The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 108 The Mystery of the Gene

Chapter 108 The Mystery of the Gene
"She is Dong Yilan, I knew it a few months ago." Mo Yao said disdainfully, his eyes tightened suddenly, and he sat up from the bed: "What did you say? She is..."

Zong Yilan, his childhood sweetheart, how could it be possible!He saw her taken away in the police body bag with his own eyes. Dong Yilan was seven years younger than Zong Yilan, and he also secretly tested Dong Yilan's DNA, which was far behind Zong Yilan's DNA. There is absolutely no possibility of blood relationship.

"Impossible," Mo Yao shook his head, "They do look alike, but nothing else can match."

"Listen to me." Tang Ze interrupted Mo Yao, "Chu Qiao, also known as Dong Yilan, she was hospitalized with me, because her genes are too special, I couldn't resist taking her blood sample I did analysis and research. In fact, my initial thought was to know the reason why she was able to quickly repair the damage to her body, but at the end of the research, I found that her body genes had been modified at all, and it was not the genes of normal people."

The more Tang Ze spoke, the more excited he became, and the speed of his speech was as fast as chicken blood, "I haven't found the reason for how to change her into her current appearance, but I broke down her basics layer by layer, and finally I got the most original DNA data of her body, that is, the DNA data before transformation, and her DNA is 99% similar to that of the Zong family."

"In other words, Dong Yilan is Zong Yilan at all!"

Mo Yao was completely stunned, the news was too shocking, he needed time to digest it.

Tang Ze's words sound unreliable, but Mo Yao couldn't believe his professionalism.

Gradually, the doubts in Mo Yao's heart became clear.

When he was the most suspicious, he sent someone to check all the materials of Dong Yilan. The five years in the materials of Dong Yilan abroad were actually very vague.

He thought it was Dong Chuzhi who hid his children too well. Now that he thought about it, Dong Chuzhi himself was in the hospital in those years, so how could he take care of the children.

Startled, Mo Yao pulled out the infusion tube and ran outside.

If you want to know the answer, you only need to ask one person, Dong Chuyu.

"Mo Yao, are you paying back?" Tang Ze couldn't hear the reply, so he called him strangely: "Mo Qi?"

Fred sorted out Dong Yilan's data and handed it over to Dong Chuchen. He was looking at it intently, circled some data from time to time, and recorded something in his notebook.Suddenly, Mo Yao broke in without even knocking on the door.

Dong Chu's eyebrows were slightly condensed, and he looked at Mo Yao in surprise.

His upper body was wrapped in gauze like a mummy, his arms were naked, one was wrapped in thick gauze, and blood was still oozing from the pinhole on the back of the other hand. The cold and steady look is like two people.

Mo Yao like this seems to have some blood and flesh.

Dong Chuzhi looked at Mo Yao with a gentler look, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"Dong Yilan is not your biological daughter, right?" Mo Yao hit the nail on the head, although he used interrogative sentences, they were affirmative.

Dong Chu was startled, his face darkened, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "Nonsense!" After speaking, he turned around, stopped looking at Mo Yao, and gave the order to evict the guest in a cold voice: "If there is nothing else, please go out. "

As soon as Dong Chuxie reacted extremely quickly, Mo Yao still saw the flash of surprise in his eyes. He walked up to Dong Chuxie in a few steps, staring at Dong Chuxie with eagle-like eyes, aggressively, "Dong Chuxie Yilan is the daughter of the Zong family, you were the one who took her away 19 years ago, right?"

"Who the hell are you? What kind of deep hatred do you have with the Zong family, and you managed to strike such a ruthless hand that you wiped out his whole family overnight."

"And Yilan, the genes in her body are also thanks to you..."

"Shut up!" Dong Chu slapped the table with a slap, and he stood up from the ground, bringing a strong wind and rushing towards Mo Yao, "Mo Yao, if you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for treating you. You're welcome."

A strong sense of oppression hit his face, and Mo Yao involuntarily took two steps back.

Dong Chuchen's eyes were full of anger, and his facial features exuded a violent aura, like an African lion that suddenly woke up, posing a danger that people dare not approach.

Mo Yao suddenly realized that he might be impulsive. If Dong Chu used Dong Yilan as an experiment, he would have no reason to keep such a time bomb with him. After all, biochemical weapons are different from ordinary weapons. She has thoughts and feelings, not human power. Can control.

Thinking of this, his tone became softer, "Uncle Dong, I want to know about Yilan..."

"Get out!" Dong Chuchen pointed to the door without saying a word, "Don't make me say it a second time."

Mo Yao froze in place, the twelve colors of blue, red, blue, green and purple on his face changed over and over again.

Neither go nor stay.

Although he was sure in his heart that Dong Yilan was Zong Yilan, but if Dong Chuchen didn't nod his head, he always felt that his heart was not at ease.It feels like asking my mother when I was a child, do you love me, mom?I know it's love in my heart, but I have to wait until my mother nods to be happy.

Typical anxiety-compulsive disorder.

But he couldn't say an apology.

