The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 104 Master 7 and Master 7

Chapter 104 Seventh Master and Little Seventh Master
After finally falling asleep and closing her eyes, Dong Yilan dreamed of Mo Yao. He had a sullen face, and his short hair hung down from his forehead. Without saying a word, it made people feel that those who follow me and those who oppose me The bitterness of death.

The atmosphere of the negotiation was a bit dignified, as if someone had blocked the wire of the explosive with a cigarette butt, and the tense atmosphere would be detonated at any time.

The talks were almost over, and Mo Yao also made concessions, but a word from Oman's representative broke the peace of the entire negotiating table.

On behalf of Asuobi, Oman said: "Mo Yao, don't think that you are the only arms supplier in the world, and that cooperating with you is to value you, don't go too far!"

"I should be the one who said this, right?" Mo Yao casually looked at his slender fingers, his voice was neither salty nor dull, before everyone understood the meaning hidden in his words, he spread his five fingers abruptly, and snapped Slapped on the table, the long body rises from the ground, and the oppressive feeling is like an invisible net, which instantly rushes towards everyone.

A mobile phone was thrown in front of Asuobi, and Mo Yao said coldly: "You found out this news, right? Don't think that I don't know what you have done in secret, you want my life, Mo Yao, you are still young Hurry up!"

He received a new message on his phone, it was from Xiao Qi, and the content was a screenshot of a mission.

Asobi took the phone and looked at the contents, his expression changed instantly.

A few seconds later, he sneered and threw the phone back in front of Mo Yao, and stood up without fear, "Since you already know, you might as well just say that if you agree to the conditions we put forward, you will be able to do so in the previous meeting." Basically, sell us the weapon at a [-]% discount, and we will let you go, otherwise..." A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the murderous intent suddenly rose, "Otherwise your father will be your fate."

Mo Yao narrowed his narrow eyes dangerously, "Did you do what happened to my father?"

When his father was assassinated back then, the Mo family was all busy fighting for power and dividing up the country that Mr. Mo had worked so hard to conquer. The cause of Mr. Mo's death was not found out in the end.After Mo Yao gained power, he was busy quelling the civil strife, and when he had time to investigate, the time had passed too long. People who were present at that time were dead or missing, and there was no result to be found.

There was a ferocious smile on Asobi's face, and he didn't deny it, as if everything was under control.

On the other hand, the representatives of several other small countries on the side looked at each other. They didn't want to quarrel too much with Mo Yao, at least they didn't want to talk about Mo Yao's father. Oman is standing in a line.

"good very good."

The fist beside Mo Yao's side was inadvertently clenched, the chill in his eyes rose sharply, and a terrifying murderous aura exuded from his whole body.

It seems that today we have to settle the old and new accounts together!
The people at the scene couldn't help raising their hearts to their throats.

It has long been heard that Mo Qiye has a bad temper, and if he really wants to make a fuss, I'm afraid they will all be killed.

Some people wanted to get cold feet, and conveyed their eyes in the air, adding a bit of heaviness to the already tense atmosphere.

Beiying's hand has reached into his coat pocket. When they entered the conference room, the guns on his body were left on the safekeeping table outside the conference room. The white handkerchief in his coat pocket is a micro-explosive, which can open a passage if necessary .

"Compromise, Mo Yao." Asuobi put his arms on the negotiating table, with a winner's smile, as if he had expected that Mo Yao would be powerless, and he leaned forward proudly, "This way you can still stay." With the next life, maybe I can find someone to take revenge in the future."

"No-possible-possible!" Mo Yao paused, under the short black hair, a pair of black eyes were shining, staring at the man close at hand like a falcon.

It has been nearly ten years since Mo Yao seized the power of the Mohist family when he was a teenager, not only relying on his skills, but also his brains.

People in the government generally don't have direct conflicts with people like them, especially at the negotiating table. If it happens, unless he has enough ability to smooth out all the follow-up things, he doesn't have to worry about gangster revenge.

It seems that there is someone backing him, and this person is capable enough to clear up his troubles.

With my strength at this time, if I want to eliminate future troubles forever, who else can have anyone except Long Xuan?

After getting along for this period of time, Mo Yao believed that it would not be Dong Chuzhi.

Is it? !
Mo Yao was startled, the silver necklace suddenly flashed through his mind, and at the same time he was taken aback by his own thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head in his heart and denied it.

Impossible, when he saw his brother was pierced by the laser, and the bloody fragments were scattered all over the ground, it was absolutely impossible for him to come back to life.

"Then don't blame me for being rude!" Seeing that Mo Yao refused to give in, Asuobi quickly put away his smiling face, stepped back, and the five bodyguards who were originally standing behind moved their hands and pulled out all of them. The gun, the sound of bullets bursting into the ears immediately.

Sure enough, there was an ambush!

Mo Yao violently overturned the negotiating table, and the heavy nanmu table was lifted by his palm, blocking the flying bullets. When the table fell, Mo Yao raised his hand, and the five iron lotuses were shot at the same time, and they were shot accurately. The throats of the five bodyguards were killed with one move.

