The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 1477 Star Sect Information Base

Chapter 1477
Chapter 1477
With a sigh of relief, the tense body immediately fell back.With a flick of his sleeves, Jun Jiu's spiritual power enveloped Ning Jing and made him lie down slowly.

The closed eyelids trembled, Ning Jing opened his eyes weakly and looked at Jun Jiu, "Sister Jun, did you succeed?"

"En." Jun Jiu nodded, and put away Fen Tian Jue.

Jun Jiu looked at Ning Jing with pursed lips, and said, "You hold on, and you won't have to suffer from fire and poison anymore."

Ning Jing's eyes widened in surprise, he wanted to say something, but Jun Jiu shook his head and told him to rest.Ning Jing was able to resist staying awake the whole time, and strongly disagreed, which made Jun Jiu appreciate the child even more.

Gentle spiritual power submerged into Tranquility's body, causing Tranquility to breathe smoothly, and slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, sleep is the best way to restore physical strength.

After watching Ning Jing fall asleep, Jun Jiu turned around and left the quiet room.Seeing her come out, Ning Tianxiong, Jin Mingliu and Yuan Xinghan immediately surrounded him, looking at Jun Jiu nervously and expectantly, waiting for her to speak.

Jun Jiu: "Very successful, the fire poison of Ning Jing has been completely eradicated, he is resting now, you can go in and have a look at him, but it is best to keep quiet so as not to wake him up."

"Good good!"

Hearing this, the three of them quickly agreed, and before they finished speaking, they rushed into the quiet room to see Ning Jing.

Understanding their mood at the moment, Jun Jiu smiled.Then he looked at Mo Wuyue, Xiao Wu and the others on the other side.Jun Jiu walked over to sit down, Xiao Wu and Jun Jiu poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

As soon as Jun Jiu took it, Xiao Wu jumped behind Jun Jiu and pulled her to sit down, then beat her back. "Master has worked hard!"

"I didn't work hard. The disintegration swallowed the fire poison in Ning Jing's body, and the flame replenished a lot of energy. But Ning Ning's child surprised me. He has good perseverance and good talent."

It is rare for Jun Jiu to praise someone so highly.

Jun Jiu said: "If Ning Jing is trained, he will one day become a master of alchemy."

"Is he so powerful?" Xiao Wu curled her lips indifferently, the most powerful thing in her heart is always the master!Everyone else is a paper tiger.

Jun Jiu raised his hand and touched Xiao Wu's head, and said, "Ning Jing is cured, and he will soon be able to obtain the authority of the intelligence database to check the news of Tiandihuo in Xuanhao Continent."

"En." Mo Wuyue nodded.

Mo Wuyue pondered, thinking whether to call Leng Yuan over, or let Yin Han come over.There is no one here to command, and it is inconvenient to investigate the news.

At this time, Ning Tianxiong came out with Yuan Xinghan, and Jin Mingliu stayed in the quiet room to guard the peace.

Ning Tianxiong stopped in front of Jun Jiu, he saluted Jun Jiu cautiously, Yuan Xinghan followed closely, with a bright smile on his face.

Ning Tianxiong opened his mouth: "Thank Miss Jun for saving my son!"

Ning Tianxiong spoke excitedly with joy, he just checked, the fire poison in Ning Jing's body was really eradicated, there was no residue left, and no sequelae!
Tranquility is just weak right now, he can become a healthy child with proper care!
Impressed, Ning Tianxiong apologized for underestimating Jun Jiu in the first place, and was very happy that he didn't really blow Jun Jiu out, otherwise, who would save Ning Ping?

Looking at Jun Jiu, Ning Tianxiong took out a token from his sleeve and handed it to Jun Jiu: "Miss Jun, this is the Thousand Star Order of my Thousand Star Sect. Only the suzerain can hold this order. If you hold this order, I will The Qianxingzong intelligence database is at your disposal to investigate."

