Chapter 3645

Chapter 3645 Outsiders are not allowed to break in

After Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue retreated, Cang Jiuzong immediately began to prepare to send people to Yinluo's new world.

Jun Wuyou and Jing Yuan stayed behind to sit in Cang Jiuzong.

Jun Huaichu, three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing, Jun Mingye and his wife, Xiao Wu and his wife, and others, went to the new world with Yin Luo and Qiong Meng.

Da Jiu and Yuan Qing also came. They came to sit in the new world and help Yin Luo and the others receive the gods and gods from other worlds who rushed over after hearing the news.Although most of the guests who heard the news came with the intention of making friends with each other in good faith, one or two precautions should still be taken.

After arriving in the new world, Yinluo and Qiongmeng arranged for everyone to go down.

Jun Mingye and his wife first led the barbarian clan to find a place to stay, while Shuang'er, Xiaowu and Cangchen led the spirit beasts.In the end, the Wilderness Clan and the Spiritual Beasts chose to live next to each other, which was also convenient for Jun Mingye and Xiao Wu to communicate and take care of both sides.

The three brothers and sisters Jun Huaichu and Cang Baiqing also shoulder important responsibilities!

The barbaric family is too fragile, and the spirit beasts are easy targets for those with evil intentions because they are of the same origin as the spirit body.

The three brothers and sisters Jun Huaichu and Cang Baiqing are in charge of patrolling to prevent outsiders from intruding, so as to protect the barbarian clan and the spirit beast clan to successfully establish their homes in the new world.

Yinluo also gave Jun Huaichu enough rights, if the intruders don't listen to the advice, they will fight with Jun Huaichu.Jun Huaichu can directly expel them from the new world.Deny them re-entry!
Xiaomian is in charge of the World Tree alone, and protects Lu Shengyuan and Fengxuan who have recovered their souls.

Elder You Ming, Yin Han and Leng Yuan led a group of elite disciples of the Nine Cang Sects to select a suitable site and plan the scale of the Nine Cang Sect branches.And the Mortals came with them.

Make arrangements one by one, and everyone will act swiftly!

The new world is due south.

There are fertile plains, blue lakes and rolling mountains.With the mountain range as the center, on the left is the clan land of the barbaric clan, and on the right is the clan land of the spirit beast clan.

Jun Mingye and his wife, Xiaowu and his wife, and Shuang'er are in charge of the two clans respectively.

Junhuaichu, Cang Baiqing, Cang Baifei, and Cang Bailing chose the highest peak in the mountain range.Standing on the top of the mountain, their eyes can see through the clouds, and they can pay attention to the situation of the barbarian clan and the gods and beasts anytime and anywhere.

At the beginning of Junhuai, they raised their heads again and looked at the distant sky. Every time visitors from other worlds entered the new world, a golden light would flash in the sky.

The emergence of a new world has attracted gods from other worlds from all directions.

Yinluo's new world has established a friendly covenant with the Sifang God Realm, and it also needs to establish a covenant with the surrounding world to maintain friendly relations.

At this time, Yinluo and Qiongmeng were the busiest!
With the help of Dajiu and Yuanqing, they can relax a bit, and the rest can only be left to Jun Huaichu and the others.

"We are so far away, there shouldn't be any gods coming here, right?" Cang Baifei sat on the grass, raised his head and asked Jun Huaichu, his brothers and sisters.

Cang Baiqing shook his head, and said, "The gods are very strong, they can cross thousands of miles in a single thought. Although we are far away, for those gods, it is only a few blinks of an eye. We Must be here to watch."

"That's right! Don't allow people to affect the development of the two races. We have a heavy responsibility! Second brother, please be patient." Cang Bailing blinked at Cang Baifei.

Cang Baifei pouted.

He was originally a restless character, so it's okay to stay here for a while, but it's a bit painful after a long time.

Cang Baifei rolled his eyes, looked at Jun Huaichu eagerly and said, "Huaichu, why don't we come and compete!"

"Come again?" Jun Huaichu stood on the top of a tree and looked into the distance, only to look down at Cang Baifei when he heard Cang Baifei's words.

With a smile in his golden eyes at the beginning of Jun Huai, he teased Cang Baifei: "Xiao Fei, every time you compete with you, you are lying, so I won't compete with you. You go find your brother or your sister."

"I don't want it!" Cang Bailing resisted very much, shaking his head like a rattle.

Cang Baifei could only look at Cang Baiqing helplessly, "Brother, you won't let me compete with you, brother?"

Cang Baiqing: ...

As the eldest brother, Cang Baiqing could only reluctantly agree to his younger brother's request.

