Chapter 232: Escape Again (1)
"You don't care about me!" Yu Lian's eyes were red, and he pushed Long Kedo away, "You are a bastard, Hun'er has already been snatched away by that little bitch, and you are pretending to see what I am doing. I don't have a brother like you, get out!"

"Sister!" Long Kedo frowned, "Why are you doing this? Why are you making enemies with Concubine De?"

"Get lost, don't mention her name to me, that kind of little slut, I will definitely tear her to pieces!" Yu Lian's eyes were full of hatred, she wanted to let Concubine De suffer a terrible death, she had to do it herself To destroy all the happiness of Concubine De, even if she can go down to the region, she must hold Concubine De to be her back!
Longkodo frowned: "Sister, I will never let you hurt her! Sister, your fate today is your own fault. If you didn't drug Concubine De's medicine back then, Long Live Lord really I want to seal you as queen!"

Yu Lian could no longer listen to Long Kedo's advice, and waved his teacup and threw it at him: "Get out, I don't have a brother like you, get out, get out!" Take more shots, although her skill has not fully recovered, but at least [-]% to [-]% has recovered. Longkoduo knew the lethality of this skill, so he didn't dare to stay, so he had to withdraw from Jingyang Palace.

Long Keduo pursed his lips, looking at the gate of Jingyang Palace, he was a little tangled, his sister's actions would not only hurt Wu Ya, but also push her to a point of no return, what should he do to prevent this accident from happening?
Tell Long Live directly?That sister will definitely be executed!
Won't you tell Lord Long Live?Then is Wu Ya really in danger?
Longkodo was a little tangled. He couldn't understand such a complicated thing with his mind. It was okay to let him fight, but he was really not good at making him intrigue.Long Keduo sighed, it is better to discuss this matter with Ma Qi and Cao Yin!Although they are not in the capital, at least the correspondence between them is considered safe.

When Longkodo was struggling with his sister's affairs, there was news that Galdan had entered the palace of Mobei Mongolia. After hearing this, Longkodo jumped up. Galdan will do a big job, if he doesn't fight to the death, he won't withdraw his troops!
But Xuanye refused to let him go to the battlefield, which made Longkodo scratch his head every day. His heart had already flown to the desert, so why leave him in Beijing?

"Uncle Longcordo, what are you doing there? I think you are about to get lice!" The fourth elder brother couldn't help laughing when he saw Longcordo's appearance. Yes, if you know him well, you will know that he is an impulsive monkey at all!

"The fourth elder brother is going to Fei Yanggu's place again?" Long Kedo frowned. The fourth elder brother has been very close to Fei Yanggu's house recently. I don't know if Wu Ya knows about it.

"Yeah, today is Mu Mu's birthday, I'm going to celebrate his birthday! Why, do you want to come with Uncle Longkodo?" The fourth elder brother smiled slightly. In fact, today is Mulan's birthday, and he was going to give her a birthday present!

Longkodo shook his head: "Then what are you doing?"

"Her?" The fourth elder brother frowned, "I guess he is in the room! You can find out by yourself, I'll go first!" The fourth elder brother shrugged and left disapprovingly.

Longkodo frowned, how could it be... in the upper room?When Longkodo walked into the Yonghe Palace, he really saw Wu Ya yelling on the roof: "Little Shuanzi, go over there, yes yes! Xiao Anzi..."

Longkodo rushed into the yard, raised his head and shouted at Wu Ya: "What are you doing?" The weather has turned cold, frost has begun to form on the eaves, and it has become so slippery that she can't stand up, and she dares to go up, Who knows if she will slip and fall by accident?

"Arranging the yard, you can't see it!" Wu Ya sat on the eaves, taking it for granted, she could only see it clearly from a high stand, only here, she could control the overall situation!
"Come down, it's too dangerous up there, if I don't come down again, I'll go to the emperor!" Long Kedo threatened Wu Ya, why doesn't this guy know a sense of crisis, he is worried about her affairs, How dare she run up to the eaves so boldly, thinking she was a cat?

Wu Ya scratched her head: "Wait a minute, it's almost ready! Just one click! That little five, go back, go back, go forward... good, good!"

Long Keduo was so angry that he performed lightness kung fu, and hugged her from the eaves. Wu Ya suddenly realized that Long Keduo was idle every day, and taught her light kung fu. She wanted to learn water skills. drift!Wu Ya stood firm and tugged on Long Kedo's clothes: "You know how to do light work, you know how to do light work!"

"My elder sister knows everything about lightness kung fu. Seeing her jumping into the Yonghe Palace that night, you just..." Long Keduo felt that he seemed to have said the wrong thing in the middle of his words. If he said this, Wu Ya would know something, right?

Wu Ya pursed her lips: "Your sister has never been willing to forgive me! Maybe one day she will come to settle accounts with me!"

"Then you still haven't protected yourself!" Long Ke raised his eyebrows, how could she be so mischievous, she is already 30 years old, and she is still like a child, and she even dared to go to the house to expose the tiles!

Wu Ya shrugged: "How can I have a sense of crisis? Is it possible that I need to practice iron cloth shirts covered with gold bells!" Listening to Long Kedo's meaning, Yu Lian's hatred for her has not diminished, and he will come to her sooner or later. If she can do light work and be able to fly over walls, how can she guard against Yu Lian?

Wu Ya and Long Kedo were talking nonsense, when they saw Gong Er, the little maid next to Concubine Hui, rushing in in a panic: "Empress De Concubine, our master is ill, I want you to go and have a look!"

Wu Ya frowned: "What's wrong with her, take me to see!" Wu Ya left Long Kedo and ran straight to Chengqian Palace.

Concubine Hui's cheeks were already flushed, and she was lying on the bed talking in her sleep: "Master Rong Ruo, Master Rong Ruo..."

Wu Ya pursed her lips, Qianmo had already suffered too much, how could she torture her like this?Wu Ya felt Qianmo's pulse. It seemed that she just had a cold and a fever, so her hanging heart was slightly relieved. She had just sent the Empress Dowager away not long ago, and she didn't want to experience the fragility of life anymore!

Liu Shengfang also rushed over, prescribed a prescription for Concubine Hui's pulse, and administered an injection, only to see her brows slightly relaxed.Liu Shengfang looked at Wu Ya's worried expression, and thought for a moment before speaking: "Concubine Hui's illness looks like a cold, but it's actually a heart disease. An unwarmed heart and an unsteady soul will allow the illness to take advantage of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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