The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 1294 Ye Jun's Whereabouts

Chapter 1294 Ye Jun's Whereabouts

Chapter 1294 Ye Jun's Whereabouts

In front of the spirit race, the stone forest ghosts were completely helpless.

Also Tu Reluo, seeing that the Feiyun Sword Party next door was struggling to deal with the Shilin ghost insects, immediately invited them to go with them.The Feiyun Sword Sect did not hesitate, and immediately came over to join the Spirit Race team. Jun Jiu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw them coming.

The beast roar of the Spirit Race is too domineering!
Even if the target wasn't them, it still made their heads buzz.After leaving the ghost stone forest, he couldn't recover for a long time.

After touching his ears, Feiyunjian sent everyone to thank Yetu, then turned and left towards the northern wilderness.If you want to find the promotion circle, you have to go to a high place, or go to the wasteland, so that you can easily see the promotion circle appearing.

Watching Feiyunjian sent everyone to leave, Jun Jiu looked at Yetu, "Yetu, let's separate here."

"Separate? No! The prince said, we want to escort you all the way, how can we separate?" Yetu said in amazement, with them around, not everyone is like the lunatic before when the name of the Spirit Race is announced.

Some people are afraid of the spirit race, and there are fewer people who come to make trouble.In this way, it will be much easier and smoother to pass the first level trial!
So Tu couldn't understand why they had to separate?

Jun Jiu didn't mean to explain, she asked Yetu lightly: "Do you listen to the sentencing, or to me?"

"Prince Xuanxing said, come in and listen to you and Master Xiaowu."

"Since you listen to me, let's separate here. You carry out your trials, and we will carry out ours." Jun Jiu made a final decision, and Yetu could not refuse.

Ye Tu looked at Xiao Wu, seeing that Xiao Wu also listened to Jun Jiu, so he had no choice but to accept that he took the Lingzu and left first.

Along the way, Yetu felt uneasy.

Really separate?In case something happens to Jun Jiu and the others, how can he go back and do business?
At this time, a Spirit Race came up with an idea. "Master Yetu, we can follow secretly and protect them!"

"good idea!"

However, Ye Tu and the others didn't know that Jun Jiu and the others were divided into two groups.They can't catch up!
Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, Xiao Wu and Cang Chen.

Since they came to help Jun Mingye and practice at the same time, naturally the chances of finding Jun Mingye separately are greater!And separated, Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu have enough opportunities to practice.Otherwise, one person can solve it with a shot, and the other just watches?
Jun Jiu chose the east side, and Xiao Wu chose the south side.

They split into two ways, and once they found Jun Mingye, they immediately sent a message to inform the other party.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue went east all the way, and along the way, they encountered countless big and small gangsters.Some were so jealous that they didn't notice them at all.Some found it, and rushed to kill them, and then became Jun Jiu's sharpening stone for sharpening his sword.

At the end of the day, Jun Jiu participated in at least a dozen fights.

It can be seen from this that the chaos and bloodiness of the first-level trials are full of violence and bones are everywhere, which is shocking.

Such a cruel scene didn't touch Jun Jiu much, she was just worried about Jun Mingye!
At night, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue stopped and chose a towering tree to rest.The wide branches spread out, more than enough for two people to lie down.

Sitting cross-legged, Jun Jiu adjusted her breath to restore her strength, while Mo Wuyue stood aside to protect her.In the silence of the night, he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from a distance, Jun Jiu immediately opened his eyes and searched for the direction of the sound.

Jun Jiu saw three people.

Two men and one woman, they shuttled quickly through the forest. They didn't know what was so urgent that they had to venture out in the dark.

Jun Jiu heard the three talking, and the woman asked in surprise, "Is the news sure? It's really Jun Mingye that night?"


Jun Jiu got up immediately, exchanged a glance with Mo Wuyue, and continued to stare at the three people in the distance to listen to their conversation.

A man said: "The news has spread, many people have gone to hunt down Jun Mingye, can it be fake? We have to hurry up, otherwise we won't be able to receive the reward if someone else kills Jun Mingye first." .”

"Hey!" The other man swallowed, his eyes greedy and excited, and said: "Kill Jun Mingye, and you can become an inner disciple! This is our opportunity!"

"But Jun Mingye is not that easy to kill, is he?" The woman was a little worried.

Hearing this, the two men laughed out loud, as if mocking the woman's timidity.How powerful can a mere city lord of the Eastern District be?

I heard that it took less than a year to break through to the Holy Spirit, what are they afraid of at the first level of the Holy Spirit!Besides, everyone is chasing and killing Jun Mingye. He will definitely be injured and his strength will be weakened. Killing him is easy and effortless.

Hearing the three people's words clearly, Jun Jiu's eyes showed cold and murderous intent, they deserve to die!

"Little Jiuer." Mo Wuyue held Jun Jiu's hand, he didn't speak, but motioned Jun Jiu to look behind them.

When Jun Jiu heard the news about Jun Mingye, she focused all her attention on the three of them, and for a while did not notice a ghostly shadow following them.Jun Jiu stared at the past, and saw that the black shadow was in the shape of an ugly beast, with long and curved forelimbs, like a scimitar.

The killing intent in his heart was restrained by two points, Jun Jiu curled his lips coldly, their death time has come!

A piercing sound, like a sharp knife cutting, cut across the woman's body.It directly cut the woman in half from the waist, and then the black shadow rushed forward, biting off the woman's head with its ferocious and sharp mouthparts, and ate the woman's brain.

"There is something!"

"Kill it! Where is it?"

The two men were terrified when they saw the woman's death.They looked around back to back, their eyes could see clearly in the dark with their spiritual power running, but they couldn't find any trace of the shadow beast.

Looking at each other, I was terrified!

The two men summoned their second avatar without hesitation, and then four people guarded the four directions, but unfortunately it was useless.


A clone was dismembered, its head was pulled out by its forelimbs, and there was a creepy chewing sound in the darkness.

The two men were so frightened that they shot in all directions, and the forest was illuminated by the light of spiritual power.It also allowed Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue to see more clearly how they were killed by the shadow beast one by one.

Until the last man left, Jun Jiu made a move.

Dodging towards the shadow beast, Jun Jiu pointed at a cluster of 'flames' flying out. The shadow beast sensed the fatal danger and wanted to escape.But the speed of 'flame' is faster!

When it touched the body of the shadow beast, it burned instantly, but in the blink of an eye, the shadow beast was burned to ashes and fell to the ground.Beside, it wasn't burning at all.

"Help, save me! Help!" The man stretched out his hand for help.

Jun Jiu looked at the man coldly, he had already been cut in half by the shadow beast, and he lay on the ground begging for her help.

With her red lips slightly parted, Jun Jiu asked, "Where is Ye Jun?"

"I tell you! You save me!"

"it is good."

The man said it immediately, but after he said it, Jun Jiu cut off the head with a sword and fell to the ground.Sneering bloodthirsty, she freed him and was also saving him.

(End of this chapter)

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