Chapter 101 Trading
Mo Yao lived in Muscat for a few days, and the wounds on his body were almost healed, and the negotiation with Oman was also on the agenda. This afternoon, he came to the beach alone, staring at the distant sea in a daze.

Mo Yao is not a melancholy boy, he came here only because this sea area faces Roman Island.

Laughing at himself, without him getting in the way, the broken woman should have been with Zhang Xian, right? The phone in his pocket rang suddenly, and Mo Yao took out the phone, and an unfamiliar number jumped on the screen.

After hesitating for a moment, he picked up the phone.

"I'm Dong Chuzhi." The person on the phone said, "I heard that Qi Shao is now in Muscat."

If I remember correctly, this should be the first time Dong Chuchen talked to him, Mo Yao smiled, "Uncle Dong is really well informed, I am indeed in Muscat."

Dong Chu hummed, with an inexplicable heaviness in his tone, "Ming people don't speak dark words, I want to discuss a business with Qi Shao."

Mo Yao was really surprised again, he and Long Xuan had always been in harmony with each other, and Dong Chuchen took the initiative to talk to him about business, it was like the sun came out from the west. "Uncle Dong is willing to support, Mo Yao will do his best, but I don't know what kind of business Uncle Dong wants to do?"

"It's about you."

related to me?Mo Yao raised his eyebrows, "I've never heard that Long Xuan is in the business of buying and selling people."

Dong Chuchen laughed, "I'll take the arms market in Russia and exchange something with Seventh Young Master."

The Longxuan family has dominated the Russian arms market for many years. Its share is equivalent to more than two Middle Easts. Dong Chuan actually wants to use it for trade. Presumably what he wants is not so easy to get, so it is really possible to get it with him. about himself.

"Uncle Dong really thinks highly of Mo Yao. With such a big market, I'm afraid it's not worth selling me, right? What does Uncle Dong want Mo Yao to do or what do you want to get from Mo Yao?"

"Borrow Qi Shao for three days."

Ok?Now Mo Yao couldn't turn his head, it seemed that Dong Chuchen said something incomprehensible, and he needed to chew it carefully.

Hearing that he didn't respond for a long time, Dong Chu asked, "Young Master Qi thinks it's not enough?"

Mo Yao choked out a sentence for a long time, "Uncle Dong wants Mo Yao to be happy, right?" If he is stupid, the entire Russian arms market will give him three days. If Dong Chu is not crazy, then he wants to use these three days to achieve something. Purpose.

How can people like them do business that loses money, and if they don't make money, they lose money.

"I'm not joking." Dong Chuchen's serious voice came from the receiver, and Mo Yao could hear the heaviness in his tone through the distant telephone line, "Yilan is sick, she wants to see you, I know you have been lately In the troublesome Middle East market, one Russia is enough to cover three Middle Easts, so you are getting a good deal.”

Dong Yilan was sick, and that poor woman was sick again. She was fine when he left a few days ago, so why did she suddenly get sick again.

"You said she was sick, what kind of disease did she have?" Mo Yao realized that he almost yelled after he finished speaking. When he heard the news of Dong Yilan's illness, his heart raised his throat.

Why is this poor woman in such poor health, she gets sick at every turn? Since he knew her, she was either in the hospital or on the way to the hospital.

"It's hard to explain." He couldn't tell him that his daughter was carrying a mutated gene in his body, otherwise he would be scared away, where would he find someone like Mo Yao to make his daughter happy.

"Are you seriously ill?" In fact, he didn't need to ask, he had already thought that the Po woman's condition must be very serious this time, otherwise Dong Chuchen would not have proposed such an exchange condition.

However, based on the principle of being a bastard who is cheap but not profitable, Mo Yao still agreed to the exchange terms of Dong Chuchen, using the Russian arms market in exchange for his time. As for whether he will come back in three days, when the time comes Seeing through the woman's performance, if she is willing to let him stay with her, three months is fine.

Mo Yao took three steps and two steps towards the parking sound, and he found that he was eager to go back to Roman Island.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Mo Yao's plane arrived at Roman Island. After entering the door, he realized that the place seemed to have changed a lot in a few days. He hadn't been here before, maybe he thought he was in a private hospital.

Dong Yilan was no longer in the original room, he searched around but couldn't find it, so he went downstairs and grabbed a random doctor and asked, "Where's Dong Yilan?"

The doctor gave him a blank look and said, "Are you here to visit Miss Dong? She just went to the tea garden in the back mountain."

You can still go to the tea garden. It seems that the poor woman is not seriously ill. She is probably trying to trick him back and put on a show. Damn it!Thinking of this, the restless mood along the way relaxed a lot, and he straightened his collar and went out to the back mountain.

The shabby woman was curled up in the rattan chair like that day, but today she was wrapped in a thick blanket, and she looked like a big rice dumpling.

