Chapter 840 Can Eat Human Souls

Chapter 840 Can Eat Human Souls

In an instant, the coercion displayed shocked the audience.The deans of the three colleges, as well as Shi Jing and others were all stiff.

Such a terrible coercion, who is it?
Could it be that there is a strong person who is hidden from the world in the southern region?Or someone from the core continent?
The coercion passed in a flash.They regained their ability to move, and immediately looked around secretly.But none of them noticed that Yan Manqiu was beside them.

Yan Rong is just a subordinate with a meager Yan family blood.

He couldn't feel the time key, but he noticed something strange in Yan Manqiu's reaction.Surprised, Yan Rong asked cautiously: "Master, did you find the evil girl?"

wicked girl.Yan Manqiu's eyes turned cold.

He raised his head and stared coldly at the water mirror.Yan Manqiu opened her mouth, "She used time to decide, she must be in Xiaonanyu! Just find her. Find out who she is."

However, Jun Jiu is still under the giant cave, and Yan Manqiu cannot find her in the water mirror.

But as long as Yan Manqiu doesn't leave, stay here.Sooner or later they will meet!

Seeing this, Leng Yuan and Cang Chen frowned.They looked at each other again, "Oops!"

"With Mo Wuyue around, how could Jun Jiu use the time key?" Cang Chen asked suspiciously.

Leng Yuan shook his head.

Although they can penetrate the entrance of Xiaonanyu.Go to Xiaonanyu to find Jun Jiu and the others.But Mo Wuyue was here, it was too offensive for them to do so.Coupled with Mo Wuyue, they were not worried that something would happen to Jun Jiu.


Mo Wuyue saw Jun Jiu stabbing the Shadow Demon's heart.

Originally, this should have ended.But Mo Wuyue frowned slightly, he had a hunch that it would not be so easy!
Similarly, Jun Jiu also felt this way.

She frowned puzzled.Looking up at the position of Shadow Demon's head, he couldn't see the face clearly, only a pair of black eyes could be seen.No pain, no emotions of any kind.It stared straight at her, inexplicably terrifying.

Jun Jiu pulled out his dagger.

What the dagger brought out was only wisps of smoke.There was no blood.

At this time, the surrounding space trembled.Jun Jiu was keenly aware of the difference, and there was also the warning of a crazy explosion from the sixth sense.dangerous!

But Shadow Demon has been sealed by the time key.How can there be danger?Is there a second killer?
No, not right!

Jun Jiu froze.She slowly lowered her head to look at her hands, she felt a moment of inexplicable weakness, and a sharp pain like tearing her soul.The smoke overflowing from Shadow Demon's heart surrounded her in strands and strands.

This is... devouring her soul!
Shadow Fiends can eat human souls!
Jun Jiu cut it off with a shadow.But after the smoke was cut off, it condensed again.But in an instant, Jun Jiu was so weak that she couldn't stand upright, she half-kneeled on the ground, gasping for breath.

She had to admit that she had never seen such an evil, ghost-like thing.

There were bursts of dizziness in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see clearly.The severe pain and weakness in his soul made it difficult for Jun Jiu to gather his strength to fight again.Only the time key is rooted, and the seal prevents Shadow Demon from taking action.

But if this stalemate continues, Jun Jiu will die because his soul will be torn apart.


Mo Wuyue was furious.The terrifying coercive fluctuations directly awakened Xiaoying and Ling Heng from their cultivation.

Seeing Mo Wuyue's furious and terrifying eyes, their faces turned pale.

This reaction, Senior Sister/Jun Jiu, is she...

Mo Wuyue couldn't see anyone in his eyes at the moment.His golden eyes were gloomy and menacing, with a tyrannical cold light shining.

How dare you touch Xiao Jiu'er's soul, you want to die!

He was reluctant to take a bite, and he was satisfied after smelling it.How dare this thing make a plan to eat Xiao Jiu'er's soul.

Don't you want to eat your soul?Satisfy you.

Mo Wuyue closed his eyes, and he turned on the damage sharing again.

The harm Jun Jiu suffered will be passed on to him.Similarly, what Shadow Demon is moving now is not Jun Jiu's soul, but Mo Wuyue's.

As soon as the smoke touched Mo Wuyue's soul, it collapsed instantly.How powerful is Mo Wuyue's soul?
He is Canglong!

He is the evil emperor!

Even those supreme beings in the upper three layers, old and immortal, joined forces.They couldn't move Mo Wuyue's soul, so they could only seal him up.Not to mention Little Shadow Demon.

There was an immediate backlash.The smoke on Shadow Demon's body collapsed, it vomited blood, and its body fell limply.

Jun Jiu also fell down at the same time, and the time key landed beside her with a thud.Jun Jiu didn't even have the strength to pick it up, gasping for breath, Jun Jiu frowned tightly in pain.

The mind is connected, and Xiao Wu feels it.

Tears rolled down his face in big drops.Xiao Wu choked with sobs and closed his eyes tightly, gritted his teeth and concentrated on practicing.hurry up!Hurry up!
Soon she will be able to completely refine the tailbone of the white tiger, and she will be able to protect and help the master!
Hurry up!

Mo Wuyue looked at Xiao Wu, then looked up at Jun Jiu from the air.

Through the sharing of damage between soul mates, it counterattacked the Shadow Demon.Even if you don't die, it's not far away.It stands to reason that the calamity of the causal lifeline should have passed, but why, it still has an impact.

He couldn't get close to the catastrophe of karma and lifeline.


You especially saw that Jun Jiu's cultivation base continued to drop because of his soul injury.When he fell to the fifth level of the Great Spirit King, Mo Wuyue couldn't help it. The sky, earth and sky were torn apart, and he rushed to Jun Jiu's side without hesitation.

But the hot causal lifeline on his wrist kept Mo Wuyue calm.

He took a deep breath.Clenched fist, because too hard.The skin on the joints is white.Mo Wuyue sent a voice transmission, "Xiao Jiu'er, touch it. You can take back your soul breath."

The Shadow Demon hasn't really torn and devoured Jun Jiu's soul yet.But it also took away a trace of soul breath and hurt Jun Jiu.

Hearing Mo Wuyue's voice, Jun Jiu nodded with difficulty.

It was too difficult for her to sit up.My whole body hurts!Especially the inside of her head seemed to explode, making it difficult for her to stay awake.

But you must stay awake!

She heard heavy breathing.The Shadow Demon was seriously injured by the backlash, but it wasn't dead yet!
Taking deep breaths continuously, Jun Jiu took a bite on the tip of his tongue.The severe pain passed through her mind, allowing her to stay awake.Jun Jiu stood up slowly, holding the shadow dagger tightly and walked towards the shadow demon.

But when he walked to the shadow demon with difficulty and slowly, Jun Jiu was stunned in surprise.

This is Shadow Demon?

The person who fell on the ground in front of him was a young girl.

No more shadow figures, no smoke to cover.All exposed, it was a girl about her age.Pain was condensed on the pale face with the big slap.His body was trembling slightly, and his black clothes were wet with cold sweat.

The identity of the shadow demon made Jun Jiu somewhat unexpected.

Complexity and surprise flashed in his eyes.Jun Jiu stretched out his hand towards Shadow Demon.Mo Wuyue said that touching the Shadow Demon can take back her soul breath.

Sure enough, when it touched Shadow Demon's fingertips, wisps of milky white breath flew back into Jun Jiu's body.

But it wasn't just Jun Jiu's soul breath that was brought back.Similarly, there are countless fragments of fine memories.It doesn't belong to her, it belongs to Shadow Fiend.

Seeing those memories, Jun Jiu was stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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