Chapter 1295 Find Jun Mingye

Chapter 1295 Find Jun Mingye

After killing the man, Jun Jiu turned to look at Mo Wuyue, and said, "Wuyue, let's go to the valley."

"it is good."

Immediately set off, take advantage of the night action.

In the dark night, which is dangerous to others, in front of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, in order to reach the valley as soon as possible, Jun Jiu directly asked Mo Wuyue to open the way.No one or anything can stop her.

With heavy eyes, Jun Jiu recalled the man's words.I don't know how the news came out. Many people in the first-level trial knew that Ye Jun Jun Ming Ye appeared in a valley.

It seems that he was seriously injured and unable to escape, so he could only lay down a formation and hide in the depths of the valley.

The two men and one woman had already learned the news yesterday, so they rushed on the road overnight, and encountered danger later, and ran into Jun Jiu and the others.

When Jun Jiu was on his way, he also sent a message to Xiao Wu and Cang Chen, asking them to come to the valley to meet up.I don't know how many people surrounded Daddy, Jun Jiu was very anxious, but still maintained calm and calm on the surface.

At this moment, she must be calm!
It was dawn, and at noon, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue arrived at the valley.Looking from a distance, the entrance of the valley was almost bursting with crowds. They rushed forward one after another, screaming and rushing into the valley.

The lights of various spiritual power riots are particularly conspicuous and dazzling even in the daytime.

Jun Jiu stopped and did not move forward.Frowning tightly, Jun Jiu's eyes fixed on the direction of the valley. There were too many people, and she couldn't get in even after passing by.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and said, "Let's find out where Dad is first."

Although Mo Wuyue has sealed his strength, with the realm of the eighth-level spiritual saint, Mo Wuyue can still go straight into the valley with ease.But in that case, it will also become extraordinarily conspicuous and attract a lot of attention.

This is not what Jun Jiu wants, she prefers to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Instead of fighting a bloody battle with tens of thousands of lunatics and becoming the target of public criticism.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue divided the valley equally, dividing it into left and right sides from the middle.Jun Jiu looked to the left, and Mo Wuyue looked to the right, in order to find the trace of Jun Mingye.

But in the blink of an eye, Mo Wuyue finished searching on the right side, but he didn't bother Jun Jiu to continue searching.He can take care of everything, but he chooses to respect Xiao Jiu'er's choice, he just needs to be with him.When Xiao Jiu'er needs it, he will intervene.

After a while, Jun Jiu opened his eyes.She frowned, looked at Mo Wuyue and asked, "Wuyue, have you found daddy?"

"There is no trace of Lord Ye on the right, is there on the left..." When Mo Wuyue spoke, his spiritual consciousness enveloped the left side of the valley, and he did not find it either.Mo Wuyue concluded that Jun Mingye was not in this valley.


Jun Jiu was stunned, she continued to look at the crowd rushing towards the valley in a dazed and surprised manner.

The spiritual power attack in the valley never stopped, and no matter who saw it later, they would think that there was already a fight with Jun Mingye inside.Only anxious, trying desperately to find a way to get in and snatch the head.

But who would have thought that Jun Mingye himself was not in it at all.

Jun Jiu didn't doubt Mo Wuyue's judgment and conclusion. When she learned about it, she was relieved from the bottom of her heart.But again, she wondered if it wasn't here, where was it?
This news is fake?
How did it get out.

"Girl." At this moment, Jun Mingye's voice suddenly reached Jun Jiu's ears.

Jun Jiu's eyes widened in astonishment, and he raised his head and looked at Mo Wuyue, obviously Mo Wuyue also heard the call.

Immediately after more news came, Jun Jiu's eyes flashed brightly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he stretched out his hand to grab Mo Wuyue's hand, "Let's go!"

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue turned around and left the valley, then stopped in the forest three hundred miles away.They walked into the forest, and after burning incense, Jun Jiu looked up and saw Jun Mingye and Shen Cangming sitting under a big tree... BBQ.

Jun Mingye also wore a mask on his face, it was the same mask he wore when he and Jun Jiu first met.

The big rock in his heart was completely let go, and Jun Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and walked over. "Daddy, godfather, as long as you're okay."

"Xiao Jiu, Mo Wuyue come and sit down!" Shen Cangming raised his head and winked at them, smiling cunningly like a fox.He reached out and patted the ground, signaling them to come and sit down.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue sat opposite them, Jun Mingye tore off two roasted rabbit legs and gave them to them, pursed his lips and said, "Come and taste my cooking. I'll tell you what's going on when you're full. "

"it is good."

Seeing that Jun Mingye was fine, Jun Jiu heaved a sigh of relief and was no longer worried.Some waited patiently for Jun Mingye to tell her what was going on.

After the four of them finished eating the roasted rabbit and roasted leg of lamb equally, Shen Cangming took out some fine wine and drank together.An hour later, Jun Mingye only spoke about it.

The news about him in the valley was not false, and it was he and Shen Cangming who spread it on purpose.Jun Mingye initially wanted to know how many people wanted to kill him?
He kindly knows what's in his heart.

There are more and more people coming from behind, tens of thousands of people, and there are still people coming from behind.Jun Mingye fully understood that everyone might want to kill him during the entire first-level trial.

As Jun Mingye said, sarcasm and a bone-chilling chill flashed in his eyes.He said: "These people only care about the news. After seeing my shadow in the valley, they immediately attacked. Later, no matter what, more and more people stopped chasing and killing me, but started killing each other themselves. .”

"Isn't this very good?" Shen Cangming drank a glass of fine wine and curled his lips teasingly.

He said: "The more these people kill each other, the better. In this way, there will be fewer people chasing and killing you, and there will be fewer people competing for the next promotion circle. In the end, only 1000 people can advance. These people will kill them all sooner or later." .”

It's too troublesome to do it yourself, they can kill each other, and it's good to solve each other.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. "I didn't expect it was Dad who spread the news."

Jun Mingye has a black belly for doing this!

Having made it clear, Jun Jiu was relieved, and Jun Mingye also started to say what he wanted to ask.

Jun Mingye narrowed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue from left to right, and said, "Now it's time to tell Dad, girl, why are you and Mo Wuyue here? Shouldn't you be in the kingdom of the spirit clan!"

God knows, when Jun Mingye's consciousness saw Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue outside the valley, he was so stunned.

I couldn't believe it, it took me several times to confirm that it was really his daughter and future son-in-law!
Immediately sent a message to Jun Jiu and the others to come over, and Jun Mingye didn't dare to question him immediately.Seeing the worry on Jun Jiu's face, Jun Mingye was distressed and angry, and it would not be too late to ask after he was calmed down.

So now...

Jun Jiu coughed dryly, rubbed his nose and said, "Daddy, we are here to represent the spirit nation."

(End of this chapter)

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