The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 109 The Way to Save Her

Chapter 109 The Way to Save Her

"Miss Dong has an accident." Fred rushed in in a panic.

Dong Chuchen and Mo Yao were startled at the same time, Dongchu asked, "What's wrong?"

Mo Yao rushed out of the room to Dong Yilan's room, but was stopped by Dong Chuzhi.

"Her organs are starting to fail." Fred's face was full of helplessness. He tried his best but couldn't control the sudden deterioration of the cells in Dong Yilan's body. The high fever was accompanied by the failure of various functional organs.

"What did you say?!" Dong Chuxi rushed out of the room and ran downstairs to the sterile room, followed by Mo Yao.Fred also followed, and the three of them entered the ward one after another.

Dong Yilan's body was covered with terrible flushes, and his whole body looked like a big lobster that was almost ripe.

She frowned tightly, as if she was in great pain. Beside her, the alarm of the monitor echoed in the sterile room, piercing and ear-piercing.The data displayed above fluctuates up and down, which is extremely unstable.

"How did this happen?" Dong Chu asked, it was going to be fine in the morning, why did it not work all of a sudden.

"The genes in her body are mutating," Fred said while shaking his head. "I thought she would wake up, but then it became more and more wrong. After careful inspection, I found that something is wrong."

Gene mutation... Mo Yao suddenly remembered what Tang Ze said.

Tang Ze specializes in genetic research, so maybe there will be a way. Thinking of this, Mo Yao hurriedly asked: "How much time does she have left if she develops like this?"

"Probably..." Fred thought for a moment, then replied, "In about two days, her heart will fail if she persists for about two days."

"I'm going to find Tang Ze."

"Tang Ze?" Fred wondered, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Is it that genius gene expert who shocked the medical world?"

No one answered him, Mo Yao had disappeared around the corner.

Sixteen hours later, Tang Ze's helicopter arrived at Roman Island.

Tang Ze didn't even drink his saliva when he got off the plane, and went directly to Dong Yilan's ward.

The heart rate displayed on the monitor has become weaker and weaker every time.

Tang Ze frowned, looked at Fred, "Did you give her medicine?"

Fred nodded, "Epinephrine, 1mg, once an hour, 6 times into the heart."

"Shit!" Tang Ze went into a rage, "Are you going to kill her?" After speaking, he walked over and opened Dong Yilan's eyelids with his fingers. Those beautiful eyes were now dull and dull, showing a death-like gray.

Fred was speechless, very dissatisfied with Tang Ze's attitude in his heart.Dong Yilan has already shown the characteristics of heart failure. He gave the patient epinephrine to promote cardiac pacing, which is completely in line with medical common sense. How could it be harmful?

"Is she still saved?" Mo Yao stood nervously behind Tang Ze and asked cautiously.

Tang Ze rubbed his face vigorously. Dong Yilan's situation is indeed very bad, very bad.

"If I say I'm sure, it must be that she's dead." Tang Ze didn't hide anything, "I can only try to see if the original gene has any effect on her."

"You mean injecting her original genes into her body?" Dong Chuchen was surprised.

How could he have Dong Yilan's original genes?

"You are right, there is only one way now." Tang Ze explained: "She was hospitalized with me, I studied her genetic tissue, and got the original genetic data, I took part of the tissue from her body Come out, decompose it into the original gene, and then inject it into her body to see if it can form a genetic resistance. If it can, maybe a miracle will happen."

Although risky, there is no other way.

Dong Chuchen nodded and agreed.

For a whole day, Roman Island was immersed in a gloomy mist, and everyone's expressions were extremely solemn.

Tang Ze only brought some necessary tools and medicines, so Fred became his assistant, and some other doctors were busy in the temporary research room.

Due to the successful experience in the early stage, this experiment went very smoothly. Three hours later, Tang Ze got the first batch of original genes.

Mo Yao's wound hadn't healed, he stood silently in front of the sterile room door, staring at Dong Yilan who was playing with death on the hospital bed in a daze.Cheng Nuo sat inside with her, and learned that her daughter was dying, and the woman who had experienced ups and downs in the first half of her life wasted a lot overnight.

Tang Ze couldn't predict the consequences of injecting the original gene into Dong Yilan's body. After all, the case was too unique and there was no historical experience to learn from. Moreover, Mo Yao had described Dong Yilan's power to him, which was very terrifying.

Tang Ze cleared the scene.Cheng Nuo was invited out, and everyone else stayed outside the sterile room.

Putting on isolation gloves and holding up the syringe, Tang Ze prayed softly to Dong Yilan: "Miss Dong, since I saved you last time and you still owe me tens of thousands of hospitalization fees, if This method won't work, and it will lead to unforeseen consequences. If you want to get revenge, remember to go to Mo Yao, don't come to me, it was Mo Yao who asked me to come."

Seeing Tang Ze holding the syringe from the window, he was still unwilling to do it, and the people outside broke out in a cold sweat.

"Why hasn't he done it yet?" Fred asked first.

Mo Yao shook his head, stared intently at Tang Ze's back, and answered absently, "How do I know?"

Just when everyone was sweating, Tang Ze carefully pushed Dong Yilan into Dong Yilan's body.

All that's left is to wait.

A long and barren wait.

Mo Yao lingered in front of the sterile room, fidgeting.

