The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 106 How dare you hit me! ! !

Chapter 106 How dare you hit me! ! !

In a trance, I heard footsteps rushing over, and then gunshots rang out.

Mo Yao felt that his brain was getting more and more chaotic, and then fell into a blank.

Before he fell into a coma, he only remembered one sentence: Yilan, I love you!

The sleeping Dong Yilan opened her eyes suddenly, and stood up straight.Turn around, get out of bed, the movements are mechanical and numb.She turned her head to look at everything in the room, as if she was strange and curious about everything.

She had just heard a voice calling to her, his pulse was weak, the faint of dying, he was badly wounded.

He said, Yilan, I love you!
There was a knock on the door, and Dong Yilan turned his head quickly, with a pair of red eyes like blood, enchanting, treacherous, cold eyes, and shot straight at the door.

Many strange things suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and the door frame suddenly turned transparent. Outside stood a graceful woman, holding a cup of tea in her hand, with a calm expression, waiting at the door.

A scanning line jumped out, scanning the woman from top to bottom, projecting the woman's information in front of her eyes, and at the same time a mechanical voice sounded in her mind, "Cheng Nuo, female, 40 years old, wife of the president of JH International, the degree of danger is zero."

She was about to go to open the door, when suddenly there was a stabbing pain in her mind, as if something in her brain was about to break out of the shell, hitting her fragile nerves constantly.Dong Yilan paused, hugged her head violently and curled up into a ball in pain.

It hurts, it hurts!

The depths of my mind were constantly being hit, and some memories were about to burst out.

"Ah..." Dong Yilan screamed in pain, her body stiffened by the pain.

"Lan'er..." Cheng Nuo's heart tightened when he heard the voice, something happened to his daughter!
She opened the door desperately, only to see her daughter hiding on the ground with a hideous and painful expression.

Cheng Nuo felt a pain in his heart and wanted to go inside.

"Nuo Nuo, don't go in." Behind him, Dong Chuchen rushed over.

It's too late to stop it.

As if sensing someone approaching, Dong Yilan raised his head fiercely, a gleam of light flashed in his red eyes, strange, cold, Xiao Han, like a leopard ready to go, full of danger everywhere.

Cheng Nuo was so shocked that his mouth opened into an O shape, and when he let go of his hand, the cup fell off.

The daughter's eyes turned red, and the blood-red color was like a burning flame, or laser waves, mysterious and terrifying.

Dong Yilan's figure moved slightly, and she jumped up lightly. Cheng Nuo didn't see how she did it at all. The water glass that fell out had returned to her hand intact.Cheng Nuo looked at the cup in his hand in disbelief, and then at Dong Yilan's eyes, everything was like a dream.

Who will tell her that none of this is true?

Cheng Nuo was still in a daze, but Dong Chuchen had already walked over.

Dong Yilan glanced coldly, and flew out of the window in a flash.

"Yilan..." Cheng Nuo thought she couldn't think about it, and rushed to the window, only to see Dong Yilan's body flying over the jungle at a speed that made people dumbfounded.

Cheng Nuo couldn't describe what he saw just now, and he couldn't even believe his eyes.

Her daughter flew out of the window...

Dong Chuchen looked out the window in a daze, just now Fred ran to him in a panic, saying that some genes in Dong Yilan's body had been activated.

Certain genes are biochemical genes hidden in Dong Yilan's body, the secrets he has painstakingly tried to hide for 20 years, but he still failed to do so.Dong Chuchen let out a long sigh, fearing another catastrophe would be set off.

In the depths of the mountains, where the mysterious National Security Bureau No. [-] is located, an alarm suddenly sounded in the lonely building.The sound is abrupt and sharp, which is very different from ordinary alarms.

In the monitoring room, a pair of falcon-like eyes stared at the non-stop flashing siren.

After 19 years of silence, the siren finally sounded.

The experimental product that escaped back then was resurrected.

Dong Yilan, who broke free from the shackles, stood alone in the rainforest like a bird that escaped from the cage. She suddenly found that she could move tens or even hundreds of meters away in an instant.

In the room just now, the moment the headache disappeared, many strange memories suddenly popped up in her brain, filling her chaotic thoughts.Before she had time to tidy up, she could only vaguely hear a person calling her.

Mo Yao, where is he?
A blue visual window appeared in front of me. The window kept changing, as if searching for information. Countless faces flashed past the visual window. Place.

An image slowly magnified in front of my eyes.

In the dirty sewer, two people fought extremely fiercely. When the interface scanned the face of one of them, Xiaoqi's name was reported. Then, the window was pulled down and positioned on a certain man lying on the ground.

"The target has been found, are you going to the target location?"

Two options popped up on the screen, and Dong Yilan chose "Yes".

A strong thrust rose from behind, Dong Yilan only felt that the center of gravity of his body was unstable, and he almost fell down. The scene in front of him flickered, and the world turned into darkness in an instant.

She didn't even know what happened, the next second, she appeared in the sewer she just saw.

In the sewer, Xiao Qi and the golden-masked man have gone through no less than thirty moves. Xiao Qi's left arm was scratched by an iron fist, dripping with blood, and the mask of the golden-masked man was dented by Xiao Qi's fist. The face sank in one piece.

Xiao Qi swept towards the golden-masked man's lower body with a whirlwind leg. When he jumped up to avoid it, he spun around and passed behind the golden-masked man from below. With a shake of his hand, the flying hairspring caught the golden-masked man. The man's neck, the cold eyes want to strangle him.

The golden-masked man blocked his neck with his hands, Xiao Qi tried a few times but couldn't succeed, so he clasped his shoulders and slammed him into the wall.

