The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 3711 Reaching the Double Star World

Chapter 3711 Reaching the Double Star World
Chapter 3711 Reaching the Double Star World
Inside Shenzhou.

Jun Wuyou put the man on the bed.As soon as Jun Jiu came over, Jun Wuyou stopped her: "Sister, wait a minute."

Then Jun Wuyou made a formula, and the divine power turned into a chain to bind the man. After confirming that he could not break free with the strength of the gods, Jun Wuyou stepped back and looked at Jun Jiu with a smile and said: "Okay, sister can heal now. him."

Jun Jiu shook his head helplessly, but didn't say anything, and walked over to check the man's pulse and injury.

Jun Huaichu stood beside Jun Wuyou, and whispered: "Little uncle, he has the strength of the god realm, and he was seriously injured and unconscious, so there is no need to be so careful, right?"

"It's a good idea to play it safe, just in case. And..."

Jun Wuyou paused, then turned to Jun Huai Chu and said, "Hui Chu, don't you think his face looks very strange?"

Jun Huai Chu nodded in agreement, he had never seen such a person, who had the power to confuse people with just one face.It's fine if it's ordinary people, they are all in the supreme realm of gods, and it can still affect them, this man's face is too scary.

Inexplicable evil!
Jun Huaichu now agrees with Jun Wuyou's decision, it's better to be careful.

After a while, seeing Jun Jiu withdraw his hand to feel the pulse, Jun Huai Chu asked, "Mother, how is he?"

Jun Jiu replied: "I was seriously injured. Fortunately, I met me, so I can save my life without any worries."

"Mother is amazing!"

Jun Jiu turned her head and saw Jun Huaichu giving her a thumbs up, she couldn't laugh or cry, she shook her head and said, "Huaichu, your medical skills are not bad either. I'll make a diagnosis, and I'll leave it to you to treat him later. Time to tell me and your dad."

"Okay, mother, don't worry and leave it to me." Jun Huai nodded and agreed.

Jun Wuyou said: "I will watch with Huai Chu, otherwise I won't worry."

Jun Jiu: "Alright."

Jun Jiu handed the man over to Jun Huaichu and Jun Wuyou, and then she washed her hands and went out to find Mo Wuyue.Mo Wuyue was still standing on the deck, observing the movements in all directions. They were now far away from the ruins of the previous battlefield, and farther and farther away from the dazzling light.

Jun Jiu walked over and stood beside Mo Wuyue, pursed her lips and asked, "Did you find anything?"


Mo Wuyue withdrew his gaze, and when he saw Jun Jiu, he immediately became gentle and doting.Mo Wuyue stretched out his hand and hugged Jun Jiu into his arms, no juniors were watching, they were so affectionate and I didn't need to pay attention to anyone.

Mo Wuyue hugged Jun Jiu, and asked softly, "How is that person?"

"The injury was very serious. Judging by the power remaining on the wound, several gods and supreme realms attacked him. But it is surprising, with such a big gap in strength, and a huge gap in the number of people, how did he survive the serious injury? Where did the person who attacked him go?" Jun Jiu murmured.

Mo Wuyue's golden eyes sank slightly, and he opened his mouth: "I haven't found any trace of other people here."

Jun Jiu: "Then we can only wait for him to wake up and ask him."

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue didn't expect that it would be ten days before the man woke up.

Ten days passed, and Shenzhou was much closer to the double star world.Near here, you can see a lot of Shenzhou coming and going, and these are all going to and from the double star world.Jun Jiu and the others are no longer alone.However, Jun Jiu and the others did not go to exchange information with other people on the Shenzhou, they proceeded cautiously.

During these ten days, Jing Yuan, Cang Chen, and Xiao Wu also left the customs one after another, and they all knew about Jun Jiu and the others saving a man halfway.

Xiao Wu and the others are full of curiosity about how deceptive a man's appearance is.It's a pity that Jun Wuyou was very stubborn and firm, and didn't let them take off the man's mask. Although Xiao Wu and the others were curious, they also knew the good and the bad, so they didn't force it.It's just that curiosity has not been suppressed.

After the man woke up, Jun Huaichu told everyone.

When Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue rushed to the room, they saw Xiao Wu, Cang Chen and Jing Yuan were all here, staring at the man curiously.

