The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 103 The Gentleness of Spring Breeze and Rain

Chapter 103 The Gentleness of Spring Breeze and Rain

"Maybe she goes to sleep and never wakes up again," Fred said truthfully.

Even though Cheng Nuo knew it would be like this, when he heard the doctor say that, he still gasped in pain, "Is there no way to control it? For example, let her sleep all the time."

As soon as Cheng Nuo said the words, Dong Chuchen and Fred were stunned at the same time.

It's not that Dong Chuzhi didn't think of a way to delay it, it's just that he didn't think of letting Dong Yilan sleep all the time.

Fred's reaction speed was very fast, he immediately understood Cheng Nuo's meaning, his blue eyes lit up, and said: "I can try to put the living cells into a deep sleep and frozen state to see if they are active. .If they would go to sleep with the subject, that might be a viable idea."

If it is really feasible, it means that under extraordinary circumstances, Dong Yilan will be forcibly turned into a vegetable. Although it is not satisfactory, it is better than watching her die.

Cheng Nuo sighed deeply, maybe that's all.

Dong Chuchen put her gentle hands on her shoulders and gave her great comfort, "My daughter has been with us for 12 years. These 12 years are already a gift from God, and we can't be too greedy."

Cheng Nuo nodded. Indeed, they were not too greedy.

Mo Yao took Dong Yilan for a walk among the white camellias. The camellias were fragrant and pleasant, and they were scattered around the two of them, which felt somewhat romantic.Dong Yilan followed Mo Yao's footsteps and walked forward. As soon as Mo Yao stopped, she bumped into him.

"Why don't you stop without making a sound."


"It's too late, I've hit it!"

Mo Yao turned around and looked at her with a funny face, "You also know that you hit me, and the rear end is the responsibility of the car behind you. If you hit someone, you still have the nerve to think that they don't say anything."

It sounds so reasonable, but Dong Yilan still couldn't help but retort, "Do you have a car with four wheels? Can you do it if the car can go 200 miles per hour? Can the car run if you drink gasoline, the car..."

Mo Yao stroked his forehead again, the broken woman seemed to be really healed.She recovered a lot, her face was thin but ruddy, and she ate so much at noon, she started to talk back to him.

Looking at her swollen little face, Mo Yao's abuse factors suddenly exploded, and he felt quite satisfied with such a little thing making noise in his ears, and his heart was like spring rain, soft and messy.

"Looking at me like this will make me think..." Dong Yilan trembled, Mo Yao's eyes shone brightly, like the obsidian on the counter of a jewelry store, bright but thick, with the magic power to absorb the soul , captured her heart.

"I'll make me think you're in love with me" that I almost blurted out, silently became in my heart Are you in love with me?
Dong Yilan used to have an awl-shaped face, but now she is thinner, and her chin looks sharper. Mo Yao stretched out his hand and squeezed her chin in a wicked way. There was no flesh at all, and she was dry and thin.

Although the chin is thin, the small mouth is full of water, rosy and transparent, like a ripe cherry, just look at it and want to take a bite.

Mo Yao thought so, and did the same.

Seeing that the man's lips were about to stick together, Dong Yilan became nervous and blurted out: "Mo Yao, do you like me?"

Mo Yao was stunned, the movement of kissing her stopped abruptly, and he was in mid-air.

Does he like her?
Mo Yao has never faced this issue squarely. Ever since he promised that person that he will only love her in his life, he has never thought about anyone else.For so many years, it's not that he didn't have women by his side, but they were all just passers-by. He never cared about whoever left and who stayed.

Dong Yilan was the only exception. Subconsciously, he only felt that she was similar to that person, and he regarded her as that person.

Mo Yao raised his head and smiled slightly, "I'll take you to the beach." After speaking, he turned around and walked straight to the beach.

Looking at his resolute figure, Dong Yilan felt a bitter taste in his heart.

He really doesn't love himself!
Raising her head, the sun shines through the dense branches and leaves of the tea tree, and refracts into her eyes like water, melting a ray of sadness, slowly seeping into her heart, and the accumulated love becomes death.

In the next few days, Dong Yilan got better day by day. Except for her amazing appetite, there was no other abnormality. After experiencing the embarrassment of the last time, her relationship with Mo Yao also became a little subtle, Mo Yao I no longer take the initiative to look for her, but just as a routine every day, ask her about her situation, accompany her to the beach, behave courteously and politely, and do not have any deviance or offense.

Dong Yilan believed even more that Mo Yao was just acting on impulse towards her.

This day, during breakfast, he didn't see Mo Yao, so Dong Yilan was a little strange, and looked at Dong Chuchen puzzled.

"He's gone to Muscat." Dong Chuchen took a piece of bacon and put it on Dong Yilan's plate, "Eat more to replenish your weight."

"Okay." Dong Yilan pulled the plate in front of him, lowered his head and ate vigorously, but his mind was no longer on the meal.

Originally, he thought that he cared more or less about himself, but now it seemed that he was just being self-indulgent, and he refused to tell himself that he even left, let alone caring.

