Chapter 1476 Fire Poison
Chapter 1476 Fire Poison
Concubine Ji Yun soon checked and came back to report to the vice-zong. Concubine Ji Yun saw that her master's face changed drastically after thinking for a while, and her aura became even more terrifying.She was affected, her back sank and her chest ached.

Gritting her teeth, Concubine Ji Yun frowned and called: "Master?"

Only then did the vice-zong come back to his senses, and saw Concubine Ji Yun put away her coercion here.Concubine Ji Yun asked again: "What's the matter, Master, but there is something wrong with those medicinal materials."

Vice-zong: "The suzerain knows that there is a problem with the pill, and began to doubt me."

Hearing this, Concubine Ji Yun's expression also changed. As a closed disciple of the vice sect, she knew everything the vice sect did, and many of them were passed on by her.For example, it is her who takes the elixir.

The room was dull and quiet for a while, and the vice-zong said, "Concubine Yun, it's time for Jin Mingliu to continue practicing in the forbidden area. This time of year is the time when the old ancestors are the most popular. If anyone gets into trouble, hum !"

"If Jin Mingliu is seriously injured, then the suzerain will have no time or energy to deal with me. With Jin Mingliu delaying, I will find a way to escape as a teacher. Even if he suspects himself, he has no choice but to pick himself clean," said the deputy sect. .

Concubine Ji Yun nodded, "Yes."

Vice-zong looked at her, and ordered someone to watch Yuan Xinghan.

It was after Yuan Xinghan came back that these things happened. In any case, it has nothing to do with Yuan Xinghan!Stare at him to see what's going on.


Jun Jiu began to heal Ning.

What surprised Jun Jiu was that Ning Jing actually had a super talent for alchemist!

After Jun Jiu began to treat Ning, Ning Tianxiong directly moved the treasure house of medicinal materials to Jun Jiu's residence in private. When Jun Jiu was selecting medicinal materials, Ning Jing followed behind like a little tail.He is very interested in medicinal materials, Jun Jiu tested him, and he can draw inferences.

Jun Jiu: "Have you studied as a pharmacist?"

"No, I've been eating pills since I was a child. Maybe it's because I've been ill for a long time." Ning Ping grinned and said, not at all embarrassed to mention it because of his illness since childhood.

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and shook his head.Although it is true that long-term illnesses become doctors, Ning Jing obviously does not, he is there because of his talent!
Jun Jiuchong Ning Jing hooked his fingers, "Stay with me, no matter what I do, you will watch me, especially when refining alchemy. I'm going to test you when it's over, you know?"

"Okay, I'll listen to Sister Jun." Ning Jing nodded.

Seeing that Jun Jiu has a little tail behind him, and that Jun Jiu is safe wherever he goes, Xiao Wu couldn't help being jealous.When the master is refining alchemy, she can't easily disturb her, Ning Jing can actually watch the master refining alchemy, jealous!
Moaning unhappily, Xiao Wu turned to look at Mo Wuyue.Open the mouth: "Mo Liao, do you have any objections?"


"How could it be!" Xiao Wu had a look of disbelief.

Mo Liao is the most jealous person in history, he is not jealous, is he lying to a cat?
Glancing at Xiao Wu sideways, Mo Wuyue pursed his lips and said, "Xiao Jiu'er is saving lives. If I were jealous of every patient, I would have drowned."

Xiao Wu: It makes sense, but I can't refute it!


The medicinal materials are all ready and prepared as a medicinal bath.

Jun Jiu customized and refined the elixir for Ning Jing, and only after all the preparations were done, did he bring Ning Ning to the quiet room.

Ning Jing sat obediently opposite Jun Jiu, stretched out her hand and looked at Jun Jiu without blinking.Jun Jiu felt the pulse, and his spiritual consciousness flowed through the whole body along the veins of Ning Jing. Ning Jing has been carrying fire poison since his mother's womb, and the fire poison has already spread all over his body!
However, the situation is different, some are mild and some are severe.

