Chapter 3603 Mo Wuyue Breakthrough

Chapter 3603 Mo Wuyue Breakthrough

Lu Shengyuan was exhausted, and under the pressure of Yitian, he couldn't move.

But he was not reconciled, and he did not show weakness, so he raised his head and stared at Yitian bitterly.Lu Shengyuan's eyes were burning with overwhelming hatred and killing intent. Lu Shengyuan opened his mouth and said in a sarcastic tone: "You tell me the truth, and then what? Do you think you are my father, and I will continue to listen to your orders?"

"Yingtian, you are dreaming! I would rather die than help you, let alone listen to you!" Lu Shengyuan roared.

Yi Tian sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "What a naive child."

Beckoning, Yitian grabbed Lu Shengyuan in front of him.Stretching out his hand to pinch Lu Shengyuan's face, Yitian carefully looked at Lu Shengyuan's appearance, perhaps because of the soul of Yang Wu, Lu Shengyuan's appearance was exactly the same as his cousin Yang Wu.

Every time he looked at Lu Shengyuan's face, Yi Tian would think of Yang Wu.

are you afraid?

No!Wing Tian has never had the above thoughts.

Every time he looks at Lu Shengyuan, he will only strengthen his ambition and desire. What he wants is the pinnacle of the supreme god, and what he wants is the position of the ruler of all worlds!
He has won countless times, only Hao Zhi is his only failure.Gritting his teeth, Yitian vowed to kill Haozhi, he would never allow failure under his throne.

Lu Shengyuan is his best trump card, and Yitian will never use it unless necessary.

Until you tell Lu Shengyuan's life experience and the truth, it means that the time Yitian has been waiting for has come!Now that Xixi and Zifu have noticed it, they should simply expose it to the bright side and deal with them together.

Wing Tian looked at Lu Shengyuan with gloomy and gentle eyes, under the contradictory emotions, it was full of malice.

Yi Tian said: "Xiao Yuan, father knows that you are not afraid of death. But you don't want Feng Xuan to live either?"

Lu Shengyuan froze.

Feng Xuan knelt down, her forehead resting on the ground, trembling and afraid to speak.

Lu Shengyuan gritted his teeth, not wanting to be manipulated by Yitian.He said bitterly: "Feng Xuan is already dead! You killed her with your own hands, in front of my face. This fake is not Feng Xuan, you can't lie to me, and you can't hold me hostage. I won't listen to you !"

"The person may not be Fengxuan, but the soul is. After killing her, Fengxuan's soul will be wiped out, and there will be no trace from then on. But you listen to me obediently, and I can reincarnate Fengxuan. Maybe you and Fengxuan We can be together in the next life."

Yi Tian followed the guidance and bewitched: "Xiao Yuan, you know that Dad has this ability."

Lu Shengyuan's expression changed, and finally fell silent, resisting talking to Yitian.

A smile flashed in Yitian's eyes, he knew Lu Shengyuan well, he raised this child, he knew Lu Shengyuan's Achilles' heel!
Yi Tian continued: "Think about it, go back to Dad and do things for Dad. As long as you are obedient, Dad will give Feng Xuan a chance to be reincarnated. Otherwise, you will once again witness the death of your sweetheart, and This time, it really disappeared, and it will never exist again."

After Yitian finished speaking, he let go of Lu Shengyuan.

After Lu Shengyuan broke free, he didn't look at Yitian or pay attention to Fengxuan, he turned his head and rushed out of the room, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Yi Tian didn't care, he always had a happy and satisfied smile on his face, everything was under his control.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Feng Xuan, and Yi Tian said lightly: "Get up."


Feng Xuan got up and looked up, there was no panic or fear on her face, the trembling just now seemed to be just a faux pas.

Feng Xuan cleaned up the mess in the house, then re-boiled tea and poured tea for Yi Tian.Feng Xuan knelt and sat opposite Yi Tian, ​​lowered her head respectfully, opened her mouth and asked coldly: "Master, do you want Feng Xuan to continue monitoring Sheng Yuan?"

"Surveillance? Why surveillance?" Wing Tian asked with a smile.

A puzzled look appeared on Feng Xuan's face, she opened her mouth and asked, "Master, isn't he afraid that he will reveal this matter and let the master's enemies know?"

Yi Tian laughed loudly, "Hahaha, it can't be stopped, and it can't be stopped. This is the real purpose of the god. The sooner he says it, the better it will be for the god."

Feng Xuan was even more puzzled.

Yi Tian glanced at her, not as if he was puzzled, but more like a calculation muttering to himself.

