Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 238 The Last Strike

Chapter 238 The Last Strike (1)
Mulan looked at the interaction between the mother and child with some surprises. Before she could react, she had already been dragged out of the room by the fourth elder brother. Mulan turned her head slightly, looking at this tolerant and happy woman, the image of Concubine De and the concubine in her heart Her image doesn't match at all, such a lively and cheerful woman is like an elf, people can't look away, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like those solemn, elegant and high-ranking concubines.

Sizhu watched the girl named Mulan being dragged away by the fourth elder brother, and then said worriedly: "Sister, are you really not afraid that she is Xianya's secret whistle who stays with the fourth elder brother? Her mother is from Niu Gulu's family." what!"

Wu Ya smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, Mulan's identity will not become a secret whistle, because her identity is too obvious, and everyone will associate her with Xianya. If she is a secret whistle, wouldn't she be better than a bright whistle?" Bright? Zhen'er has his own way of seeing people, and the person he likes must have his reasons!" There is no shortage of everything in the palace, but there is no shortage of little girls. Zhen'er must have his consideration in choosing Mulan. Although she It's his mother-in-law, and she doesn't want to watch him too closely.

As the sun set, the shade of the trees covered the entire courtyard, as if it had entered the night ahead of time, Yu Lian bit her lips and listened to Die'er's description, how could her Zhen'er be taught by that damned woman to be such a ruthless person?Zhen'er belonged to her, and the genealogy clearly stated that he had already inherited it to herself, so why did that damned vixen still want to seize love and trap Zhen'er's body and mind firmly.

She is not convinced, she must take back everything that should belong to her!Yu Lian's originally pale face became even more ashen, her teeth were also being bitten and rattled, and a jealous fire rose in her chest, she wanted to make Concubine De die badly!Never be reincarnated!

Yu Lian stood up abruptly, her eyes were already full of bloodshot eyes, almost bursting out of the entire eyeball, she couldn't help but walk out, Die'er looked at the master's appearance, and she was also a little scared, she looked almost like a demon The possessed puppet made people dare not approach it, for fear that if they made a mistake for a while, they would leave their own bones dead.

Die Er watched helplessly as she tore apart several guards guarding the gate. She was a little shocked by the blood all over the courtyard. of!What should I do now, if Long Live Lord finds out that she provoked the master, she will be wiped out of the nine clans, right?Lord Longkodo?Die'er hurriedly thought of her only life-saving straw. Master Longkodo is the master's younger brother, so he should have a way to restrain the master, right?
Die'er thought about it, and hurried to Jingyunmen.

Yu Lian has already blazed a trail of blood, so anyone who dares to obstruct her can't escape her claws. The stone road in the Sixth West Palace is already covered with blood. A group of guards have never seen such a battle, and they dare not If you approach easily, you can only send someone to notify the commander and report to the Lord Long Live.

Yu Lian's eyes were as red as a trapped beast, she was already red-eyed, even if she were to go to the [-]th floor of hell today, she would drag Wu Yashi to the bottom!Yu Lian rushed all the way to the Yonghe Palace. Longkodo hurried to the Yonghe Palace after receiving Die'er's notice, but he was still a little late. He just stepped into the Jinghe Gate and watched his sister step into the Yonghe Palace. the gate.Longkodo roared in despair: "Sister, don't!"

Yu Lian naturally wouldn't hear such a call, she only had one thought in her mind now, to kill Wu Yashi!The servants of the Yonghe Palace saw Tong Jia's appearance like this, and they all stood in front of her: "Miss Tong Jia, wait for us to report..." "Tong Jia..." "Ah..." screamed It was heard that everyone was no match for her and fell under her palm one after another.

Wu Ya heard the commotion in the yard, so she opened the door and went out to find out. Just as she showed her head, she saw Yu Lian hurting people in Yonghe Palace like crazy, Wu Ya frowned, and couldn't help shouting: "Tong Jia, the noble concubine, Come at me for something! Don't vent your anger on my people!"

Yu Lian heard Wu Yashi's voice, her eyes suddenly turned cold, her head suddenly turned to her reassurance, the corner of her mouth could not help but pull a cruel smile: "You are the one I am looking for!"

Yu Lian tapped her toes, and then rushed straight towards Wu Ya, Wu Ya watched her aggressive appearance, she had no ability to parry at all, she could only stand on the spot, waiting for Yu Lian's claws to reach her .

"Sister!" Long Kedo blocked Yu Lian's attack with the scabbard in time, and hurriedly stood in front of Wu Ya, "Sister, stop making trouble, what good will it do you?"

Yu Lian slapped Long Keduo with a palm: "Leave me alone, I'm going to die with this damn woman!" Yu Lian didn't explain to Long Keduo, and directly crossed him and slapped in Wu Ya's direction, Long Ke Duo could only use the scabbard to block her attack, but he was still a little powerless. He didn't want to hurt his sister, not to mention that Yu Lian, a plain girl, was so powerful that even he didn't have the ability to parry her.

Yu Lian's Qi pulse was reversed, he was already a little mad, and his sanity was a little unclear, and his attack on Long Ke Duo became more and more serious. Long Ke Duo retreated step by step, but still couldn't resist her attack, Yu Lian's palm was terrified , and directly slapped Longkodo on the chest, and Longkodo spurted out a mouthful of blood immediately, and he no longer had the ability to fight back.

Yu Lian's eyes were already bloodshot, she didn't remember that he was her younger brother at all, just wanted to quickly solve the trouble in front of her, so she slapped Longkodo hard again with another slap.Wu Ya saw Yu Lian's posture with her own eyes, if this palm hit Longkodo, even if the gods were alive, they might not be able to recover.Wu Ya hurriedly yelled: "Tong Jiashi, I am the person you are looking for! If you don't come again, I will run away!" Wu Ya said, and made a gesture of running away, attracting Yu Lian's attention.

Yu Lian's eyes were red, and she threw away Longkodo and grabbed her directly. Before Wu Ya could take a step, she was already tightly clamped by her neck. At the same time, she heard Xuan Ye's voice rushing in: "Yu Lian , don't hurt her!"

Yu Lian's hand didn't let go, and he looked back at the emperor's anxious expression while supporting Concubine De, and couldn't help laughing coldly: "You are so panic-stricken at times? Aren't you the Son of Heaven? Aren't you able to dominate everything today? I just want you to watch your beloved woman die in front of you! Hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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