Chapter 3602 The Crazy Truth

Chapter 3602 The Crazy Truth

Wing Tian looked deeply at Lu Shengyuan, with a smile in the corner of his mouth, inexplicably evil and weird.

Lu Shengyuan looked at him anxiously, his heart beating faster and his hands clenched tightly.Lu Shengyuan opened his mouth: "Didn't you say that as long as I ask, you will tell me! You lied to me?"

"No, I just want you to be mentally prepared so that you won't be overly frightened and unable to digest it." Yi Tian smiled, and his words were meaningful.

Lu Shengyuan took a deep breath, "I can accept it, tell me!"

Yi Tian: "You only have a father and no mother. And in terms of relationship, you have three fathers, and one of them is the god."

The room fell into dead silence for an instant.

After a long time, Lu Shengyuan burst out laughing, and then the laughter became louder and louder. Lu Shengyuan looked at Yitian as if he was looking at a lunatic.Lu Shengyuan's tone was sarcasm: "If you want to lie to me, you have to make up a decent reason! There is no mother, only father, or three fathers, and one of them is you?"

"Hahaha, even a three-year-old child won't believe this! I have changed, but I'm not a fool. Such an outrageous thing is too ridiculous! If you want to lie to me, it's too low-level!"

Lu Shengyuan laughed and mocked again.

Yi Tian smiled softly, not minding Lu Shengyuan's attitude, he continued: "You have already found out the name of Yang Wu. I will tell you about the relationship between me and Yang Wu, as well as Haozhi, Xixi and Zifu. story."

Lu Shengyuan closed his mouth and stared at Yitian quietly. He had already heard about it from Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.But Lu Shengyuan didn't say anything, he wanted to hear how Yitian would make it up and how he would lie to him!

Yi Tian: "The five of us are childhood sweethearts. The world we live in has no spiritual masters and no cultivation. But there are legends about immortals! Sun Wu is the leader of the five of us. He is always active, full of vitality, and the most A man of action."

"When I was young, I was taciturn and had no sense of presence. Xixi was steady and reliable; Haozhi was sharp and intuitional; Zifu was very beautiful, and we all liked her at the time. But in the end, Zifu chose Xixi. know."

"The five of us climbed up the holy mountain together and found an opportunity to come to this great world. We each have adventures and achievements. Except for the sun witch, the four of us are now the most terrifying existence. If the sun witch does not die, he will also die." will be so strong."

Lu Shengyuan moved his lips, wanting to interrupt Yitian's boring memories, but finally he endured it.

Winged into memory, he continued: "Actually, my talent is not good, and the realm of God Emperor has come to an end. But I am not reconciled, and I will not give up. I have found an excellent way! I killed the Sun Witch, Steal his gifts and strength."

Lu Shengyuan was shocked, and stared at Yitian with wide eyes.

It never occurred to Lu Shengyuan that Yi Tian would simply and easily reveal the secret that Jun Jiu and the others had been searching for for tens of thousands of years while hiding it from Xixi and Zifu!What the hell is he thinking?What does this have to do with his background?
"I have a blood relationship with the Sun Witch. In terms of seniority, I have to call him cousin. Because of the blood relationship, it is very simple and easy for me to devour him, but there is a little flaw. If I kill him, I will carry it on my back." Curse, Xixi and the others will know who killed Yang Wu at a glance."

"I can't be caught by them, so I thought of another trick and put the curse on Haozhi. In this way, Xixi and Zifu won't suspect me. We kill Haozhi together, and no one will know the truth. This plan It was perfect, I succeeded too, the only pity is that Hao Zhi's life was too hard, and he was allowed to escape!"

Yi Tian recalled that even tens of thousands of years had passed, he was still extremely unwilling!
It was obvious that he was cursed, weak and without fighting power.

Why did Haozhi still fight and escape when the curse fell on him?

Obviously he has inherited the talent and power of the Yang Wu, possessing absolute strength, but the result is still not comparable to Haozhi!Yitian refused to accept, he was not reconciled, he kept chasing and killing Haozhi, and he must let Haozhi die.Only when Haozhi is dead, others will not realize the truth.

Also in the process of chasing and killing Haozhi, Yitian discovered that Haozhi had awakened a divine spirit body. According to legend, he was hailed as the darling of heaven and earth, and his constitution was lenient by laws and regulations.

Wing Tian is even more jealous!

