The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 107 Whose Daughter Is She [Thanks to the monthly ticket plus update]

Chapter 107 Whose Daughter Is She [Thanks to the monthly ticket plus update]

While hesitating what to do, Dong Yilan's feet suddenly swayed, and together with Mo Yao, he fell into the sewer.

Xiao Qi had black lines on her face, could it be that Mo Yao was too heavy and tired her down?Xiao Qi was suddenly a little lucky, but luckily he found a man with a strong body.

Zilong clutched his chest, which had been shaken out of internal injuries, and got up.

"What happened just now?" Zilong looked puzzled.

He clearly saw Dong Yilan confronting a person wearing a golden mask. Dong Yilan was the one they watched growing up. With her triangular cat skills, she was pretty good at preventing perverts. He was afraid that something would happen to her She came over with a gun in her hand, but when she turned around, two beams of light shot towards her.

If it wasn't for his light work, he would have reported to the Palace of the King of Hell this time.

"I don't know." Xiaoqi said honestly, "I was enjoying the fight with that masked man, when suddenly a red light flashed, and she came."

Xiao Qi shook his wrist, his face full of unfinished regret.

Playing is so enjoyable, this feeling of meeting opponents and meeting Liangcai has never been encountered once in many years.

"The legs don't hurt, do they?" Zilong looked at Xiao Qi with contempt, this guy sometimes makes people itch.

With a stretch of his long arm, he pulled out the dagger stuck in Xiao Qi's leg.

Xiaoqi was in so much pain that he screamed and almost scolded his mother, but Zilong gave him a faint look, pulled out a piece of gauze from his pocket, and wrapped it up for him.

"You expect me to get hurt?" Xiao Qi raised his eyebrows, not convinced.

If it hadn't been for Dong Yilan's sudden appearance, the man wearing the torn mask might have been strangled to death by him.

"Let's hurry up." Zilong said, walking towards Dongyilan.

There were fights and explosions just now, even if the pursuers couldn't come, the police should have come, he didn't want to drink cheap coffee from the police station.

Xiao Qi looked at Dong Yilan and Mo Yao, then looked back at Beiying, and calculated how to get the three of them out together. After thinking about it, he felt that it was indeed difficult for two minor injuries and three serious injuries, so he asked Silently said to Beiying: "Brother, wait until I get your master out before I come back to save you."

Xiaoqi had a leg injury and was limping, Zilong had an internal injury, neither pain nor itching, Zilong took the initiative to carry Mo Yao on his back, Xiaoqi hugged Dong Yilan, and walked quickly to the exit of the sewer.

The distance between the sewer and the ground is three to four meters high, and they can only go up one by one. Zilong crawls out, pulls Mo Yao out with a rope, and then pulls Dong Yilan out. Come sirens.

"It's too late, come up!" Zilong threw the rope down, and the police car was only about 1000 meters away from them.

Xiaoqi looked behind her, and with a heartbroken, she grabbed the rope, "Brother, I'm sorry, if your life is old enough, I'll wait for you to go to the hospital to pick you up." After finishing speaking, he put his foot on his feet and climbed along the wall out.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The police had spotted them and ordered them to stop with a megaphone.

After getting up, before even the manhole cover had time to cover, Zilong jumped into the car, stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, the huge Hummer let out a violent roar, rushed onto the road, and galloped away.

The two police cars behind him immediately sounded their sirens and chased after him.

While chasing and calling them to stop, Zilong turned a deaf ear and continued to step on the gas pedal to the bottom, running through several traffic lights, before throwing off the two police cars behind him. Just as he got rid of them, another police car followed him at another intersection. come up.

Running a red light is also illegal!

"Shit!" Xiaoqi cursed a few words, took out a pistol, and aimed at the police car driver, "Why don't we kill him."

"I have no objection." Zilong swerved sharply to the left, avoiding a truck and overtaking him, "Assaulting the police will attract more police officers. If you are caught, don't confess me."

"No conscience." Xiao Qi silently put away the pistol, glanced at the two people leaning together in the back seat, "The one who fainted is cuter."

"Sit down!" Zilong yelled loudly, slammed the brakes and accelerated the steering. Under the impact of inertia, the Hummer's huge body made a 180-degree turn and fell into the other side's lane, and several sections of the fence in the middle of the road were knocked into the air.

Zilong stepped on the accelerator again and drove in the opposite direction. The police car behind couldn't brake enough, so he could only watch Zilong escape. When he turned back, they had already disappeared.

Zilong drove directly to the pier, where their boat was parked, and once they boarded the boat, there was no need to worry.

The police failed to catch up with the Hummer, so they changed their strategy and came back to check the sewer. They found Beiying who had lost blood and went into shock from the sewer, and sent him to the hospital.At the same time, Xiaoqi and Zilong returned to Roman Island with Mo Yao and Dong Yilan.

Mo Yao was seriously injured, but all of them were flesh wounds, requiring surgery to clean up the deep wounds and sutures.

It was the same doctor who performed the operation on Mo Yao. Seeing the scab on Mo Yao's chest that had not yet fallen off, the doctor shook his head, "This young man is really unlucky." When he saw the knife on Mo Yao's chest When the penetrating injury was only 0 millimeters away from the heart, he immediately sighed: "It seems that luck is not so bad."

