The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3646 Donglin Yan brothers and sisters

Chapter 3646 Donglin Yan brothers and sisters

Chapter 3646 brother and sister Donglin Yan

Jun Huaichu looked at the pair of siblings coldly.

The elder brother was silent and cold, looking at him with a blank face, and he couldn't tell if he was an enemy or a friend.

The younger sister is lively and agile, with a pair of bright black eyes looking at Jun Huaichu curiously, the younger sister asked first: "You are Jun Huaichu!"

"You know me?" Jun Huaichu asked with a slight frown.

The younger sister nodded, smiling brightly and beautifully.

She was about to walk in front of Jun Huaichu briskly, but just as she took half a step, she was frozen by Jun Huaichu's cold and ruthless golden eyes.

The younger sister shrugged and explained: "You don't have to be nervous. My name is Dong Linyue, and this is my brother Dong Linyan. We are guests in the New World."

Jun Huaichu replied: "I know, otherwise I wouldn't just stop you and do nothing."

The golden eyes were cold and heartless, Jun Huaichu looked at Dong Linyue and Dong Linyan indifferently, and said coldly: "The New World welcomes guests from afar, but you can wander around casually in any place. This is a forbidden place, and the two If you want to enjoy the scenery, please change to another place."

"My brother and I didn't come to enjoy the scenery, we came to find you!" Donglin Yue said triumphantly, pointing at Jun Huaichu.

Jun Huaichu's golden eyes were even more indifferent, and his tone was alienated: "I don't know you."

"I didn't know you before, but now we meet and we know each other! How about making friends?" Dong Linyue looked at Jun Huaichu expectantly, and spread her finger pointing at Jun Huaichu, hoping that Jun Huai Chu was able to shake hands with her.

Jun Huai frowned, looking very disgusted.

Dong Linyue looked at her hands, white and tender, slender, very beautiful girls' hands.It's not dirty either!
But since Jun Huaichu was unwilling, Dong Linyue had no choice but to withdraw his hand, and then said: "My brother and I really want to make a friend with you."

Cang Baiqing, Cang Baifei and Cang Bailing teleported one after the other to catch up.

The three brothers and sisters stood beside Jun Huaichu, staring at Dong Linyue and Dong Linyan as if facing a formidable enemy.Cang Baifei asked: "Huaichu, what are they here for?"

"I don't know." Jun Huaichu replied coldly.

Hearing this, Dong Linyue was stunned, and looked at Jun Huai Chu in disbelief.

She kept saying that she was here to make friends with Jun Huai Chu, but Jun Huai Chu actually said that she didn't know!

Reticent, Dong Linyan, who had been serving as the background board, frowned, looking at Jun Huaichu with dark eyes, who was not very friendly.

Jun Huaichu didn't care about their attitude.

Moreover, Jun Huaichu still said the same words, "Please leave! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"What will happen if you don't leave? Are you going to fight with us? My brother's cultivation base is comparable to yours, and I beat the three of them casually. In a real fight, you don't have much chance of winning." Dong Linyue was furious, Staring at Jun Huaichu, he threatened.

Hearing this, the three Cang Baiqing brothers and sisters became angry, and they all made preparations for battle.

They just waited for Jun Huaichu to say a word, and they shot immediately!
Whether you can beat it or not, you will only know after the fight!

"Yueyue." Dong Linyan shouted.

Dong Linyan's voice was deep and hoarse, it didn't sound like a young man's voice, but it had a very good effect.As soon as Dong Linyan opened his mouth, Dong Linyue immediately became quiet, curled his lips and retreated behind Dong Linyan.

Dong Linyan looked at Jun Huaichu, then glanced at Cang Baiqing and them, Dong Linyan said: "The elders make friends with each other and establish friendly alliances. The same is true for our younger generation."

Dong Linyan's words were a bit interesting, Jun Huai looked at him with serious eyes at first.

Dong Linyan continued: "It is impossible for you to stay in the Eastern God Territory or this new world forever, nor can you be under the protection and shadow of the elders forever. Whether you want to make friends or not, you should at least understand Condition."

"For example?" Jun Huaichu asked.

Dong Linyan: "You are famous. Not only in a few nearby worlds, but also in farther places, many people have heard of your name."

