The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 515 Suspecting He Is Mo Wuyue

Chapter 515 Suspecting He Is Mo Wuyue
Chapter 515 Suspecting He Is Mo Wuyue
It was night, Jun Jiu leaned against the door, crossed her chest and looked up at the bright moonlight in the sky.Xiao Wu tilted his head and looked at Jun Jiu from the eaves, "What is Master doing?"


Guess?Xiao Wu immediately knew that Jun Jiu was trying to guess Qing Jun's identity.Qing Jun's words during the day made Jun Jiu's mind full of him.Xiao Wu couldn't help being jealous, but knowing that his master couldn't be disturbed when he was thinking, he could only jump down pitifully and helplessly, and dozed off in front of Jun Jiu.

Even if the owner is thinking, he must be able to see Xiao Wu's beautiful and elegant figure in sight! 360 five degrees to grab attention, please understand~~
But Jun Jiu didn't think about it for a while, Qing Yu came over and interrupted his train of thought.Qing Yu: "Junior Brother Mo, what are you doing?"

Qing Yu and the others were the only winners in the beast competition, and with the nods of Li Hongchang and Li Ding, they successfully became the disciples of the Taihuang Palace.And they are all under Li Ding's sect, so they can live with Jun Jiu, and it is convenient to communicate with each other.

As for getting so close, Dugu Qing would doubt it.Jun Jiu had already thought about this when meeting Qing Yu and the others.

No matter how much Duguqing covered the sky with his hands in the Taihuang Mansion, he would not be able to openly attack Li Ding's disciples.As for coming in secret, Jun Jiu just wait!Seeing Duguqing guessing her identity, gnashing her teeth angrily and unable to make a move, Jun Jiu said that she was happy physically and mentally!

What's more, Dugu Qing didn't find out now, so he had nothing to worry about.

Jun Jiu looked down at Qing Yu approaching, and she said, "I'm thinking about Qing Jun's identity."

"Are you still thinking about him?" Qing Yu raised her voice, startled and unbelievable.Except for Mo Wuyue, he has never seen anyone occupy such a big position in his junior sister's heart!Really fell in love with Qingjun?
Knowing what Qing Yu was thinking at a glance, Jun Jiu pursed his lips. "It's not what you think."

"What's that like?"

Qing Yu's words stopped at the throat, and the wandering and surprised smile on the corners of his mouth became serious, Qing Yu looked around.Seeing this, Jun Jiu said: "Leng Yuan is guarding, no outsiders will hear."

With Leng Yuan around, Qing Yu felt relieved.

He opened his mouth in relief, looked at Jun Jiu seriously and said, "Junior Brother Mo, we have never known this Qing Jun before, and he suddenly appeared to plot against you. You should be on guard against him, why do you care so much about him! Why don't you want to Thinking of Mo Wuyue, he hasn't shown up for a long time. Could something happen?"

Hearing his master's name, Leng Yuan sat up straight, eagerly watching Jun Jiu's reaction.

However, Jun Jiu was silent for a while, her eyes dimmed and she couldn't see what she was thinking.Suddenly, Jun Jiu raised his hand and touched his chin.She murmured: "Yes, Wuyue hasn't seen him for a long time. Obviously he said he would be back soon."

"Yes! That's right! Junior sister, you should think more about Mo Wuyue." Qing Yu said.

Compared with Mo Wuyue and Qingjun, Qing Yu thinks Mo Wuyue is more reliable!After all, we have known each other for a long time and know better.It's like this Qingjun, who hasn't even figured out the origin until now, how can he let such a wild boy abduct his little junior sister.

Absolutely not!
Jun Jiu didn't answer Qing Yu, she fell into a magical train of thought that she had never had before!The more I thought about it, the more suspicious I felt.

Only Xiao Wu, who is connected with Jun Jiu, knows what Jun Jiu is thinking at this moment.Its tiger eyes widened in shock, and it lost its balance for a moment and almost fell off the eaves. Fortunately, its sharp claws caught it in time, and Qing Yu reached out to catch it.

Qing Yu looked at it suspiciously, "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you, why are you acting like a fool?"

Xiao Wu:!
Not only was it stupid, it was stunned!The master actually suspects that Qingjun is Mo Wuyue, how is this possible?

An abstinent man with a melodious voice and a celestial aura as if he came from a sect deep in the mountains.

A monstrous evil, sultry and lazy, evil and domineering like the emperor who just came to power.

How could such two completely different people be the same person?What does the master think!It feels impossible.

Jun Jiu knows Xiao Wu's thoughts.At this time Qing Yu had already gone back, leaving Jun Jiu to hug Xiao Wu and rub his head, Jun Jiu said: "Xiao Wu, don't you think it's suspicious? I have never been particularly special to anyone except Wu Yue Pass."

"Like Qingjun, he gave me a very different feeling as soon as he appeared. Moreover, his kindness to me was not mixed with any conspiracy or bad purpose. What's more, when he appeared, there was no news at all."

Jun Jiu said, looking down at the silver bell on her wrist quietly.If Mo Wuyue was in a hurry and couldn't come back for a while, then Leng Yuan would definitely tell her.However!Leng Yuan not only didn't say anything, but also didn't respond to Qing Jun who suddenly appeared and approached her.

Isn't that strange?

Once the seeds of doubt were planted, Jun Jiu felt more and more suspicious, and his own doubts were very accurate!
Xiao Wu shook his ears, "But master, you don't have direct evidence that Qingjun is Mo Wuyue."

"Not now, but soon." Jun Jiu narrowed his eyes dangerously, with a dark smile on his red lips.Could it be Mo Wuyue, if she tried that method, she would know?
Because Jun Jiu entered the house and closed the door, Leng Yuan retreated politely to guard outside, so he did not hear the conversation between Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu.Otherwise, Leng Yuan must have rushed to report to Mo Wuyue.But he didn't know it at this time, let alone that Duguqing actually regarded him as a member of the Earth Demon Palace based on the energy traces he left behind.

What will happen after the accident, it will only be known later.


Dugu Qing returned to the palace gloomyly, even after drinking the green tea in one gulp, he couldn't relieve the fire in his heart.

One is that Jun Jiu was not caught; the other is that he was humiliated in public by a small disciple; the third is that Li Yunshu escaped from his control; the fourth is the "appearance" of the Earth Demon Palace.One by one, nothing made Dugu Qing feel at ease.

He gripped the teacup tightly with his fingers, and finally smashed it to pieces in a fit of anger.Hong Ying happened to come in, and when she saw this, she immediately knelt down in panic. "Palace master calm down."

"Calm your anger? How can the master calm your anger! In such a huge Taihuang Palace, Jun Jiu, an outsider, is the target of everyone's criticism. How could he hide until now without any news. There is also that damned Mo Wuyue, and Li Yunshu! It's extremely disgusting! "

Dugu Qing's furious eyes burst into flames, "If it wasn't for the fact that the master of the palace hasn't obtained the time key, his cultivation base will not be able to make further breakthroughs for a long time. Why bother to maintain this hypocritical face, it is better to directly kill those idiots who dare to block my road!"

Li Hongchang, Li Ding, etc., and that fellow from the Earth Demon Palace.Damn it all!

In the midst of Dugu Qing's fury, Hong Ying cautiously said: "Mansion Master, can Hong Ying ask Mo Wuyue? If I am not mistaken, my subordinates should know him, and he has a relationship with Jun Jiu."

Hong Ying's words instantly extinguished Dugu Qing's anger.He stared sharply at Hong Ying, "What are you talking about, he has something to do with Jun Jiu?"

(End of this chapter)

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