The representatives of the unprotected countries immediately panicked, left their seats and hid in the corner, loudly accusing Asobi of not acting arbitrarily, and now they are implicated.

Mo Yao sneered, his arrogant and reckless smile was like a call from hell, which made everyone tremble.

"Damn you!"

With a hook and a kick, a chair was thrown over, and with a bang, it hit the Arab next to Asobi. The chair was broken, and the Arab fell to the ground in response, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

Everyone panicked even more, and there was a mess in the conference room.

A piercing siren blazed through the building, a disturbingly high-pitched sound.

The door of the conference room was kicked open, and more than a dozen men in full armor came in.

Asuobi, who was huddled in the corner, stood up shaking his shoulders, "Mo Yao, let's capture him with nothing."

"Dream!" Mo Yao shouted in a deep voice.

Before the armed forces could react, Beiying had already pulled out a miniature bomb, and with a loud bang, the meeting room suddenly broke, bricks and walls flew across the wall, and a hole more than 1 meter wide was blown out in the wall.

There was a lot of noise, and footsteps in the conference room were in chaos.

Several country representatives who were choked by the dust raised their hands and waved the dust in the air.

When the dust settled and people's faces could be seen clearly within one meter, Mo Yao and Bei Ying had disappeared.

Seeing that Mo Yao had escaped, the armed soldiers rushed out of the door and chased after him.

Mo Yao and Bei Ying went all the way to the elevator entrance.

The negotiation was on the 42nd floor. Since the other party had prepared in advance, the elevator must be full of ambushes. Mo Yao entered the elevator, pressed all the buttons from the 42nd floor to the first floor, and then flashed out before the elevator door closed, and directly contacted Beiying. Into the fire escape route.

Although taking the stairs is slower, you can change the route at any time in case of unexpected situations.

Beiying had already taken their gun back in the chaos, but the price was that the guy who kept the items was knocked out.

Mo Yao took the Polar Silver Fox, opened the magazine to check, the bullets were still there, probably Asobi was too confident, didn't expect them to run out, so he didn't tamper with their weapons.

The bullet was loaded, and he raised his vigilance, and walked down the stairs step by step.

When he reached the thirtieth floor, Mo Yao stopped and tentatively walked towards the fire door. The door opened a crack, and two rows of heavily armed special police came into view. Behind the wall.

The bullets crackled on the door, and the glass shattered all over the floor.

The sound of chaotic footsteps came, mixed with a few shouts: "They are here!"

"Let's go!" There was a fireproof shutter on the door, and Mo Yao broke the chain of the shutter with two bang bang shots, and the shutter fell down with a clatter. Bei Ying pulled the latch and locked the lower part of the shutter.

People outside couldn't get in, so they had to kick at the roller blind.

The sound of sharp and piercing metal collisions can be heard endlessly.

Mo Yao and Beiying went down two more times, and when they went out, they encountered the same situation again.

"Qiye, there may be ambushes on every floor of the passageway." Beiying said, it seems that this time Asuobi is determined to put Mo Yao to death.

There is nothing special about this floor, and they chose it at random. When encountering the same situation twice, Mo Yao also understood that there was an ambush every time, "This old boy Asuobi is really worth the money!"

Mo Yao gritted his teeth and said, when he gets away, if he is not caught and chopped into meat stuffing and made into human meat dumplings to feed the dogs, Mo Yao will write it upside down!

Now let's see how to get out first.

Since they expected him to go down, he did the opposite, looked up at the stairs above, "Go to the rooftop."

The two hurried figures left the fire door and disappeared at the corner of the stairs after a few steps.

Escaping for his life, no matter how poor he is, he can still go through the public sewer, Mo Yao sneered in his heart, just relying on the mob in the building, he is not able to force him to the point where he has to use the public sewer.

Soon, the two arrived on the rooftop, and a brass lock was hung on the iron door of the exit. Beiying raised his gun and pointed it at the lock, ready to fire.

"Wait." Mo Yao cautiously pricked up his ears, pressed against the edge of the iron gate, and listened carefully to every move outside.

It was very quiet, so quiet that there was not even a sound of the wind.

At this moment, Mo Yao's cell phone rang suddenly, the sudden ringing startled them both, Mo Yao took out his cell phone angrily, who is calling at this critical moment?

Xiao Qi's number jumped on the screen.

During the negotiation just now, it was Xiao Qi who texted him. At this moment, Xiao Qi called, it must be something important.A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he picked up the phone.

"I can guarantee that you will be shot into a hornet's nest by Asobi's people as soon as you go out of the roof gate." Mo Yao couldn't help frowning when Xiaoqi's gloating voice came from the phone.

How did he know that he was going to break through from the rooftop?Did you put a tracker on him?

Xiao Qi probably guessed what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "I'm 100% accurate in guessing riddles."

"According to Xiao Qiye, Mo Yao is going to die on the spot today?" Mo Yao joked.
The next chapter big boss debut
(End of this chapter)

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