The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 105 The Big Boss Appears

Chapter 105 The Big Boss Appears
"Listen to Xiao Qiye, Mo Yao is going to die on the spot today?" Mo Yao jokingly said, such a bad plan was seen through, and he was really upset. Mo Yao suddenly had an urge to kill Xiao Qi, although He knew that he was probably not Xiao Qi's opponent.

Xiao Qi paused for a moment, then said with disgust: "Shouldn't Xiao Qi be you? Why am I a generation shorter than you for no reason?"

"Everyone says you are famous and intelligent, Xiao Qiye is indeed worthy of his name." In terms of poisonous tongue, there are not many people in the world who are Mo Yao's opponents.

"..." Xiaoqi was speechless.

Beiying's face was dark, thinking what time is it, you old man is still in the mood to joke, it's important to escape.

The gun in his hand was pointed at the lock, ready to move.

Zilong, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the explosion-proof Hummer, couldn't help poking Xiao Qi: "Speak business."

Xiaoqi stretched out his hand and made an "OK" gesture, and said to Mo Yao: "You have 5 minutes, Zilong and I will wait for you at the entrance of the public utility sewer 500 meters in front of the meeting hall, speed up."

Depend on!After hanging up the phone, Mo Yao was annoyed that he wanted him to use the public sewer!Damn Xiaoqi, even letting him walk through the rainwater channel is better than the sewage channel.

"Qi Ye, are you going out?" Bei Ying asked.

Mo Yao raised his hand and glanced at his watch, only 5 minutes, they are now on the 69th floor.

The sound of bullets piercing the air reached his ears, and Mo Yao suddenly opened his eyes wide, "No, let's go!"

Pulling up Beiying, he rushed downstairs in one stride.

When we reached the corner of the stairs, with a bang, the iron door was blown away, rushed several meters and hit the wall with a bang, instantly smashing the wall into a hole, and the wall dust fell down.

Looking at the entrance of the rooftop that was blown flat, Beiying sighed in her heart. If it was half a second slower, they would become a paralyzed flesh. Speed ​​is very important for those of them who have been licking blood with knives all year round.

Bricks and tiles flew all over the sky, landed on the stairs behind Mo Yao and Beiying with a splash, and rolled down the stairs again, the empty sound echoed in the corridor for a long time.

Mo Yao didn't stop walking, and ran downstairs.

A lot of fully armed soldiers rushed in from the breach of the roof, and the dense footsteps seemed to collapse the stairs.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Mo Yao paused, grabbed the arm on the handrail of the stairs with force, turned over quickly, and fell to the lower floor. Repeatedly, he quickly climbed over ten floors of stairs, leaving the pursuers far behind.

Bei Ying imitated Mo Yao, and the figures of the two flickered in the stairwell. Seeing that they could not catch up, the pursuers raised their guns and swept wildly.

The bullet stirred up ash on the ground, and the entire stairway was filled with smoke.

Asobi stood in front of the monitor, commanding the pursuers, and was directing the hunt, when suddenly the monitor screen flashed, and a large snowflake appeared.

"Fuck, fix him quickly!" Asobi yelled angrily.

Five minutes later, when the monitor was turned on again, Mo Yao and Bei Ying had disappeared from the monitor.

Asobi yelled, "The thermal sensor searched and checked all the passages in the entire building. They must still be in the building in such a short time!"

The stench from public sewers came one after another, Mo Yao frowned, extremely displeased, let alone Mo Qiye has serious cleanliness, even if he didn't have cleanliness, he would have a hard time in such a harsh environment get better.

Thinking that he, the majestic Mo Qiye, was forced into the embarrassing situation of going to the sewer, wouldn't it make people laugh when the news spread.

Mo Yao's resentment towards Asuobi was even stronger.

Even in the early days of his debut, when he first tried to complete some tasks by himself, he didn't fall into such a situation. Mo Yao was suppressing the anger flooding in his heart, and a black shadow suddenly stood in front of him.

Mo Yao stood up abruptly.

The dark wind was blowing wildly, and the man's long hair was flying wildly. In the dim light, the golden mask on his face shone strangely.

Who is he?
Mo Yao's dark background can make him feel no danger at all, which only shows that he is very strong.The eyes under the mask are as dark as the resurrection of Satan, with the inherent strong pressure, Mo Yao has already seen his strength without using a hand.

Mo Yao was even more impressed that he could figure out that he would use the public sewer.

Could it be that his mobile phone was monitored by Asobi?Asobi should not have such a level, but how did he know that he was going through the public sewer instead of the rainwater channel?Could it be that Xiao Qi betrayed him?

If Xiao Qi wants to betray him, there is no need to inform Asobi of the fraud, just ask Asobi to get rid of him.

A cloudy wind blew past, and a burst of fragrance was mixed with the stench.

This smell, Mo Yao was shocked, it was exactly the same as the scent of the man in the camellia forest on Roman Island.

No wonder he didn't realize that someone was watching at the time, and thought it was because Dong Yilan distracted him, but now it seems that he was careless, this person's ability to hide his breath is stronger than him.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do after following me?" Mo Yao asked in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The other party's voice turned out to be a mechanical voice, and the cold and emotionless voice shocked Mo Yao and Beiying at the same time.

It seems that the other party does not want him to recognize his true face, so that is to say, they are acquaintances, at least they have met before.

