Chapter 3273 Don't Follow Me!
Chapter 3273 Don't follow me!
With Dajiu sending them off, the gods of the Western God Territory bid farewell, and went back to continue dealing with the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan.

The withdrawal of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan from the Nine Clans is not as simple as handing over the tokens!
First, we must inform all forces in the Western God Territory.

Not long after the oracle meeting was over, all the forces in the Western God Territory were here, and they announced it publicly so that the Jinyang and the Spirit Clan would have no way to go back on their word.

Then it is to carve up the resources of the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan. The four families and seven clans will carve up the bulk, and the large and small forces in the Western God Territory will annex the small ones. Take this opportunity to suppress the Jinyang Clan and the Spirit Clan, and there will be no chance of rising!
The oracle conference has just ended, and the Western God Territory is about to get busy again.

For a long time after that, I am afraid that for decades or hundreds of years, people will continue to talk about this oracle conference.

Speaking of the stupidity of the Jinyang clan and the spirit clan.

Speaking of Jun Jiu and the evil emperor's thorny and terrifying, they must not be enemies!
Only no one would mention Luo Xin, at most they remembered the death of a wild phoenix.Losers are never remembered by the world.

The matter of the Western God Territory has come to an end for the time being.

On Jun Jiu's side, they all boarded Da Jiu's Shenzhou, and all gathered in the hall.

Everyone looked curiously at the disguised Yuan Qing, who knew that Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were calm and composed.

Those who don't know like Jingyuan and Xiaowu are extremely curious.

Looking at his ordinary appearance, only his eyes are a bit brilliant, who is this man who stayed on the Great Nine Shenzhou?
Da Jiu and Yuan Qing sat at the main seats, looking at everyone with a smile on their lips, Da Jiu said: "Come on, let me formally introduce to you, this is my master Yuan Qing, and also my man!"

"Everyone here is my own, so I won't hide my appearance." Yuan Qing raised his hand to magically remove the disguise on his face.

Showing his true face, bewitching peach blossom eyes, handsome face like a god, Yuan Qing always had a faint smile on his mouth, which made people happy to see him, fascinated by him, and couldn't help but instinctively wanted to believe him , obey him.

Yuan Qing's smile deepened, and he nodded to everyone: "Everyone is well."

It was the first time for Jun Huaichu, Jing Yuan, and Xiao Wu to see Yuan Qing's true face, and they were all dumbfounded, unable to recover for a long time.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue have met each other before, and their reactions were flat and calm.

Da Jiu looked at Yuan Qing's face and saw that he had covered up the karmic backlash, so he was relieved.Then he pinched Yuan Qing's arm and said with a smile: "Hurry up and accept your ability to attract bees and butterflies, don't confuse your family."

"Is there? I'm too charming, what can I do." Yuan Qing turned her head and joked with Da Jiu, the intimacy and sweetness made her toothache.

Looking at the interaction between Da Jiu and Yuan Qing, Jun Jiu's mouth curled up, and there was a joyful smile in his eyes.

My sister's hard work was not in vain after all!

My sister got what she wanted, that's great!

"Xiao Jiuer." Mo Wuyue watched Jun Jiu keep looking at Da Jiu and Yuan Qing, stretched out his hand to hold Jun Jiu's hand, and called softly.

Jun Jiu blinked at him, and then asked Da Jiu and Yuan Qing: "Should I call brother-in-law? Brother-in-law just left the exiled land like this, will the gods of the Southern God Territory find out?"

Da Jiu nodded: "Yes, brother-in-law!"

"It's okay, as long as I don't use my divine power, Southern God Territory won't notice it. Even if they do, they won't dare to do anything." Yuan Qing smiled and spoke with confidence and arrogance.

The gods of the Southern God Territory are all paper tigers in front of him, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Yuan Qing looked at Jun Jiu and then at Jun Wuyou as he spoke, Yuan Qing said, "People from the Huangfeng clan are still following behind, do you want to solve it?"

"Yes, they have been following, I'm afraid they will follow back to the Eastern God Territory." Da Jiu also said.

After they boarded the Shenzhou, Xianyan and others from the Huangfeng Clan followed closely behind the Shenzhou.

Da Jiu could speed up and get rid of them directly, but it was useless.

The Wild Phoenix Clan knew that Jun Jiu and the others belonged to the Eastern God Territory, so they could find the Eastern God Territory!

To solve it, it is better to solve it in the Western God Territory.

Jun Jiu didn't say anything, but looked at Jun Wuyou, asking him with his eyes.

Jun Wuyou's face was a little pale, he nodded to Jun Jiu, got up and said, "I'll go out and solve it, sister wait for me."

"it is good."

Jun Wuyou turned and left the hall, and went to the deck.

Jun Huaichu worriedly asked Jun Jiu: "Mother, aren't we going with little uncle? What if those people bully little uncle alone?"

"Good boy Huai Chu, this is your little uncle's own business. If he wants to handle it by himself, let him do it." Jun Jiu raised his hand and touched Jun Huai Chu's head, with a complicated look on his face.

Jun Jiu thought of Jun Wuyou.

As Jun Wuyou became stronger and his memory recovered, Jun Jiu felt that his younger brother had changed.

Being close to her has not changed, but I am no longer clinging to her, and I am no longer talking to her about everything.Jun Wuyou has something hidden in his heart, and has his own calculations, Jun Jiu doesn't care, the younger brother will grow up sooner or later, and have his own life.

But Jun Jiu is worried that what Jun Wuyou is hiding will hurt her.


on the deck.

As soon as Jun Wuyou came out, the eyes of the Xianyan of the Huangfeng Clan immediately lit up, and they immediately accelerated to fly outside the Shenzhou and parallel with the Shenzhou.

Jun Wuyou looked at them indifferently, and said, "What are you doing next?"

"Go back to Phoenix God, we are protecting you!" Xianyan replied with a salute.

Jun Wuyou frowned, and opened his mouth: "The Phoenix God is from the previous life, and now I am just Jun Wuyou, so don't call me the wrong person. Also, I don't need your protection! Luo Xin is dead, and you are returning to the wilderness." Feng Clan, it still has nothing to do with me, don't follow me!"

"Fengshen, cough, Mr. Jun!" Xianyan changed his words awkwardly, and continued: "Your safety is the most important matter of the Huangfeng Clan!"

"My lord, let us follow. We can do whatever you want!"

"Yes! We all obey your orders!"

The young men and women of the Huangfeng clan behind Xianyan spoke one after another, expressing their desire to follow Jun Wuyou and serve him.

Jun Wuyou frowned tightly, and said in displeasure, "Since you listened to my order, I will now order you all to go back to the Wild Phoenix Clan! Don't follow me!"

"Phoenix God!"

"Follow again, you are my enemy!" Jun Wuyou said harshly, Xian Yan and the others immediately shut up, not daring to provoke Jun Wuyou any more.

They watched helplessly as Jun Wuyou ruthlessly turned his head into the Shenzhou. This is the Shenzhou of the gods, and they didn't dare to pry into it rashly, they could only look at Xianyan in blank dismay.

One person asked: "The Phoenix God forbids us to follow, what should we do now?"

"Before the order from the clan comes, we must follow and protect the Phoenix God! But the Phoenix God doesn't like us, so we hide, so that the Phoenix God doesn't notice it." Xianyan said.

All the young men and women of the Huangfeng Clan nodded in unison.

The members of the Wild Phoenix Clan immediately distanced themselves and hid, they were not afraid of being lost.

Really lost, go to Cang Jiuzong of the Eastern God Territory!
That is Fengshen's current home, and he will return sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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