Chapter 102 Old Photos

s?Dong Yilan was startled, and looked at Mo Yao, the sunset glow reflected on his face, revealing a bit of softness, neutralizing his cold temperament, even the sharp-edged outline no longer looked so cold, There is a little warmth between the brows.

Looking at Dong Yilan's expression, Mo Yao knew what she was thinking. She also had a seven-color flower on her shoulder, which was exactly the same as the one he saw in the mountain road.

"What's that place?" Dong Yilan asked softly.

Mo Yao shook his head, "I don't know where it is. My brother and I walked over, but before we got to the door, a lot of laser rays burst out suddenly. The red lasers were like an open net, densely packed. My brother walked In front of me, in just an instant, it was cut into pieces by the criss-crossing light waves, the speed was so fast that when it was cut up, the body remained in the human form for a second or two before falling apart."

Mo Yao took a deep breath and continued: "I was very scared at the time, and I didn't know what to do, so I ran back along the way I came. He was found by his family and brought back."

"And what about later, have you ever been there again?" Dong Yilan asked impatiently.

"I've been there, but there's nothing left." Mo Yao's Shen Rujing's eyes were full of indelible pain, and this experience became a nightmare he couldn't bear to look back on when he was a child.

When he was a child, he had a long period of autism, which started from the sky. In those days, as long as he closed his eyes, he would see the scene of his brother being cut into pieces.What is even more unbelievable is that when the Mo family found that place again, they had already disappeared, and even the heavy iron gate disappeared, leaving only a piece of broken rocks and a huge crack in the mountain like a door frame. .

As for my elder brother, he has never been seen since. The family had no choice but to make a tomb for him and buried him next to the Mo family's ancestral grave.

Dong Yilan recalled the story with a tragic ending, and suddenly, strange scenes flashed one after another like movie clips in his mind.

With the gate printed with colorful flowers, the cold operating bed, and mechanical faces one after another, Dong Yilan had a headache, and the needle-like feeling made her tighten her body in Mo Yao's arms.

"Yilan, what's wrong with you?" Mo Yao felt the sadness of the little woman in his arms, and Mo Yao hugged her tightly, whispering in her ear.

"Headache." Dong Yilan had no extra strength to struggle, she just wanted to sleep, to have a good sleep, so as to relieve the pain caused by overuse of her brain.

"Go to sleep." Mo Yao patted her on the back lightly, like coaxing a crying child in his arms, "I will accompany you."

His voice was as light as morning mist and as clear as still water, which quickly calmed her flustered mood, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Not long after Dong Yilan slept, Dong Chuchen walked over from the other side of the white camellia.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Mo Yao's lips, and he stood up holding Dong Yilan.

"It seems that Uncle Dong is worried that I will be unfavorable to Qianjin?" There was a hint of displeasure in his tone.

Dong Chu was noncommittal, and stretched out his arms to hug Dong Yilan from Mo Yao's arms. Dong Yilan felt the change in posture, rubbed his little head, found a comfortable position again, and fell asleep dizzily.

"In any case, thank you Qi Shao. If you promise Qi Shao, Dongmou will definitely do it. Please also keep Qi Shao's promise."

Mo Yao put his hands into his pockets naturally, and in his flickering expression, there was a bit of emotion that Dong Chuchen couldn't understand.

"I'll take Yilan back to my room first. I'll let someone arrange the Seventh Young Master's room." Dong Chuchen turned to leave, but was stopped by Mo Yao. Mo Yao's hawk-like eyes fell on Dong Yilan's sleeping face, " I want to know what's wrong with her."

"You don't need to know." Dong Chuzhi coldly refused.

"What if I don't agree to your conditions?" Mo Yao threatened.

Dong Chu smiled knowingly, and said with confidence, "You are a businessman."

Since he is a businessman, there is no reason why he will not make money when he is cheap, and Mo Yao, a huge Russia, cannot compete for it no matter what.Such a good deal, Dongchu expected that Mo Yao would not refuse.

Indeed, Mo Yao also knew that he would not refuse.

Dong Chuchen returned to the room with Dong Yilan in his arms, and Mo Yao sat down on the wicker chair, the setting sun had already submerged into the boundless clouds, and at this time night fell, everything was quiet.The white camellias are blooming vigorously, and the aroma is tangy, making people intoxicated.

Mo Yao closed his eyes. It has been 20 years, but when he thinks about it now, his heart is still shocked.

Suddenly, Mo Yao opened his eyes and looked at the camellia forest in front of him.

No matter how lush the camellia blooms, it is impossible to have such a strong aroma.

Mo Yao stood up from the ground with a long body, brought a gust of bitter wind, and walked towards the camellia.Sure enough, there were two rows of clear footprints under the tea tree ten meters away.Mo Yao sneered, if he hadn't been distracted by Dong Yilan's condition, how could he not have noticed such close surveillance.

The footprints were very clear, and Mo Yao stepped forward to chase after them.

After a while, there was the sound of a leaf shaking in the tea forest, and then there was the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Stop!" Mo Yao yelled, and quickly chased after him.

