Chapter 112
"What do you mean there is no sign of awakening?" Luka, the fire-breathing dragon, was annoyed. He jumped high all of a sudden, his eyes were wide open and his fists were clenched tightly. He looked violent as if he was about to punch him at any time. The doctor who was speaking shrank his neck and turned to Take two steps back.

The other doctor who didn't retreat was from Longxuan. He had been guarding the wedding scene, but Dong Chuchen was seriously injured. This hospital is relatively close to JH International Hotel, so he came here temporarily.

Although he knew Luka, he was still very afraid of the fire-breathing dragon's temper. He was afraid that if he was not careful, it would be his turn to be hospitalized next.

After deliberating his words for a long time, the doctor said cautiously: "Boss Lu, we really tried our best. Mr. Dong is injured in the brain. Although he still has signs of illness, he is completely unconscious."

"Do your best?!" Hearing trying his best, Lu Kahuo jumped up again, "You said you did your best just now, aren't you alive now?"

The doctor shook his head helplessly, "Just now the instrument showed that the person is indeed dying."

"Instrument, instrument, you know how to rely on the instrument!" Luka turned around a few times, then suddenly turned around and grabbed the doctor's collar, "How can he be better?"

The doctor broke out in a cold sweat from his fright, and carefully wiped his forehead, "It's really impossible to say, he hurt his brain, not his muscles and bones, and there is no evidence to judge mentally."

"Then how is he now?"

The doctor gritted his teeth and said, "The current state is, in the traditional sense...vegetative."

"What did you say?!" Luka clenched his fists, so frightened that the doctor quickly raised his hand to protect his head. Although Luka was angry, he was not to the point of losing his mind, and angrily pushed the doctor aside, scolding He said a quack doctor and took the lead in entering the operating room.

Cheng Nuo had already woken up from the sadness just now. She didn't know whether it was because her starting point was too low or her hopes were too small. Even when she heard the doctor say that she was in a vegetative state, she was secretly happy.

As long as he is still alive.

Vegetative people can’t move at most, but they still have life. According to medical data, about 10% of vegetative people can wake up within half a year. He is in such good health that he might wake up within half a year.

It doesn't matter if she can't wake up for half a year, she can wait and wait for him to wake up slowly.

Cheng Nuo's tears flowed again. She wiped vigorously, but she wiped more and more. No matter how much she wiped, she couldn't wipe it clean.

Shouldn't she be happy that he is still alive?How can you cry?
Can't cry!He was sick and needed her to take care of her. She had to be strong and not let him look down on her. When he woke up, she had to let him see that she could take good care of him!

Dong Chu was transferred to the ICU, and the ICU did not allow family members to visit him, so Cheng Nuo stood guard in the corridor outside the door and did not leave a single step.

Cheng Nuo spent the whole night in this trance, wandering in a half dream and half awake.

How much I wish I could sleep in the arms of Dong Chuzhi.She must have told him she had a nightmare, a nightmare she would never want to remember again.But she forced herself to close her eyes many times in a row, and then opened them again, only to face the cold walls of the hospital.

Ouyang Nan, Luka, and Fang Yuan are also guarding with her.

Xiaoqi and Zilong took a group of brothers to guard downstairs in the hospital.

The accident at the wedding scene attracted the attention of various media in D city. Many reporters chased to the hospital and wanted to follow up and report, but Zilong and Xiao Qitong stopped them.Under Xiao Qi's feet, digital cameras worth more than one million were scattered all over the place.

They were all left by the reporters who were found trying to secretly take pictures.

Zuo Xue went home and brought clothes for Cheng Nuo to change into.

After changing clothes, Cheng Nuo immediately went back to the corridor, lest something happened to Dong Chuchen, and she would miss it again. The makeup on her face, which was too late to wash off, was already worn out, especially the eye makeup, which was black and dark The vertical bar hangs on the face, in a slightly sensitive place like the hospital, it is too far away for people to dare to look directly at it.

Zuo Xue took a towel and went to the bathroom to get wet, and came back to help her wipe it bit by bit.

"Nonuo, can you eat some food?" Zuo Xue comforted her while wiping her face.

Cheng Nuo shook his head absently, "I have no appetite."

The phone rang suddenly. Zuo Xue opened her bag and found that it was Cheng Nuo's phone ringing, so she took it out to help her see that it was Lawyer Ye.

"Do you answer Lawyer Ye's call?" Zuo Xue asked.

Cheng Nuo shook his head and stared straight at the door of the ICU. His frail appearance made people feel distressed.

Zuo Xue frowned, hung up the phone, and planned to put the phone back, but just after hanging up, the call came back, the call was very hasty, it seemed that there was something urgent.

Zuo Xue hesitated for a moment, then answered the phone on her own initiative.

"Hello..." Before Zuo Xue reported her identity, she interrupted on the phone: "Director Cheng, something happened to JH International. A group of people from the court suddenly came this morning. JH International seized it."

"What did you say?" Zuo Xue exclaimed.

The other party was stunned, a little dazed, "Aren't you Cheng Nuo? Isn't this Cheng Nuo's phone?"

