The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 1928 Promoted to Spirit Emperor

Chapter 1928 Promoted to Spirit Emperor
Chapter 1928 Promoted to Spirit Emperor
After Mo Wuyue and the others left, Jun Jiu didn't wait around, she took out three drops of demigod spirit body blood, ready to attack the realm of Lingdi!
Jun Jiu was about to retreat, and she handed over the responsibility to the Devil Emperor and Tian Qing, and if there was a situation, they could find Xiao Wu.Xiao Wu will use telepathy to call her to wake her up from the retreat.

But just when Jun Jiu was about to retreat, Gong Chen came.

He looked at Jun Jiu with a complicated expression and said, "Jun Jiu, can I beg for Li Xiao's favor?"

Pleading for mercy for the poisonous lunatic?

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Gong Chen, "How do you want to plead?"

"I know the mistakes he made, and he deserves to pay the price. I don't ask to let him go. I just ask if he can be untied now and let him do one thing. That's all, you can do whatever you want with him! I will never resist." Gong Chen said.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu immediately thought of Gong Chen once said that the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao wanted to swallow the heart of the wild beast in order to revive his younger sister Li Xin'er.

The Tunhuang Beast's heart has already been obtained, and the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao must be unable to bear it, so he asked Gong Chen to come to her.

The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao has his own end, but his sister... Jun Jiu's eyes dimmed, can the heart of the Desolation Beast really revive Li Xin'er?

Jun Jiu was very curious.

Let the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao do it, and it won't affect anything.Jun Jiu nodded, "Yes. But you have to watch out for the poisonous lunatic, if he takes the opportunity to escape, then you can only take the blame for him."

"I understand. Jun Jiu, thank you." Gong Chen thanked in surprise, turned around and left in a hurry to find the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao.

Jun Jiu looked at Gong Chen's back, and then winked at Xiao Wu and Tian Qing. She wanted to retreat and attack the Ling Emperor realm, so she asked them to keep an eye on the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao and Gong Chen.

If the poisonous lunatic does his work honestly and has no other thoughts, that's fine.

If he plays tricks, Tianqing and the others can deal with him!
After Jun Jiu made arrangements, she sat cross-legged to adjust her breathing rhythm, and Jun Jiu took out a drop of heart blood from the half-god spirit body in her palm.The lineage of the holy spirit body, advanced to the demigod spirit body, and the ultimate god spirit body.Passed down in one vein, one's own blood is a great tonic for each other.

The master of this painstaking effort is very powerful!Maybe one drop can help Jun Jiu break through the realm of Emperor Ling.

Jun Jiu clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, urged the spiritual power into his hands, and began to refine his heart...

After Jun Jiu began to retreat, a burst of silver light suddenly lit up, and the space around Jun Jiu split apart soundlessly.Arousing Xiao Wu's idea, they all stood up and stared at Jun Jiu seriously and nervously. After seeing the owner of Yinguang, everyone was relieved.

Tian Qing said: "This is the scale of the evil emperor's cousin!"

I saw pieces of dragon scales spontaneously breaking through Jun Jiu's space.They didn't affect Jun Jiu's space, and it could be seen from the fact that they didn't disturb Jun Jiu when they came out.

Pieces of silver dragon scales spread out around Jun Jiu, and the dragon scales connected with each other with light, forming a cover to protect Jun Jiu.Seeing this, the mouth corners of Xiao Wu, Demon Emperor and others twitched, Mo Wuyue left, and Long Lin never forgot to protect Jun Jiu.

What a big bowl of dog food, it's too stuffed!
But everyone felt more relieved when they saw the dragon scale.At least Jun Jiu's safety is 100% safe, they don't need to be nervous to protect the law.

the other side.

Gong Chen brought back the news that he let go of the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao.

Li Xiao looked at Gong Chen with dark eyes and thanked: "Brother, thank you."

Li Xin'er committed suicide for him, Gong Chen couldn't ignore this.Gong Chen frowned when he saw the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao taking out all the things that were going to revive Li Xin'er from the space.

As the young master of the Lotus Blossom Sect, he was the first tyrant in the upper third level before the Lotus Blossom Sect was destroyed, and possessed the most comprehensive information on the upper third level.

But he had never heard of anything that could revive a dead person!
This is an act against the heavens, which is not allowed by the rules of heaven and earth.

Gong Chen always wanted to ask, who told the poison lunatic?But when he saw the crazy and decisive expression of the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao, he knew that what he said was useless, and no one could stop him.

Whether it's true or not, Li Xiao, the poisonous lunatic, will try his best!
Seeing Li Xiao started, Gong Chen retreated silently to a safe distance, and looked up at the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao calmly and deeply.He can't help Li Xiao, but he can save him when something happens.

At this time, Gong Chen never expected that if he wanted to save him, it would depend on whether he had the ability to save the madman!
The resurrection is a lie, doomed to failure.


Time passed little by little.

In the blink of an eye, in three days, Jun Jiu refined a drop of half-god spirit body's heart and blood, and the strength of the ninth-level Linghuang realm reached the peak, and he was only one step away from the spirit emperor realm.

Only the second drop of demigod spirit body's effort is needed, and Jun Jiu will be able to break through smoothly!But she didn't use her heart and soul anymore, but concentrated on purifying her spiritual power, constantly washing her limbs and bones.

In the dantian, a huge amount of pure spiritual power gathered to form a sea, and the waves rolled up in the sea showed platinum blue and red gold.

Tiandihuo also became stronger as Jun Jiu became stronger!
Jun Jiu opened her eyes slightly, her retreat is not over yet.Jun Jiu raised his hand to take out Bai Yue and You Ying from the space, and pressed his hands on Bai Yue You Ying, spiritual power swarmed into the seals on Bai Yue and You Ying.

Bai Yue's seal was untied layer by layer, continuously, layer by layer, and finally there was only the last layer of seal that was as solid as gold, and it was difficult to break through for a while.The same goes for Shadow.Only after Jun Jiu breaks through the realm of Linghuang, can he try to completely break the seal of the two twin weapons.

it's time!

With a wave of Jun Jiu's hand, he took out Lingjing Mountains from the space.

The mountain formed by the accumulation of spiritual crystals shocked the Devil Emperor and the others.They don't lack spirit crystals, but they still haven't taken out so many spirit crystals at once like Jun Jiu.

Seeing that Jun Jiu's fingertips were pinching formulas, he continuously refined and sucked in the spiritual power from countless Lingjing Mountains.The instantiation of strong spiritual power presents a sea of ​​spiritual power clouds enveloping Jun Jiu. The sea of ​​clouds oscillates and hits the dragon scales wave after wave, and then sinks into Jun Jiu's body through the dragon scales.

The Demon Emperor was startled and couldn't help asking Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, can Jun Jiu's body withstand such a large amount of spiritual power?"

As Lingdi, he could still be so crazy, but Jun Jiu has not yet broken through Lingdi.No matter how strong she is now, she is only in the realm of the spirit emperor. If her spiritual power exceeds what the spirit emperor can absorb and contain, her body will explode!
"Master can! And the master is about to break through the realm of Lingdi." Xiao Wu said, looking at Jun Jiu with a smile on his lips.

The master is a demigod spirit body, what is this spiritual power?
But if you can't meet people, you can say that the devil emperor is Leng Yuan's brother.Xiao Wu blinked slyly, let the Devil Emperor be shocked~
The spiritual power was shaking, and a powerful coercion came, and everyone looked at Jun Jiu with emotion.Jun Jiu has advanced!

At the same time, a loud bang caused everyone to look in another direction.

(End of this chapter)

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