Mo Yao stayed where he was, sweating profusely from anxiety, a pair of jade-like eyes flickering brightly, hesitant to speak.

Dong Chuchen finally sighed, his face softened, looked at Mo Yao, and said meaningfully: "Qi Shao, Yilan and you don't live in the same world, she has suffered enough in her life, I don't care. I hope she will suffer any harm again. I don’t care about things in Mexico, and I hope you will stay away from her in the future.”

There was also a hint of warning in the words.

When Dong Chuzhi mentioned Mexico, Mo Yao naturally understood that he knew all about the assholes he did to Dong Yilan.

Indeed, it is impossible for any father to forgive a man for hurting his daughter like that. It is already high-spirited for Dong Chuxi not to settle accounts with him.

Words like excessive do not exist in Mo Yao's dictionary.

"Uncle Dong, since you admit that Yilan is the daughter of the Zong family, you should know that we had a marriage contract when we were children."

You have become "you".

Dong Chu's lips turned up slightly, and there was a bit of sarcasm in his words, "Seventh Young Master, you also know that it was when you were a child, and you can take your parents' jokes seriously? What's more, the Zong family was banned 17 years ago. If the family is destroyed, then the Yilan you knew will be dead."

"They are alone!" Mo Yao's voice suddenly increased a few decibels, shouting persistently.

"Even if it's the same person, it's not the same soul." Dong Chuzhen said solemnly: "No matter what kind of relationship you had before, and no matter what agreement you had between your parents, it doesn't matter now. I won't I agree with Yilan to be with you."

"I am sincere..."

"Really, you will rape her? Sincerely, you will beat her to live on the street in the middle of the night?" Dong Chuchen's voice was also more than ten decibels higher, and Mo Yao suddenly became shorter by half, and Dong Chuchen gave Mo Yao a hard look. With one glance, he continued: "If you are a man, don't come to hurt her again."

With a few words, the bloody words were sharp and critical, and Mo Yao's body was criticized to the point of incompleteness.

Mo Yao's body softened, as if all the strength had been taken from him, and he leaned against the wall decadently, his jade-like eyes were full of sadness.Standing three meters away from him, Dong Chuchen could feel the heavy sorrow.

"If I knew, I wouldn't hurt her..." Mo Yao murmured.

How could he be willing to hurt his Yilan, it was too late for him to hold her in his hands... But why, he didn't even recognize her!
"Is this what you said it won't hurt?" Dong Chuchen flipped out a few pages from the information and threw it in front of Mo Yao.

He checked the origin of Feiying and found Mexico, so he checked the experience of Dongyilan's Mexico by the way.

It didn't matter that he noticed this, he was so angry that his old blood sprayed all over the screen.What Mo Yao did to Dong Yilan when he was in Mexico was brutal to the point of heinous. His precious daughter, whom he loved so much, would be worth nothing when she came to Mo Yao. If Mo Yao hadn't saved Dong Yilan later For his sake, he had already hunted him desperately with a gun in his hand.

Mo Yao squatted down, picked up the scattered papers with trembling hands.

This is a file, there are several photos in it, Mo Yao flipped through it casually, a photo of Dong Yilan's white legs covered with blood, fainted on the streets of Mexico, deeply stabbed his eyes .

He took out the photo, and the date on it was the day after he met Dong Yilan, that is, when she escaped from the hotel.

Mo Yao's heart ached fiercely, and his mood could no longer be described as remorse. Once he was drunk, the harm he caused her was devastating.Mo Yao slammed his fist on the wall, wishing he could poke his own eyes blind!
Even she can misidentify her, so what's the use of keeping eyes!

With too much force, blood oozes from the wound, and the gauze is scarlet.

"Now do you know what you have done?" Dong Chuyan took the information in Mo Yao's hand, made a fixed vote, and threw it into the trash can.

"I want to see her." Mo Yao found that his voice was trembling a little, and he was very flustered, afraid that Dong Chuzhi would not be able to do it alone, so he turned him away from then on.

Dong Chuchen glanced at him, no matter how cruel to outsiders, he is extremely protective of his own people. When he decided to hand over the Russian market to Mo Yao, he already regarded Mo Yao as his own family in his heart, although his words He didn't admit it, but in the end he couldn't help it.

The promise that you spend your whole life waiting for should be worth entrusting.

Originally, Dong Chuchen didn't intend to care about those injuries, but when Mo Yao came to his door, he used this to knock the mountain and shake the tiger, so that he would not really bully his precious daughter in the future.

Disgusted and glanced at Mo Yao's wound, "Go to the doctor to change the medicine, I can't take care of myself and I want to care about others."

A flash of surprise flashed in Mo Yao's eyes, thinking that Dong Chuchen had let go, but he heard him say coldly: "With Lan's physical condition, it is impossible for me to leave her to the task alone."

Mo Yao raised his eyebrows and swore secretly, it's okay, I will let you rest assured!
At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Fred rushed in in a panic, "It's no good, something happened to the lady."

(End of this chapter)

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