Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 236 Mulan Enters the Palace

Chapter 236 Mulan Enters the Palace (1)
"So it's still my fault for saying that?" Xuan Ye raised his eyebrows with an expression of disbelief.

"My fault, my fault, my fault..." Wu Ya grabbed Xuan Ye's arm, "Don't be angry! I really know I was wrong, and I will never dare to sneak out of the palace again. Is it all right?"

Xuan Ye had no choice but to act coquettishly with her, and most of the anger she was full of was lost by her, so he could only sigh and hug her tightly: "If you keep messing around like this, I really have to build a big cage to lock you up! The Forbidden City is as impregnable as gold, why can't you be locked up!"

"Because your heart is the whole world! I live in your heart, and of course the whole world has to go around!" Wu Ya raised her eyebrows, talking nonsense.

"What the hell logic! Now my heart is full of the Mobei war, and you still want to go to the war?" Xuan Ye frowned, a little helpless at her chaotic logic.

"Will you let me?" Wu Ya raised her head, her eyes full of longing.

"Don't let me!" Xuan Ye was so angry that he pushed her head back under his chin, "Why are you so restless?"

Wu Ya smiled slightly: "Just kidding! But seriously, aren't you going to fight Galdan?" Wu Ya remembered that Xuan Ye would personally conquer Galdan twice, so she hoped When Xuan Ye went out to fight, she could be by his side.

Xuan Ye sighed heavily: "If I hadn't come out of the palace to look for you, maybe I have already gone to the Mobei battlefield now, but it's good to put it aside for a while, and wait until the winter in the north is over before starting the war, there will be a time that is beneficial to us Longer!"

Wu Ya nodded: "Then let's go back to the palace as soon as possible, and don't delay your plan to go out!"

At the end of March, Wu Ya returned to the capital with Xuan Ye's southern inspection team. Xuan Ye took the opportunity to seal up two concubines. Dead, the substitute Xiao Ran has already confessed to her and will not be her enemy anymore; the most influential Yu Lian has been locked up now, and the other women are almost incompetent, most of them are The grass on the wall is not enough to pose a threat to her!
But Xuan Ye's caution must have his reasons, Wu Ya didn't ask too many questions, she stayed in the Yonghe Palace and watched her children learn and play, sometimes even she herself felt amazing that she had quiet moments, really not easy!
"Master!" Jinse walked in, "It's time to choose the maid again, the empress dowager wants you to take care of it!"

"Me?" Wu Ya frowned. Where did she do such a job? Now that Yu Lian is imprisoned, Xianya is imprisoned, and Sister Qianmo is sent out of the palace by her again, this job can only be done Is it on her shoulder?Wu Ya bit her lip, who else could she consult with now?
Wu Ya flattened her mouth, forget it, just bite the bullet and do it, anyway, she is just a nonchalant person, if she really messes things up, she is not afraid of losing this person!Wu Ya sighed: "Go ask Si Zhu to help me, by the way, first bring me the roster of this year's maids, is there any special character?"

"Sister!" Si Zhu came in with the roster, "I've already brought it. I knew my sister would ask me to help, so I came here by myself! I've seen the roster, and there is someone very interesting!"


"Lord Fei Yanggu's direct daughter, Mulan!" Si Zhu flipped the roster to her place, and pointed it to Wu Ya, "Most of the maids who came to choose the court ladies were the children of the eight banners and the families of the enslaved servants, or a little A concubine from an official family is as prominent as Master Fei Yanggu, and all his concubines are supposed to be drafted, how can such a direct daughter be chosen as a servant girl?"

Listening to Si Zhu's analysis, Wu Ya couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, Mulan?She actually ran to the palace?It's really getting more and more interesting!Wu Ya smiled slightly: "Sheng'er, go to the North Fifth Institute and bring this girl named Mulan to Yonghe Palace for me to see!"

Sizhu looked up, and saw a playful smile on Wu Ya's face, this kind of smile was warm and peaceful, which made Sizhu somewhat puzzled, is this Mulan someone her sister recognizes?Shouldn't she be the niece of Concubine Wen Xi's clan?
The environment of the North Fifth Institute can be regarded as the last in the entire harem, but Mulan of Lotte still saw a lot of interesting things here, thinking that she would soon be able to be on duty in the palace, and be in the same sky with the fourth elder brother After that, she felt extremely happy. It shouldn't be so difficult to see him in the future, right?
The fourth elder brother also said that he would help her find a leisurely and easy job, I don't know if he has done it yet!There was a happy smile on Mulan's face. She had already identified Si elder brother, and she would never change in this life!

"Which one is Mulan?" A voice brought Mulan back to her thoughts. Mulan didn't know what was going on, and hurriedly got up to greet her: "Auntie is lucky, this servant is Mulan!"

"Come with me, Empress Concubine De wants to see you!" Sheng'er didn't know what the master wanted to do with this little girl, but I heard that she was the daughter of Lord Fei Yanggu, and that was the niece of Concubine Wen Xi's clan. He is not a good person, so he feels a little more disgusted with this girl named Mulan.

Mulan saw that this aunt was really fierce, so she didn't dare to ask more questions, so she followed her all the way to the Yonghe Palace.Empress Defei, isn't that the fourth elder brother's own mother?What did she want her for?Mulan frowned, a little scared.But I heard that the fourth elder brother has been living in the Yonghe Palace, if she can stay in the Yonghe Palace, can't she see the fourth elder brother at any time?
Mulan puffed out her chest, it was decided!

Wu Ya carefully looked at the girl who came in with Sheng'er. She was dressed in a lowly palace dress, but it couldn't conceal her beauty. Her big black eyes drooped slightly, and she only dared to stare at her feet, but Wu Ya could see clearly. Her fluffy eyelashes were covered, and there was a slight rosy luster on her snow-white cheeks, it was unknown whether it was caused by nervousness or shyness.It can be seen from her gestures that she is a well-educated lady, no wonder Zhen'er always said that his forehead is rough, I really like this one!

"Your name is Mulan?" Wu Ya asked softly, trying not to make her feel like a vicious old woman!Wu Ya bit her lip, this child might be her daughter-in-law, she must be handled properly!
(End of this chapter)

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