Mo Yao secretly searched for this character in his mind. Among the people he knew, there was absolutely no such powerful character. With this person's outstanding skill, if he was lurking beside him, he would not fail to find it.

Mo Yao was depressed.

The sewer is very spacious and can accommodate five tall men like Mo Yao in parallel. The walls have been eroded by sewage all the year round, and the walls are covered with algae like bristle algae. It is very dirty. The sewage drips down from above. It's all the sound of ticking.

Dark light, cold air, eerie atmosphere...

Mo Yao immediately raised his vigilance and tightened his grip on the polar silver fox in his hand.

"The important thing is, I want to take your life!" The golden-masked man paused every word, biting down on the four words of taking your life.

"That depends on whether you have the ability!" Mo Yao raised his hand, and an iron lotus came out of his hand, shooting straight at the golden-masked man's throat.

He didn't have much time. Xiaoqi said that Asuobi offered a huge reward for his life. It is estimated that there will be more people on the way to kill him. There are strong enemies in front and chasing soldiers in the back. Get out of here asap.

With a movement of Beiying's figure, he shot a sleeve arrow towards Jin Zairen's chest.

The golden-masked man was not good at dodging, his tall body stood tall like a mountain, and the flying lotus flew across the sky with howling winds, and his eyes were about to shoot into his throat. He bent back and easily dodged the iron lotus. , just as the sleeve arrow passed by his eyes, he lifted his hand, and the sleeve arrow was held in his hand, the figure spun, a backflip, and threw back the sleeve arrow he was holding.

Mo Yao secretly thought, no good!
He was so fast that Bei Ying didn't even see how he did it, and was hit in the chest by the sleeve arrow he shot, and took two steps back fiercely, hit the slippery wall, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Mo Yao didn't care about checking Beiying's injuries, so he raised his gun and fired, six of the seven bullets were fired in an instant.

The golden-masked man glanced at Mo Yao with his falcon-like eyes, raised his foot towards the wall, stepped on the wall to borrow strength, and dodged the bullet with a 360-degree spin, reaching out to attack Mo Yao's throat.

Mo Yao tilted his head slightly, dodging the golden-masked man's attack, and at the same time punched, hitting the golden-masked man's lower abdomen heavily and hard. He clasped his wrist that was too late to retract, twisted his backhand, and the other fist landed hard on Mo Yao's spine.

After one round, Mo Yao's spine was severely injured, and his whole body was in pain. The man with the golden mask was hit in the lower abdomen, and his face under the mask could not see his expression.

The two quickly separated a distance of about two meters, looking for the next opportunity to strike.

Really strong!

Mo Yao shook his muscles and bones to restore his injured spine.

The golden-masked man is as immobile as a mountain, and under the mask is a pair of black eyes that look like a deep pool, exuding a strange cold light.

In melee combat, the competition is steady, accurate, ruthless and fast. In this respect, Mo Yao is better than anyone else.

Mo Yao swung his fist and slammed the golden-masked man's face, the golden-masked man dodged sideways, and elbowed Mo Yao's neck.Mo Yao was pushed hard and hit the dirty wall of the sewer, covered in stinky mud.

Hold!How dirty!

At the moment when his life was at stake, Mo Yao actually committed a cleanliness obsession and lost his mind.The golden-masked man seized the opportunity, and punched his fist straight at Mo Yao's chin. Mo Yao's eyes tightened, and he suddenly found that the golden-masked man had an iron fist clasp on his hand at some point, and the fist pressed against his neck with a strong wind. .

With a sound of rubbing, four sharp blades suddenly appeared from the iron fist buckle.

Mo Yao was taken aback.

With such swiftness and strength, if injured by the blade, even if the head is not cut off, the throat will be cut off.

Life is hanging by a thread!
Mo Yao turned around, and his clenched fist met the golden-masked man's fist. The huge force shocked the two men's arms, and they each moved back two or three meters. An iron lotus in Mo Yao's hand fell to the ground. One side of Tie Lian was covered with blood.

On the arm hanging by his side, blood dripped into the dark green sewage.

The blade of the golden-masked man's iron fist was covered with blood.

The injured Beiying was suddenly stimulated by Mo Yao's blood, and stood up with a low growl.

"Should die!" The sleeve arrow in his hand hit the golden-masked man frantically, and the figure rushed over in a flash.

"Beiying!" Mo Yao yelled, and it was too late to stop him. The iron fist in the golden-masked man's hand swung upwards, and he slashed at Beiying's chest accurately and ruthlessly. With a sound of stabbing, Beiying's chest was scratched. There was a long gash, where the clothes were torn, and blood gushed out, staining half of the wall red.

Beiying's body was still in the culling movement, with her hands raised in the air, she swayed, and fell down in Mo Yao's eyes.

With a plop, it fell heavily into the dirty pool water.

"Looking for death!" Mo Yao yelled coldly, spread his five fingers, and pointed at the golden-masked man.

The golden-masked man stepped on Beiying's body and fought with Mo Yao.Mo Yao frowned, grabbed his long hair with five fingers, clasped his shoulder with the other hand, and smashed hard against the wall of the sewer.

The body collided with the wall, and the golden-masked man groaned. When Mo Yao grabbed him and hit him for the second time, the golden-masked man raised his iron fist and slammed at Mo Yao's arm.
Hoho, the big boss of this article is on the scene, Master Qi is calling for someone to kill monsters!

(End of this chapter)

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