Chapter 1929
Chapter 1929 Forbidden Technique Backlash
"What's wrong?" Jun Jiu frowned slightly when she heard the movement as soon as she left the customs.

Xiao Wu also frowned, and replied to Jun Jiu, "Master, there are only poisonous lunatics and Gong Chen over there. I'm afraid this movement has failed."

The poisonous lunatic is far away from Jun Jiu, so the commotion will not affect Jun Jiu's retreat.Hearing this, Jun Jiu stood up and took a step, "Go, go and have a look."

"it is good."

Jun Jiu, Xiao Wu and the others rushed over, only to see a large sunken crater exploded on the spot, with cracks cracked on all sides.Gong Chen is currently digging up the soil in the big pit with his spiritual power. While digging, he shouted: "Li Xiao! Where are you, Li Xiao?"

It seems that people are buried below.

Jun Jiu said: "Everyone go and help him."

Yan He and Yin Han respectively led Youwei and Molongwei to rush over to dig up the soil layer.There are many people and strength, and the poisonous lunatic was quickly found. Someone exclaimed: "Here is the man!"

"Don't touch him, he's full of poison, once it's contaminated, it's hard to remove. Let me do it!" Gong Chen hurriedly stopped You Wei from touching the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao, he rushed over and touched it out of the space Putting on a pair of gloves, the poisonous lunatic was dug out.

When they dug the poisonous lunatic out of the soil, everyone gasped.

The black cloth wrapped around the poisonous lunatic's body from head to toe was loosened due to the explosion, exposing large areas of skin on his body.His skin is not the color of ordinary people, but blue, wrinkled like dead tree bark.It is also covered with spots of mixed colors, which makes people feel very uncomfortable in their stomachs.

Wu Rou exclaimed in surprise, "This is a poison spot, my God, how many kinds of poison does he have on his body?"

Jun Jiu also saw it, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

The formation of poison spots is very simple, but it is almost impossible to have so many and dense ones like poison lunatics.Because no one can bear the fact that there are tens of thousands of poisons in the body, and these poisons react with each other, and they have poisoned people to death long ago.

The poison lunatic Li Xiao was able to live because of his special characteristics, which allowed him to accommodate so many highly poisonous spots.

But even so, the poisonous maniac has paid a price.Jun Jiu looked at the face of the poisonous lunatic again, his face was typically corroded by the poison, there was no flesh and blood, only a layer of blue wrinkled skin stuck to the bones.

Usually, it is swollen with black cloth wrapped layer by layer, and only the eyes are exposed, which is fine.Now there is no black cloth to cover it, a layer of skin clings to the bones, the eye sockets, cheeks, and nostrils are sunken, looking extremely scary.Gives a very bad mental shock.

Xiao Wu backed away with disgust on his face, "Why does the poisonous lunatic look like this!"

"He was not like this before." Gong Chen nana said.

He looked at the poisonous lunatic with a shocked and deeply stimulated expression.The poison lunatic was also good at using poison before, but he was a handsome and handsome man at that time, and he couldn't be connected with the same person as the monster with a skull face and poison spots all over his body.

Although he was frightened, he was his good brother after all.

Gong Chen quickly calmed down. He put on gloves and patted the shoulder of the poisonous lunatic, "Li Xiao, Li Xiao, wake up! Li Xiao?"


The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, he stared straight at Gong Chen, he opened his mouth unexpectedly and spewed out a mouthful of black blood.

Fortunately, Gong Chen reacted in time and immediately opened the barrier to keep the black blood grid out.Gong Chen hurriedly backed away, looked up and saw the big hole in the barrier corroded by black blood, Gong Chen's face turned pale.

Ho ho!

Li Xiao got up and knelt on the ground by himself, moaning in pain, as if something was stuck in his throat.The body is also twitching slightly.

Gong Chen shook off the black blood in a place where no one was around, removed the barrier and looked up, hurriedly said: "Everyone, don't get close to him, stay away from him!"

Needless to say, everyone saw the strange state of the poisonous lunatic, and consciously stepped back to distance themselves.As soon as they retreated on their front feet, the poisonous lunatic on his back feet twitched violently. He raised his head and opened his mouth, spitting out mouthfuls of black blood.

The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao kept vomiting blood, and as he vomited blood, the flesh and blood on his body sank, leaving only a layer of skin hanging on the bones.

It's definitely not going to work like this, but I don't know how to treat it at all.

Wu Rou stood beside Jun Jiu and asked Jun Jiu, "Jun Jiu, do you have any ideas?"

Jun Jiu didn't answer right away, she stared at the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao for a while, and then said, "It's like backlash."

"Sister is right, it's a backlash!" Tian Qing took Jun Jiu's words and said, "Little uncle told me that the resurrection of people is a forbidden technique, or a forbidden technique that is doomed to fail. At least he and I didn't listen to it." It has been said that someone has successfully resurrected people."

As Tian Qing said, he looked at the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao with compassion and helplessness in his eyes.

Tian Qing continued: "These forbidden techniques are unacceptable to heaven and earth. He has suffered backlash, no one can save him, and he is doomed to die. If you want to help him, it is better to kill him and give him a happy life without suffering a little bit of torture." .”

Hearing this, Jun Jiu, Wu Rou, and Xiao Wu looked at Gong Chen one after another.

The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao is Gong Chen's good brother, so to relieve him, naturally Gong Chen is the best candidate.

Gong Chen's face was pale, he stared blankly at the poisonous lunatic who had suffered backlash and vomited blood, and smiled wryly: "Li Xiao, why are you bothering?"

He couldn't revive Li Xin'er, but also risked his own life!

At this time, Li Xiao, the poisonous lunatic, suddenly jumped up on the spot, and rushed out with a low growl.The people on the road backed away quickly, only to see the poisonous lunatic Li Xiao smashing himself into a big rock like a sack all the way, the stone cracked and blood splattered all over his body.

The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao staggered and knelt on the ground. The severe pain and violent impact made him wake up a little bit, but judging from his appearance, he couldn't tell whether he was awake or more crazy.

The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao raised his head to the sky and roared heart-piercingly: "Bastard! Bastard!! You lied to me, the heart of the Desolation Beast can't be revived at all, bastard! Ahhhh! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go. Curse you!!"

"Li Xiao, who lied to you!" Hearing this, Gong Chen hurriedly asked Li Xiao.

He can't help Li Xiao revive Li Xin'er, but if Li Xiao was tricked into doing so, he can help Li Xiao get revenge.

The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao didn't know if he heard Gong Chen's words, and turned his head to stare at Gong Chen.The speed of turning his head was fast, and there was a crisp cracking sound, which made people worry that he might use too much force and twist his neck.

"Ahhh! You lied to me!" The poisonous lunatic Li Xiao suddenly erupted, and rushed towards Gong Chen with his arms open.

Gong Chen gasped, and was about to dodge, but was shocked by the poisonous lunatic's demigod pressure and couldn't move.Seeing that the poisonous lunatic was about to kill Gong Chen, a dazzling silver light passed between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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