Cheng Nuo looked at Dong Yilan through the glass window, as if covering his face and crying, while Mo Yao looked at Dong Chuzhi standing beside her, speaking softly to comfort her.The two people's blessings and misfortunes made Mo Yao suddenly envious.

If in a few decades, he and Dong Yilan will reach this age, and they can still rely on each other with mutual trust, how pleasant it will be.

Among the crowd, the most relaxed one was with a few doctors. Except for Fred, they watched it purely out of curiosity. In the field of genetics, no one had ever made such an attempt.

They also expect a miracle.

Tang Ze stayed in the sterile room for five hours. After five hours, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and turned away from the monitor.

The moment Tang Ze turned around, Dong Chuchen and Mo Yao let go of half of the burden in their hearts.

Tang Ze's confident expression told them that he succeeded!

Even so, Tang Ze was surrounded as soon as he stepped out of the sterile room door.

"Principal Tang, how is my daughter?" Cheng Nuo was the first to ask. The power of women's priority is also very obvious here.

"She's okay, her condition is stable now, and her life will not be in danger for the time being." Tang Ze replied, "I just need to do some more observations."

Cheng Nuo let out a long sigh of relief, letting go of a heavy stone in his heart, and everyone also heaved a sigh of relief.

Mo Yao rubbed his heart.

If a person is in a tense state for a long time, once he relaxes, he will easily have problems. For three days, his nerves collapsed too tightly. Now that he relaxes, Mo Yao suddenly feels that the blood flow is not smooth, the wound hurts badly, and his heart beats too fast. All slower than usual.

After a pause, Cheng Nuo pointed to the sterile room and asked, "Can I go in and see her now?"

Tang Ze nodded, "Yes, but don't disturb her, she needs to be quiet."

"Okay, thank you!" Cheng Nuo thanked him a thousand times, opened the door and walked in.

Dong Chuchen gave his wife and daughter a meaningful look, closed the door of the ward, and his amber eyes fell on Tang Ze.

"Dean Tang, do you still have reservations about what you just said?"

Tang Ze raised his eyebrows, "Boss Dong is indeed wise, let's talk in another place."

"President Tang, please."

Hearing this, Mo Yao's heart suffocated, and immediately returned to normal beating, the wound no longer hurt, and followed Dong Chuzhi and Tang Ze into Dong Chuzhi's room.

Dong Chuzhi's room was a suite, and there was a small living room outside the bedroom, which was exquisitely and elegantly furnished. The three of them sat down facing each other, and Dong Chuzhi said, "Dean Tang, if you have something to say, you may wish to speak directly."

Tang Ze frowned and lowered his eyes, as if he was thinking about where to start. After a while, he raised his head and said, "President Dong, to tell you the truth, Miss Dong's situation is indeed not optimistic. What we are taking now is only delaying measures, not treatment. To use an old saying in your country, we are delaying the attack, if we want her to live a normal life, there are only two possibilities."

"One is to let the gene continue to mutate until it stabilizes; the second is to destroy all the mutated genes in her body and reshape the original genes, which is equivalent to formatting her body and making her an ordinary person again." After a pause, he went on "But neither of these approaches is currently possible," he added.

"Can you speak without panting?" Mo Yao swept his eyebrows, and looked at Tang Ze with a little more warning.

Did you deliberately bury your emotions?Halfway through the conversation, I deliberately sold off.

He knows some knowledge about first aid in medical skills, but he knows less when it comes to genetics. Now that Tang Ze said that this is not possible and that is not possible, he can't suppress the anxiety in his heart, and he rushes out.

"This is not a simple cell transplant, but equivalent to reorganizing all of a person's cells. Once it fails, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Dean Tang, is there a third possibility?"

Tang Ze shook his head, his gaze firm, "There are absolutely no three possibilities, unless Miss Dong dies, and this mysterious gene disappears along with it.

Mo Yao only felt a buzzing in his head, and his mood fell from heaven to hell in an instant. Just now, he was holding a little fantasy, but he didn't expect that the bubble of fantasy would be crushed by reality in less than a second, and there was not even a scum left.

Dong Chuchen remained somewhat calm. Tang Ze only said that there was nothing he could do for the time being, but he didn't say anything about the future.

"Which method is Dean Tang confident in?"

"Actually, I have confidence, but it takes time. I need to understand the process of her gene mutation, or the components that make up this part of the gene. These things, every three or two years, are probably impossible to do, but Miss Edom is now It is already a miracle that it can last for three to five months."

Dong Chu's eyes were fixed, his cold face was like a branch blown by the north wind, leaving nothing but coldness after the wind and snow had fallen.

"President Dong," Tang Ze suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up, and he said loudly, "There is another way."
At this point, we need to explain the following plot, please don't think Xiaoyan is long-winded.After the last book "The President's Bride to Marry" ended, the babies said that Xiaoyan did not explain some things clearly. Of course, Xiaoyan also knew that Xiaoyan had promised to explain everything clearly, so the next volume will focus on 17 years What happened before, such as the murder of the Zong family, how Yilan survived, etc. This volume is the end of the waiting to be married, and the beginning of the idle wife. I hope that everyone will support Xiaoyan as always.

Thank you, my dears.If you want to communicate with Xiaoyan about the plot in the article, please join the QQ group: 324288303 or follow Sina Weibo RN-An Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan is waiting for you here waving her little hand!Support genuine novel reading network.Red envelopes, long comments, monthly tickets, Xiaoyan will add more!

(End of this chapter)

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