Mo Yao's wound was treated and he was fine, and the lost blood was replenished with plasma, and he was transferred out of the sterile room the next day. The more serious problem was Dong Yilan. The cells in her body were severely damaged. The whole person fell into a deep coma, and there was no sign of waking up.

Dong Chuzhi stood in front of the sterile room door, looking at his daughter in the ward through the glass window.

The daughter's face was ruddy, her expression was peaceful and beautiful, and her breathing rhythm was very even, as if she was asleep.Cheng Nuo stood beside him, the sadness on his face was exactly the same as his.

Fred opened the door of the ward and came out.

"How is my daughter?" Cheng Nuo asked anxiously.

Fred's eyes were incredulous, even excited. He gestured excitedly and said, "The cells in her body seem to know the state of her body. When something abnormal happens, they all choose to sleep. She Now the physical condition is very good, and all the indicators are very normal.”

"You mean, my daughter just fell asleep?" Cheng Nuo was suspicious.

"Yes." Fred nodded heavily.

He has been engaged in genetics for decades, and he dares to swear by what he has learned in his life that Dong Yilan's current state is indeed sleeping.

"Then when will she wake up?" Dong Chuxi is not only concerned about his daughter's current state, he is more concerned about her daughter's future state. It's okay if she wakes up as an ordinary person. It's better not to wake up, at least still alive.

The question stumped Fred.

After all, for a vegetative person, it is possible to wake up at any time, and it is also possible to sleep for a lifetime without waking up.

"I don't know." He said truthfully.

It’s okay if you don’t know, Dong Chuchen didn’t make it difficult for him. After all, doctors are not gods, nor are they omnipotent. He has helped his daughter maintain a normal body for nearly 20 years. He can’t feel enough. The rest can only be resigned .

Mo Yao woke up on the third day, and the first thing he did after waking up was to find Beiying, because his memory before coma stayed at the time when he wanted to take Beiying away.

Xiaoqi looked at Zilong, Zilong spread his hands.Xiao Qi rubbed the center of her brows, and said apologetically, "That..."

Seeing Xiao Qi's expression, Mo Yao straightened up, Xiao Qi quickly helped him down, and continued: "Don't get angry, the situation was too bad at that time, both of us were injured, and Lan'er , the two of us can't save the three of you at all."

"Then you choose to sacrifice Beiying?" Mo Yao burst into anger and coughed violently. Zilong couldn't stand it anymore and got up to pat him on the back.

Mo Yao coughed for a while, then leaned against the head of the bed and panted heavily, his black eyes were full of resentment.

"Then who do you think we should sacrifice?" Xiao Qiyi waved his hands and sat down beside the bed, "We can't lose Lan'er, so should we throw you down and replace you?"

In fact, he had already sent someone to inquire about the news. Beiying is now in Muscat Hospital and has lost his life, but his body is too weak and he is still suitable for transfer.I planned to tell Mo Yao the news when he woke up, but I didn't expect this guy to be so unfriendly.

Blue?Mo Yao choked, he opened his eyes in a daze and saw Dong Yilan?
"You said Dong Yilan went to Muscat?" Mo Yao became excited, and his voice raised several decibels, "Her broken body, you actually took her to such a dangerous place?! Are you crazy, what if What should I do if something goes wrong?"

Zilong "..."

Xiao Qi "..."

Xiaoqi said in his heart, you should take care of yourself first, he is 800 million times more NB than you, and a laser shooting plane can fall down.

"Where is she now?" Seeing that Xiaoqi's Zilong didn't reply, Mo Yao asked.

"Rest upstairs, and go see her when you are better. I'll call the doctor to change your medicine." Zilong was afraid that Xiao Qi would make Mo Yao suspicious if he talked too much, so he dragged Xiao Qi away from Mo Yao after speaking. Yao room.

Mo Yao glanced at the drip that was about to be finished, and lay down slowly without any suspicion.

With eyes closed, Beiying's chest was covered in blood and flesh.

How old was Beiying, and since his brother passed away, he began to appear in his sight. When he was young, he was almost inseparable. He was said to be his bodyguard, and even a good brother who went through life and death.

A negligence caused Bei Ying to lose his life, and Mo Yao was extremely annoyed.

A woman with the appearance of a nurse came in to change the medicine bottle, then turned and left. The scent that followed reminded Mo Yao of the man wearing the golden mask.Who is he?How could brother's necklace be in his hand?
Mo Yao searched carefully in his mind, and gradually sorted out a vague thread.

This conspiracy seems to have started in Mexico.

The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted his thoughts, Mo Yao took the mobile phone and saw that it was Tang Ze.

This guy hasn't called since he left Mexico. Mo Yao checked the time. It should be early in the morning in Mexico. What is the night owl going to do if he doesn't sleep? Mo Yao lazily picked up the phone.

"Mo Yao, let me tell you some important news!" Tang Ze's tone was filled with unconcealable excitement, as if he had discovered the world's greatest treasure. Mo Yao could feel the joy in his heart across the entire Pacific Ocean. .


"Chu Qiao is Zong Yilan!"

"She is Dong Yilan, I knew it a few months ago." Mo Yao said disdainfully, suddenly his eyes tightened, and he sat up from the bed: "You mean Zong...?"

(End of this chapter)

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