Chapter 2871 Do you like it?
Chapter 2871 Do you like it?
Jun Jiu thinks this word is good.Chu, has a good meaning, and is also a word taken out of the Canglong clan, which is more suitable for Zai Zai than Jun Wuyue.

But in the end whether to use this word or not depends on Zai Zai himself, Jun Jiu wants Zai Zai to decide for himself.Immediately without saying anything, Jun Jiu smiled slightly and looked at Long Zai Zai.

Mo Wuyue didn't comment either.

The name Jun Wuyue was despised, Mo Wuyue was not surprised, but "Chu"?There is only one word, so it can't be called Junchu?Mo Chu?

Seeing that both Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue gave the decision-making power to Long Zai Zai, Qiong Meng could only look at Zai Zai intently and expectantly, and asked with a gentle smile, "What do you think, Zai Zai?"

Yin Luo also looked at Dragon Cub, waiting quietly for his answer.

Long Zizai blinked, and nodded ignorantly: "It's great!"

"Look, my grandson likes it." Qiongmeng was overjoyed, with the corners of his mouth curled up, his eyebrows and eyes full of smiles.

Mo Wuyue raised his eyebrows, "There is only one Chu character."

"Then let's think about one more together! Well, one is too few, how about thinking about a few more and letting the grandson choose one?" Qiongmeng opened his mouth excitedly.

After finishing speaking, Qiongmeng came to his senses, he paused and looked nervously at Mo Wuyue, worried that he would not like to do this.The result was beyond Qiongmeng's expectation, Mo Wuyue nodded lightly, "Yes."

Mo Wuyue's idea is very simple, since he wants to get a new one, everyone will brainstorm and come up with a much better name.Zai Zai to choose one you like the best!

Mo Wuyue didn't know that Qiong Meng was excited and happy that they could think of Zai Zai's name together as a family.

It feels very good to be able to participate in it, Qiongmeng feels better than his happiness when he became a god!

Seeing that Mo Wuyue agreed, Qiongmeng's smile deepened, he relaxed and turned his head to look at Yin Luo and said, "Ah Luo, you should think about it together."

"Yes." Yin Luo nodded.

Then the big four and one small went into the hall and sat down. Together, they thought about the words that could match "Chu", such as Chen, Yi, Mo... etc., which had meaning, and mentioned all the good words.While speaking, the four of them watched the dragon cub's reaction.

However, Long Zai Zai looked at them with a confused expression the whole time, and looked at them cutely.

Until Yin Luo said softly: "Huai, the clearest and purest water is worthy of cubs."

Dragon Cub blinked his eyes and looked at Yin Luo curiously.This was the first time that Dragon Cub had an obvious reaction. Jun Jiu and the three of them noticed it immediately. They also looked at Yin Luo together, and the word Yin Luo said floated in their minds.

"Huai Chu?" Jun Jiu asked.

Yin Luo nodded, "The beginning is the beginning of everything, the origin of the world. Among the ancient races, it is common not to dare to use this word. The Canglong clan is domineering, but..."

Yin Luo paused, Yin Luo's race was very mysterious, and she never mentioned it.Knowing that the Canglong clan gave the dragon cub this word, Yin Luo immediately thought about it a lot. No matter how domineering the Canglong clan is, they still have respect for the origin of the world.

The first word is extraordinary.

The older the race, the more taboo and cautious it is.Give this word to the cub, if the fate is too weak to bear it, it will die young, but obviously it will not happen to the dragon cub.

Yin Luo foresees a bit of the future, the world may change because of the dragon cub.

Mo Wuyue's ink means darkness, he possesses the power to destroy the world, the laws and consciousness of the world are afraid of him, fear him, and Zeng Jin is ready to obliterate him.Yin Luo and Qiong Meng couldn't stop them, so they could only seal Mo Wuyue who was too powerful first, before the law.

Now that Mo Wuyue has Jun Jiu, the crisis is resolved.

Father and son, one destroyed, the other changed, Yin Luo touched his silver hair hanging down to his hand, his purple eyes narrowed slightly.

Yin Luo continued: "The word Huai is very suitable."

When the water is clear, it is pure.

If "Chu" really represents the origin of the world, then "Huai" can weaken it and also assist it.

Yin Luo hopes that when Dragon Cub changes the world in the future, he will be on the bright side and not be as cruel as his father.Putting aside these deep meanings, the word Huai Chu sounds nice and well-behaved~
Qiongmeng knew the Yinluo clan well, and he understood what Yinluo didn't say better than anyone else, and after recalling the word "Huai", Qiongmeng nodded: "It's quite appropriate, what do you think?"

"Well, do you like Zaizai?" Jun Jiu asked Long Zaizai the question again.

Everyone looked at Long Zaizai. Long Zaizai blinked ignorantly, and asked in a childish voice, "Which two words are Huai Chu?"

Everyone was amused, and the tension and anticipation disappeared in an instant.

Jun Jiu raised his hand, and with his fingertips concentrated his spiritual power to write the word Huai Chu. Long Zai Zai frowned and his face was bitter.

Yin Luo pursed her lips: "Don't you like it?"

"There are so many gestures, I have to write for a long time." Long Zai Zai Xiao Naiyin said aggrievedly.

He just learned to write, Huai Chu made so many gestures, Long Zai Zai looked down at his white, tender, and fragrant hands.He has to write for a long time before he can write his own name, which is much more complicated than Jun Wuyue.

Hearing the reason for the dragon cub, the smiles on everyone's faces deepened, they couldn't laugh or cry, and they were spoiled endlessly.

Cubs are too cute!
Long Zaizai bit his finger, "It's troublesome, but it sounds nice, Mother, Daddy, is Zai Zai going to be called this new name?"

"Do you like it, Zai Zai?" Jun Jiu looked at Long Zai Zai with a smile, and asked instead.

Dragon Cub blinked and thought about it.

This is the word that grandpa begged from the family, and grandma helped him pick one up. Looking at the expressions of mother and father, mother likes this name very much!I like it more than Jun Wuyue.As for Daddy, Daddy had an expression on his face as long as he liked it, Long Zaizai bit his finger.

He likes it too!

Dragon Cub thought for a while, then nodded: "I like it."

"Okay, then I'll call you that name! Grandpa will call you Xiao Chu from now on, okay?" Qiong Meng looked forward to the joy most, looking at the dragon cub eagerly.

Dragon Cub nodded obediently.

Then she turned to look at Jun Jiu and said, "Mother, although I have a new name, I still want Mother to call me Zai Zai!"

"Okay." Jun Jiu smiled indulgently, and nodded to Long Zai Zai.

Dragon Cub grinned and smiled happily.

At this time, the innocent and lovely dragon cub still doesn't know that when he grows up in the future, he can't wait to travel back in time and cover his mouth with a blushing face.

Long Zizai didn't know, he was very happy now, he took out the pen and paper, and immaturely started to practice his new name.

Jun Jiu guided him, and it took a long time for Long Zai Zai to successfully write his name crookedly.Just when Long Zizai finished the last stroke, the three words on the paper suddenly flashed golden light, attracting everyone's attention.

At the same time, people in the Sifang God Realm, including the gods, who are good at divination and can predict the future, suddenly have an unspeakable feeling.

Ji Sang was the one closest to him, and he had the deepest feeling. Before the feeling completely dissipated, he immediately made a trick and deduced it...

(End of this chapter)

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