Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 235 Arriving in Jiangnan

Chapter 235 Arriving in Jiangnan (2)
"Then I have to stay here for a month to see how you die!" Wu Yafei confronted Cao Yin.

"Emiang, I made a rough estimate. I estimate that the day after tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow, and Huang Ama will be here! You shouldn't...you can't stay for a month at all!" The fourth elder brother said very "knowing the current affairs".

Wu Ya jumped: "Who are you helping?"

"The truth!" Si Age shrugged, looking helpless.

Wu Ya is a little crazy, is he her son?How can he help Cao Yin run on her?But what Zhen'er said is also reasonable, so she will stop running around and stay here with Cao Yin and wait for Xuan Ye to "claim" her!

So Wu Ya went shopping in Jiangning every day. These things may not be as luxurious and exquisite as those made in the palace, but they are all unique and interesting.Wu Ya was enjoying her stroll when she saw Zhen'er sneaking out of the alley, hiding something shiny in her sleeve.

Wu Ya raised her eyebrows, Zhen'er's expression was very cute, this kind of concealed look should only be done by children!
Wu Ya didn't want to expose him. An 11-year-old boy in the Qing Dynasty could already get married. Zhen'er had her own little secret that she didn't want her to know, and she didn't want to ask too much. It was a small gift for Mulan, the youngest daughter of Fei Yanggu's family. Wu Ya suddenly wanted to meet this little girl who could fascinate Zhen'er!

Wu Ya was walking forward happily, when someone grabbed her shoulder, Wu Ya thought to herself and didn't dare to turn back, it must be Xuan Ye!Wu Ya brewed her emotions for a while, and then turned her head sadly: "Xuan Ye... I was wrong, don't be as knowledgeable as me!"

After Wu Ya finished talking for a long time, but there was no answer, she dared to look up, wow, the third master!Wu Ya's eyes widened, her jaw almost fell off, she never imagined that she could see the third master here!Wu Ya grabbed his sleeve: "Third master, third master, long time no see, how have you been these years?"

"Very good!" Mu Changqing smiled slightly, "I opened a medical clinic, do you want to go over there?"

"Ok, ok, ok!" Wu Ya nodded like pounding garlic, the feeling of meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country is really different!Especially old friends like Mu Changqing who haven't seen each other in eight or nine years!
Mu Changqing led her into his Ji'an Hall, looked into her shining eyes with a smile, "I haven't seen you for so many years, you haven't changed much!"

"It hasn't changed yet, I feel like I'm getting old and out of shape!" Wu Ya flattened her mouth, and it wasn't the annoying Xuan Ye who made her keep on giving birth!
Mu Changqing smiled elegantly, and chatted with her about his experience in the hospital these years, and heard her talk about the joys and sorrows of these years. Although Wu Ya and him didn't know each other for a long time, they have experienced life and death together. So it was very cordial when we met.As soon as Wu Ya chatted, she forgot the time, but Mu Changqing reminded her: "It's getting late, where do you live, I'll take you back!"

Wu Ya tilted her head and looked out of the window. Sure enough, why is it so dark? "I live in Jiangnan Weaving Mansion, so I won't invite you to sit here today. I'll let you sit there tomorrow after I talk to that stinky brat Cao Yin!"

Mu Changqing nodded. She should be the only one in Jiangnan who dares to call Mr. Cao a brat, right?He shook his head helplessly and sent her back home.Along the way, Wu Ya did not forget to criticize Cao Yin for being unreliable, which is somewhat different from Mu Changqing's cognition. In his opinion, there should be no one more reliable than the current Jiangnan Weaving!
"Cao Yin changed his face eight times a day... oops!" Wu Ya was picked up from behind when she was speaking, and before she could react, Xuan Ye's black and stinky face was already placed in front of her: " Wu Ya! How can you make me so uneasy!" Xuan Ye hurried, and finally came to Jiangning. When he arrived at the Cao Mansion, everyone said that De'er came to Jiangning, but he didn't know where he went. When it gets dark, there is no trace!

Wu Ya swallowed, and tried to calm Xuan Ye down, he even called her Wu Ya instead, which shows how angry he is!Wu Ya smiled apologetically: "Xuan Ye, I'm sorry, I just saw an old friend and chatted for a while longer, but I didn't expect that the sky brush would turn black when I pulled it, didn't I react slowly!"

Mu Changqing shook his head helplessly and smiled slightly: "It's been so many years, but your communication method is still so interesting?"

Xuan Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the man in front of him: "Are you... that bandit in Baoding?"

"What kind of bandits!" Wu Ya patted Xuan Ye's shoulder, "He's a doctor now, and what he's doing is saving lives and healing the wounded!"

Xuan Ye pinched her face: "So, you often have a relationship with people who see a doctor!" Xuan Ye's doting smile on De'er stopped abruptly when he turned his head to look at Mu Changqing, and his expression became serious and indifferent "It's too late today, so I won't keep you as a guest. I will take De'er to your pharmacy some other day!"

Xuanye didn't wait for Mu Changqing's reply, he took De'er by the collar and strode all the way back to Cao Yin's mansion. Cao Yin watched helplessly as the emperor carried Wu Ya all the way back to her own room, and couldn't help but click his lips, look Wake up, Wu Ya's lesson is inevitable again!

Xuan Ye threw her into the room, then locked the door behind him, crossed his hands and looked straight into her eyes: "Tell me, are you wrong?"

"I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!" Wu Ya pouted, admitting her mistake obediently.

"Where is it wrong?" Xuan Ye continued with a straight face.

Wu Ya rolled her eyes, and after thinking for a long time, she decided to say with a shy face: "Well...where do you start counting?" Even she knew that she was wrong a lot, for example, she shouldn't have sneaked out of the palace. , shouldn't let Bi'er pretend to be herself, shouldn't chat with the third master all afternoon... um... wait, wait!

"You..." Xuan Ye gritted his teeth angrily, why is she still looking like a hob at such an old age?
"Xuan Ye..." Wu Ya leaned over, "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would be distracted! I just wanted to send Sister Qianmo over, and then I was going to go back. If you don't find out that Bi'er is fake and shoddy, It doesn't matter if I come back as a substitute at that time! What about today's matter... Who knew that you would have to hurry and follow us to join in the fun?"

(End of this chapter)

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