"You, wait a moment." Zuo Xue suddenly realized the importance of the matter, and handed the phone to Cheng Nuo, "Nuo Nuo, answer the phone quickly, something happened to JH International."

As soon as she shouted, Ouyang Nan and others looked over immediately.

When Cheng Nuo heard that JH International had an accident, he answered the phone instinctively.

"Hi, I'm Cheng Nuo."

"Director Cheng, I am Ye Lansheng from the JH International Legal Department. I just got to work this morning, and someone from the court came to the legal department with a court-approved seizure notice. They issued a notice and asked all employees to withdraw from the office two days ago. , and then seized JH International."

It's really a blessing that misfortunes never come singly. Just as Dong Chuchen had a car accident, JH International was about to be shut down. What kind of world is this?
Cheng Nuo didn't care about complaining about social injustice, and hurriedly asked Lawyer Ye, "Why?"

"JH International uses business to support black people, and uses black people to protect business."

"how is this possible?"

"The court has evidence, and there is also evidence to prove that Dong Zong was involved in the manufacture of arms and smuggling diamonds. This time, he is in big trouble."

Cheng Nuo was so shocked that he couldn't speak, listening to Ye Lancheng was like listening to heavenly scriptures.She is with Dong Chuchen every day, why doesn't she know that he is still doing these illegal activities?Diamond smuggling and arms smuggling sounded like things that only happened in Hollywood movies. How could it happen to my own husband?

"Lawyer Ye and the others must have made a mistake. It's impossible. How could it be possible for Chu Chu to make arms?"

Surprised, Ouyang Nan held out his hand to Cheng Nuo, "Sister-in-law, call me."

Cheng Nuo frowned strangely, and Ouyang Nan's expression gave her the illusion that this matter was absolutely true.

"Are you...really smuggling arms?" Cheng Nuo held his mobile phone and looked at Ouyang Nan as if he were a stranger.

Yes, he was indeed very strange, so strange that Cheng Nuo didn't even know what he did.

"Yes," Ouyang Nan nodded, "Brother has been hiding it from you. He wants to protect you. In fact, we advocate telling you."

In an instant, Cheng Nuo's world collapsed.

Dong Chuchen turned out to be the boss of the gang, no wonder, no wonder they all called him Big Brother, no wonder these people sometimes looked weird, so it was so, so it was.

She had been kept in the dark by him, foolishly treating him as a philanthropist, a savior who saved the world and the people.

"How could you do this?" Cheng Nuo asked in disbelief.

In his eyes, the underworld is synonymous with murder, extortion, debt collection, abducting and selling good women, bullying innocent people, and doing all kinds of evil. Those involved in the underworld are definitely a bunch of bandits and villains, inhuman beasts.

But these people in front of her are all of good temperament and good image, unlike the underworld she imagined.

Especially Xiao Qi, who is laughing and laughing all day long, and has a living treasure.

"Sister-in-law, I have something to say. I'll tell you slowly in the future. Give me the phone first." Lawyer Ye was talking on the other side of the phone, and the matter should be serious.

Cheng Nuo looked at Ouyang Nan, then at the phone, and finally chose the latter between dropping the phone and giving it to him.

Ouyang Nan answered the phone and went away, Cheng Nuo didn't know what they talked about, but after a while, Ouyang Nan said to her with a serious face, "You have to go to JH International with us. "

"No, I want to guard Dongchu." Cheng Nuo refused without thinking.

JH International is involved in gangsters, what's the use of her going there, besides, she doesn't know anything about JH International's affairs except the administration department.

"You need to go." Ouyang Nan persuaded her patiently, "It's not convenient for us to come forward. You are the hostess of JH International now, and the life and death of your elder brother is uncertain. Do you want him to waste all his hard work?"

"Even if we are involved in gangsters, JH International is clean and innocent. The eldest brother has not done anything harmful to the world. You should know how much he donates to charity organizations a year." Fang Yuan added.

What they said seemed to make sense. If Dong Chuchen woke up and JH International turned into an empty building, he would be very sad, right?They're married now, and she's going to help him defend his kingdom from anyone else.

But she was worried that Dong Chuchen would stay here by herself, "I'm leaving, what if he wakes up?"

"Don't worry, I will arrange someone to take care of the elder brother. If the elder brother wakes up, he will notify us as soon as possible."

"Then what can I do when I go?" Damn it, my mind is so messed up now that I can't get a clue at all. After thinking for a long time, Cheng Nuo only remembered what Lawyer Ye said about the note, so he asked, "You can't be foolish." Roll around to prevent people from posting notes, right?"

"..." Everyone.

"No. He only has two days to evacuate. You need to stabilize people's hearts. As for the situation, we will help you stabilize the situation and not let people lose their minds, especially the core management." Ouyang Nan said.

Cheng Nuo nodded half understanding.

Her mind was too messed up, and she couldn't figure it out for a while, so she simply ignored it, and we'll talk about it later.

The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, which is generally said to be someone like Cheng Nuo.

A large number of media reporters gathered around the gate of JH International. Some of them came because of the accident of the wedding, and most of them received an email titled "JH International uses business to raise black" at the same time in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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