Thinking of the day when she and Zhang Xian were in love with each other, Mo Yao became angry again, and took two quick steps to Dong Yilan's side.

"Broken..." Just as she was about to speak, she found that she was curled up in a chair and fell asleep. Her palm-sized face had lost a lot of weight, and her face was as pale as a piece of white paper that hadn't been written on.

But the face is very delicate, it seems that it has been deliberately dressed up.

Dong Chuchen didn't lie, she was indeed seriously ill, and Mo Yao's heart ached.

Perhaps because of feeling the heat, Dong Yilan woke up faintly, her eyes no longer had the brilliance of the past, they were so bleak that it made people feel distressed.Seeing Mo Yao, surprise welled up in her eyes.

"Mo Yao..." She murmured, her voice was very low, and Mo Yao walked over.

"Why, you abused me that day and didn't give you food, and now you regret being so ugly?" Mo Yao gave her an annoyed look, and stretched his arms to hug her.

I haven't seen her for a few days, she is so thin that only her bones are left, and she has no weight in her arms.

"The skinny and careful Lord despises you." Mo Yao said, holding her in his arms and sitting down, took another look at her face that was so thin that only one big eye remained, and said with disgust: "You are so ugly now !"

She had already experienced his venomous tongue, she smiled indifferently, "You still hug him when you're ugly."

"Master is willing, I want you to take care of it!" He insisted on pulling the blanket on her body, wrapping her more tightly.Dong Yilan rubbed her little head, found a comfortable position in his arms, and began to sleep again.

She has become more and more sleepy, as if 24 hours a day is not enough, and now she sleeps all the time except for meal time.

In fact, she has not eaten much in the past two days. Two bags of nutrient solution a day have beaten her blood vessels so that her blood vessels are not so smooth. You can fall asleep in one fell swoop.

I was afraid that if I fell asleep that day, I would never wake up again.

"Yilan?" Seeing her falling asleep, Mo Yao suddenly became frightened, and shook Dong Yilan's pale face forcefully, "Yilan, wake up, can I tell you a story?"

Dong Yilan was awakened by his shaking, and opened her eyes in confusion, "What story?"

"What story do you want to hear?"

"When I was young, I often had nightmares and couldn't fall asleep, so Daddy would tell me fairy tales." It seemed that it would be too tiring to say too much in one breath, so Dong Yilan stopped to catch his breath for a long time before continuing: "Daddy said, I am the cursed princess, waiting for the prince to redeem me."

Heh, I didn't expect that the overlord of the Dark Empire, who is tough and tough, would have such a tender side. Thinking of his family, Dong Yilan should have been relatively happy in his childhood.

"Then your prince is here?"

Dong Yilan shook her head, "No."

Mo Yao sneered, fairy tales are all deceptive, "I will tell you a ghost story now."

"Ghost stories?" Dong Yilan moved his body and changed into a more comfortable position, "Daddy said that if you hear too many ghost stories, you will have nightmares."

"With Master here, how dare ghosts come near." Mo Yao pushed Dong Yilan into his arms.

It's true, when meeting Mo Qiye, who dares not anger others, the little devil will go around within a hundred meters. She is probably the only one in this world who is not afraid of death and dares to go up.

She hugged her tightly, "Let me tell you a story about my childhood."

Mo Yao's deep eyes looked forward, through the white camellia forest, looking at the sunset in the sky that was about to end. Under the sunset, there was a fiery red cloud, reflecting half of the sky red.

The beauty of the sunset is desolate.

Something touched Mo Yao's heart, and he felt a little sad.

"About 21 years ago, maybe 20 years ago, I was very young, I can't remember exactly. I had a brother who was about the same age, well, he seemed to be a year or two older than me, but he was younger than me. He grew much taller. Once he took me to a place far away from home, and he said he found a mysterious gate there."

"I was very curious at the time, so I followed him. I saw a big iron gate in a very desolate valley. Someone will notice."

"It feels like a tomb robber's notebook." Dong Yilan interjected.

"You still read the notes on tomb robbers?" Mo Yao looked at the little woman in his arms in surprise. Her eyes were closed. If she hadn't just said something, he would have thought she had fallen asleep again. "But you are right, but that door The door is not as big as the bronze door in the tomb notes, and it is just an ordinary iron door, which is very strong, a bit like the gate of a bank vault or a military base. There is a very bright flower printed on the iron door, the flower Almost covered the entire door."

"Such a strange door?" Dong Yilan slowly opened his eyes, showing a trace of curiosity, "Then what? Did you go in?"

"Listen to me first." Mo Yao rubbed the top of her hair and smiled softly, "That flower is very strange, it has seven petals, and the colors of the seven petals are different, and each color is very bright , as if it represented something."

s?Dong Yilan was startled, she also had a seven-color flower on her shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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