The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 2873 Cubs will protect you from now on!

Chapter 2873 Cubs will protect you from now on!
Chapter 2873 Cubs will protect you from now on!
Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Qiong Meng discussed and decided that they planned to notify the Eastern God Territory first, and then inform the other God Territory after discussing with the other forces.

But before the notification, Jun Jiu first received the good news from Yan Mandong.

Worry-free exit!
Wuyou had been in seclusion for a long time this time, and directly missed the entire Sifang God's Domain Tournament.Fortunately, there is a video that can be re-watched, and Jun Wuyou can make up for it at any time.

Knowing that the little uncle was out of customs, Long Zaizai was very happy, he couldn't wait to congratulate the little uncle, and told the little uncle by the way that he has a new name!
Jun Jiu looked at Long Zaizai's excited look, smiled and touched Long Zaizai's head, then Jun Jiu looked at Qiongmeng and Yinluo, and asked: "Daddy and mother are not in a hurry to leave Right? Do you want to meet my mother, kiss them, and get together as a family?"

Qiongmeng's eyes lit up, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he turned his head to look at Yinluo.

Although Yin Luo nodded lightly, it somehow made people feel that she was in a good mood~
What made them happy was Jun Jiu's family.

Seeing that Qiongmeng and Yinluo agreed, Jun Jiu immediately contacted Yan Mandong and Jun Mingye to hold a family banquet in the palace of Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.This family banquet, only their family.

She and Mo Wuyue, the parents on both sides, He Jun Wuyou and Long Zai Zai.

Yan Mandong and Jun Mingye knew that Qiongmeng and the others had arrived after receiving Jun Jiu's news.Immediately set off and rushed over with Jun Wuyou who had just left the customs.

The family banquet is simple, not extravagant and rich, but relaxed and comfortable, warm and comfortable.

The parents on both sides were chatting, Jun Jiu said something from time to time, and Mo Wuyue was distracted while playing with the wine glass.Cough, it's good that he can sit here, at least Qiongmeng and Yinluo are satisfied.

Jun Wuyou and Long Zai Zai uncle and nephew sat together, talking excitedly, two little faces blushed.

In the end, for some reason, the two uncles and nephews, who were a few years apart in age, met and went out to compete.Seeing this, everyone stopped, and Qiqi looked up at the uncle and nephew for a discussion.

Jun Wuyou's realm far surpasses that of Dragon Cub, but Dragon Cub has the physique of a black dragon, and Jun Wuyou didn't bring his barren phoenix physique with him after reincarnation.In addition, Jun Wuyou regarded himself as an uncle, and gave way to Long Zaizai everywhere, but was finally thrown down and held down by Long Zaizai.

Dragon Cub was triumphant, he won!
Quickly getting up, Long Zaizai stretched out his hand towards Jun Wuyou, and after pulling the little uncle up, Long Zaizai said in a childlike voice: "It's okay, little uncle, I will protect you from now on!"


At the family banquet in the hall, everyone laughed out loud.

Jun Wuyou blushed, looked helplessly at Long Zaizai and said, "Xiao Chu, it should be Uncle who protects you!"

"But I'm better than little uncle." Long Zizai blinked and said confidently.

Jun Wuyou choked suddenly, he regretted it, he shouldn't have let it go, maybe he won if he went all out.When the time comes, let's see what Dragon Cub said to protect him?

Do you want to call again?
Jun Wuyou looked at the sweaty dragon cub, pursed his lips, and finally gave up.

Jun Wuyou raised his hand to wipe the sweat from Long Zaizai's forehead, and then took Long Zaizai's hand.Jun Wuyou sighed like a little adult: "It's up to you, let's go back and eat."

Long Zaizai: "Okay! Next time, Zai Zai will discuss with my uncle. Mom and Dad have said that sparring can make people stronger!"

Jun Wuyou: "Oh."

Seeing how the uncle and nephew get along, Jun Jiu and the others are overjoyed.

Kids are so much fun~

After the family banquet, after seeing off Qiongmeng and Yinluo, Jun Jiu sent a message to make an appointment with everyone in the Eastern God Territory.

All the forces in the Eastern God Territory only came to lead people, such as Sheng Yaozun, Ji Sang, Nie Xueqing, etc. When Jun Jiu informed them of the results of their discussion, everyone was stunned.

So fast?
God has come?
Everyone was shocked and stunned, and looked at Jun Jiu with more complex expressions, especially the face of Sheng Yaozun, which looked like a palette.

Sheng Yaozun once wanted to use Jun Jiu, but after he failed to use Jun Jiu, he was checked and balanced, Sheng Yaozun has always held a grudge.It was only now that he remembered that Jun Jiu was the daughter-in-law of the gods, and he was really offended. The gods were wrathful, and his life was coming to an end.

Saint Yaozun shuddered at the thought of this, and silently pressed the calculation in his heart, repelling it and not daring to think about it again.

For the other three parties of the God Realm, each faction has two quotas, and one more will kill the other. The people of the Eastern God Territory have no objection to this.After the unanimous approval of the Eastern God Territory, Jun Jiu planned to notify the other three parties of the God Territory.

But before that, they had to wait and wait for the investigation of the Holy Alliance.

The Cangjiu sect sent people to investigate and collect the latest situation of the Holy Alliance, the Holy Venerable Alliance, the Prehistoric Alliance, and the Pharmacist Collection are also collecting.There are many people and strength, and their speed is also very fast. After the information is collected, they gather for discussion.

After confirming that there was no problem with their intelligence, everyone's expressions became complicated after they were more or less the same.

Surprisingly, after Cang Jiuzong closed the Mirage Realm to hold the Sifang Gods Conference, the Holy Alliance did nothing, and there was no movement at all.

The information of a faction is like this, it may be neglected and omitted, but every faction has the same information, everyone has complicated expressions, and always feels weird.The Holy Alliance has dominated the Eastern God Territory for a long time, and its domineering and ruthless methods have caused the other two alliances to temporarily avoid the limelight.

Wen Yu, the leader of the Holy Alliance, failed in his calculations in the Small God Realm, and was exposed. With his methods and temperament, it is impossible not to guard against the ensuing revenge.

Even though there was nothing unusual about the Holy Alliance in terms of intelligence, none of Jun Jiu and the others relaxed their vigilance.

First inform the other three parties of God's Domain and tell them about the two quotas.Some forces in the Three-Part God Realm silently agreed, and some retorted and wanted to fight for a few more places, but seeing that Jun Jiu and the others had made up their minds, they were unmoved, and in the end they could only agree.

All the powers of the three gods sent news back to their respective gods, asking them to select two people to go to the east gods to cheer.

Of course, they also specially reminded their respective forces that there should be no more than half of them.

Now just wait...

Waiting for the helpers from the other forces in the Three Kingdoms to arrive, and waiting for the response of the Holy Alliance. During the waiting period, everyone meditated in Cang Jiuzong to adjust their breath, and kept their strength at their peak.

A big battle is coming!
Gathered the power of the top elite forces in the Quartet God Realm to crusade against the Holy Alliance and demand that they pay for what they did!
While waiting, Jun Jiu took out the mysterious cursed dagger, this dagger is finally going to be useful!
However, Jun Jiu is still hesitant.

Was Wen Xie really dead in the Meteor God Valley back then?
Thinking of Wen Xie, Jun Jiu has mixed feelings.Their relationship can only be regarded as ordinary friends. Jun Jiu admires Wen Xie's resilience along the way, but also regrets the relationship between Wen Xie and Wen Yu. Without Wen Yu, Wen Xie would be better.

(End of this chapter)

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