Yitian murmured: "Haozhi is here. Let him know that one tenth of his soul is on Xiao Yuan, what will he do? Kill Xiao Yuan, and the soul of Yang Wu will be wiped out. Xixi How will Zifu and Zifu choose?"

"No matter what they choose, I will win in the end! The more chaotic they are, the easier it is for me, hahahahahaha."

Wing Tian was in a very good mood, and the whole person was very light and happy.

Looking at Fengxuan, Yitian ordered: "Go around Xiaoyuan more often. You have memories of the past, so revisit them with Xiaoyuan more often. The more he loves you, the sooner he will return to his true self. around."

"Yes! Feng Xuan takes orders."

After Feng Xuan saluted, she stepped back and turned to look for Lu Shengyuan.

Although Wing Tian let Lu Shengyuan leave, no matter where he went, he couldn't leave the Upper God Realm.Lu Shengyuan was also aware of this, he did not go to the Shenmu Bridge recklessly, nor did he wander around in the Upper God Realm, Lu Shengyuan went straight back to his palace.

Once back, Lu Shengyuan sealed off the palace, and then took out jar after jar of divine wine in the space.

Lu Shengyuan felt his head was going to explode!
He's going crazy!

Only wine, only wine can make him quiet for a while, let him think about what to do next?

When Lu Shengyuan was on the verge of madness, he went down to the spirit world, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others didn't know what Lu Shengyuan had experienced.

Jun Jiu and the others had just reunited with Hu Jiaojiao, Yuan Rui and others, and there were other people traveling with them.They discussed together and made a new plan. The deaths of Udon, Soul Girl and Ying Long sounded like a trumpet in the Tianyi world. The gods and forces who were dissatisfied with Yitian in the past are ready to move.

They killed Tianyi Guards, fought with Blood Demon, Sword God Tian, ​​and Blood Shadow Ghost, but they didn't see Yitian take action to suppress them. Immediately, more and more people couldn't sit still.

They were fed up with Yitian's violent and bloody suppression. They wanted to stand up and obtain resources, so they fought with Tianyiwei one after another.

The world of Yitian fell into chaos.

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and the others happened to be fishing in troubled waters, and attacked the three Gorefiends!
The situation has changed, it is no longer the Gorefiend, Sword God Tian and Blood Shadow Ghost chasing and killing Jun Jiu and the others, but Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Hu Jiaojiao doing the opposite, chasing and killing the Gorefiend and the others.

There are more and more of them, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger, one after another bloody melee broke out all over the Tianyi world...

Before forming an alliance, everyone had made an agreement, promised Hu Jiaojiao and Baili, and the Gorefiend and the others would give Mo Wuyue the fatal blow!
On this day, their trap caught Jian Shentian.

Just when everyone was planning to kill Jian Shentian in a wheel-to-wheel battle and only needed to save their last breath before giving it to Mo Wuyue, Mo Wuyue stood up and stopped everyone.Mo Wuyue wants to kill Sword God himself!
The sword god Tian is the overlord among the supreme gods, and he is also cultivated by Wing Tian, ​​so he is extremely powerful and terrifying!
Mo Wuyue did not cross the catastrophe and break through, but his combat power and lethality have reached the realm of the supreme god.Mo Wuyue will fight to break through the final bottleneck!

Everyone acquiesced, and stepped back to get out of the way of the battlefield.

Jun Jiu and Xiao Mian are also here, standing in a safe place, watching Mo Wuyue and Jian Shentian fight with burning eyes.

The shocking and peerless battle lasted for ten days and ten nights, and a corner of the Tianyi World's continent collapsed.In the end, Mo Wuyue paid a price and tried everything to kill Sword God Tian with his own hands!

There was a burst of blood rain from the divine blood, the howling wind roared, and thunder rumbled and condensed.

Mo Wuyue finally passed the god test!

It is finally time to break through the tribulation!

Lima Junjiu, Xiao Mian and Hu Jiaojiao organized everyone to protect Mo Wuyue.Xixi and Zifu felt something, they were worried that Yitian would intervene, so they rushed over from Penglai to protect Mo Wuyue.


The thunder continued to roar, and the world of Tianyi trembled. It was impossible for Yitian not to know about such a big movement.

But Jun Jiu and Xi Xi waited in full force until Mo Wuyue successfully crossed the catastrophe, crossing the two realms of gods and gods in one breath.He directly broke through to the peak of the Supreme God, and there was no movement from Yitian. He knew it, but he didn't stop it.

Something is wrong!
Jun Jiu and the others looked at each other, they were all on alert, what was Yi Tian planning?
After Mo Wuyue became the supreme god, Hao Zhi appeared again.After sensing Hao Zhi's aura, Yi Tian took action and asked Feng Xuan to find Lu Shengyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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