wasn't enough for her to hit the bull's-eye, which she tried at first.

Li Zhuo personally taught her the archery posture, and she found that it was basically the same as what the bow and arrow club taught her. .The arrow cluster on the right is the East Asian archery method, and the arrow cluster on the left is the Western Mediterranean archery method. At that time, she learned the Mediterranean archery method with the arrow cluster on the left. This is the only archery method she has practiced for several months. In order to achieve the goal of hitting the bull's-eye.Therefore, the first arrow and the ninth arrow are both shot on the left, and the arrows are shot quickly, so that there are as few opportunities for others to see clearly, and it is very tiring to hold the bowstring, so if you don’t shoot them early They will tremble slightly because of the loss of strength, so they will not be able to aim.

As for the arrow that almost hit Li Zhuo at the beginning, it was naturally used to confuse Li Zhuo. She wanted to give him the impression that she couldn't shoot arrows at all, so that he could lower his guard and make a new agreement with him smoothly.And for the next few arrows, apart from continuing to confuse, she was still practicing the feel of the hand, after all, the bow and arrow were not the same as what she was familiar with before.Being able to hit the first arrow is actually a kind of luck, but it doesn't matter even if this arrow misses, the second and third arrows can always hit at her level.After that, one of the seven arrows missed was naturally to make Li Zhuo think that her first arrow hit was luck, so as to minimize doubts, but she had to hit the last two arrows.When the ninth arrow hit the bull's-eye, even if Li Zhuo realized something was wrong, he still had time to react, so he must not have time to react to the tenth arrow.

And at the beginning, she deliberately announced the new agreement between the two in front of Li Zhuo's personal soldiers, and asking them to be witnesses was the guarantee to force him to let her and Yang Yi leave.As a general, how can he break his promise in front of his soldiers?Back then on the street, she was so nonsense that he had no choice but to put her in the government prison in the end.After all, Li Zhuo, as a general of the Great Song Dynasty, had too many things to worry about, and it was impossible to do whatever he wanted.

The tenth arrow flew towards the bull's-eye under Wei Yunqing's control, and she was almost sure that the arrow would hit the bull's-eye as soon as the arrow came out.

However, an arrow suddenly appeared from the slanting stab, and it came later than her arrow, and rushed towards the target faster than her arrow. big hole.And the arrow she shot followed right behind, passing through the big hole and flying to the back!

Wei Yunqing was stunned.

She turned her head slowly, just as she saw Li Zhuo put down the big bow that was one size thicker than hers, met her gaze, and smiled.

She almost wanted to hit Li Zhuo's head with the bow in her hand!
From the position where his arrow passed, Wei Yunqing was sure that the arrow could hit the heart, but Li Zhuo shot the arrow with a big bow at the same time as her. If the shot came first, and there was still room to pierce the target, wouldn't the arrows following her just pass through the hole?
She thought that it was impossible for Li Zhuo to react to it, but she didn't expect that not only did he have time to deal with it, but the way it was dealt with was so despicable!
"Master Li, what do you mean?" Wei Yunqing asked with suppressed anger.Her current feeling was like when she fell into the water holding a piece of driftwood, someone threw a life-saving rope down, and she hurriedly let go of the driftwood to catch it, and just as soon as she caught the opponent, she let go of the other end of the rope.This is simply murder!
"It's nothing, you lost." Li Zhuo replied naturally after the soldiers around him took the big bow away.If he hadn't been on guard, he might have fallen into her way at this moment.Unexpectedly, as a merchant's daughter, she can also shoot arrows, and her archery skills are not bad. She almost deceived him by pretending before.

"If it wasn't for Master Li making trouble, I would have won!" Wei Yunqing said, "Master Li, as a general of the Song Dynasty, how could you be so dishonest?"

"You only win if three out of ten arrows hit the bull's-eye, but you only hit two." Li Zhuo said.

