Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 237 Mulan Enters the Palace

Chapter 237 Mulan Enters the Palace (2)
"Yes, servant girl Mulan! She is the daughter of Fei Yang's family, the third-rank leader of Xiangbai Banner." Mulan replied politely, she must make a good impression on Empress Defei and try to get her to stay!However, this concubine is different from what she imagined. She doesn't look like a woman in her 30s at all. She still looks like a peerless beauty. The smile in the corner of her eyes is soft and natural, which won't make her feel awkward. pressure!Mulan believes that a woman who can raise an excellent son like the fourth elder brother must also have a very different place!

"Why did you come to choose the palace lady? Your status is enough to participate in the draft girl! Don't you feel wronged?" Sizhu asked from the side, she wondered if this girl was Xianya trying to stay with Long Live God or her sister eyeliner!
"Mulan never thought of being a beautiful girl, Mulan just wanted to go to the palace to learn how to serve others and learn how the masters live, that's all!" Mulan raised her eyes and argued, who wants to be that ghost concubine? Well, the emperor is older than her Ama, so she doesn't want to be that kind of old man's woman!

Outside the yard, the fourth elder brother who had just finished class in the study room hurried to the Yonghe Palace when he heard that Er Niang had summoned Mulan. What happened? Why did Er Niang want to see Mulan all of a sudden?Could it be that his behavior was exposed?Will Er Niang make things difficult for Mulan?Er Niang never played cards according to the rules, and he didn't know what she would do!
"Fourth elder brother!" Die Er, the court lady next to Yu Lian, was passing by the Jingyun Gate, and when she saw fourth elder brother rushing to the West Sixth Palace, she quickly stopped him: "Si elder brother is auspicious, and fourth elder brother also took time to visit us Master, master has not seen you for a long time, I really miss you very much!"

"Who are you! Why stop me?" The fourth prince was a little absent-minded, and all his thoughts were devoted to the Yonghe Palace.

"The servant girl is from Jingyang Palace, and she is the person next to the noble concubine Tong Jia! Si elder brother will go to see your mother-in-law with the servant girl today!" Die Er knew that if the master could see the fourth elder brother to visit her, he would definitely It won't be as gloomy as it is now!

"She's not my mother-in-law!" The fourth elder brother shook off her hand, with a look of disgust on his face, this slave dared to flirt with him, it must be too big or small!He probably already understood what happened back then, and he also heard about the kidnapping of his mother-in-law by the imperial concubine Tong Jia. How could he have such a vicious mother-in-law?Although she raised her for almost two or three years, didn't she have some other purpose?The fourth elder brother said harshly: "I only have Concubine De, please don't pester Tong Jia any more!" After speaking, he left without looking back.

Die'er was so angry that she gritted her teeth, how could this fourth elder brother be so heartless, she must tell the master that he is not worthy of the master's attention at all!

The fourth elder brother didn't think about it that much. After throwing away the serious words, he had already forgotten about it, and hurried back to the Yonghe Palace: "Er Niang!" The fourth elder brother rushed into the hall without any explanation, and saw Mulan standing in the middle of the hall. , I was chatting with Er Niang about something, the fourth elder brother was a little nervous, I don't know what they talked about before!
Wu Ya saw Si elder brother panting a little, and knew that he was in a hurry to come back. Instead, she wanted to tease him, so she pretended to say: "Mulan, you are the daughter of Fei Yanggu's family, that is, Wen Xi in our palace. Concubine's niece, then... I will assign you to her and let you find your aunt, how about it?"

"Slave..." Before Mulan hesitated, the fourth elder brother shouted out her objection: "I don't agree!"

Wu Ya raised her eyebrows: "Why are you joining in the fun! What position do you use to refute my decision?"

"Anyway, I just don't agree." The fourth elder brother stomped his feet, "Is there still a place for people to stay at Concubine Wen Xi's place? Mulan will definitely not get used to it when she gets there!"

Wu Ya continued to raise her eyebrows: "Yo, my son is really good, and he can tell fortunes. You can figure out the name of this little palace lady who just entered the palace?" Wu Ya smiled with a hint of success.

The fourth elder brother saw Er Niang's smile, and couldn't help but his teeth itch: "E Niang! You deliberately teased me!"

Wu Ya nodded: "I don't deny it!"

Mulan stared wide-eyed at the childlike smile of Empress Concubine De. This shouldn't be the expression that a concubine should show at all, let alone when a mother is facing her son?

"Emiang, how did you know?" The fourth elder brother was a little surprised, he had obviously covered it up carefully enough, how could it still be seen through by Eniang?
Wu Ya smiled slightly: "Take back that expression of yours, don't act like Erniang is spying on your secrets, I'm not that boring, but you still have to hide your small gifts in the future, for example, now pregnant The tip of the hairpin inside is exposed, who can see it?" Wu Ya pointed to the little golden tip protruding from Zhen'er's arms, after all, she was still a child, so she was not stable enough.

Fourth elder brother panicked, hurriedly went to cover his gift, he just bought it, even Mulan didn't know about it, so why did Er Niang find out?

Wu Ya smiled helplessly: "I didn't want to care about the feelings of you young people. I'm sure I won't ask too much about you, but I still have to remind you that the palace is not as safe as the outside, even in the Yonghe Palace. Inside, it may not be 100% safe, you know?"

"So Er Niang is willing to keep Mulan in the Yonghe Palace?" Fourth elder brother's eyes were bright, and Er Niang's words made him see infinite hope.

"Did I say that?" Wu Ya raised her eyebrows, "Didn't I just say that I would put Mulan at her aunt's place?"

"Emiang!" The fourth elder brother frowned, with Concubine Wen Xi's appearance of wanting to have no contact with the Yonghe Palace, if Mulan was placed in the Taiji Palace, would the two of them still have a chance to meet?

Wu Ya looked at Zhen'er who was about to explode, and couldn't help showing a tricky smile: "You're kidding! Mulan is more stable than you at first glance, and Er Niang will naturally not give her up to others!"

"Mulan thanks Empress Defei for understanding!" Mulan knelt down politely.

"Mulan, you don't have to be so polite with my mother!" The fourth elder brother rushed to her side, hugged her face and took a bite: "Thank you, mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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