Looting starts with the system

Chapter 102 Sacrifice

Chapter 102 Sacrifice
Ye You looked at Westcott who was deep in thought in the building, and really didn't understand what this guy was thinking?Ye You felt that this guy needs to pay attention to his true self.

So Ye You shot out an annihilation beam casually in order to attract attention. This time, a group of fighters from the EDM company were stunned. Why didn't this thing prompt?

Could it be half-blood rampage?That's not right at all, there is no such thing as a general attack on Berserk, everyone can't figure it out, but they still insist on attacking Ye You.

Needless to say, because Ye You's spatial rules have become stronger, the speed of space condensation is naturally faster. Ye You estimates that it will only take half a day at the current speed. Originally, it would take about two days, but now it only takes about half a day. It takes half a day.

But in his current situation, it is not easy to fight with Westcott, but Ye You still has a way to keep Westcott from running away.

Westcott, who was thinking in the building, felt a big energy shock, so he immediately raised his hand, and then directly slashed down with a sword, splitting the annihilation beam into two halves.

Ye You's annihilation beam crossed Westcott twice, and then blasted two deep pits on the ground behind him.

After seeing it, Westcott also said: "Oh, it seems that's all there is to it."

Ye You, however, had a weird smile on his lips. In his mind, he gave Ling an order to let all the superhumans start their activities. It didn't take much trouble, at most, it was just a mandatory task.

Then the places that were originally peaceful began to massacre, the reason was because Ye You needed them to sacrifice to himself, which was the so-called western magic.

Why is sacrifice needed?Of course, their God Lord needed their help.After half a minute, Ye You felt a rush of blood and resentment from the sacrificial circle.

Ye You didn't absorb it, he just stored it and used it to play with Westcott later.

As for those sacrificial circles, it is impossible for Ye You to depict them, it is just that Ye You sent them a screenshot of the lines of the magic circle.

The sacrificer does not need to have any formation foundation, as long as he can roughly draw it, and then as long as it resonates with the recipient in the world, he can directly start the sacrifice.

This was originally used by those evil gods to make believers sacrifice, so naturally the simpler the better, so Ye You took the magic circle and gave it to his wage earners.

Now those people can't be called believers. After all, beliefs need time to accumulate and need to experience the precipitation of time.

Ye You felt the blood and resentment getting stronger and stronger, and felt that there would be something to watch later, and then there would be a direct battle between humans and resentment puppets.

Ye You felt that he was really a talented director, and he couldn't help but want to award himself a best director award.

But since his wage earners have all sacrificed, Ye You should also express his gratitude, so let them have a chance to see Westcott fighting the resentment puppets.

But this play still needs to wait for enough materials for the operation, that is, before the materials of blood energy and resentment are fully prepared, Ye You still needs to hold back this troublesome Westcott.

If it was before Ye You deprived the pearl of that moment, this state might be enough to deal with Westcott, but now Ye You finds that he can crush the opponent again, is this the invincible Dugu?

(Fox: No, this is Xiu'er's happiness.

Ye You:. . . . ? )

Ye You himself continued to condense the small world, and Ye You's soul began to control the formation, only to see the lines of the entire formation suddenly brighten, and then there was an unprecedented buzzing sound.

This burst of continuous buzzing directly attracted the attention of the EDM members who were stunned after seeing the strength of their boss.

Although the original formation existed, it had little effect on the sky. At most, it made the sky less cloudy, but now not only did the clouds increase, but also the sky became black within the entire range of the formation. Purple.

A group of people looked at the sky and felt that their hearts were starting to speed up. This has nothing to do with guts. Humans are inherently afraid of things they have never seen. Although this kind of scene is very common in movies, they still can’t help it when it appears in reality. Some fear.

Westcott looked at the already black sky above his head, his face was still solemn, although he had just cut off Ye You's energy condensate with a single sword, but the feeling that this formation gave him now is even worse than that of Naruto. It is countless times stronger than the energy body.

Perhaps thinking of something, a white light flashed in Westcott's eyes, and then he saw Westcott suddenly jumping up from the ground, then quickly approaching Ye You, raised the knight sword in his hand, and slashed towards Ye You. a sword.

Feeling the dazzling sword glow, Ye You didn't panic at all, and didn't even open her eyes.There is no movement but to control the magic circle. . .

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(End of this chapter)

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