Chapter 841

Chapter 841

She seemed to be in those memories, and she could touch the pictures in the memory with her hand.

Jun Jiu saw that in the high mountain, the mountainside was hollowed out.Fortresses were built in the mountains, and the caves and prisons built against the mountains held an unimaginable number of dream monsters.

This number was countless times more than what she had seen in the Hundred District Competition.

Moreover, these dream monsters became even more violent, roaring and roaring continuously, as if they were shouting that something big had happened.

Jun Jiu turned around and looked at the center of the mountainside fortress.Above an altar, a cloud of mist is lingering.Suddenly Jun Jiu thought of something, and she immediately set off and flew to the altar.

It's just memory.Therefore, the excited people around the altar couldn't see Jun Jiu.

The fog shadow on the altar sometimes expands and sometimes shrinks.Gradually, it was collected in the center of the altar, gathered into a small group, and turned into a small purple beast with beautiful silver patterns on its body.

Is this a dream monster?
Jun Jiu was surprised.A cub of a dream monster?But how do you feel, it doesn't look too much like a dream monster.

This is the memory of the shadow demon, why do you see the dream monster?
Jun Jiu had a vague guess in his heart.Soon, her guess was confirmed!

The screen turns.

Jun Jiu saw that the entire mountainside was covered with corpses of dream monsters.Blood poured into the altar along the special channel.

Wisps of mist flew out of the dream monster, and flew into the body of the little purple and silver beast on the altar.This change made the little beast extremely painful.It howled and screamed and tried to escape.

But the chains on the bound body were firmly trapped on the altar, and he had to be forced to endure this painful torture.

I don't know how long has passed.

The blood of the dream monster was completely absorbed, and the mist did not disappear at all.

The little beast on the altar no longer howled or struggled.It lay dying on the altar, and the power of riots surged within it.In the last flash of light, the little beast turned into a child.


Hearing the cheers of the people, Jun Jiu was excited to the peak.

But Jun Jiu turned cold, and anger flashed in his eyes.She understood, that little beast was a mutant of the Dream Beast!
These people caught it and forcibly used tens of thousands of dream monsters as sacrifices to develop her intelligence in advance, allowing her to possess great power and even transform into a human form.This person is Shadow Demon.

No one would know that the most terrifying killer of the Seven Realms League, the Shadow Demon, was actually created in this way.

The process is too perverted and inhumane!

And this is just the beginning...

Then, Jun Jiu saw it in Shadow Demon's memory.She was imprisoned and tied up, and sent to the Tianshu Realm Lord.The master of the Tianshu realm made a move. After creating the spiritual wisdom of the Shadow Demon, he cruelly erased the spiritual wisdom and self-awareness of the Shadow Demon.

He turned Shadow Demon into a puppet, a killer who only listened to his orders.

In addition to the Tianxuan Realm Master, there are also those perverted people who personally created the Shadow Demon.No one knows the true identity of Shadow Demon!

And those people are now trying to create a second Shadow Demon.Jun Jiu was competing in the hundred districts, and he saw a dream monster in the mountains, which was one of the dream monster factories hidden by the Seven Realm League.

They couldn't see the heinous cruelty, but only saw the shadow demon's obedience, strength enough to kill a ninth-level Great Spirit King!
Such a puppet, of course they want more!The more the merrier.

The memory flashed quickly, and the Tianshu Realm Master ordered her to kill her.Finally, when Xue Gu meets Gong Yeze, the shadow demon jumps down the huge hole to attack her, and the fierce battle ends here.

The master of Tianshu realm!Gong Yeze!snow bone!
Jun Jiu looked at Shadow Demon again.What she saw in her memory made her sigh and feel sorry for Shadow Demon.Such a miserable life without freedom, where even self-awareness has been obliterated.

But sympathy belongs to sympathy, Jun Jiu will not be soft-hearted.

Flipping the wrist, the Shadow Blade slashed towards the Shadow Fiend's neck.But just as he was about to seal his throat with a knife and kill the Shadow Demon.Shadow Demon suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and tightly grasped Jun Jiu's wrist.

Jun Jiu immediately reacted to attack, but the fragile and ignorant voice of Shadow Demon made Jun Jiu stunned.

A pair of dark eyes looked at her ignorantly.

Shadow Demon called softly, "Mother."


The base camp of the Seven Realms Alliance, Skyhawk City.

The master of Tianshu realm was retreating and meditating, when suddenly he opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed through his sharp eagle eyes.

The master of Tianshu immediately opened his hand and took out a puppet doll.The puppet doll in his hand was split open, and the connection between him and the Shadow Demon had just been broken.

what happened?

Shadow Demon has already become his puppet.From the moment he was born, he only listened to his orders.Since then, a close connection has been established between them, like waving arms, which is very easy to use.

Why now, suddenly cut off contact.

Thinking again, Shadow Demon was sent out to assassinate that young alchemy master Jun Jiu.It should be entering the Xiaonan domain now.Did Xiao Nanyu cut off contact?But this can't explain why the puppet doll is broken.

The master of Tianshu has bad thoughts in his heart.No matter how difficult it was to meditate, he immediately got up and walked out of the house to give the order. "Order people to prepare, and the chief of this alliance will go to the Xiaonanyu in person."


The master of the Tianshu realm stared at his subordinates in a dark way and prepared to retreat.He lowered his head again and glanced at the broken puppet doll in his hand.

With palms together, the puppet doll was crushed to pieces.

His face trembled, and the Tianshu Realm Master said, "No accident must happen to the Shadow Demon!"

She is the biggest trump card in his hand.It can make the three major colleges and other realm masters fear him.If the shadow demon is lost, the consequences are unimaginable.

Here, the Tianshu realm master rushed to Xiaonanyu.

At the gate of Xiaonanyu, Yan Manqiu and Yan Rong were also looking for traces of the person who used the time key.But they couldn't find anyone in the water mirror!
Yan Manqiu had no choice but to send Yan Rong to investigate.I just realized that not everyone is in the water mirror.

Two teams were absent.

The team led by Jun Jiu, and the two teams led by A Jin.Among them, only Jun Jiu's team has two women.

Yan Rong said: "Master, that Xiao Wu is a spirit beast. He will definitely not be a wicked girl."

"That's Jun Jiu?" Yan Manqiu raised an eyebrow.

Why is this person named Jun?

Could it be that it was really her!She is my younger sister's daughter?I guessed anxiously in my heart, but I couldn't see anyone, and Yan Manqiu couldn't be sure.

He had to wait patiently until Jun Jiu came out.When the time comes, he will definitely know if Jun Jiu is right or not!

Go back to the Xiaonanyu Giant Cave.

Jun Jiu meditated with her legs crossed, while she adjusted her breath to recuperate from her injuries and regain her spiritual power.While looking at the opposite side with complicated and obscure eyes, the shadow demon who was trapped by her with the phantom sound of all phenomena.

Shadow Demon sat inside obediently, she didn't pay attention to her equally bad injury, and didn't rush out to attack Jun Jiu again.

On the contrary, he was well-behaved and obedient, looking at Jun Jiu innocently.

This reminded Jun Jiu of the "mother" that Shadow Demon said just now.hiss!A toothache.

She doesn't have the hobby of being a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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