Chapter 3272

Chapter 3272

The four families and seven clans of the Western God Territory all stood in the same camp as Jun Jiu and the Evil Emperor, and jointly denounced the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan, demanding a satisfactory answer!

Or, withdraw from the ranks of the nine clans, open the treasure house of the gods to compensate Jun Jiu and the evil emperor.

Or, the gods of the four families and seven clans will fight together with Jun Jiu and the evil emperor, and fight in and out by themselves to get a satisfactory answer.

The gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan will not be rivals even if they are multiplied a few times, and they have to agree to pay compensation if they don't agree!
In front of everyone, the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan handed over their identity tokens, and since then withdrew from the ranks of the Nine Clans and become members of countless forces, large and small, in the Western God Territory.

The token has been handed in, and the only thing left is to open the treasure house of the gods.

The blood of the gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan is heartbroken, and the treasury is all their private collections for thousands of years!

Little did they know at this time, the gods of the four families and seven clans had even more damaging moves!
On the way where the gods of the Jinyang clan and the Ling clan lead the way to the treasure house of the gods, the gods of four families and seven clans followed one after another, and you kept talking to each other along the way.

such as……

The god of the Xia family said, "The Jinyang clan has a Skynet God Thread, which is a very famous artifact of the Jinyang clan, and no one trapped at the same level can escape."

The gods of the Yuan Family: "The Lingzu has a flute of the Celestial Immortal Buddha. This flute can play the Divine Comedy to calm the mind by itself. It is also a rare treasure for music repairers!"

The god of the Yunchuan family: "The spirit clan seems to have a burning ruler. Thousands of kinds of divine fire are smelted in it. It is extremely powerful! It is extremely lethal, and it is a rare treasure!"

Teacher: "And..."

The gods of the other seven races also spoke one after another, all telling what they knew about the rare and precious treasures in the treasure house of the Jinyang and Spirit clan gods.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue listened quietly, they had a full understanding before reaching the treasure house of the gods!
The gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan were leading the way, and they were furious and furious!But the enemy is strong and we are weak, they can only hold back, their hearts are bleeding and they dare not make a sound.I'm afraid that after the resistance, it will be even worse if the gods of the four families and seven clans join forces!
After arriving at the treasure house of the gods, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Jun Huaichu all went into the treasure house to choose "compensation".

Da Jiu is a god, she was stopped outside, but Da Jiu didn't plan to enter the treasure house.

Da Jiu retreated to the edge of the crowd when others were not paying attention, and Da Jiu secretly asked Yuan Qing, "Where are you?"

"In the mountains of the gods, they are staring at Shen Ke." Yuan Qing replied.

Da Jiu was surprised, "Shen Ke is still here? Do you want me to come and kill him?"

"No, it's just an incarnation."

Yuan Qing looked at Shen Ke's incarnation mockingly and disdainfully.

Shen Ke was completely unaware that the master he and Shang Yuan wanted to guard against was by his side, and he was enjoying watching the Jinyang and Ling clans suffer.

The Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan collapsed, and they were no longer among the nine clans. From then on, there were only seven clans in the Western God Territory.The decline of the Jinyang clan and the Spirit clan is inevitable, so they can procrastinate and waste time with the Jinyang clan and the Spirit clan.

When Da Jiu came to the Western God Territory, Shen Ke's goal had been achieved.

He watched the play leisurely and complacently for a long time before leaving Western God Territory satisfied.During the whole process, Shen Ke didn't know that Yuan Qing was by his side.

After Shen Ke left, Yuan Qing told Da Jiu via voice transmission.

Da Jiu's tone was stern, "Shen Ke, I will remember him! When the karmic backlash on your body is resolved, I will fight back to the Southern God Territory with you and let them pay the price!"

"Okay, but before that, will you go back to the Exiled Land with me, or go to the Eastern God Territory with your sister?" Yuan Qing asked.

Da Jiu paused, frowning in thought.

Yuan Qing said again: "There is also the Huangfeng clan, the juniors of the Huangfeng clan have been waiting, I don't know how your sister and the others will solve it."

Yuan Qing's tone was playful, he mentioned it casually and didn't take it to heart.

Da Jiu had no choice but to look at a group of people from the Huangfeng clan, and began to think seriously.

Da Jiu knew what the Huangfeng Clan Xianyan and the others were still doing here, they were waiting for Jun Wuyou.Jun Mingye told Da Jiu that Jun Wuyou's identity in his previous life, the reincarnation of the Phoenix God of the Wild Phoenix Clan, and the juniors of the Wild Phoenix Clan are all thinking about Jun Wuyou.

Dajiu's voice transmission: "Wait for Xiaojiu and the others to come out. I also want to formally introduce you to them."

"Alright, I'll just wait here."

They waited for a day before Jun Jiu and the others came out.

Every minute and every second, the gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan were waiting at the door of the treasure house, extremely anxious.

The gods of the four families and seven clans seemed to have nothing else to do, so they were just here to accompany them, talking and laughing, which was in extreme contrast to the gods of the Jinyang clan and the spirit clan.

After Jun Jiu and the others came out, the gods of the two races immediately rushed into their respective treasure houses.

The consciousness of the gods of the four families and seven clans followed in...

After a while, the gods gloated and said, "Oh, I'm vomiting blood!"

"Hahaha, this old man is dizzy."

"Tsk tsk, I can't stand still, the endurance is too bad!"


After mocking the gods of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan, the gods of the four families and seven clans turned their heads to look at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue and the others, and immediately smiled and greeted them kindly.

The gods of the four families and seven clans invited Jun Jiu and the others to be their guests, asking them to stay in the Western God Territory for a while and have fun.

However, Jun Jiu and the others had achieved their goal. Luo Xin died, and the Jinyang and Lingzu also paid a painful enough price.

It's time for them to go back!

Cang Jiuzong Jun Ming Ye, Qing Yu and You Ming are still worried, and they want to rush back to share the good news with everyone.

The gods of the Western God Territory no longer kept anyone, but personally sent Jun Jiu and the others out of the Gods Mountain Range.

As soon as he left the Gods Mountain Range, he saw thousands of beasts in the Western God Territory waiting here.

Ten Thousand Beasts is just a general term, and the actual number is more than tens of millions.When all the beasts saw Jun Jiu and the others, they all looked up to the sky and screamed, or fell down, knelt down or bowed their heads to salute Jun Jiu and the others.Then beams of light flew out from all the beasts and rushed towards Jun Jiu and the others.

These forces are extremely gentle and pure, without any filth or malice.

Jun Huaichu caught a ray of light curiously, raised his head and asked Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue: "Mother, Daddy, what is this?"

"Mother doesn't know, this is the first time we've seen each other." Jun Jiu was equally confused.

Mo Wuyue said: "This is the blessing of all beasts."


The patriarch of the Baifeng Clan stepped forward and explained: "That's right, this is the blessing of Wanshou. Wanshou already knew that it was the Sovereign Jun and the evil emperor who saved their eggs, and they specially sent their blessings here. The blessings of Wanshou can Condensed into a path of luck, no matter what you do for a period of time thereafter, it will be exceptionally smooth."

"So that's the case." Jun Jiu nodded, and then asked the patriarch of the Baifeng clan: "Have you sent all the eggs back?"

"Yes, Patriarch Xia has ordered his disciples to send them back one by one."

"Okay. The gods don't need to send any more, we will leave here and see you again when we are destined."

Da Jiu took out the Shenzhou and waved to Jun Jiu and the others, "Come up, I'll take you back to the Eastern God Territory!"

(End of this chapter)

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