The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 514 Qingjun and Water Palace Master

Chapter 514 Qingjun and Water Palace Master
Chapter 514 Qingjun and Water Palace Master
Duguqing could only watch Jun Jiu, Qing Jun, and Qing Yu walk down the mountain and leave without looking back.Li Yunshu originally wanted to go together, but was stared at by Li Hongchang's sullen eyes, and could only wave to Jun Jiu regretfully, with a look of reluctance.

Li Hongchang's head was getting big, "Yun Shu, why do you like a little boy again?"

"Mo Wuyue is not a little boy, he is very good! When we came, didn't she rank No. 2? She is so powerful, why do you call her a little boy? You are discriminating against good-looking people!" Li Yunshu Angrily said to her father with her hips on her hips.

Li Hongchang looked at Li Yunshu speechlessly with dark lines on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunshu glanced at Dugu Qing, and she gloated and said, "Father, Mo Wuyue can hurt Palace Master Dugu's...pants, doesn't that prove her strength?"

Duguqing: Li Yunshu, you deliberately paused on your trousers and emphasized your tone, what do you mean?
Seeing Duguqing's expression, Li Hongchang felt much better.The one who can embarrass Dugu Qing is a nice boy!It's better for my daughter to like him than to like Dugu Qing.Li Hongchang saw it a lot.

No matter how good Duguqing's reputation in the Taihuang Mansion is, how gentle and refined his appearance is.Li Hongchang has a unique vision, and he doesn't believe his face.

In particular, he was still stepping on that person to get the position, and Li Hongchang couldn't let go of the fishbone stuck in his throat.On the contrary, the boy just now looked really good.Facing Dugu Qing, he is neither humble nor overbearing, neither panic nor flustered, and he is still the disciple of Palace Master Li.Li Hongchang loved him a little more.

Looking at Duguqing, Li Hongchang coughed twice seriously. "Palace Master Dugu, let's go to the place where you set up the formation. See if there are any traces left by the person who broke your formation."

"Okay." Dugu Qing walked ahead with a dark face.

The place where the formation was set up was at the foot of the mountain. Duguqing analyzed and studied the remaining power after his formation was broken.Gradually, Dugu Qing changed his face, it was a magic skill!
The power to break the formation comes from the same source as the person who broke the garden formation, and because this time he broke the formation he personally set up, and because it came so quickly, the power has not completely dissipated.Duguqing is very clear that this is a magic skill!

Only those who have become demons, the exercises they use carry the power of darkness, which is called magic skills.

But in Duguqing's memory, only that person knows magic skills and is powerful and dangerous.With gloomy eyes, when Duguqing turned to look at Li Hongchang, his tone was very certain. "It's from the Earth Demon Palace!"

"What? Are you sure!" Li Hongchang was shocked.

"That's right, it's the Earth Demon Palace. The spies came from the Earth Demon Palace, maybe there were spies from the Earth Demon Palace among the group of people just now. Palace Master Li, we have to go back and tell Palace Master Li and them." Dugu Qingyi Positive words, "We must not let go of the Earth Demon Palace this time!"

Li Hongchang did not answer Duguqing, his expression was extremely complicated and distressed.

Li Yunshu didn't speak either.She instinctively didn't believe Dugu Qing's words, but she couldn't tell the difference even if her strength was low, and she couldn't even speak convincingly.Li Yunshu didn't believe it, was it really the Earth Demon Palace?

Back at the Taihuang Mansion Academy, Jun Jiu and the others became celebrities in the entire Taihuang Mansion.

No one blamed them for their cruel and bloody methods, and everyone admired and flattered them for a while.This is the real proof of that sentence, strength is respect.As for the bones under their feet, they are losers, who cares?
Jun Jiu hugged Xiao Wu, she saw the ranking on the big rock.He raised his eyebrows and looked at Qingjun, "You won, I will give you the elixir another day."

If it was taken directly from the bracelet space, it would be too eye-catching.It's better to give it to you another day.

The corners of Qing Jun's lips were slightly raised, and he looked down at Jun Jiu and said, "I don't want pills. Let's make friends, just like them." Qing Jun refers to Qing Yu and the others, Jun Jiu Mou The light flickered.

Qingjun's appetite is really big!

Ordinary friends don't matter.But if you want to be like Qing Yu and the others, the relationship is very close.But if this person is Qingjun, Jun Jiu's belly is black and his lips are hooked. "OK."

She asked again: "Didn't you say that I would know your identity when I returned to the Taihuang Mansion? Now we have returned."

She has not forgotten the promise Qing Jun gave.She is back now, what about Qing Jun's identity?

Xiao Wu also pricked up his ears curiously, staring at Qingjun with tiger eyes, wondering what Qingjun would say.If you lie, it is impossible to deceive the master and it!
Qing Jun spoke directly: "I have some relationship with the Master of Water Palace in Taihuang Mansion. If you want to know more details, you can find it yourself."

Find it yourself?

Jun Jiu gritted his teeth, Qing Jun was not cheating, he was honest.But if he is only a little honest and has some relationship with Palace Master Shui, then he is not a disciple.What could be the relationship?This Jun Jiu still needs to find it by himself.Spying on Qingjun's cunning, Jun Jiu watched Qingjun leave and disappeared from sight.

She touched her chin, so where did she start looking?
Qing Jun didn't want to leave Jun Jiu at first, but he had to meet someone, and then arrange himself by Jun Jiu's side in a more reasonable way.He won't stop Yin Junjiu's plan to deal with Dugu Qing, but he wants to participate in it only to protect it from behind without being suspected by anyone.

The person he was looking for happened to be able to arrange and handle all this for him.After Qingjun left everyone's sight, he dodged and teleported into a secluded courtyard.

He raised his head and looked indifferently at the sick man lying on the couch in front of him, who smiled and asked him first: "My lord, have you found the person you are looking for?"

"Mo Wuyue, under Li Ding's sect, I want you to arrange an identity that can get close to her." Qing Jun said.

The sickly man was wearing moon-white clothes. He was so weak and pale that he seemed to be blown away by the wind, with three thousand black hairs hanging down to the ground.The man looked at Qingjun's face deliberatively, and asked, "How is the identity of the disciple? You are from the same sect, and you can be together anytime."

Qing Jun nodded and agreed.

The sick and weak man breathed a sigh of relief, and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty has found someone, would you like to help me find my younger brother?"

He is the strongest in the Taihuang Palace, known as Shui Qinglian, the master of the Water Palace.When you see Qingjun, you should also call him "Honorable One."Shui Qinglian didn't know who Qingjun was and where he came from.When they first met, Qingjun asked him to help him participate in the beast race.

Shui Qinglian agreed without asking why.All he hopes is that the venerable can help him find his brother.Now His Holiness has found the person he was looking for, and he seems to be in a good mood, so he wisely proposed his purpose at this time.

Qingjun gave Shui Qinglian a condescending look, and he said, "Name."

"Shui Qingyu, he's in the Earth Demon Palace."

Qingjun didn't answer Shui Qinglian, just like when he came, his figure disappeared before his eyes.But Shui Qinglian had a relieved smile on his face, and he knew that he had promised him!
(End of this chapter)

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