Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 231 Xiao Zhuang Returns to the West

Chapter 231 Xiao Zhuang Returns to the West (2)
Wu Ya stared at Xiao Zhuang's expression with wide eyes, did she actually think so?Wu Ya sighed: "Old Ancestor, thank you! Because of your making things difficult, the relationship between me and the Long Live Lord is just like you and the Regent. It is bumpy but wonderful!"

Xiaozhuang looked up, looked at De'er's calm expression, and smiled softly: "De'er, I beg you to do one last thing, if you die someday, don't bury it in the imperial tomb! Aijia has already done it for Aixin Jue Luo has dedicated his whole life and does not want to sacrifice his soul after death!"

Wu Ya frowned: "Old ancestor..." Wu Ya pursed her lips and thought for a while before opening her mouth, "Although it does not conform to the etiquette, I will persuade the emperor. If possible, I will let you and the regent be buried together!"

Xiaozhuang let out a heavy breath and closed her eyes slightly, this should be the last thing on her mind, so she can leave with peace of mind!
Xiaozhuang's condition gradually improved, and after the whole autumn, when everyone thought she was about to recover, Xiaozhuang suddenly relapsed and became bedridden.Wu Ya's child was already seven months old at this time, and her chubby belly was really not suitable for taking care of the Empress Dowager. Xuan Ye arranged all the matters in the Yonghe Palace properly, and then moved into the Palace of Compassion and Ning in person. Serving around the empress dowager.

Wu Ya still ran to the Palace of Compassion with her big belly from time to time to talk to Xiao Zhuang who was in a coma, telling her the stories Xiao Zhuang told her at that time, about the beautiful scenery of the prairie, and about everything Xiao Zhuang cared about. Even though she was dying, Wu Ya still believed that these were the treasures that Xiao Zhuang couldn't bear to give up.

In December of the 26th year of Kangxi, Xiaozhuang, who had been ill for nearly a year, was finally defeated by the disease, and finally closed his eyes forever.Bumbutai Borjijit, a woman who lived in the Qing Dynasty for nearly 60 years, a woman who assisted three emperors, and a woman who had been in charge of the harem for decades, finally ended her life. With a solemn promise from Concubine De, she closed her eyes with peace of mind.

In January of the following year, Wu Ya gave birth to the fourteenth elder brother. Xuan Ye said that the fourteenth elder brother has the demeanor of the ancestors in his eyes, and the ancestors must have been reincarnated before reincarnated into his great-grandson.

Wu Ya couldn't help but sneered: "Don't say that the ancestor is a woman. Even if she suffered a lot from a woman and was reincarnated as a man, she would definitely not want to be reincarnated in the emperor's family again!" Although Wu Ya also admitted that Shisi and Xiaozhuang have many There are similarities, but she does not want Xuan Ye to transfer all his family affection and attachment to his ancestors to Fourteen, because this Fourteen is also a figure who will seize the throne in the future. Did Emperor Kangxi pass on the throne back then? The fourth elder brother or the fourteenth elder brother is still a mystery to modern times. Wu Ya does not want to be involved in this dispute. She only hopes that her child can have a happy childhood like ordinary children, and that is enough!
Wu Ya told Xuan Ye about Xiao Zhuang's wish, and Xuan Ye was a little tangled: "According to the ancestral system, the ancestors should be transported back to Fengjing and buried in the Zhaoling Mausoleum of the Taizu. Dagon's tomb was destroyed by Huang Ama back then, so there is no way to bury him together!" Xuan Ye frowned, the ancestor's coffin had been placed in the Compassion Palace for a long time, and a lot of rituals had been done, so it was indeed time to think about it. Thinking about how to bury it.However, according to the old ancestor's last wish, he was very clear about how many disputes and speculations would be caused if she was buried alone.

Wu Ya pursed her lips, why did this matter become so entangled?Wu Ya raised her eyes and looked at Xuan Ye: "But this is the last wish of the old ancestor. There is nothing wrong with her not wanting to be imprisoned in the Aixinjueluo family anymore! Xuan Ye, Dorgon's body is still found Got it? We can bury them together somewhere else, can't we?"

Xuan Ye raised his eyes: "It seems that Dorgon's family put away the remains after the exhumation and flogging. I have no way of knowing where they are now. Let's build a separate tomb outside Dongling first, and wait for us How about finding Dorgon's body and burying the two of them together?" Although he had never asked about the love history of his ancestors, it could be seen from De'er's eyes that the past he didn't understand might just be the cause of his death. It is the most unforgettable past of our ancestors.

Wu Ya nodded heavily: "Okay, let's find it as soon as possible and fulfill the last wish of our ancestor!" Wu Ya didn't know it back then, and it took 37 years to find it.

In April, Xuan Ye personally escorted the coffin of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang to the Temporary An Feng Palace. Wu Ya went with Xuan Ye. Seeing the coffin being placed on the main hall by everyone, Wu Ya felt an indescribable entanglement in her heart. Is it right to do this?She clearly knew that such release without burial would cause many controversies, especially since Anfeng Hall is a mausoleum independent from Dongling, no one knows how the folks will explain this practice.

Xuan Ye sighed, and reluctantly watched the door of the mausoleum close, then walked to De'er, and gently patted her on the shoulder: "The ancestor... will understand that we are working hard!"

The emperor and concubine De were away, so Longkodo had the opportunity to sneak into the gate of Jingyang Palace and meet his sister who had been imprisoned for a year.Longkodo walked into the yard with heavy steps. The yard was as desolate as a ruin, as desolate as a ghost castle.

Long Kedo frowned, he is the person who understands his sister's personality best, she is such a clean and face-saving person, if there is something strange, she will definitely not let her bedroom become like this!Longkodo frowned, what exactly does my sister want to do?Longkodo stepped up and walked into the courtyard.

Yu Lian was sitting cross-legged and meditating with her eyes closed tightly. Longkodo was startled and hurriedly interrupted her: "Sister, you promised me that you would never practice this kind of kung fu again!" The ghost nun who came here taught her a set of simple female heart skills when she was young. It is very powerful to use, but it is actually extremely harmful to the body. Back then, in order to enter the palace, the elder sister reluctantly gave up her own martial arts, thinking that she could climb to the next position , I didn't expect to procrastinate again and again because I had no children. Longkodo even speculated that maybe it was because my sister practiced this kung fu that made her infertile.But... now she has picked up martial arts again, what exactly does she want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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