"That's because you lost the bull's-eye last time!" Wei Yunqing said, she suddenly turned her head, looked at the soldier who had inadvertently cheered for her before, and said sadly, "Brother, what do you say about your Master Li is so dishonest, how can you still fight beside him with peace of mind? If he said that he would reward you with money for fighting bravely and killing the enemy, but after the battle he said that he didn’t see it and it didn’t count as taking your money, what would you do?”

The soldier was taken aback, and even more frightened when he heard Wei Yunqing's words, he just wanted to shout to her: I don't know anything, don't ask me!
But how could Wei Yunqing let him go?She sighed and continued: "Brother, I know your difficulties. You don't dare to say right because you have resentment in your heart, right? After all, he is your leader. If you dare to say no, he may directly I'll behead you on trumped-up charges!"

The words were serious, and the soldier immediately said: "No! Lieutenant General Li clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, and everyone in the army praises him! He will never show favoritism!"

Wei Yunqing looked at him with pity and said: "I know, I know, well, in front of him, you dare not tell the truth, right? Well, I understand the pain in your heart, if you plan to One day on the battlefield, I feel that I should kill him with a cold arrow while he is not prepared."

That soldier almost knelt down to Wei Yunqing: Please, Miss Wei, stop talking!I'm really not bitter!I really don't want to kill Lieutenant General Li!
Li Zhuo felt speechless while listening, does this girl still remember that he was there?Does this slander him in front of his own soldiers in front of his face, treating him as dead?

He coughed lightly, and was about to express his opinion when he saw that Wei Yunqing seemed to be frightened, and quickly hid behind the soldier, and said in a low voice with a little panic: "Brother, you don't believe what you say!" Vice General Li, who broke his promise and got fat, is about to kill someone, so you have to be careful!"

The soldier closed his eyes in despair—this girl, please, please change someone else, don't just stare at me!

Li Zhuo was silent again after coughing lightly, he almost forgot what he wanted to say.

He looked at Wei Yunqing, his eyes flicked across the faces of his soldiers, and finally said calmly: "Okay, this time the agreement is considered to be your victory, you can take your brother and leave."

Wei Yunqing poked his head out from behind the soldier, and said with certainty: "Really?"

"If you ask one more question, I'll regret it." Li Zhuo snorted coldly.

Wei Yunqing is also aware of current affairs. Seeing that Li Zhuo had to let her go under the pressure of the witnesses of the soldiers, he must be in a bad mood, and he didn't dare to stay longer. He quickly pulled Yang Yi who was still out of the situation, and the two almost flew together. Run out.

It wasn't until both feet stepped on the door of the government office that Wei Yunqing felt like he was dreaming.

They just... escaped?

The person who couldn't believe it was Yang Yi.

He originally thought that it would be too difficult and dangerous to escape from this place, but in just a few hours, Sister Yun Qing won the agreement and led him to escape, as expected of a fairy!

The two walked out of the government office slowly, walking on the open and bright street somewhat erratically.After walking two steps, Wei Yunqing suddenly remembered the things buried in the mud of the flower pot in the bath room, and stopped immediately. Her watch, necklace, jade pendant and bank notes are still in the government office!
"Is your finger still on you?" Wei Yunqing asked in a low voice after thinking for a few seconds.

Yang Yi nodded.

Wei Yunqing relaxed a little, that is to say, they don't have to worry about money for the time being, but she still wants to get back her things.But it is obviously not a wise move to look back at this moment, we can only wait for a chance to talk about it in the future!

Looking back at the gate of the government office, Wei Yunqing said: "Let's get out of here quickly! If Li Zhuo and the others regret chasing after us, we won't be able to escape!"

Yang Yi was startled: "He, he will come after him?"

"It's hard to say." Wei Yunqing didn't quite believe Li Zhuo's character, and said with a serious face, "Who knows how corrupt his character can be?"

Wei Yunqing's words made Yang Yi think of going elsewhere, a trace of pain suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Sister Yunqing, yesterday... I wronged you."

"What?" Wei Yunqing didn't understand what Yang Yi was referring to as a grievance, and was about to ask carefully, when she suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes behind her, which made her feel cold in her heart, and hurriedly turned her head to look.