A more evil and terrifying idea also grew in the bottom of my heart!

The corners of Yitian's mouth curved slightly, and his smile was extremely gloomy and cold. Yitian said: "Since I have swallowed the Sun Witch, I can swallow Haozhi! I have spent a lot of energy, thought and time. , finally made Haozhi fall into my trap."

"Although I failed to kill Haozhi, I plundered half of his power and snatched a tenth of his soul by tearing it apart. I devoured the power, and I have a new idea for the soul."

"I have the soul of the Sun Witch, which cannot be devoured or destroyed. I also have a tenth of Haozhi's soul in my hand. I came up with an idea. Based on my blood essence, I use the soul of the Sun Witch to dominate, and then use Haozhi One-tenth of the known soul connection, and finally cast the ancient forbidden technique. After ten thousand years, I got a child!"

Wing Tian looked at Lu Shengyuan, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "A child with my blood essence and the soul of Yang Wu and Hao Zhi. He has no mother, but he is my descendant, the continuation of Yang Wu, and is also a child who can deal with Hao Zhi. Known trump card."

Lu Shengyuan was so shocked that his soul went out of his body.

His lips trembled, looking at Yi Tian who was smiling eeriely and wildly, he couldn't find words to express his feelings at all.

Lu Shengyuan wants to roar, wants to shout, Yitian is crazy!
He is talking nonsense!

He is lying to him!

But the words he wanted to refute came to his throat, Lu Shengyuan looked at Yitian's crazy and joyful expression, but couldn't say a word.He has followed Yitian for tens of thousands of years, and he knows how crazy and persistent Yitian is.

Even though Lu Shengyuan didn't believe it, he already had the answer in his heart, what Yitian said was true.

He is a descendant of Yitian.

It is the continuation of Sun Witch.

There is still one tenth of Haozhi's soul.Haozhi lost his memory because of his incomplete soul, coupled with the influence of the curse, he has been unable to retrieve his name and past, and gradually became a man without a face.

Lu Shengyuan knew the truth, but he was not happy at all, he felt his brain was about to explode.

Yitian is crazy!

The world is crazy, and he is going crazy too! !
Yitian looked at Lu Shengyuan's distorted expression, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more gentle. He looked at Lu Shengyuan gently and continued: "Xiao Yuan, you are my child, and you should not stand on my hostile side. You were born because of me. Your reward, you shouldn’t let me down.”

Lu Shengyuan couldn't bear the abnormal stimulation, he directly lifted the table, stood panting, and stared at Yitian.

Yitian's eyes flickered, and he continued: "You already know the truth. Once Xixi, Zifu, and Haozhi know about your life experience, for revenge, to understand the Yangsha witch, and to heal Haozhi, they will Will kill you and take out your soul."

"Xiaoyuan, you don't want to die, right? Especially since I sent Fengxuan back to you. She is not a spirit body now, and she is useless to me. You can live with her as you like, and I will help you. How are you happy? ?”

It was Lu Shengyuan's crazy attack that answered Wing Tian.

Yi Tian's words are like the crazy words of a madman, which normal people can't accept.Not to mention that these words are true, normal people can be played crazy by him, Lu Shengyuan can hardly accept his life experience.

Lu Shengyuan attacked Yitian crazily, taking out all his abilities.

But no matter how he attacked, all the divine power was silently wiped away when he approached Yitian, leaving no trace.Yi Tian was not angry, with a smile on his lips all the time, looking at him peacefully with his eyes.

Yi Tian looked at Lu Shengyuan's expression, as if he was looking at a child who was misbehaving and throwing a temper tantrum.He wasn't angry, he waited for Lu Shengyuan to vent.

Lu Shengyuan had a splitting headache, and looked at Yitian even more frantically, he was going crazy!
One move after another, a steady stream of attacks, until Lu Shengyuan's divine power was exhausted, and he spat out a mouthful of blood due to the old wound.Feng Xuan rushed over immediately, grabbed Lu Shengyuan's arm to support him, and said in a gentle and caring tone, "Sheng Yuan, are you okay?"

"To shut up!"

Lu Shengyuan stared at Yitian viciously, gritted his teeth and growled, "You'd better kill me!!"

"My child, how could I kill you? You are alive, and there are still many uses. I have devoted all my efforts to you, so I can't waste it." Yi Tian smiled, stretched out his hand to imprison Lu Shengyuan, and grabbed him Lie down in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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