Chapter 3712

Chapter 3712 personally come to meet

The queue is very long, and the waiting Shenzhou queues are also different.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were about to urge Shenzhou to queue up, when Xingzhou smiled and said, "No need to queue, please let me control Shenzhou."

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were all staring at Xing Zhou, they couldn't see Xing Zhou's expression through the mask, but his eyes were sincere and friendly, showing infinite kindness and anticipation.Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, and finally handed over Shenzhou to Xingzhou.

Xingzhou controlled the Shenzhou, ignoring the queues and flying towards the square.

Along the way, countless pairs of eyes looked at the Shenzhou waiting in line, almost piercing through them like knives.But no one made a sound, and no one stopped them. After their anger and dissatisfaction, they gloated deeply.

Jun Jiu also heard someone mocking loudly without any concealment: "It looks like a stunned young man from another world, and he thinks he is a big shot in this world, how ridiculous!"

"Exactly! Just wait and see, the double star guards will not let them go."

"Hey, do you think the Double Star Guard will kill them, or drive them out?"

"Just wait and see!"


Hearing all these voices in their ears, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue exchanged eye contact. They had already understood that the Double Star Guards were the guards who obeyed the orders of the old men Day Xing and Ye Xing.However, this guard is only responsible for the security surrounding the double star world, and does not intervene in the internal affairs of the double star world.

The double star guard represents the master of the double star world, no one dares to disrespect the double star guard!

Jun Jiu's Shenzhou flew directly to the square, and quickly attracted the attention of the double star guards.Immediately, a team of six double-star guards flew towards them in two rows. Xingzhou smiled calmly and said, "It's okay."

The leader of the double star guards scolded: "Stop! Who are you, how dare you not line up to enter the double star world!"

Immediately, there were more gloating eyes around.

Xing Zhou raised his hand and touched his mask, then took out a token from the space, "Xing Shiliu wants to return to the day world, please pass."

"Hiss! It turns out to be the sixteenth son. Please forgive me for your disrespect and offense." The headed double star guard immediately changed his expression and attitude, and flew lower with the guards behind him, looking at the other people on the deck with surprise eyes. .

Double Star Guard asked, "Who are they?"

"It's my friend. It's the first time they come to the Double Star World. They just need to register under my name. I will guarantee them." Xingzhou said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Shuangxingwei's expression was surprised, and the people around who heard their conversation were also shocked.

It turned out to be a member of the Xing family of the top ten families!

The top ten families are high above and loyal to the two masters, and the double star guards have to give them face.With Xingzhou on the Shenzhou boat, it's no wonder he dared to pass without queuing up. The top ten families don't need to abide by these rules.What surprised them even more was that, except for Xingzhou, all the people on Shenzhou were newcomers.Xingzhou is also willing to help them guarantee!
You must know that for all newcomers entering the double star world for the first time, no matter what state or identity, the double star guards will investigate and log in in detail.Also leave the whereabouts token, and track the traces of the newcomer in the double star world in the future.There is no freedom at all!

But this is a double star world, since you are here, you must abide by the rules here!Newcomers can only obey.

But with Xingzhou's guarantee, there is no need to bother, just register the name and record it all under Xingzhou's name immediately.There is no need to follow their whereabouts anymore, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue are free and unrestricted.People around are envious and jealous.

Xingzhou said so, and the double star guards had no choice but to say yes, and then entered Shenzhou to record the names of Jun Jiu and the ten of them.

The names were all recorded, and when it was about to be registered under the name of Xingzhou, there was a commotion in the square.The double star guard stopped the record in his hand, looked back, and then his expression changed.

Xingzhou also saw it, and murmured, "Why is there someone from the Mu family?"

The Mu family?

When Jun Huai heard his eyes light up, he immediately exchanged a glance with Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others, and also looked at the square.

I saw a tall and luxurious divine ship flying over from the double star world.The Shenship didn't mean to leave the double-star world. After coming over, it stopped in the square. There was the logo of the Mu family and the flag of the Mu family on the boat.It caused a sensation in the surrounding Shenzhou and Double Star Guards.

Xingzhou said: "Let's go and have a look."

"Well, go and have a look!" Jun Huaichu said with a smile, he was sure it was Mu Yu.