Jun Jiu divided the important and important points to facilitate step-by-step solutions.

The fire poison took root too deeply, and Ning Jing was also deeply hurt by the fire poison, and his body constitution could not bear the impact of detoxification.After Jun Jiu finished her analysis, she asked Ning Jing to take medicinal baths every morning and evening, and then take her elixir for recuperation.

After half a month like this, everything is ready.

Knowing that Jun Jiu was going to officially start detoxifying the fire, success or failure depended on it, Ning Tianxiong, Jin Mingliu and Yuan Xinghan left everything behind and came outside the courtyard.Not daring to make a sound, they waited anxiously and nervously for the result to come out.

In the quiet room, Jun Jiu: "Ning Jing, I will start to detoxify you."

Ning Jing nodded: "Yeah, I'm ready!"

"The places where the fire poison in your body is less affected, after the medicated bath and the elixir have been digested, they can be easily resolved today. The rest is the most severe and dangerous place. Your dantian is still there. There are viscera." Jun Jiu said.

Jun Jiu continued: "When I start to detoxify, it will be very painful. You have to grit your teeth to hold on, and run your spiritual power to activate your blood and tendons after I detoxify. Only in this way can you greatly reduce the side effects on your body."

Ning Jing nodded, with a serious and well-behaved expression.

Sitting cross-legged, Ning Jing took a deep breath and opened his mouth frankly: "Teacher, come here!"

Ning Ping changed the name of Jun Jiu.In the past half month, Ning Jing's talent in alchemist was too good, Jun Jiu couldn't help but give him a lot of advice.However, Jun Jiu did not accept him as an apprentice, but Ning Jing has firmly established that they are a master-student relationship, and happily calls him Teacher Jun Jiu.

He himself has a deep understanding of the knowledge of alchemists, which is also helpful for detoxification at this moment.

Jun Jiu asked Tranquility to meditate and close her eyes, then she stood in front of Tranquility, and pointed at Tranquility's eyebrows to start...

Detoxification does not require a complicated process. Other alchemists, including alchemist masters, have no way to deal with the fire poison because the fire poison is deeply rooted.Forcibly removing it will only seriously damage Tranquility, and even cause him to lose his life.

This is the only son of the lord of the Qianxing Sect. The pharmacist dared not try it if he was not sure, otherwise he would not be able to save Ning Jing, and instead made enemies with such a giant as the Qianxing Sect.

Jun Jiu doesn't need to remove the fire poison, she only needs to devour it.

Fen Tian Jue can not only control fire, but also devour fire. Fire poison is not fire, but it is a good snack for Fen Tian Jue~
Jun Jiu's spiritual consciousness wrapped the spiritual power, and the Fen Tian Jue was running, and a trace of strength wandered in Ning Jing's body to wrap the fire poison, and then disintegrated and devoured it.During this period, the struggle of Huodu and the unavoidable scorching heat of Fen Tian Jue gave Ping An severe pain.

Ning Ping gritted his teeth tightly and held back desperately.

He has been enduring these pains since he was a child, and he is already used to them.One more pain and the last time, he can persevere!

Jun Jiu glanced at Ning Jing, and with a flick of his sleeve, he took out a pile of spirit crystal hills, and the spiritual power of Jun Jiu's pinch trick overflowed from the spirit crystals and flew into Ning Jing's body.It can relieve his pain and quickly repair the body after disintegrating the fire poison.

Little by little, step by step, and finally reached the most difficult level-dantian and viscera!

Jun Jiu's powerful spiritual consciousness controlled the spiritual power to sink into these two places respectively, and the Fen Tian Jue was working, and began to disintegrate and devour the fire poison.Ning Jing was in pain, and couldn't help groaning, tears streaming down the corners of his closed eyes.

Jun Jiu: "It's the last moment, hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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