Boom, boom, the golden mask rubbed against the wall to make a terrible sound, Xiaoqi used all his strength, and his men were merciless.

The golden-masked man was not to be outdone, after Xiao Qi bumped into him several times in a row, his strength in his hands obviously relaxed a bit, the golden-masked man seized the opportunity, kicked his legs on the wall, and forced Xiao Qi to be knocked out.

Xiao Qi took a few steps back and fell to the ground. The man with the golden mask immediately rushed forward, and slammed his fist hard on Xiao Qi's face.

Damn, dare to slap me in the face!Xiaoqi lost his temper.

Suddenly turned over and pressed the golden-masked man under him, and was about to strike, when a red light flashed, Xiao Qi and the golden-masked man were startled, and they each pulled back two or three meters, looking at the sudden appearance in surprise. woman.

The stench came in bursts, Dong Yilan's expression was numb, as if he had no sense of the smell, he walked towards Mo Yao mechanically step by step.

The picture in front of her kept flickering, reminding her that the target had lost too much blood and needed medical attention.

Xiao Qi exclaimed, "Lan'er!"

How did she come here?
Take a spaceship or a time shuttle?
This world is fantasy, it must be fantasy!Otherwise, how did he see Dong Yilan walking out of a red light?
Seeing Dong Yilan, surprise flashed in the golden-masked man's eyes, taking advantage of Xiao Qi's distraction, the golden-masked man raised his hand and threw the dagger as a hidden weapon, Xiao Qi only had time to turn over and avoid the vital point, the dagger flashed coldly However, it penetrated the outside of his thigh.

"Fuck!" Xiao Qi yelled and cursed, "I haven't been beaten for so many years, how dare you touch me!"

Dong Yilan's face was cold, and his eyes flicked towards the golden-masked man, the red light condensed in his eyes, and a red light flashed all over his body.

"Not good." When Dong Yilan looked at him, the golden-masked man had already expected that the situation was not good. He stepped on the wall and took two or three steps upwards. Using the force of the wall, he jumped up and turned over to hide. overshot.

With a bang, a black hole more than one meter deep was blasted out of the wall, and mud, sand, bricks and gravel fell to the ground.

The golden-masked talent landed, and Dong Yilan was already standing in front of him, with long hair flying, red eyes like blood, bloodthirsty and enchanting.

Xiao Qi looked at Dong Yilan in disbelief, she no longer looked like a person, but like...a weapon that was endowed with life.

Dong Yilan looked at him coldly, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

She is angry!

The golden-masked man was dripping with cold sweat. Generally speaking, biological weapons are emotionless, but she was actually angry.The surprise of seeing Dong Yilan for the first time has long since disappeared, and now there is only fear, worry and fear left.

As long as Dong Yilan moves his fingers, killing him is like crushing an ant, he has no ability to resist.

Not half a point.

Time passed by, and Dong Yilan just looked at him with dark eyes, neither moving nor backing away. Slowly, the golden-masked man began to feel like a mouse under the paw of a cat. If he moves, she will not move, if he moves, she will slap him down.

Xiao Qi looked at the two people who were calm and calm, and began to worry for Dong Yilan.

They were not in a hurry, but he was in a hurry. If he didn't go out, it would be trivial if the pursuers came, but it would be troublesome if Mo Yao lost too much blood and died.

Hush, heavy footsteps stepping on the water are getting closer.

Xiaoqi looked up, no, Zilong came, holding an M11 sniper rifle in his hand.

"Damn," Xiao Qi broke out in a cold sweat and shouted, "Put the gun down!"

But it was too late, Dong Yilan had already received the scanning alarm, a red light flashed in Shu's eyes, and a laser shot at Zilong's feet.

The strong explosion shock wave threw Zilong more than ten meters, hit the wall heavily, and fell into the sewage again.

"Zilong!" Xiao Qi ran towards Zilong regardless of the injury on his leg.

Zilong was covered in filth and struggled to get up from the water.

Chong Xiaoqi waved his hand, "I'm fine, I can't die." As soon as he finished speaking, his throat felt fishy, ​​and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief, and was frightened by Zilong again, her heart beat faster, and hurriedly checked the injury.

The golden-masked man took out a smoke bomb and ignited it beside him. Under the cover of the smoke, he fled to the depths of the sewer.

Dong Yilan didn't chase after him, didn't even look at him, turned around and returned to Mo Yao's side, bent his body, and picked up Mo Yao easily.

Mo Yao felt in a daze that someone was touching him, and opened his eyes slightly, and it turned out to be Dong Yilan. Her eyes were like the setting sun, cold and indifferent.Mo Yao smiled slightly in his heart, he was so hurt that he had hallucinations.

His body sank and he passed out again.

Dong Yilan hugged him and walked towards the sewer exit.

Passing by Xiao Qi's side, she paused for a moment, then swept past Xiao Qi and Zilong vigilantly, as if to confirm the degree of danger, and after confirming that the other party was not threatening, Dong Yilan turned around and continued to walk forward.

The corners of Xiaoqi's mouth twitched. A petite and weak woman hugged a tall man. This visual effect was still very scary and very impactful.

wrong!Xiao Qi stood up quickly, and Dong Yilan carried Mo Yao out like this, which would definitely lead to a chase, no matter how terrifying Dong Yilan's skills were, it was impossible to defeat a country's military power.

But with his own skills, it seems that he can't stop her.

While hesitating what to do, Dong Yilan's feet suddenly swayed, and together with Mo Yao, he fell into the sewer.

Xiao Qi was startled, what's going on? -
In fact, Xiaoyan's [-] characters are all in the range of [-] to [-], let me give some recommendations to the diligent Xiaoyan. .

(End of this chapter)

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