Because when there were still two or three days away from the Double Star World, Jun Huai Chu sent a message to Mu Yu, and Mu Yu said that she would come to pick them up.It must be Mu Yu who came here now!

Having not seen each other for decades, Jun Huaichu still clearly remembers Mu Yu's appearance, with every frown and smile in his heart.Seeing that they were about to meet each other soon, Jun Huai Chu didn't know why, but he was a little nervous and at a loss.After meeting, what should he say?
"Calm down." Mo Wuyue shook his head, raised his hand and patted Jun Huaichu's shoulder.

Then Mo Wuyue and Jun Jiu looked at each other, he was obviously their son, why didn't he inherit their character at all?They dare to love and hate, just say what they like, and chase after them directly!

Jun Huaichu suddenly said, "It's Mu Yu! Look, mother and father."

Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and the others looked up, on that luxurious divine ship, Mu Yu was standing on the deck looking forward to them, looking for their traces in countless divine ships.Jun Huai first saw Mu Yu, and Mu Yu soon saw them, with a smile on his face.

Mu Yu teleported over directly and boarded their Shenzhou.This move also attracted more attention and surprise.

When Jun Huai first saw Mu Yu, he immediately calmed down, smiled and nodded in greeting: "Mu Yu, long time no see."

"Well, it's been a long time. Congratulations on breaking through to the Supreme God!" Mu Yu said with a light smile.

Jun Huai nodded at the beginning, congratulating Mu Yu for breaking through soon.Jun Huaichu could see that Mu Yu was only a step away from the supreme realm of the gods.For Mu Yu, it was only a matter of time before she broke through to the supreme god, and there was nothing difficult about it.

Then Mu Yu greeted Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.

Jun Wuyou, Xiao Wu and the others, Jun Huaichu mentioned in the letter before, and now they are introduced in person, Mu Yu calmly greeted each of them, and got to know each other for a while.

Finally, Mu Yu looked at Xingzhou who was wearing a mask, with surprise in his eyes, Jun Huaichu said that there were only ten of them.Who is this No.11 person?

Jun Huaichu introduced: "He is Xingzhou."

"Xing Shiliu, hello Miss Mu Yu." Xingzhou nodded to Mu Yu.

When talking about Xingzhou, Mu Yu didn't recognize it yet.As soon as Xing Shiliu was mentioned, Mu Yu immediately found out the news about Xing Shiliu from her memory, and her eyes were filled with surprise.Mu Yu didn't say anything, she nodded to Xingzhou, and then she turned around and invited Jun Jiu and the others to go to Mu's Shenzhou.

To the double star guards, Mu Yu also said: "Please record them under my name, they are all my distinguished guests."

Shuangxingwei was a little confused, looked at Mu Yu, then at Xingzhou.Who is this recorded for?

Xing Zhou was kind and kind, and said with a smile, "Let's record it with Ms. Mu Yu."

Shuangxingwei breathed a sigh of relief, immediately recorded it, and asked Mu Yu to stamp a private seal.After recording, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue, and Jun Huaichu are now free to enter and exit the double star world.

Mu Yu invited Jun Jiu and the others to go to the Shenzhou of Mu's house, but Xingzhou was not invited.Xingzhou didn't ask himself for boredom either, he took the initiative to send Jun Jiu and the others a message jade plate, and then he said his goodbyes and went back to the Double Star World alone.The messenger jade plate he left behind, as long as Jun Jiu and the others have anything, they can come to him!

After Xingzhou left, Mu Yu said: "Xing Shiliu is a famous weirdo. Although he is a direct descendant, he can't tell who his parents are. He is also very evil, and everyone avoids him. , Jun Huaichu, how did you and your uncle and aunt come to the Double Star World with him?"

"I met him on the road. He was injured. We saved him." Jun Huaichu explained.

Mu Yu's expression was even more surprised, but she didn't say anything more.Instead, he concentrated on inviting Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue to the Mu family's divine ship.In fact, not only Mu Yu came, Sang Yuefeng and Mu Heng also came, they were waiting on the deck, smiling to welcome Jun Jiu and the others.

Mu Yu introduced: "This is my mother and father."

"Long time no see, please come in quickly! We have prepared a reception banquet for you, let's talk slowly on the way." Sang Yuefeng looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue, very kind and enthusiastic.

Mu Heng and Mo Wuyue looked at each other and nodded to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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