"That's right!" Dong Linyue couldn't help but say, "Everyone is talking about you. You have witnessed the fall of an unspeakable existence, the change of a powerful god in power in a world, and the invasion of several worlds. Made a name for himself in the battle."

"Also, you broke through the gods in battle!"

"Also, your mother is a god spirit body, and your father is from the Canglong clan. We, the second, third, fourth and fifth generations of gods... are all very interested in you!"

Hearing Dong Linyue's words, Jun Huaichu looked at Cang Baiqing and the others in surprise.

The three brothers and sisters, Cang Baiqing, looked at him with admiration, pride and pride.Be proud of it!
But Jun Huaichu felt endless troubles.

Jun Huaichu asked Dong Linyue and Dong Linyan, "What do people who are interested in me want to do?"

"At least my brother and I made friends with you in good faith and came here to be friends. The gods in power in the new world and several other gods know about this, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find this place directly." Dong Linyue said .

Jun Huaichu's eyes flashed.

No wonder Dong Linyue and Dong Linyan came so quickly!
Since Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Jiu all knew about it and guided them to come here, it means that Dong Linyue and Dong Linyan can still make friends.

This is just the thought in Jun Huaichu's heart, he is still vigilant, and said to Dong Linyan brothers and sisters: "We can chat in another place, you come with me."

"Okay!" Dong Linyue nodded cheerfully.

Dong Linyan also nodded slightly.

Jun Huaichu led the way, and the brothers and sisters followed behind, keeping a comfortable distance.

Jun Huaichu did not take their brother and sister to the previous mountain peak, but changed to a mountain range far away from the territory of the barbaric clan and the gods and beasts.Leaving does not mean that Jun Huaichu has ignored the two tribes, his spiritual consciousness still envelopes them there.

On the way, the three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing huddled beside Jun Huaichu and muttered.

Cang Baiqing: "You can't completely believe what they say, Huai Chu, you have to be careful."

Cang Baifei: "That Dong Linyue's words made me very unhappy. If I have the chance, I will definitely fight her to see how good she is!"

Cang Bailing: "Let's cooperate, and we will follow their words later, and try to find out more news and intelligence that is beneficial to Huai Chu!"

"no problem."

The three brothers and sisters worked together and thought of Jun Huaichu wholeheartedly.

Jun Huaichu lightly smiled and listened to the mutterings of the three brothers and sisters, his heart was slightly distracted, recalling the bits and pieces that happened in the dawn world.

After Yitian's death, the Tianyi world he led fell apart, and the gods of other worlds ruled by Tianyiwei and others were instigated by Tianyiwei and others to launch attacks on the dawn world.Jun Huai participated in this battle at the beginning, and he also sharpened his breakthrough in battle after battle!
Junhuaichu is well-known in the dawn world, not only because of his bravery and fighting strength, but also because of the care Xixi, Zifu and others took for him.

And because of mother and father!

But Jun Huaichu didn't expect that after returning to the Eastern God Territory, it was so far away from the world of dawn that no one would know about his deeds.

Brother and sister Dong Linyan and Dong Linyue came to the door for this!
Jun Huaichu was thinking all the way.

After arriving at the destination, Jun Huaichu took out tables, chairs and other things from the space, and asked Dong Linyan and his siblings to sit down.

They sat in two rows, Jun Huaichu and Cang Baiqing sat on one side, and Dong Linyan and Dong Linyue sat opposite.They looked at each other, their eyes met, and they all had their own little calculations clattering.

Jun Huai opened his mouth first, and he asked Dong Linyan and his brother and sister, "You have heard about my deeds, so you found the new world and want to make friends with me?"

"Yes!" Dong Linyue nodded with a bright smile.

Donglin Yan's eyes dimmed, and he said frankly: "There are other reasons too. One more powerful friend is better than one more enemy."

"Jun Huaichu, you haven't joined the camp yet, have you?" Dong Linyue suddenly tightened his back, staring at Jun Huaichu with burning eyes, and asked in a serious tone.

Jun Huaichu was confused, "What camp?"

"The second, third, and fourth generations of gods, etc., all communicate with each other. If they have similar interests and like-mindedness, they will become people in the same camp. Those who are hostile to them are their enemies!" Dong Linyue explained. road.

Their elders are all powerful gods in one world, and the gods are supreme.

They are different from birth, standing at the end of countless people.Naturally, the friends they make are all people with good backgrounds.

(End of this chapter)

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