The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2872 It's Easy to Ask God

Chapter 2872 It's Easy to Ask God

Chapter 2872 Asking God is easy and sending God off is difficult

At the beginning of the deduction, I felt a little strange feeling, when Ji Sang was suddenly blocked.

After a pause, Ji Sang calmly put away the hand that made the trick, and stopped prying.The Moon God Clan's ability to predict the future is an innate talent, which is much better than the deduction and fortune-telling skills that have been cultivated by countless people.

Because they were born, the Moon God Clan knew very well that the secrets of the heavens were unexplorable.

When you click on it, you can't forcibly spy on it, so Ji Sang stopped immediately when he was blocked, and he was not greedy at all.This is something that those acquired monks cannot do.

Following that feeling, Ji Sang raised his fingertips to gather his spiritual power, and outlined two characters one stroke at a time in the air - Huai Chu.

Ji Sang narrowed his eyes and looked at the two words thoughtfully, which seemed like names.

Who's name can make him suddenly feel something?

Ji Sang's eyes paused on the word "Chu". In the ancient books inherited by the Moon God Clan, it was recorded that this word represents the origin of the world and the beginning of everything.Ji Thornton feels that this name is extraordinary, and it is not something that ordinary people would dare to choose.

Raising his hand, Ji Sang waved away his spiritual power, and the words "spiritual power dispersed" also dissipated.

Ji Sang got up and walked to the window, looking at the vibrant island scenery outside the window, Ji Sang was thoughtful.

He remembered that his sister Luna was also stunned for a long time because of a name.At that time, he was still young, not capable of home, and he didn't notice it.It was my sister who quietly revealed a word to him, it was "ink".

My sister once said that a person's name can make them feel suddenly, which means that this person is born different and will be a terrible person in the future.

They only feel it when the name is just taken out.

Ki-sang touches the edge of the truth.

Someone just took the name Huai Chu, usually not an adult, most of them are newborn children.

Ji Sang played with the cloud fan with his fingertips, opening and closing, his spiritual power swirling.Ji Sang had a bold guess in his heart. Ji Sang already knew who the word his sister Luna revealed at the beginning was.

The name of the evil emperor and tyrant is well-known in the Eastern God Territory, and there is no one else but him.

Now he is in Cang Jiuzong, there are no newborn children here, but there are dragon cubs of the evil emperor and Jun Jiu.It seems that I have never heard of the name of the dragon cub. It is reasonable to guess that the possibility of the dragon cub is 90.00% high!

The cloud fan closed, Ji Sang raised his hand and nodded his chin, a smile flashed in his eyes.

It's close to the water, can't he be sure if he asks?
They are all friends, so it is not necessary not to tell him his name, and he will know sooner or later if he doesn't tell him now.


Inside the hall.

Long Zaizai obediently sat on the chair and played with the brush. While pulling the hair of the brush, he played with a hand of ink, while tilting his head to look at his mother and the others beside him. Long Zaizai's face was flushed with embarrassment.

Because mother and the others are staring at his freshly baked name, it is written crookedly, how embarrassing it is.

Jun Jiu and the others didn't make fun of Long Zai Zai.How old is the dragon cub, and he is the youngest and youngest cub of the Canglong clan. It is already great to be able to write his own name with a pen!
They stared at the words on the paper with puzzled expressions and dim lights in their eyes.

They all saw the golden light flashing across the paper just now.But no matter how you look at it now, there is no golden light on the paper, and the inspection did not find any problems.It seems that the golden light before was just a trance illusion.

But they sure aren't!
After staring at it for a long time, Yin Luo finally said, "It's the law. Xiao Chu's name has been decided and cannot be changed."

"It's a bit like a law, and it probably has something to do with Xiao Chu's name." Qiongmeng said in a deep voice, with a serious expression on his face.

Jun Jiu was a little worried when she heard the words, and asked, "Will it affect Zai Zai?"

"No!" Qiongmeng smiled and shook his head, put away all the seriousness and solemnity on his face, Qiongmeng continued: "This means that the law also recognizes Xiaochu's name, there is nothing more suitable for Xiaochu!"

"That's good." Jun Jiu heaved a sigh of relief.

Mo Wuyue watched in silence, without opening his mouth.

It was only then that Mo Wuyue remembered that when he first named himself, he also had this golden light when he picked up his pen.Are the rules approved?Mo Wuyue dismissed it, he didn't need it.

After the new name of Dragon Cub was decided, Jun Jiu sat down and talked about the other three gods wanting to send people to the East God Territory.

In this regard, Qiongmeng only said a common saying: "It is easy to invite God, but it is difficult to send God away."

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, they understood.

Qiongmeng continued: "Sifang God's Domain has always been competitors, and every Sifang God's Domain Conference is a time to compete for who has the biggest fist. This time you won the championship, which is very good."

A smile flashed across Qiongmeng's eyes, he felt proud and proud, and a little proud.

The son and daughter-in-law, the Cang Jiuzong, which was founded not long ago, became the leader and severely suppressed the other three parties of the God Realm. It's awesome!

Apart from being proud and proud, Qiongmeng also thought more deeply, the gods behind the other three-party gods must not be reconciled.Although they didn't dare to trouble Cang Jiuzong, they would definitely fight for the Eastern God Territory. This time they had to deal with the Holy Alliance, which was their chance to make a move.

It is said that other gods have sent people to deal with the holy alliance, and when the alliance of gods is resolved, will these people still leave?
Even if their roots are not in the Eastern God Territory, they will not let go of the opportunity to ruthlessly tear a bite out of the Eastern God Territory!
Without shaking the foundation of the Eastern God Territory, Qiongmeng and Yinluo cannot intervene.

Qiongmeng thought for a while, looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue and said, "You can't let them come, you can't give them a chance. However, you can't deal with the Holy Alliance. It depends on your efforts. They take advantage."

"They have no chance to take advantage." Mo Wuyue said coldly, his golden eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was cold and dangerous.

As long as the other forces of the three parties stay, they will do their best!
If you don't work and don't make a move, then get out.

Mo Wuyue had an idea in his heart, his golden eyes were dark and cold, Mo Wuyue said: "You can give them a few quotas and ask them to send people over. Only the quotas are available, and those who are not in the quotas, come and kill one by one."

"How many places do you want to give?" Qiongmeng asked him.

Mo Wuyue thought about it, and he could neither let other God's Domain forces have the opportunity to tamper with, nor let them take advantage of it. The number of places should not be more or less.

Mo Wuyue thought for a while, looked at Jun Jiu and asked, "Three, what do you think, Xiao Jiu?"

"Three places for one faction? No, I think it's still too much." Jun Jiu shook his head.

There are a total of 39 forces participating in the Sifang God Realm Conference. Excluding the Eastern God Territory, there are still many people in the Three Fang God Realm combined.There are still too many people with three quotas for each faction. If they join forces, it will be detrimental to Eastern God Territory.

But one faction and one quota are too few.

Jun Jiu took a middle number, Jun Jiu said: "Two places, separate them when dealing with the Holy Alliance, don't give them a chance to gather, even if you think carefully, you can't implement it."

(End of this chapter)

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