Jun Jiu: "Thank you."

Jun Jiu took over the Order of Thousand Stars, and her goal of coming to the Thousand Stars Sect has finally been achieved!
Ning Tianxiong shook his head, "Miss Jun is my great benefactor, Ning Tianxiong, so I don't need to thank you. If Miss Jun has any needs in Qianxingzong, just ask Xinghan to do it."

"Okay." Jun Jiu nodded.


Jun Jiu came to Qianxingzong for the information base of Qianxingzong, and immediately asked Yuan Xinghan to take her to the information base after receiving the order of Qianxingzong.

The Thousand Star Token can only be used by her, Xiao Wu, Mo Wuyue and Cang Chen all stay in the residence.

Jun Jiu and Yuan Xinghan went to the Qianxing Sect's information base.

On the way, Yuan Xinghan actively introduced the architecture and scenery of Qianxingzong to Jun Jiu. As one of the top sects in the southern world, Qianxingzong is naturally magnificent, magnificent and luxurious.

But what Jun Jiu was most interested in was the intelligence database, she said, "Yuan Xinghan, tell me about your Qianxingzong's intelligence database."

"Okay. Miss Jun, I'm not bragging. My Qianxingzong's intelligence database is one of the best in the entire Xuanhao Continent. Only the Raven Pavilion in the northern border can compare with us. But their intelligence database is not as good as our Qianxingzong's. Big!"

Yuan Xinghan's tone was quite proud, and he raised his chest and continued: "My Qianxingzong intelligence database has collected information on the entire southern realm. Almost every power and every strong person has a handle in our hands. We also know about the other three realms. Many unknown secrets hehe."

Yuan Xinghan paused while talking, and he glanced at Jun Jiu quietly.

Considering his tone, Yuan Xinghan tentatively and cautiously said, "We all know some information about famous people in Xuanhao Continent. Only Miss Jun and you, the four of you seem to have appeared out of thin air. "

During Jun Jiu's treatment for Peace, not only Yuan Xinghan, but also Jin Mingliu and their master Ning Tianxiong went into the intelligence database to search for information about Jun Jiu and the others.

But it's strange, except for the Dark Soul Mountain Range, there is no news.

Just like before the Dark Soul Mountain Range, there were no four of them on Xuanhao Continent!
Hearing this, Jun Jiu's belly was black and his lips curled up: "Yuan Xinghan, you can guess where we come from."

"Guess? Eldest brother and I have guessed privately, Miss Jun, are you from the three ancient families that are hidden from the world?" Yuan Xinghan asked.

An ancient family hidden from the world?
Jun Jiu shook his head, "No."

Yuan Xinghan was disappointed and shocked, disappointed that Jun Jiu and the others were not, and shocked at the same time, if Jun Jiu and the others were not disciples of a hidden ancient family, then where did they come from?
No matter what Yuan Xinghan thinks, he will never think that Jun Jiu is not from Xuanhao Continent at all.

She is from the core continent.

As he spoke, he walked to the Qianxingzong's intelligence database. Yuan Xinghan raised his head and pointed to Jun Jiu, "Miss Jun, this is my Qianxingzong's intelligence database."

Jun Jiu looked in the direction of Yuan Xinghan's finger, and saw that it was a towering ancient banyan tree.The banyan tree is very thick and tall, and a tall tower is built on top of the banyan tree.

Half of the tall tower is hidden in the tree body of the big banyan tree, and half of it is exposed outside, showing a tower shape.

Seeing Jun Jiu staring at the big banyan tree, Yuan Xinghan proudly introduced: "This is a 10-year-old big banyan tree, which is much older than our Qianxing sect. Isn't it spectacular outside? It's even more spectacular inside! Let's go." , Miss Jun, I will take you in to have a look."

"Stop!" A yell stopped Yuan Xinghan and Jun Jiu.

They turned around and saw a woman walking towards them in lotus steps, staring straight at Jun Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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