Looting starts with the system

Chapter 101 World Barriers?

Chapter 101 World Barriers? (owed)
Although Ye You really wanted to complain, she still resisted the urge. After all, the character design still needs to be maintained, otherwise it will be over if the character design collapses.

Looking at the bead in his hand, Ye You thought: This is it?Is the world so light?

[This object is only a conceptual barrier to the world, and has nothing to do with its weight or quality. . . 】

[Ding, the system can be upgraded. 】

Ye You is speechless, why does the system suddenly need to be upgraded while chatting, but the upgrade is also a very good thing for him, but the system is his own.

"Confirm the upgrade."

[This upgrade needs to consume world beads, do you confirm the upgrade? 】

Ye You rubbed his chin, and finally decided to upgrade, otherwise his stuff would be useless, wouldn't it?

Ye You suddenly thought that the previous live broadcast system seemed to have a new function after it was integrated, but he forgot it because he was too busy, but the customer Ye You felt that since those things can be integrated, it should be possible this time.

So Ye You took out the three modules - the chat module, the energy module and the strengthening module. Ye You just took out the two groups of data and one ability group when he heard the system's prompt:
[New module detected, do you want to load fusion? 】

After hearing the system prompt, Ye You couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. After the loading is completed this time, he will check it together, and check which functions he ignored last time.

"Confirm to load the new module." After Ye You finished speaking, a pop-up window suddenly popped up in front of him, and there was a progress bar on it, and the completion percentage was written behind the progress bar.

Ye You turned off the interface casually, and then he looked like Westcott, this guy is still fine after Ye You learned about the matter, it's really not easy.

In the past, either he was directly killed after offending Ye You, or he was directly disabled, and there was no possibility of a cure.

"Then...Mr. Westcott, you can do it now." Ye You said to Westcott with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What?" Westcott was taken aback. He didn't expect Ye You to be stunned for so long. He thought he was letting him go, but he wondered why Ye You would let him go. In K's original book, Ye You is not such a person. .

Only now did he know that Ye You had no intention of letting him go, and the matter only started now.

"If you don't do anything, then you have no chance, and Miss Allen next to you, if you still want to live, just stay here and don't move around." Ye You said, with a look that didn't care about Weiss at all. The way Court puts it in his eyes.

Westcott clenched his fist, and then slowly let go and said, "It's impossible to open it or not."

Ye You didn't say anything, just maintained his calm expression, feeling that this matter is very interesting, originally he just wanted to see the big boss who is about to fight the world, but now he got another system.

Ye You is in a good mood now, so he is also ready to play with Westcott, but if it is a life-and-death battle, as long as Ye You can react, then it is not dangerous for him. It allows him to survive even if he is chopped into meat paste, and the super-speed regeneration of the flame spirit power is also terrifying.

And the most important thing is, as long as Ye You is not unable to react, he can directly strip the energy in the attack, and then use it to feed himself back.

Although the current Ye You is only in the spirit realm, he is really strong, and it is easy to leapfrog the battle, but he still prefers realm crushing.

So Ye You saw that Westcott's face became serious, and only saw a burst of white light behind him. Although there was no spiritual outfit, Ye You could feel the fluctuation of spiritual power on his body.

Ye You stood on the spot and didn't move. Anyway, this place is just an energy condensate, and the combat power is not that strong. His real body is still outside.

There was a flash of light in Westcott's hand, and then there was an extra weapon, which seemed to be a western knight's sword.

Ye You showed an interesting look, looked at Westcott's knight sword, roughly estimated its grade, and thought it should be an earth-grade weapon.

But Westcott doesn't care what Ye You is thinking, since the other party is so provocative, then directly use force to teach the other party a lesson.

He could feel that although the power in Ye You's body was huge, it was chaotic and not a unified attribute. Although it was very diverse, it still had a considerable impact on the combat effectiveness.

And the spiritual power in his different bodies is completely a unified attribute, and he can feel that his current strength may surpass Ye You, so he has a lot of self-confidence.

He raised his hand and slashed at Ye You with a sword, but he saw that Ye You didn't flicker or close.

"Heh~ Are you so confident about your own dark defense? Look, I'll kill you." After speaking, Westcott, who had already come to Ye You, waved the knight sword in his hand and landed.

The knight's sword fell straight on Ye You's head, and then it was cut open like tofu, but although Ye You was divided into two halves, it didn't affect him at all.

Westcott looked at Ye You in a bewildered expression, he felt that something was wrong, why his move was useless, although he didn't use much force, but it's not the case that he cut it directly ?

Ye You was also speechless for a while, this is just a piece of energy, if you cut the energy, it's not energy, what a wand.

Ye You casually shot out an annihilation energy, Westcott narrowed his eyes, and then directly slashed out a sword aura to offset the annihilation energy, and even flew towards Ye You with the remaining sword aura.

Ye You didn't make any resistance, but just took back his soul, and Westcott saw his sword qi cut the enemy into energy and disappeared.

He feels that there is absolutely a problem with this, the enemy cannot be so weak. . .

PS: This chapter seems to have collapsed. . .There is one more equivalent to be written. . .I am so tired, I have to write a total of three chapters in a few days. . .

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(End of this chapter)

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