Dong Yilan laughed at himself, that's fine, it's a reason to give up.

But why is my heart so sad?
With a sore nose, tears rolled in his eyes, Dong Yilan buried his head in the dinner plate, and dared not lift it up again.

Roman Island is only about an hour away from Muscat by plane. Mo Yao has already returned to the hotel in Muscat. The negotiation with Oman will be at about three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still a few hours before now.Mo Yao was leaning on the comfortable armchair in front of the desk, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

The slightly frowned eyebrows showed the owner's exhausted mood at the moment. On the desk in front of him was the silver necklace.

20 years ago, they disappeared without a trace with their brother's remains. 20 years later, his brother's remains suddenly appeared. What does this mean?
Why is there a strange seven-color flower on Dong Yilan's body?
What does this colorful flower represent?
Everything made Mo Yao feel confused.

For Xiaoqi and Zilong who have been killing all the year round, this period of time is very comfortable, almost no different from a holiday.Every day is eating, drinking, drinking and having fun, and if they are bored, the two of them will go to the back mountain to exercise.

Today, Xiaoqi had a lot of fun and wanted to dive, so Zilong accompanied him to get two sets of diving equipment, and the two of them sailed into the sea.

On the way, Xiao Qi's cell phone rang, it was the system notification sound of receiving a new task, and the sound of the notification sound meant that the vacation of the two of them was coming to an end.Xiaoqi took out his mobile phone and thought: "Who the hell is so indifferent, I haven't had a good time yet!"

"If you don't have fun, just push it away." Zilong said casually, they are neither short of money nor status, if it doesn't involve Long Xuan's safety, there is absolutely no need to fight outside.

What's more, they have already passed the age with the best physical strength. If they continue, they may fall down that time. They are young and desperate to make money, but when they are old, they die before they have time to spend. It is not worthwhile.

Xiaoqi has already opened Longxuan's mobile phone client system and is checking the mission.

When he saw the task clearly, he couldn't help but let out a scream.

"What task is so exaggerated?" Zilong was still indifferent, and Xiao Qi threw his phone over, "See for yourself."

Zilong let go of the rudder, caught the mobile phone thrown by Xiao Qi, looked at the screen, and couldn't help being surprised.

"20 billion US dollars to buy Mo Yao's life?!" Zilong sighed, "He has offended that god, and the other side has made it clear that he really wants his life. It is estimated that as soon as the news comes out, how many people are scrambling for it." Come and kill him."

Xiao Qi shook her head, "I don't know who it is, but judging from the current rumors in the Tao, I think it may be the official work."

"You mean Oman?"

"Yes, they negotiated today, and the news came out today. If they tampered with the negotiation, everyone's attention will also be diverted to this bad news."

Zilong kept his thousand-year-old ice face, and threw the phone back with a flick of his hand, "It has nothing to do with us, go diving."

"That's right." Xiao Qi threw the phone on the sofa and sat down comfortably, "I just don't know if Mo Yao is dead, will Xiao Lanlan be sad?"

Zilong's face darkened. Indeed, if something happened to Mo Yao, Dong Yilan would be very sad. They watched Dong Yilan grow up, so they were naturally reluctant to make her sad.The rudder in his hand was quickly transferred, Zilong changed course and sailed towards Muscat.

"This is because you voluntarily gave up diving. Don't say I won't accompany you in the future." Zilong said.

"It doesn't matter, we have a lot of opportunities." Xiaoqi smiled slyly, picked up the mobile phone and logged into the Longxuan system with his own identity, and accepted the assassination mission.After finishing all this work, he said straightforwardly: "After earning this money, we will wash our hands and retire to the mountains and forests."

I don't know how many times Xiaoqi has said this. Every time he sees a task reminder, his whole body itches, and he can't pull ten cows back.

There were a few fewer people at lunch time, Dong Yilan's health gradually improved, the doctor left part of the way, only Fred and his assistant Ding Ke were left, Zhang Xian had already returned to City D, Xiaoqi and Zilong left again, more than ten On the personal dining table, there were only three members of Dong Chuyi's family and two doctors left.

The atmosphere was not lively enough, and the appetite was also affected. After a few mouthfuls, Dong Yilan couldn't eat anymore, so he found an excuse to go back to the room to rest.

For some reason, I have been restless since morning, and my right eyelid has been twitching non-stop.

Dong Yilan took out her mobile phone and went to Baidu, and the result of the search was that her right eye twitched.

Putting down the phone, she felt more and more uneasy, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. In order to relieve the tension, she forced herself to close her eyes and started counting sheep.

Accidentally, it became Yao.

One Moyao, two Moyao, three Moyao... until she counted to two hundred, she fell asleep in a daze. In her dream, she came to an empty castle alone, which was a typical Arabian style castle. The building is majestic and magnificent. There are statues of warriors in armor on both sides of the gate, which are lifelike. If it weren't for their cold appearance, Dong Yilan would have thought it was a living person standing guard.

Walking into the lobby along the wide corridor, she walked around to a place that looked like a conference room, and she saw Mo Yao with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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