Li Zhuo is running towards her with light cavalry!She was really a crow's mouth once!
Wei Yunqing reflexively wants to run, but people ride horses, they walk, and running a few more steps is the limit, can they run?
So in the end, she just stood there sadly, glaring at the figure who came on horseback.

"Master Li, it turns out that you are such a villain who betrays his promises and promises! How can you convince the public with such a character?" Wei Yunqing rebuked righteously, holding his head up and chest out without any fear.

But Li Zhuo chuckled: "Where did I break my word? I promised to let you go, but I didn't say I won't arrest you again."

Word games!When she came out just now, she actually forgot to reconfirm with Li Zhuo that he would not arrest her again!At that time, seeing that he couldn't step down in front of his soldiers, she was afraid that he would become angry from embarrassment, so she took Yang Yi away without asking any more questions, but she didn't expect him to have another trick!

Li Zhuo smiled happily at the moment.He was almost deceived by her scheme just now, and in the end he pretended to be extremely angry but had to abide by the agreement and let the two of them leave.

The so-called soldier never tires of cheating, so he taught her a lesson!
Li Zhuo's strength is stronger than her, and he is more rascal than her, what can she do?

Going back with Li Zhuo obediently became Wei Yunqing's only choice.

But this time, Wei Yunqing had no objection, but Yang Yi angrily stood in front of her, staring at Li Zhuo, as if he was her father-killing enemy.

Wei Yunqing was taken aback, although she was also very depressed when Li Zhuo took her back, but she didn't have to worry about running out of firewood if she stayed in the green hills, and it's not like she couldn't find a chance to escape afterwards.But if Yang Yi impulsively exposed something, causing Li Zhuo to be more wary of them, then the situation would be troublesome!
"Ayi, step back!" At that moment, Wei Yunqing grabbed Yang Yi's sleeve and pushed him behind him, not giving him a chance to face Li Zhuo.

Yang Yi struggled for a while, but couldn't break free. He wanted to say something, but he thought of Wei Yunqing's warning before. He opened his mouth but still didn't say anything. Finally, he stood behind Wei Yunqing with his head down and said nothing.

Feeling that Yang Yi's resistance disappeared, Wei Yunqing's anxiety finally gradually diminished. She looked up at Li Zhuo, as if the previous anger had dissipated, she just smiled lightly: "Then Master Li, let's go back?"

After finishing speaking, she took Yang Yi's hand and went back to the government office where she had just escaped.Thinking of the money still in there, she suddenly felt that going back this time was not so uncomfortable. Isn't this a good opportunity to get back the things?She couldn't believe it anymore, Li Zhuo still had to fight after all, so how could he be so empty and keep staring at her?
Wei Yunqing's attitude of understanding current affairs really made Li Zhuo greatly appreciate, although the girl didn't want to go back with him, but it wouldn't make things difficult, and it saved him a lot of trouble.He turned his horse's head, but followed behind them like a bodyguard, and his personal soldiers naturally filed forward as well.

As soon as he returned to the gate of the mansion, Wei Yunqing suddenly turned his head to look at Li Zhuo, and exclaimed: "Master Li, your horse is so beautiful, what's its name?"

"It hasn't been named yet, how about Yun Qing choose one for it?" Li Zhuo got off his horse and patted the horse's back.

Wei Yunqing thought for a while and said: "Then call it 'kicking in front of the stone', and kick it bravely even in the face of the stone, how brave it is!"

Li Zhuo was taken aback by the weird name, always felt that something was wrong, and when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't laugh or cry, was she cursing him?His horse is called "Kicking in front of the stone", isn't it just that the horse stumbled?

"Don't you like it? How about 'Song of the Country'? Singing Song's national power is strong and invincible, what a good meaning!"

Li Zhuo: "..." This time it is "Shrouded in Horse Leather", which is even worse.

Wei Yunqing sighed slightly: "Is it still not to your liking?" She looked at the horse carefully, and finally said, "Then call it 'Treading the Wave'!"