Jun Huaichu heaved a sigh of relief for not having to compete with Cang Baifei.The reason why he doesn't want to compete with Cang Baifei is that he is too clingy!

Don't be afraid of beating, don't cry out for pain, and you can't stop after a little bit of exchanging.You all felt that the hands that beat him hurt, or you planned to stop because you were afraid that he would get hurt, but he didn't want to.

Cang Baifei looks like a fighting madman!

Jun Huaichu stood on the top of the tree, smiled and said to the two of them: "You brothers, fight, I can guide you."

"Hey, I'll cheer you on! Brother, come on!" Cang Bailing flew to Jun Huaichu's side, sat on a thick branch, dangling his legs to cheer Cang Baiqing and Cang Baifei.

Cang Baiqing reluctantly accepted the reality, looked at Cang Baifei and asked, "Xiao Fei, will you attack or should I attack?"

"Come here! Brother, let the horse come here!"

Cang Baifei was gearing up, his eyes sparkled, and he looked at Cang Baiqing excitedly.

Cang Baiqing nodded, tiptoed, and teleported directly behind Cang Baifei.Clenching hands into a fist, the spiritual power condensed on the fist to form a huge white tiger claw, the fist was merciless, and ruthlessly blasted towards Cang Baifei.

Cang Baifei leaned back sideways, avoiding the fist first.

Then he clasped Cang Baiqing's wrist with one hand, twisted his waist and raised his leg, and kicked back hard.

With the sound of violent collision, Cang Baiqing and Cang Baifei let go to distance themselves.

Then Cang Baiqing made a quick spell, and the powerful and fierce spiritual formula fell from the sky, drowning Cang Baifei.Cang Baifei didn't dodge or dodge, a phantom of a white tiger appeared behind him with a loud shout, resisting this wave of attacks for him.

The two brothers fought fiercely, and their attacks became more and more fierce. Those who didn't know might think they were enemies.

Jun Huai stood on the top of a tree and watched the two brothers fight, and soon found their problem.Cang Baiqing and Cang Baifei are brothers, they grew up together, and practiced together, they were too familiar with each other's moves.

Often when Cang Baiqing raises his hand, with one look, one movement, Cang Baifei knows what he is going to do.

Similarly, Cang Baifei's every move cannot escape Cang Baiqing's analysis.

The two brothers are evenly matched, unless they fight to the death, there will be no breakthrough no matter how long they fight.

Jun Huai opened his mouth at the beginning, and instructed Cang Baiqing and Cang Baifei respectively via sound transmission.With Jun Huaichu's guidance, the attack and resistance of the two brothers have obviously changed a lot, and their sparring and fighting have become more and more fierce.

Cang Bailing sat on the branch, staring intently, reluctant to take his eyes off.

While watching, Cang Bailing asked Jun Huaichu: "Huaichu, can you give me some advice later? I've also been stuck in a bottleneck for a long time."

"Okay." Jun Huai Chu nodded and said, "We have a lot of time, don't worry, take your time one by one."


While watching the Cang Baiqing brothers' sparring from the sidelines, Jun Huaichu pointed out their moves, and at the same time stared at the situation of the wilderness clan and the gods and beasts clan on both sides of the mountain range.

That is to say, after breaking through the gods, the spiritual consciousness is powerful and perverted, and only then can it be used with one mind and three purposes with ease.

Jun Huaichu's spiritual consciousness enveloped everyone like an invisible barrier, and no disturbance could escape his eyes.

Suddenly, Jun Huai Chu noticed something, and his golden eyes looked coldly in one direction.

someone is coming!

It hasn't been long since the guests from other worlds have entered the new world, and some people have come here.Those who come must be in the realm of gods, or have very powerful artifacts, to have this speed.

Jun Huai's eyes sparkled at the beginning, and he guessed in his heart why these people came here so quickly.
Hitting the barbarian family's idea?

Or the spirit beast family?
Someone approached, but Jun Huaichu didn't stop the discussion between Cang Baiqing and Cang Baifei.He just said a few words to Cang Bailing via sound transmission, and asked Cang Bailing to look at her two older brothers, then Jun Huaichu turned around and flew out, intercepting people halfway!

No outsiders are allowed to intrude, no matter if it is the barbaric clan or the territory of the gods and beasts!

Jun Huaichu: "Stop!"

On the grassland, Jun Huai stopped the two who were leisurely flying this way.They look very young in appearance, a man and a woman, they look about five or six points alike, they should be a pair of brothers and sisters.

Jun Huai saw through it at first glance, when his elder brother broke through the realm of gods, he was on par with him.

Another, the realm is at the peak of the god emperor.

This pair of brothers and sisters is very strong!

(End of this chapter)

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