The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3660 Been to the Ancient Continent

Chapter 3660 Been to the Ancient Continent

Chapter 3660 Been to the Ancient Continent

There are countless electric pythons and thunder snakes, none of them can threaten Mu Yu.

But Jun Huaichu looked at it and frowned.Jun Huai Chu discovered something was wrong!
Mu Yu's eyes were wrong, although they were full of cold killing intent, they were not aimed at the electric python and thunder snake.In Mu Yu's eyes, she seemed to be looking at other things or people. After watching her attack for a long time, she realized that it was an instinctive reaction.

Mu Yu's attention is not here at all!

Jun Huaichu quickly realized that Mu Yu was trapped by an illusion.

Jun Huai frowned, and immediately helped Mu Yu kill the electric pythons and thunder snakes around him.But when Jun Huai approached Mu Yu on the first day of the lunar new year, he was immediately attacked by Mu Yu.

Mu Yu was trapped in a hallucination, she didn't know who the person standing in front of her was, and she had to react instinctively.

Jun Huai Chu was attacked by Mu Yu and retreated repeatedly.Mu Yu was trapped in an illusion, and Jun Huai Chu couldn't fight back, for fear of hurting Mu Yu.But if this continues, it will only be stalemate here, he can't help Mu Yu, and Mu Yu can't stop.

There must be a way!

Jun Huai frowned in thought, and walked around Mu Yu to test the range of Mu Yu's attack.

Soon, Jun Huai Chu thought of a good way!

Jun Huaichu found two puppets from the space.The divine power submerged into the puppet's body, and Jun Huaichu manipulated the puppet to approach Mu Yu from left to right.Sure enough, as soon as the puppet approached, it was immediately attacked by Mu Yu.

Mu Yu raised her hand and shot out one after another of the feathered flying knives. No matter which direction the puppet was in, it would be hit by Mu Yu's feathered flying knives.

Mu Yu's Feather Blade Throwing Knife is extremely powerful!

The specially refined puppet was extremely strong and strong, and was also cut into deep slits in front of Mu Yu's feathered flying knife.But fortunately, as long as you don't attack the core of the puppet, you can't affect the puppet's mobility.

Jun Huaichu continued to control the puppet to approach Mu Yu, he was waiting for an opportunity.

The puppet on the left approached Mu Yu first.

As soon as he got close to Mu Yu, Mu Yu instinctively put the main force of the attack on the puppet on the left.The Feather Blade Flying Knife was condensed into a sharp sword and a Feather Blade Whip respectively.

The sharp sword was used to deal with the puppet on the left, and the whip was used to fly the puppet on the right away, so as to give Mu Yu enough time to react and prepare.

Jun Huai Chu looked at it, and had to say that Mu Yu's instincts were terrifying and precise!
Jun Huaichu needs the puppet to attract Mu Yu's attention, so that he can get close to help Mu Yu get out of the illusion.

Jun Huaichu waited patiently.

When Mu Yu was about to tear the puppet on the left to pieces, Jun Huaichu controlled the puppet on the right to dodge the feathered whip, and kept approaching Mu Yu, putting pressure on Mu Yu.Mu Yu had no time to think about other things.

Jun Huai seized the opportunity at the beginning, and it was this moment!
Teleporting through the air, Jun Huai rushed to Mu Yu's side.Mu Yu sensed that someone was approaching and wanted to attack, but there were puppets on her left and right, so she couldn't make a move.After Mu Yu finished off the puppet on the left, Jun Huaichu also stood in front of her.

Jun Huaichu said, "Mu Yu is me, and I'm here to help you."

Mu Yu didn't respond, and while fighting against the puppet on the right, she finally attacked Jun Huaichu with her hands free.

Jun Huaichu had no choice but to fight Mu Yu, grabbing Mu Yu's hands roughly and briefly controlling her.Using divine power to restrain Mu Yu's actions, Jun Huaichu took out a small bottle from the space with one hand.

Open the stopper, and leaned in front of Mu Yu, the fragrance in the bottle was filled with biting cold air, as Mu Yu's breath poured into her body, Mu Yu shivered from the cold.

Jun Huaichu shouted again: "Mu Yu, it's me."


"I'm Jun Huaichu, do you remember me?"

Mu Yu's cold eyes gradually cleared up, and she blinked at Jun Huaichu, her struggling hands relaxed.Then Mu Yu saw the dismantled puppet, and the puppet confronting the Feather Blade Flying Knife.

Mu Yu froze for a moment, then raised her hand to take back all the flying knives.

Mu Yu recalled and asked Jun Huaichu: "Am I trapped by illusion?"