Li Zhuo originally thought that the name Wei Yunqing gave next was still cursing him, but unexpectedly this time it was serious.There is a tuft of dark indigo short hair on each of the horse's four hooves. Looking from a distance, it really feels like treading waves.

"Okay! Let's call him Tidelang!" Li Zhuo nodded with satisfaction.

Wei Yunqing smiled and said, "Since I gave your horse such a matching name, in return, Mr. Li, you can teach me how to ride a horse!"

Li Zhuo turned his gaze, they haven't entered the mansion yet, she is thinking about running away next time?
Although Li Zhuo didn't want Wei Yunqing to escape, he was actually not afraid of her tricks, and even appreciated and welcomed her. After all, it was not his turn to play in the battle ahead, and he was idle, so why not just play with her.

To say that Li Zhuo is quite confident in his own charm, too many people came to talk about marriage, but he didn't want to marry too early and let multiple people in the family take care of him, so he postponed the marriage talk again and again.He is the only son in the family, his mother died young, and his father can't control him, so he has been messing around until now.

Now that he finally has a woman he wants to take home, he doesn't want to be too tough, spend more time with him, let her fall in love with him, and go back with him willingly, isn't everyone happy?

"It's not impossible to teach you..." Li Zhuo's tone was a little slow.

"Huh? Are your riding skills not good enough? Forget it, I won't learn anymore." Wei Yunqing quickly accepted Li Zhuo's words, pulled Yang Yi around and left.How could she give Li Zhuo a chance to negotiate terms?Who knows what his condition is?So even though it was she who proposed to learn how to ride a horse, she gave up so resolutely that she never gave Li Zhuo a chance to refute.

Li Zhuo: "..."

He just watched Wei Yunqing leave silently, but when he turned his head, he saw pity in the eyes of the soldiers around him—the deputy general of their family was eaten to death by this girl!
Li Zhuo raised his brows, and immediately returned to his usual ostentatious appearance. When these soldiers saw that something was wrong, they immediately retracted their gaze and minimized their presence, so as not to be angered by him.

Only then was Li Zhuo satisfied, and he chased after Wei Yunqing in the direction he left without haste.

Wei Yunqing took Yang Yi back to the small courtyard where she lived before. The room next to her was unoccupied, so he decided to assign it to him.

Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Li Zhuo also came over, and his soldiers brought dishes one after another along the way.Four dishes and one soup, there are meat and vegetables, and the mix is ​​even.

Although Li Zhuo didn't greet him, Wei Yunqing was not polite either, he pulled Yang Yi to sit on the stone table outside, and said loudly: "Master Li, eat more, don't be polite."

The little soldier who was leaving with a food box beside him burst out laughing, his smile immediately attracted Li Zhuo's glance, his shoulders flinched in fright, and he ran away quickly.

Wei Yunqing ignored him, and after greeting Li Zhuo, he picked up food for Yang Yi himself: "A Yi, you can only grow taller if you eat well. This place is no better than at home, just eat as you please, don't be picky about your food."

Yang Yi had long been used to Wei Yunqing always caring about his food, and ate with his head down in silence.

Li Zhuo didn't want to say anything anymore.

The three of them finished their lunch quietly, and Wei Yunqing took Yang Yi to walk around under Li Zhuo's eyes to digest.Li Zhuo was sitting at the stone table, the soldiers had removed their lunch, although he didn't show it on the face, he was still thinking about what Wei Yunqing said about learning how to ride a horse.

She mentioned learning to ride a horse, and he also affirmed that if she knew how to ride a horse, she would steal it and run away.But until now, she has never mentioned a word about learning to ride a horse.Could it be like archery, she has already learned it, but she pretends to be a novice, so that she can learn something from it?
Wei Yunqing surprised him too much, Li Zhuo couldn't see through her details for a while, and it was really not easy to see through.Although she said that she had completely covered her life experience, he always felt that she still had a lot to say, and it was difficult to distinguish the truth from the falsehood.And that cousin of hers might be the breakthrough point.He remembered that the night she and her brother escaped from the prison in Xuancheng, if she hadn't thrown herself into a trap for her brother, he might not have caught her so easily.And judging from his contact with this cousin, this cousin seems to be too impulsive, but unfortunately he is dumb, otherwise he must have asked a lot of things from the other party.

