Chapter 3659 Mu Yu is very strong
Chapter 3659 Mu Yu is very strong
Jun Huaichu, Cang Baiqing, Cang Baifei, and Cang Bailing went deep into the sea of ​​clouds and mist together.

As they walked, they heard chattering voices.Very light, very hazy, as if someone was whispering in their ears.I couldn't hear what I was saying, but the more I listened, the more distracted I became, and the more I listened, the heavier my steps became.

A crisp bell rang, and the three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing came back to their senses immediately.

I saw Jun Huaichu holding a small brass clock in his hand, looking at them with serious eyes and some worry.Jun Huaichu asked, "Are you all okay?"

The three brothers and sisters looked at each other and nodded after confirming that there was nothing wrong with each other.

Jun Huaichu reached out and handed the small brass clock to Cang Baiqing, and said, "This is an artifact given to me by Senior Zifu. With it, I can concentrate and not be affected by hallucinations. Take it, Baiqing, and take care of it." Xiaofei and Linger."

"Don't you need it?" Cang Baiqing asked.

Jun Huai shook his head with a smile at the beginning, "I have experienced many teachings and tests, illusions are nothing to me, no threat. But you three, don't be bewitched by illusions as soon as you come out, and you can't do anything. "

"Okay." The three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing nodded.

With the small brass bell in hand, the three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing are no longer affected by the phantom in the sea of ​​clouds and fog.Their speed increased and they went deeper and deeper.Not long after, both Jun Huaichu and Cang Baiqing heard the news of Xi Xishua.

Stopping, four people stood in a square, staring at the surroundings back to back.

The fog was so thick that the line of sight was severely obstructed, making it difficult to see clearly.

But Xi Xi Shu Shu's voice was getting closer and closer, and he could feel dangerous power fluctuations in the mist.The three brothers and sisters Jun Huaichu and Cang Baiqing are very familiar with this fluctuation of power.

It is the fluctuation of lightning power!
The previous electric python Razer came from the sky.Now the sky is foggy and nothing is there, the movement of Xixi Shushi is approaching from all directions, could it be that he is approaching from the ground?
At the beginning, Jun Huai thought of the fear of Hua Shao and the others, and once again reminded Cang Baiqing and the three brothers and sisters to be careful.

rate rate.

The movement is very close.

In the next instant, an electric arc flashed suddenly, and a slender thunder snake rushed towards Cang Bailing.Immediately afterwards, two identical Thunder Snakes rushed towards Cang Baiqing and Cang Baifei respectively.

Jun Huaichu couldn't help them, because there was one in front of him, and it was much thicker and bigger than the other three.In front of Jun Huaichu is an electric python!
The body of the electric python flew towards Jun Huaichu like a spring, with an astonishing electric arc all over his body, rushing towards Jun Huaichu with majestic and dangerous lightning power.Jun Huaichu grasped slightly with five fingers, and the dragon claw brought a silver light. The light flashed, and Jun Huaichu grabbed the seven inches of the electric python.

After crushing seven inches, the violent thunder and lightning power immediately followed Jun Huaichu's hand and swarmed into Jun Huaichu's body.

Finally, the electric python disappeared, and all the power condensed to form the electric python squeezed into Jun Huaichu's body.If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would turn pale with fright, trying to find a way to expel the lightning power out of their bodies.

Junhuai didn't need it at first.

He used thunder and lightning to train his body since he was a child, and Jun Huai has long been accustomed to the power of thunder and lightning, which is no different from his usual practice.Divine power enveloped the power of thunder and lightning, disintegrated it, refined and devoured it, and turned it all into a part of Jun Huaichu's power.

After easily solving the electric python, Jun Huaichu turned to look at the three Cang Baiqing brothers and sisters.

The three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing also solved their own troubles one after another. Like Jun Huaichu, they killed the Thunder Snake and absorbed the lightning power in the Thunder Snake.

The three brothers and sisters, Cang Baiqing, are not gods yet, and their bodies are not as perverted as Jun Huaichu's.Absorbing the lightning power in Thunder Snake's body, the three brothers and sisters were all numb from the shock, the white tiger ears on the top of their heads, and the white tiger tail behind their buttocks all popped out.

The hair on their ears and tails are blown apart by electricity, making them extra fluffy.

Jun Huaichu couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand to pinch Cang Baifei's ear in front of him. It was fluffy and soft, and it felt very good!

Cang Baifei didn't struggle, and let Jun Huaichu pinch one of his ears, while the other trembled.Cang Baifei opened his mouth: "It's so comfortable, I feel comfortable all over after being electrocuted, and my spiritual power has been purified."

"Well. The power of thunder and lightning here is purer and stronger than that of Thunder Tribulation. Refining it is good for us." Cang Baiqing said.