The other party moved very fast, with a vigorous figure, and disappeared into the dense tea forest with three or five strokes, without a trace.Mo Yao chased for several kilometers in the direction where the shadow disappeared, but in the end he didn't see anyone, so he could only walk back along the original road resentfully.

Under the light, a reflective metal box caught Mo Yao's eyes, and he bent over to pick it up.

It was a silver chain, and the small box was the pendant of the chain. It was a square platinum box with exquisite workmanship. It looked familiar. Press the small button on the side of the box, and the box opened a lid.

An old and yellowed photo came into view.

In the photo, two little boys were head to head, smiling with crooked eyebrows.

Mo Yao's red eyes are tearing apart, the two little boys in this photo are obviously him and his elder brother when they were young.

Mo Yao closed the lid only to realize that this is a necklace that his mother ordered for their brother when they were young, and each of them has one necklace, which had been hanging around their necks before the accident.Later, when his brother passed away, he got autism again. His mother worried that the photos inside would affect his condition, so she put it away, and he never saw the necklace again.

But why is the necklace here?Was the person just now spying on him or Dong Yilan?

Questions and mysteries spread out, leaving his heart in confusion.

Holding the necklace in his hand, he always felt that in the darkness, a pair of invisible hands were stretching towards his neck, oppressing him so much that he couldn't breathe.

Dong Yilan woke up again at noon three days later. After sleeping for more than 70 hours, she felt much better and was even able to get out of bed and walk by herself.While Dong Chuchen and Cheng Nuo were delighted, they were also very worried that the light would come back, and they dared not leave her side an inch.

"Mummy, I'm so hungry." Dong Yilan rubbed her stomach, pouted her lips and looked at Cheng Nuo. She felt like she hadn't eaten for almost a century, and her stomach was as flat as a deflated ball.

When Cheng Nuo heard that Dong Yilan wanted something to eat, he immediately got up and walked out, "I'll go get something to eat."

"Mummy, I want to eat meat, I want to eat a lot of meat!" Dong Yilan shouted from behind, this voice was very loud, and the doctor downstairs, Mo Yao next door, and those who were sitting and eating in the hall Everyone was startled.

So a few minutes later, Dong Yilan sat in the hall, and under the amazed eyes of more than a dozen people, she ate heartily. The food for the dozen or so people on the table was quickly swept away by her.

Touching her round belly, Dong Yilan felt a sense of satisfaction that she had never felt before. Wiping off the oil on her mouth, Dong Yilan said something that surprised everyone: "I'm full."

Dong Chuchen and Cheng Nuo were too shocked to speak.

Mo Yao was stroking his forehead, startled by the poor woman's appetite.

Xiao Qi looked at everyone, then at Dong Yilan, and asked, "Lan'er, are you... all right?"

Dong Yilan looked at the group of people around the round table who looked like monsters, and smiled calmly, "I'm fine, I'm fine." Then he hiccupped and his body shook, which startled everyone. She giggled again, "It's just that I'm too full."

Everyone had black lines on their faces, Xiaoqi stretched out his hand to Dong Yilan's forehead silently, and then stretched out to Zilong's forehead after trying, Zilong slapped him flying: "Try whether you can burn it yourself."

Xiao Qi resolutely tried to see if he could burn it, and then nodded in the dull eyes of the crowd, "No burn."

Everyone immediately cast contemptuous glances.

Xiaoqi spread her hands, "If you don't believe me, try it!"

Everyone ignored him and stood up one after another to do what they should do. Mo Yao was with Dong Yilan, and Dong Chuchen and Cheng Nuo didn't want to disturb them, so they went to the temporary doctor's office.

Fred was a fundamentalist, European, with a long Santa Claus beard.

When Dong Yilan was very young, he was helping her adjust the mutated genes in her body, which made her health stable for many years. If she hadn't been injected with too many guiding drugs this time, he could ensure that Dong Yilan Lan, like a normal person, lived a peaceful life.

When Dong Chuchen came in, he was studying a DNA report.

"How is the situation now?" Dong Chuchen asked.

Fred handed the report to Dong Chuzhi, pointed to some cell pictures on the color map, and said, "It can be seen that there are a large number of cells with abnormal DNA ploidy."

"She recovered suddenly today, I'm worried it might be..." Dong Chuchen didn't say it directly, he believed that Fred could understand.

Fred smiled frankly and patted Dong Chuchen on the shoulder, without any sense of estrangement from the boss at all, "Don't worry too much, the stability of the cells in her body is very poor now, and anything may happen. It may suddenly If you are sick, you may suddenly get better, and we can't control it."

"You mean she might be perfectly fine too?"

"It's possible, but it's also possible that it will suddenly become more serious." Fred is an expert and a famous doctor. His professional habits make him always tell the worst possibility to the patient's family.

Even if the news might not be easy to accept.

"Maybe she goes to sleep and never wakes up again," Fred said truthfully.
Thanks to 13621190507 for the monthly pass, this Saturday at 8:[-]pm will be updated!
(End of this chapter)

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