Li Zhuo was thinking about it, when Wei Yunqing came straight to him and asked doubtfully, "Master Li, aren't you a general of the Song Dynasty? Why do you look like you are doing nothing all day long? You don't need to lead the soldiers of the Song Dynasty to train soldiers, don't you need to read military books and military affairs?" ?”

Wei Yunqing's words really touched Li Zhuo's sore spot.He claims to be proficient in all formations, but this time he is not the commander of the expedition, but the veteran Wang He, who is not on the same side as his father. How can he be given the opportunity to fight on the front line and make military exploits?Then Wang He transferred him to the rear under the pretext of being too young and inexperienced.Wang He is the chief general, and it is all at his disposal when he is outside, and he does not want to join forces to rebel, so naturally he can only retreat with a small number of people, watching helplessly as Wang He pockets the military exploits.He hoped that Daliang would have a strong enough opponent, but they had been in such a way that they were invincible, and even the emperor's personal conquest of Daliang was completely annihilated. He wanted Wang He to call him back to the front line because of the tense situation of the battle. It is really difficult.

However, Li Zhuo didn't want to tell others about these things, he just said disdainfully: "Da Liang's army is disorganized and its combat power is empty, so how can it be the opponent of our Great Song Army? We can defeat the opponent without practicing my Great Song!"

"The Great Song Army is really powerful!" Wei Yunqing sighed, and then changed the topic, "But I, the Emperor of Liang, have personally marched, and I will definitely defeat you!"

Li Zhuo said with a smile: "Yun Qing, you have been imprisoned for several days, but you don't know that the useless Emperor of Daliang has already been beaten to annihilation by my Great Song!"

Wei Yun made up his mind early in the morning that he was here to collect information, so he asked Yang Yi to stay away in advance and did not let him come here. At this moment, he was not afraid that Yang Yi would become angry and impulsive after hearing such scolding words.

"Impossible!" Wei Yunqing pretended to be surprised, "Although my Liang army is not as good as the Song army, it is the emperor after all. How could it be defeated by you so easily?"

"Let's not talk about defeat, the little Emperor Liang died on the battlefield." Li Zhuo sneered, "Even the emperor is dead, this Liang will sooner or later become my Great Song's treasure."

"Impossible!" Wei Yunqing shook his head in denial, "How could the king of a country die so easily? I don't believe it!"

In Li Zhuo's view, Wei Yunqing was from Daliang after all, and she was not an ordinary country woman, so he didn't find it strange to have such a reaction.

"I can only blame the little emperor for taking the enemy too lightly." Li Zhuo said, talking about Emperor Liang, he looked disdainful, "The court of Liang claimed that the little emperor was in Jinyang, but everyone knew that he was just a dummy. Morale plummeted, so he pretended to be arranged like this. In the battle of Pingyagu, he was outflanked by my Song Dynasty and cut off his retreat. Where was the time to escape to Jinyang by detour? The battlefield was chaotic, and he had already become a ghost under the sword, but he was not captured alive. He has some regrets."

Capturing the emperor of the enemy country alive is something that can be remembered in history in any dynasty.

Before Wei Yunqing was either with Yang Yi, an incompetent emperor, or with refugees who didn't care about the emperor's death at all, and then he was simply in the prison. How much news can the prison boss have?Therefore, this is the first time she has a rough understanding of the overall situation of the entire battlefield.

The news of Yang Yi's disappearance or even death must have been sent back to the Daliang court, but no matter what the result is, it will be a great blow to Daliang. If he died, Daliang would definitely lose his morale.Since the higher-ups were still unable to determine Yang Yi's life and death, they had no choice but to make a bad move.But this can be hidden for a while, but it can't be hidden for a lifetime, and how could the Great Song Army not use this news to disturb Daliang's military morale?It is estimated that there are only two options left for the person in charge of Daliang Chaozhong. The first is to take Yang Yi back and treat him as if he had fled to Jinyang at that time; the second is to decisively announce Yang Yi's death. Li Xinjun.Of course, it cannot be said that Yang Yi was killed by the enemy. It must be said that he died of illness in Jinyang, which can reduce some of the blows to Daliang's army.This is a critical moment of life and death, and one must be cautious in making any decision.