Cang Bailing didn't like the appearance of showing his ears and tail very much, so he simply changed back to his original, shrunken version.As a result, the whole white tiger was fluffy like a giant fur ball, looking soft, Jun Huaichu's hands felt even more itchy.

Growing up together, the three brothers and sisters know Jun Huai Chu best.Immediately, Cang Bailing stretched out his long tail and let Jun Huai Chu touch it, and then Cang Bailing said, "Why don't we stay here and refine the power of Thunder Snake."

"Well. It's very suitable for us to stay here. If we continue to go deeper, it will drag Huai Chu down." Cang Baiqing nodded and said.

Cang Baifei also agrees.

They all wanted to take risks with Jun Huaichu, but they knew in their hearts that their own strength could not help Jun Huaichu, but would easily hinder him.

So they stayed in Junhuaichu's space all the time, and never took the initiative to speak out and take a look.After Jun Huaichu let them out, they were also down-to-earth, taking one step at a time, without getting carried away.

Yuan Qing said that there is an opportunity for them in the mountain world, and the three brothers and sisters, Cang Baiqing, all think that the electric python and thunder snake are the opportunity!

Refining a Thunder Snake will improve them all, and if they continue to refine, the improvements will continue to add up.When they get used to the power of Thunder Snake, they can try the more powerful electric python to make it even stronger!
The three brothers and sisters, Cang Baiqing, were very contented, and they made up their minds to stay here and let Jun Huaichu continue to venture further.

At the beginning, Jun Huai understood what the three brothers and sisters meant, and he didn't try to persuade him. He just told him, "Bai Qing, Bai Fei and Bai Ling, you have to be careful. There will be other teams of gods arriving later, entering the sea of ​​clouds and mist." , if you run into them, it will be extremely dangerous!"

"Don't worry, we are all ready." Cang Baifei said happily, took out the artifacts given by Yin Luo, Qiong Meng and Yuan Qing, and shook it at Jun Huai Chu.

The three brothers and sisters Cang Baiqing don't have many other things, the most important thing is the artifact of the defense system, which is enough for them to retreat safely in the face of the siege of the gods.

Jun Huai knew it at the beginning, but he still couldn't help worrying and exhorting.

Jun Huaichu gave some advice to the three brothers and sisters, Cang Baiqing, and then turned around and walked into the mist alone.Soon, the fog engulfed Jun Huaichu's figure, and he couldn't see anything.

Cang Baiqing, Cang Baifei, and Cang Bailing were not in a hurry, the three of them teamed up and explored the surroundings side by side.

They attracted a few more thunder snakes and dealt with them one by one, but no electric pythons were seen.

After a few attempts, Cang Baiqing and his sister were almost sure that only Thunder Snakes would be attracted within this range.Only when someone like Jun Huaichu has reached the realm of gods can the electric python appear.

The three brothers and sisters were relieved, and decided to adapt to the power of the Thunder Snake here, and wait until their strength has greatly improved, and then go deeper to meet the electric python when they are sure!

On the other side, Jun Huaichu gradually went deeper, but he never saw Mu Yu and Dong Linyue.

At the beginning, Jun Huai tried to use Mengzhu to contact him, but he still couldn't get a response.

After Jun Huai tried a few times, he gave up temporarily.Going deep alone, he dealt with several electric pythons separately. To Jun Huaichu, the electric pythons were no threat, and any number of them would turn into his strength.

The phantom in the sea of ​​clouds and mist did not have much influence on Jun Huaichu, so he faced it calmly and solved it calmly.

Time passed bit by bit, and Jun Huai Chu walked further and further away.

at last!

After he walked to a certain range, he finally heard something else, someone fighting in front!
At the beginning of Jun Huai, he also heard the movement of the densely packed Xixi rate. He didn't know if it was an electric python or a thunder snake, there must be a lot of them.Jun Huai approached cautiously at the beginning, concealing his whereabouts and hiding his breath.

Jun Huaichu approached, and when he looked up, he saw that the sea of ​​clouds and fog had been torn apart to form a small hole.

Standing in the hollow, Mu Yu's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she kept raising her hands to condense a pair of feathered flying knives, cutting the thunder snakes into two pieces.The arc riot, the lightning force approached Mu Yu, and was stopped by the defensive artifact.

And electric pythons!

The electric python reacted faster, dodged the flying knife, and slyly approached Mu Yu.

Mu Yu's face was expressionless, and she waved the feathered flying knife and flew back, condensing into a feathered whip.With a flick of the whip, all the approaching electric pythons were thrown away, and the whip split automatically, tearing and cutting huge gaps in the electric python's body.

Mu Yu is very strong!

Jun Huai's eyes lit up at first sight.

(End of this chapter)

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