"Yes." Jun Huaichu asked Mu Yu again: "Do you feel better now?"

Mu Yu nodded and thanked Jun Huaichu: "Thank you."

Jun Huaichu: "It's okay. Do you know where Dong Linyan and the others are?"

Mu Yu shook her head.

Mu Yu told Jun Huaichu that she, like Jun Huaichu, was separated by the sea of ​​clouds and fog soon after entering.Mu Yu was alone all the time, but later she was trapped by illusions and surrounded by electric pythons and thunder snakes, and only then did the scene that Jun Huaichu saw before.Dong Linyan, Dong Linyue and Li Kun must still be here.

Jun Huaichu: "Let's go together, maybe we can meet them."

"Okay." Mu Yu nodded in agreement.

For the next journey, Jun Huaichu and Mu Yu moved together, logically speaking, they should be faster and easier.

But because Mu Yu was easily caught by illusions, their speed slowed down instead.

Once again affected by the illusion, with Jun Huaichu's help, Mu Yu quickly broke free from the illusion.With a pale complexion, Mu Yu looked at Jun Huaichu apologetically, "Sorry, I've dragged you down."

Jun Huai shook his head at the beginning, he didn't feel that Mu Yu was dragging him down.

It's just... Jun Huai hesitated to speak at first, watched Mu Yu contemplate for a while before asking: "Mu Yu, is there anything you can't solve?"

The reason why illusions can affect people is because a person has obsessions, desires, and things that he can't get.Being too paranoid is the easiest way to get trapped in illusions!
Jun Huai Chu didn't want anything, because he had it all.

The only purpose of coming to the secret world in the mountains is to find and explore the secrets of ancient things, so as to help his mother and father.Even for this purpose, Jun Huaichu puts his hopes on his own efforts, not on the illusory unknowns.

Coupled with the training and training that Jun Huaichu had received since he was a child, the phantom of the sea of ​​clouds and the sea of ​​fog poses no threat to Jun Huaichu.

But Mu Yu was trapped several times, her obsession was too deep!
Jun Huaichu's question caused Mu Yu to fall into silence, and her pale face became more lonely.

Jun Huai opened his mouth at the beginning: "You don't need to say anything, I'll just ask and see if I can help you."

Mu Yu: "It's okay, it's not a secret."

Mu Yu sighed, looked at Jun Huai Chu with a blank look and asked, "Jun Huai Chu, are your parents strict with you?"

"It is for my own good to be more strict in cultivation and experience. In other respects, my mother, father, grandparents and grandfather let me choose and make my own decisions. They will not interfere in my life." Jun Huaichu said.

Immediately, Mu Yu looked at Jun Huaichu with envy.

Mu Yu said, "I ran away from home secretly and escaped."

"They won't let you out?" Jun Huaichu asked in surprise.

Mu Yu nodded, "Before I met Donglin Yan brothers and sisters, I had been living in my world, and I was not allowed to leave a step. So I ran away, hid far away, and hid in a place where no one knew me. Then I I joined the covenant only after getting to know the brothers and sisters Dong Linyan."

What Mu Yu saw in the vision was the person sent by the elders of the family to arrest her.

Mu Yu doesn't want to go back!

Everything in the illusion is what Mu Yu is most afraid of happening. She is too obsessed, so it is extremely easy to be trapped by the illusion.

Mu Yu looked at Jun Huaichu, and continued: "I need to become stronger. Only by becoming the Supreme God, or stronger than it, can I go back and face the elders in my family. Only then can I break free from their shackles and gain freedom."

"That's why you came to find the ancient thing." Jun Huaichu said.

Mu Yu nodded.

The atmosphere became a little depressed, Mu Yu blinked, and then asked Jun Huaichu: "What about you? Why did you come to find the ancient thing? As the Canglong clan, you shouldn't need to worry about becoming stronger."

Jun Huaichu replied: "I am looking for ancient objects to understand them and explore their secrets."

Mu Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and she said, "What you want to know should be the ancient continent behind the ancient things, right?"


Jun Huaichu had already talked a lot with Mu Yu, and he was frank and didn't hide anything.

Mu Yu could feel Jun Huaichu's concern and kindness, she thought for a while, then opened her mouth and said, "Then I can tell you about the ancient continent. I have been there before and saw some things, maybe I can help you. "

Hearing this, Jun Huaichu's golden eyes looked at Mu Yu in astonishment, and his heart was shocked.

Mu Yu actually went to the ancient continent!
Neither mother nor father could go there easily, they were both stopped by senior Haozhi, how did Mu Yu get there?

Immediately, Jun Huaichu was curious and excited, and quietly looked at Mu Yu, looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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