But the Daliang court is not Wei Yunqing, they are not sure that Yang Yi is still alive, and they are probably already discussing the establishment of a new monarch.If the new monarch is established, it will be a big trouble, and there is really not much time left for Wei Yunqing and Yang Yi.

Ren Li Zhuo was extremely intelligent, so he would not have guessed that Emperor Liang, whom he believed to have died in the rebellion army, was not far away from him, and he wanted to cut him into pieces.

Seeing that Wei Yunqing didn't speak, he thought she was sad because she was about to become a subjugated slave, so he said: "Yunqing, my Great Song army has strict discipline, and the emperor is also wise and martial. If your beams are taken down by us, you will also become a member of the Great Song Dynasty. Song will not treat you any differently. If you don't believe me, just take a look at Xuancheng."

Wei Yunqing continued: "You don't need to look at Xuancheng, I just need to look at myself."

Li Zhuo was speechless for a moment.What he did can't be called a gentleman, but the beam is so big, it will take time to take it down, once she escapes and finds a place to live at random, where will he go to find her?Even if he is not a gentleman once, he has no choice but to admit it, and he will never treat her badly in the future.

Li Zhuo had no psychological burden, and smiled slightly: "It's rare to meet a woman like Yun Qing, so naturally I can't treat them equally. Don't worry, the people of Xuancheng just need to live their lives well."

Wei Yunqing wanted to hit someone a little bit. Compared with the safety of the people in Xuancheng, she was more concerned about her own!Why didn't he go to Xuancheng and grab a civilian girl to replace her?Maybe with his appearance and power, the other party will happily obey?
"Master Li, why don't you find a soldier to teach me how to ride a horse?" Wei Yunqing changed the subject abruptly.

" still remember this." Li Zhuo was a little speechless. She was the one who said that she didn't want to learn how to ride a horse before, and she was the one who mentioned it again now.

"After all, Mr. Li, you promised me that it's fair to change your name to learn horseback riding." Wei Yunqing said bluntly.

"...I didn't promise you."

"Lord Li! Are you going to break your word again! It's enough to do this once or twice, but how do you convince the crowd? Your soldiers probably can't understand your despicable behavior! "Wei Yunqing complained.

As soon as she heard her say this, the soldiers who were still guarding the gate of the courtyard immediately hid themselves, and all stood outside the courtyard, so that Wei Yunqing would not drag any of them to Li Zhuo to speak out.

Some of Li Zhuo's personal soldiers were loyal and clever, but he really didn't dare to let them get in touch with Wei Yunqing. Compared with her, his personal soldiers could only count the money after being sold.

"I'll teach you tomorrow." Li Zhuo said.

But this time Wei Yunqing was dissatisfied again: "But Mr. Li, isn't your riding skill very bad? Didn't you teach me..."

Being questioned about one's ability is not pleasant anyway, Li Zhuo snorted coldly: "I'll let you see it tomorrow."

"Don't wait for tomorrow, just now!" Wei Yunqing still held the initiative.

"It's up to you." Li Zhuo stood up and motioned Wei Yunqing to follow him.

Wei Yunqing happily led Yang Yi to follow, but Li Zhuo glanced at Yang Yi and told the soldiers: "Look at him, don't let him out of the yard."

"Master Li, my Ayi will be afraid if he stays here alone!" Wei Yunqing didn't dare to leave Yang Yi alone.

Li Zhuo looked at Wei Yunqing with a smile: "I always want to keep someone behind, lest you say you are learning how to ride a horse, but you snatch the horse and run away."

Wei Yunqing was taken aback for a moment—as expected he had seen through again!
(End of this chapter)

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