Although the man woke up, he was still very weak and could only lean his back on the bed.The mask on his face completely covered his face, only revealing a pair of eyes, nose and lips.Lips were bloodless, breathing was weak, and the man looked at them with bright eyes and gratitude.

Jun Huaichu: "This is my mother's father, my mother's treatment saved your life."

The man immediately looked at Jun Jiu, and thanked him weakly and sincerely: "Thank you senior, I will definitely repay you!"

"What's your name?" Jun Jiu walked over to the man and asked.


The young man named Xingzhou did not hide his identity, he was very frank, and took the initiative to tell the origin of his identity and the history of the accident.

Xingzhou is the young master of the Xing family, one of the top ten families in the Double Star World. He is the sixteenth and is known as Xing Shiliu.Xingzhou had just returned from traveling in other worlds, and he never expected to be intercepted by his enemies halfway. Xingzhou used all his trump cards to kill the enemy, and he also passed out due to serious injuries.

Mo Wuyue asked Xingzhou in a cold voice, "You said you killed the enemy, why didn't you see the enemy's body?"

"I have a trump card, which can destroy the divine body without leaving even the soul. This is also my life-saving trump card. It is the famous ghost flame of the Xing family, and all direct disciples have it. When you arrive in the double star world, just ask. "Xingzhou seemed to know that they were suspicious, and he made it clear.

And Xing Zhou also put it bluntly, Jun Jiu and the others came to the Double Star World for the first time.

Jun Jiu asked him curiously, "How do you know that it's our first time in the Double Star World?"

"If a person from the double star world can recognize my identity by looking at the clothes I wear. You don't know, it can only come from another world." Xing Zhou explained with a smile.

Jun Jiu and the others understand, this is where they are lacking.

They don't understand the double star world, so they make such basic mistakes.But now that there is Xingzhou, he is still one of the top ten families in the Double Star World, and Jun Jiu doesn't need Xingzhou to repay his kindness, as long as Xingzhou gives them all a good science about the Double Star World.

Xingzhou has a good temper, he has a mask to hide his appearance, and he doesn't worry about who he has bewitched.

Xingzhou readily agreed to Jun Jiu's request, and told Jun Jiu and the others about the back and situation of the Double Star World.Everyone listened carefully, sorted out and collected important information and intelligence, and gradually deepened their understanding of the binary world.

The first to bear the brunt are the two rulers of the double star world, old man Day Xing and Ye Xing.

These two have an extremely long history, and no one can tell what era the two brothers are from, and not many people are lucky enough to see them.Xingzhou said that although he is a direct descendant of the Xing family, one of the top ten families, he has never seen the existence of the two.

Day Xing is the older brother, Ye Xing is the younger brother.

The two brothers created the day world and the night world respectively.In these two worlds, there are countless teleportation arrays connecting every place, and it is very convenient to come and go, and distance has never been a problem.

Below are the top ten families, who control the power, status, and resources of the Double Star World.They are also loyal to the two masters respectively, and they are loyal and dare not have two hearts.Although the top ten families were impulsive, none of them made a big fuss, and they were peaceful on the surface.

Under the top ten families, there are countless forces, big and small, but without exception, whoever is in the territory is loyal to the vassal.These forces are not worth mentioning.

There are also many things about the double star world. On the way to the double star world, Xingzhou kept talking.

After the introduction, Xingzhou invites Jun Jiu and the others to Xing's house. As the host, he will be very grateful to repay Jun Jiu and the others!It's just that Jun Jiu and the others rejected Xingzhou. They came to the double star world, they have their own places to go, and they also have friends to meet.Xing Zhou was very sorry, so he could only nod his head and say yes.

In the blink of an eye, after a long and long journey of more than ten years, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue's Shenzhou finally arrived at the double star world.

Everyone came to the deck and looked at the double star world ahead.

The location of the double star world is not a ray of brilliance in the passage of the boundless world, but two overlapping vast divine lights.The divine light is like a mirror, and the coming and going Shenzhou shuttles in the mirror.

Xingzhou has already introduced them to them. The Shenguang mirror is the gate. After entering, everyone has to line up to register information.Without exception!

After Jun Jiu and the others entered the Shenguang mirror, they saw a vast fairy island above the vast sea of ​​clouds.

The island is a smooth and flat square, where all the Shenzhous heading to the Double Star World are docked and lined up. Only after logging in information one by one, can they enter the teleportation array to go to various places in the Double Star World.

(End of this chapter)

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